(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

okai i reg for the Samsung ST550 on top above im going for 3pm session.. haha anyone is going?! especially those that i need to pass the bowls to de. ^^

dun wan.. you still need to VOTE. LOL hahhaa you try lar.. i vote for you. haha

jowinbaby .. lol, same here.

Unless I can sit at my PC and submit the photo online, no way I'm going out with my 3 kids and 1 baby, my maid and hubby on a WEEKEND to take part in these contests .. cos I'm super LAZY abt these things.

Good for you mummies who enjoy this kinda thing !! ..

agree with fabbie about the most voted photo wins .. wa lau, u need a lot of ppl to vote to beat the photo that has the most votes current .. 730 or something votes ..
the samsumg photo taking only for samsung TOUCH users ah?? So if i dun hv the phone , means i cant reg issit

ya...i find our thread getting more quite nowdays..

for the Bdae bash, so activity wise will be taken care of by MyGym rite. Now left the cake part? anything else?
U need help? eg, discuss to finalise & order cake, etc.

Snowger, I complete my wedding anniversary book le! Last day to submit tom, so i'll run thur 1 more round tonight to make sure "mei mei" before i submit
....aiyoo as i was doing the book, looking thur the past photos (mostly holidays ones), u can see how we "balloon" over the years;p;p
Ya all our photos taken over the year during dating add up also lesser than BB photos taken. & Bb not even 1yr old yet! haha
Ypg told me the maid of one of the Oct mom put bleach in their soup becos the mil scold her....and the elder son nearly drank it!

So scary!!

I can't recall if i've ordered the bowl from you. If yes, which batch do i belong?
The maid damn bad!!
I heard from my friend, also scary things.
They are in Malaysia, this lady terminate the maid. So one day the maid called and ask whether the boy have died or not.
So the mom ask, why on earth she asked that question, the maid said, coz everyday I put the washing powder inside the milk.
When the mom hear.. the heart drop.
But I think, the maid only threaten, if really put washing powder everyday, sure something happend right..

scary leh.. maybe we must pray everyday, let the maid be good.
thanks..will check out with him. Interestingly, I read all our old posts when we just tested pregnant n all our symptoms n cravings...n now we all our babies turning 1 yr liao.

Tmr can I go ur hse to collect the bowl?
I also feel like gg to the vivocity one leh..but randall sleep at 3pm..n got lesson at 5pm alamak.
Sigh, sometimes it really depends on luck...ur friend's maid is terrible. Her employer terminate her for sure becos she is not good, then end up she threaten the employer somemore? Crazy...
Gals joining <font color="ff0000">Dec Birthday Bash</font>

Kath and i chatted on MSN this morning and we came to a conclusion that we can book a cake and cupcakes. Realised that we only left with 3 weeks, i asked the person who baked Ashlynne's bday cake if she can help.

She is available on 07 Nov and could deliver it there for us

This is the idea and costing

<font color="ff0000"> 1)CAKE</font>
Order a fondant No. 1 cake, at the size of 8inches (W) by 11inches (H), which can cater up to 20 ppl. On the cake, we can have mickey and minnie theme and written as " Dec Babies Happy Birthday" etc

Did not wan to order such a huge cake as we already want personalize cup cake shown below. 1 parent 1 slice of cake + 1 cup cake.

Costing at max $100

You can see a bigger scale of the cake here.. colour and theme, we can choose again.


Mickey &amp; minnie theme

<font color="ff0000"> 2)CUP CAKE</font>
Personalize cupcake with individual baby name and the lady can mould a 3D no. 1 standing on the cupcake. We can choose several moulded thingy we wanted on the cup cake, such as for boy, a crown and girl, a tiara etc.

Each cupcake at $2.60 X 25

How? Any comments or idea??

Estimate costing $100 + $65 = $165 /25 = $6.60 per pax.

Let us Know soon, as i need to confirm asap

** please dun ask me if the cake nice anot.. cos i never eat b4.. 1st time order from this lady. I thought she has reasonable pricing compared to others..

Aimummy, cupcake divinity etc always on queue and more ex.
when i was abt 4.. i had a maid.. n she will squeeze mama lemon into my water bottle that i bring to school..

1 day my mummy thirsty and took my water to drink then realised.. then next day she spot check my maid when she preparing my water.. then kena caught redhanded.
Jowin &amp; kath,
I'm ok with this

What did you do to that maid that made her put mamalemon into your water? hahahahaha
Jowin n Kath...

Agree with your suggestion...
Thanks a lot.

