(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi Tara,
so much had happened this few weeks that we had not see each other...do take care!!! don't work too hard...jus call me if you need anything hor...
Tara, rest well!!! If u need any help, juz let us know.
Most impt is to get ur strength back n fly back to Italy to b wif Emma.

Jo, I'll chk out the prices at ntuc.
hi tara,
you really seem to be going through a lot now. continue to stay strong and positive. all the best!
morning ladies!
forum reali quiet these daes. hehe. mi buzi wif assignments & stupid datelines. sianz.

usually i order from delihub or angeli. chilli api, neo garden, thomson catering not bad too. hehe.
I've got xtra Avent teats and bottles to sell away. Anyone interested pls pm or sms me.

Kaisu me.. bot alot of xtras to stand by.. But Summer still prefer her NUK bottles.
Hi mummies,

sorry to intrude..., i have a BP on "Contact-less Thermoguard Infrared Thermometer", please PM me if you are interested

xuelyn, iemik0
thanks.. for the intro.. but now im looking for restaurant buffet anot hmmm .. faints. anyone got intro bo?!
hei hei... did not log in for the past days cos was away at Melaka for family gathering. Was a hot hot holiday but we had fun!! Zach went clubbing with us..hahaha
Zach got an ulcer in his mouth leh..shuld i be worried??
Hi mummies, I have a BN tin of Friso Gold 2 (900g) to give away. Its free given by friso, but my boy takes similac so can give away to those who want it. Interested can PM me. Self-collection at Sengkang.
Initial I intend to order party supplies from oversea but the spree seems like moving quite slow, worried that may not have enough time or on time to receive all the items. Now looking for local spree.
How about u ?
I used YLS catering for my boy full month, cheap but the food don't taste good lar. For my boy 1st birthday party may order from neo garden.
Hi iemiko
Yeah. maybe i m ordering from overseas.. just checked the price at a few shops in SG... will see on internet n see how.

Let u KNow if we decide to spree..But the not sure if overseas, how long it will take to arrive

Hi Kath
oh.. perhaps he bite himself?? You monitor??
little rabbit
i bought a bit of stuff from overseas site. now may need to get more coz guest list kip increasing = more kids. lolx.

let mi know if wana spree k. =)

Was so busy recently, no time to post. Finally Faye first tooth come out liao. She was having fever recently , after the fever break, alot of red spots sprouting out. Make me to worried, luckily, doc says it's a common problem, it will subside by itself.


Take care of yourself and build up your health, tat's the most important thing to do now.

is Faye having fake measles? Ervin have that 2 wks ago. Have fever for few days then break out with rashes. But the rashes not itchy one. it will subside after few days.
I think Echo's girl and Tamm's girl oso got this... It's not serious and is common among babies n kids below 2 yrs... : )

E rash shld not be itchy thou...

Robinson got sale?
Hb off today so Im going for haircut at orchard now, yeah!

I ordered YLS for my BIL wedding last time n kena complained like hell... Actually i tried them b4 at my fren gal gal party but tat time quite ok ler, dunno y ours one damn suck ...
wheres is cheap.. good food wana book a restuarant for 1yr old leh.. why intro?

btw ask you all ah..does ya baby like that? eat non stop de. like eat never ending.. i always give my gal like 1 bowl of cereal or 1 bowl of porridge and it always seems like not enff.. i always say no more.. she willl cry like mad.. really cry very jialet de.. and when i was eating. i feed her finish her porridge finish liao and she still want to eat my food.. she like eat like always not enff leh! and her little tummy going to explode liao.. so scare she next time will become over weight sia.. but is it true that baby duno what's the meaning of full?
Tina Ong..
I also went yesterday...
Avent and Pigeon got 20%, and on top of that we still have 25% off.. good buy..
Dunno the sales still have not.
Hi gals,

like to "let off"..

I order a bag through a BP when i pick up the bag i find there is a missing strap. email the organiser she say need to pay another SG35 for the supplier to ship it over. Now is the missing item and i need to pay for it? I pay SG45 for the bag lei. She say is not her fault of the missing strap and can choose to ingore my email since BP over.. So fed up
I c.. I oso got the 25% disc voucher leh... :p Thinking if I wanna get a stroller... HAHA...

WAH... So iresponsible??? -__-"
advise needed...

my sis-in-law plan to go back indonesia, so no longer taking care baby Louis after next year CNY. now i puzzle which option i should take, anyone can give advice?

Option 1: hire nanny to take care Louis
Option 2: hire maid, and invite my parent-in-law to move in and look after the maid.

my problem with option 1 is louis still has problem to sleep during daytime, he used to ppl carry him to sleep, i might worry when he go nanny, dun think nanny will carry him to sleep.

if hire maid, one of the advantage is i no need to rush back and flexible if i want to see Louis or checkout whether he is ok or not. but the disadvantage is i introduce more ppl staying together with me.

sigh... which option is good?
yup sounds like it's the same thing that my girl got. nothing to worry about, rash will subside after a few days.

ya loh she say is out of good will help me to check with the supplier lei.. How can be like that.. Now is a missing item and i need to pay extra for teh item that it suppose to come with? So angry..
u nvr post in her BP? Tell us the nick lar, so next time we dun buy from her.. HAHA!

Abt sleeping in day, both ur maid n nanny will hv the same prob wat... u won't noe if the maid/nanny is willing to carry him to slp rite?

I personally prefer Option 2. Cos for me got lots of advantage (i can go out with hb, got someone to wash the dishes/house when I take over bb, etc)... But u will lose a lot of privacy cos u getting maid and ur parents in law to move in.

And u must be prepared for differences that parents in law have w/r to taking care of bb, running the household... Unless u are an easy going person, else will hv conflict. Like for me, I think my PIL are nice pple but I cannot stay with them... hehe...

ya don't overfeed her. If she's had her share, then enough lor. It's a bad habit to cultivate letting her eat off your plate even after she's finished her food. Once u start, hard to stop leh. Give her a drink to make her drink and feel full. try to distract her with something ... a straw, a empty plastic cup etc.

her nick is Wendy (plasterger). She claim she is not earning and just do it since she wan to buy something. THat is here 4th BP lei and 5th BP have just closed.

B4 that i have complaint that it taking too long to arrive. Now have another problem again.


she send me a email she send to the supplier but all in korea words how can i understand. She say when tell the supplier the supplier need me to pay for the shipping that cost $35. Sian rite? i buy the bag at $45 lei. now missing things i need to top up. Fankly speaking i have been joinign BP and Spree for so many times. THis is the 1st time i encounter this.

I think it's a bit too much lor, $35 for a strap when it's supposed to come with it?? Actually she should have checked it before sending it out and inform the supplier immediately if something is missing. Hope you manage to resolve it coz it is really not your fault!

Yup, doc says it fake measles, it's itchy though, can c Faye scratching all over, luckily I quickly apply the calendula cream then she stops, have to wait for 2 days then the spots subside. Thought wat happens, allergic or wat.
now dunno is the supplier trying to say it doesnt comes with the strap. Cos in korea i cant really understand lar.. But i told the organise. If it does not come with pls change the picture is too misleading.. Just my luck to get this bag.. Very upset..