Scarry wo.. water with the twist of "MAMA" lemon
Wondering, why maid do like this..
eh.. i think coz that time we had 2 maids.. one to care for my sis who is 3yrs older n a very easy child vs me the monster.. so she was jealous coz she had to work harder than the other maid.. well.. life is such.. haha.. the funny thing is i nv drank the water.. coz i nv liked drinking water.. so i dun think i drank the concoction b4.. keke.. ironic..
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE</font></font>

The Venue is Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200
** Deposit are not refundable if you are not going in the end, but can find a Dec Baby for replacement

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) -
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)-
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) -
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) -
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)-
9) Jappooh (Me + BB) -
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) -
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)-
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) -
15) Phyl (Me +Hayden ) -
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)-
17) Snowger (BB + Me + Hb)-
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) -
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)-
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)-
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)

26) Rachel (Me + BB + Hubby + Maid)
27) crabbieong (me + bb + HB)

<font color="ff0000">1)CAKE</font>
Order a fondant No. 1 cake, at the size of 8inches (W) by 11inches (H), which can cater up to 20 ppl. On the cake, we can have mickey and minnie theme and written as " Dec Babies Happy Birthday" etc

Did not wan to order such a huge cake as we already want personalize cup cake shown below. 1 parent 1 slice of cake + 1 cup cake.

Costing at max $100

You can see a bigger scale of the cake here.. colour and theme, we can choose again.


Mickey &amp; minnie theme

<font color="ff0000">2)CUP CAKE</font>
Personalize cupcake with individual baby name and the lady can mould a 3D no. 1 standing on the cupcake. We can choose several moulded thingy we wanted on the cup cake, such as for boy, a crown and girl, a tiara etc.

Each cupcake at $2.60 X 25

How? Any comments or idea??

Estimate costing $100 + $65 = $165 /25 = $6.60 per pax

Let us Know soon, as i need to confirm asap

<font size="+2"> what about drinks?</font> example: buy about 10 bottles of green tea and papercups?
Hi Jowin,

thanks for your hardwork.

I hope that i can be there. Incase i cant go anyone wanted to take over my place?

Cos now my granny still in hospitial and her condition is very unstable.
DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE

The Venue is Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200
** Deposit are not refundable if you are not going in the end, but can find a Dec Baby for replacement

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - Ok with cake idea
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)-
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - Ok with cake idea
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) -
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)-
9) Jappooh (Me + BB) - Ok with cake idea
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) -
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - Ok with cake idea
15) Phyl (Me +Hayden ) -
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)-
17) Snowger (BB + Me + Hb)-
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - Ok with cake idea
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)-
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)

26) Rachel (Me + BB + Hubby + Maid)
27) crabbieong (me + bb + HB)

Order a fondant No. 1 cake, at the size of 8inches (W) by 11inches (H), which can cater up to 20 ppl. On the cake, we can have mickey and minnie theme and written as " Dec Babies Happy Birthday" etc

Did not wan to order such a huge cake as we already want personalize cup cake shown below. 1 parent 1 slice of cake + 1 cup cake.

Costing at max $100

You can see a bigger scale of the cake here.. colour and theme, we can choose again.


Mickey &amp; minnie theme

Personalize cupcake with individual baby name and the lady can mould a 3D no. 1 standing on the cupcake. We can choose several moulded thingy we wanted on the cup cake, such as for boy, a crown and girl, a tiara etc.

Each cupcake at $2.60 X 25

How? Any comments or idea??

Estimate costing $100 + $65 = $165 /25 = $6.60 per pax

Let us Know soon, as i need to confirm asap

what about drinks? Chatted with Kath, she ok to incharge of buying the packet drinks.
Hi jowin &amp; kath,
I'm ok with the above suggestion, thanks for your coordinating and hardwork.

Hope your granny get well soon.
Seems like u are very close to your granny.
Little Rabbit,

thanks. I hope she recover soon as well.

Ya i am very close to my granny cos i dun have parents. I grow up with her. When i am young she bring me see doc. So now she old liao is my turn to take good care of her. Though my granny have alot of grandkids (16 of us) but she prefer me to be with her most loh. So i try my best to go visit her as much as possible.
Hi Jowin
me ok. was abt give similar suggestions.. ha ha.. great minds thinks alike. I oso ordered Summer's cake fr her, but firm up on the decor yet. Thanks for introducing her to me
I can undestand your feeling coz me very close to my granny too. My granny look after me since baby till grown up coz my mum is working when I was young. After few year my mum become fulltime housewife and look after my brother but me still sleep and follow granny till she pass away.
hahaha.. xuelyn.. u also took up her eh.. Welcome la.. dun blame me if her cake not nice hor.. cos i never tasted b4 too.

understand.. me also taken care by grandma.. u take care of her and yourself too...
All the best for her health.
DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE

The Venue is Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200
** Deposit are not refundable if you are not going in the end, but can find a Dec Baby for replacement

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - Ok with cake idea
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)-
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - Ok with cake idea
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) -
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)-
9) Jappooh (Me + BB) - Ok with cake idea
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) -
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - Ok with cake idea
15) Phyl (Me +Hayden ) -
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)-
17) Snowger (BB + Me + Hb)-
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - Ok with cake idea
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)-
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)- ok with cake
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)

26) Rachel (Me + BB + Hubby + Maid)
27) crabbieong (me + bb + HB)

Order a fondant No. 1 cake, at the size of 8inches (W) by 11inches (H), which can cater up to 20 ppl. On the cake, we can have mickey and minnie theme and written as " Dec Babies Happy Birthday" etc

Did not wan to order such a huge cake as we already want personalize cup cake shown below. 1 parent 1 slice of cake + 1 cup cake.

Costing at max $100

You can see a bigger scale of the cake here.. colour and theme, we can choose again.


Mickey &amp; minnie theme

Personalize cupcake with individual baby name and the lady can mould a 3D no. 1 standing on the cupcake. We can choose several moulded thingy we wanted on the cup cake, such as for boy, a crown and girl, a tiara etc.

Each cupcake at $2.60 X 25

How? Any comments or idea??

Estimate costing $100 + $65 = $165 /25 = $6.60 per pax

Let us Know soon, as i need to confirm asap

That means we are getting both cake and cup cakes?? Jowin the number one cake is ashlynnes cake??i haven decided what cake to order for jake....how to order from her??
Hi Ivy
Yes.. both cupcake and cake.. cake is for overall, not a huge cake, enough for parents and a cupcake personalise with our Baby name on top..

Total for $6.60 per baby for the above 2 items.( A parent share One slice + 1 cupcake)
I hope not to increase more..

The No. 1 cake is for ALL, not just for Ashlynne...written with " Dec Babies Happy Birthday"

Ivy, you can email her [email protected] to enquire. say Joanne recommend lor.
Hi Joanne,
I'm ok with the cake and cupcake idea.
The cake looks very pretty! Where did u find this baker? Have you tried the cake before?
haha.. no blame of cos... Must thank you and Kath for working to hard to coordinate this..

I'm looking for a small fondant cake for Jonas.. but most places min requirement is v large lor.. This one seems like a reasonable size..
hi Jac

this s her serving size and cake favour.

Choices are Chocolate, orange or Chocolate + Orange.

Serving Size
Basing on a cut of 3cm per cake slice, the following are (approximate) number of people you can serve.

10" - 27 slices
08” – 23 slices
07" - 19 slices
06" - 16 slices
04" - 8 to 10 slices


You can email to her to ask.

thanks for the caterers' list .. appreciate that ! Guess will either go for Chili paid or Neo Garden.. ya, been really busy ..justs got back frm overseas then staright into running event .. and will be off to beijing again the week after
wanna do lunch next wk? with Snowger ?

Maid horror story:
today .. finally, leaving Evan wit my maid ( home alone wit my new maid) .. well, its tough ..cos Evan was cryin badly when I left home .. though for the last 2 weeks, evan loves playin wit her ..He would laugh and giggle a lot

Gotten Singtel Mobile Cam .. but the stupid thing is that I cant mute myself..so, when I'm on the road - my maid would know i dialled in.. and whenever I try to rotate the camera from left to right ( there will be robot movin sound too) . kind of stupid

Birthday Bash : jowin.. thanks for organising ..
DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE

The Venue is Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200
** Deposit are not refundable if you are not going in the end, but can find a Dec Baby for replacement

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- Ok with cake idea
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - Ok with cake idea
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)- Ok with cake idea
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - Ok with cake idea
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) - Ok with cake idea
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
9) Jappooh (Me + BB) - Ok with cake idea
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) - Ok with cake idea
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - Ok with cake idea
15) Phyl (Me +Hayden ) -
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)-
17) Snowger (BB + Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - Ok with cake idea
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)-
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) - Ok with cake idea
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)- Ok with cake idea
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)- Ok with cake idea
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)

26) Rachel (Me + BB + Hubby + Maid)
27) crabbieong (me + bb + HB)

Order a fondant No. 1 cake, at the size of 8inches (W) by 11inches (H), which can cater up to 20 ppl. On the cake, we can have mickey and minnie theme and written as " Dec Babies Happy Birthday" etc

Did not wan to order such a huge cake as we already want personalize cup cake shown below. 1 parent 1 slice of cake + 1 cup cake.

Costing at max $100

You can see a bigger scale of the cake here.. colour and theme, we can choose again.


Mickey &amp; minnie theme

Personalize cupcake with individual baby name and the lady can mould a 3D no. 1 standing on the cupcake. We can choose several moulded thingy we wanted on the cup cake, such as for boy, a crown and girl, a tiara etc.

Each cupcake at $2.60 X 25

How? Any comments or idea??

Estimate costing $100 + $65 = $165 /25 = $6.60 per pax

<font size="+1"> Majority all ok with the cake and cupcake .. so i confirm with the lady. I pay the deposit to her 1st.

Kath, can you check it out the packet drink costing?? 1 person per packet, so its 50 packets of drinks??? let me know the $$ so i can add all in to collect from the ladies

Can check out the paper plates as well?? </font>
Hi ladies....

it's been some weeks since i've last posted...in those few weeks, much has happened...I've moved to Italy (as some of you might know)...and has been shuttling between Singapore and Italy for my work...

On top of all these, I got pregnant...(yes, if you remember one of my last posts was about spotting....) I've been bfing throughout and in August, ovulated and got pregnant...so my menses never came....Was initially really reluctant to have a second one so soon ....and due to work commitments, wasnt sure if we were going to continue with the pregnancy...

However, at the back of my mind, i knew we would never bring ourselves to terminate the pregnancy no matter how tough it's going to be....because ultimately, the baby is ours, and it's God's gift, no matter how untimely it is.

At 6 weeks i went for a check up, found a sac with no embryo...Dr said, could be early...and was told to go for another checkup the following week to make sure that pregnancy has progressed.
I only managed to go for a second appointment only this week, at 8 weeks, and most unfortunately, we did not find anything other than a sac....therefore, it is a blighted ovum and pregnancy is no longer viable....Did a D &amp;C yesterday....and now am recovering.....

Such is life....when you dont yearn for it, it comes easily, but when you start yearning for it....you lose it.....Am handling it better than my first miscarriage as I've never seen a heartbeat this time round, so I keep telling myself, that the baby was never there.......
Oh no.. so sorry to hear about it.. hope ya feeling better now..whats sac with no embryo? So where are you now? Italy? hows life there? busier than sg? You seems to be working like mad hor.. sighz
Rest well. I had blighted ovum 2mths before i concieved Bryan and as what my gynae explained, it is due to massive choromosome disorder so the body just reabsorb the developing embryo. Well, I was not certain if I wanted a baby during my 1st pregnancy but after the blight ovum case, I knew I was ready and Bryan was conceived 2 mths later
Hi tara,
Wow so much has happened to you...hope u are recovering well....can ask ur mum to send over some "bu" stuff?
I am also like u..now 5 wks + ..got preg when I went holidaying in Italy/Switz leh..at first when I found out..abit sian coz have to start all over again so soon...n scared abt c-sec again..but since its there, I hope its safe

So u r settling in Italy as your home? OR temporary??
Tara, I'm so sorry to hear about what you went through. Please try to rest and recover from all this. I will say a prayer for you. Take care..
Thanks ladies.....

I'm in Singapore right now, left Emma in Italy and came here for work, thinking that it would only be for a week and a half...but due to work and the D &amp;C thing, i'm extending for another week....so that I can do a mini-confinement. I ordered a week's supply of natal essentials...

Has been staying with mil in Italy, as my container of furniture and barang only arrived at my house this week...so I will move into my own house when I return this time round...can't wait...I've got all these mil stories...even though i like my mil....

Fabbie, you see, when an egg is fertilised, part of it goes on to become the embryo which later develop into the baby, while the other part of the egg becomes the sac which later becomes the placenta and membranes...so the parts that become the sac is successful while the parts that become the baby isnt successful....so the baby was never formed...but only the sac that suppose to contain the baby is formed....it happens when there are too little or too many chromosomes...or something like that.....

So sorry to hear that...hope u r recovering well, however since u will be in s'pore without emma and ur mil, can anyone help to take care of u?

Be strong! You will be fine..
Ohhh wah i didnt know all these so chim. i very sua ku de.. Oh ya.. so in SG anyone there to help u? Try not to work too much and rest more ya!! Btw if you have any freelance job now you can give me.. cus my mum quit her job liao.. so i got more free time. at the meanwhile im doing other freelance job also.. let me know ba.. you take care hor! you must be missing emma so much hor

im ok wif d cake idea! means cupcake will hav our kids name ah? =)

take good care k. hope u r recovering well! =)
