(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

2nd bb & iemiko
ya i went to party joy. the ppl there r quite helpful n a big range to chose fr too. 1 thing bad is tat they require us to pay upfront on the total bill first n deliver their services later..

sad.... gotten maligned by aunt again.... said I gvg bad advise to her goddotter for bf-g at nite where I was only sharing my ordeals.... She told me not to influence negatively cos she already taught her to gv FM... wt..... sad sad sad......

Today's lesson: Shut up when goddotter comes ard to prevent gvg conflicting exchange from aunt. When will I ever learn??!!
ikeike, dun b sad..

brought zach for his allergy test yest!! Finally all the allergens tested negative xcept for cow's milk which still hv some mild reaction. If go slow, shouldn't b a prob. Happy!!!
Dr however says his skin is super sensitive.. Mabbe jyz cont wif goats milk till I finish tat can n see how.

Now I onie expressing once a day n let him latch 2x per day. So much easier on me. No stress.
hi mummies,

any recommendation for birthday cake? Its kinda late now to order and most good places dont take in orders already ?

Btw, anyone know a portal/ place where i can sell off furnitures?
i also havent order cake. the best thing is i havent even order catering also. and more lagi best i havent invite anyone. lol
me too. Have not order ANYTHING yet. Cake, food , deco......

But plan to order from four leaf. they have number cake. and price also OK. Cake will be a gift from my sister , she says since cake not very expensive can add on a present. "got eat and got take" good.

Will not be ordering large cake, cos not many ppl. onli 7 adults, 1 child and 2 babies
me too. Have not order ANYTHING yet. Cake, food , deco......

But plan to order from four leaf. they have number cake. and price also OK. Cake will be a gift from my sister , she says since cake not very expensive can add on a present. "got eat and got take" good.

Will not be ordering large cake, cos not many ppl. onli 7 adults, 1 child and 2 babies
i also haven't done anything for the party. want to book the function room in my mum's condo, but bookings only open 1 month in advance. have already decided which cake and caterer to get, but haven't ordered yet. also got guest list but haven't invited anyone yet. basically, it's been all thinking and no action so far. haha..
at least u got it all planned!!! I am still pondering if it will be a family affair or a friends cum family affair... :p Hehe...

Venue will be my own place lar... as for food, it shld be neo garden lor... for cake, i am still thinking - most prob will be Pine Garden liao... :p
hey what abt Chili Padi caterer ? any other suggestions ..

I think will at least have simple decor (eg banners, ballon and a nice cake bah) .. at least can take pixs and show my boi when he grows up
Delihub and neogarden is under the same group of caterers... Paiseh. I write wrongly, I will use delihub again. hehe...
Ya lor.. so i cannot go out late one.. by 7.30pm must come home, and get ready for bed... i wish Jonas would sleep in though... i have not slept beyond 6am for a long long time..
Finally received my re-printed photo from Alvin and thanks god that the picture is brighter then the previous. happy!!happy!!

I have plan to order cake from PG and catering from Neo Garden but haven't place the order yet. waiting for hb's cousin to confirm which date for his 3rd marry coz he wants to invite all the relatives attending the tea ceremony and dinner. heard from MIL there will be one of the weekend of Dec but don't know the actual date yet. MIL says he used to have tea ceremony and wedding dinner for his 1st and 2nd married and now 3rd times liao still doing so many thing. Funny hor! should keep low profile for this round, don't understand why ler ??? Sigh...

My sale price for 6 packs at $13 each.
(Retails at $17.30.)
Brand new. Sealed.
Self collect at Seng Kang or Bukit Batok.
Price negotiable if taking 11 packs.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks.

Yea i agree...where is everyone?

Re Rafferty Garden and Jurique
Mommies,if I bring in Rafferty Garden and Jurique straight from Aus, would anyone be interested?

I let Jordan try the Rafferty and he loves it, so I'm thinking of bringing in more...anyone interested?
Gals.. thanks..

Me just back from Genting.. alot of things to settle... crazy me here took 900 over pics for her.. but tats the norm for me la.. i often sieve out the blur one....
Sam, I can onie play aft work n when zach is sleeping.

Admit our thread so quiet..

Another 3weeks to our b'day bash but we hv not decided on cake yet leh. Haha..

No la, I'll have my inlaws in Aus to buy in bulk then send it over to me. The shipping fee will have to be borne by us..
Jowin...me voted for ashlynne too!!!

ya... agree the thread becoming very quiet nowadays...mommies all busy...

Bday..aiyoh.. i havn't plan anything...think we jus celebrate ourselves...lazy mommy..was thinking of doing bday party oni when she's older, least she'll remember...
rachel, icic. I tot of leaving my FIL to organise her 1st grandchild bday. End up he organise a bday challenge cum Mahjong challenge Zzzzz......... totally no mention of cake cutting etc....... haiz......
thanks bur

Kath, ya lor.. only the venue is booked for the Dec Baby Bash..

Any ideas for the cake?? Think we just get the cake will do and do without the food .. easier..

Order from who???
my mum was asking me that time to find in carrefore website for this smile contest.. i keep cannot find sia so i give up hahaha! and you found it. LOL.. I have voted! hehe

But damn sian hor..always need to vote than baby can win.. so if you have the whole village knows you.. you confirm can win.. hahaahaha

btw theres a crawling competition coming up! you all get the Oct motherhood mag there got state. hehe
Thanks for gals that vote for Ashlynne.

fabbie... my HB said i stupid to join this carrefour contest la...
.. said Carrefour out to get people database only... said no point to vote lor.. ask him to go ask his friends to vote, he said NO.

Anyway, i dun care la.. wat can carrefour do to me beside spamming my inbox

I dun know leh.. lazy mum here always lazy to bring babies to crawling contest etc etc.. those online one hor... still ok.. LOL

the Dec bash only 2hrs.. 1hr is similar to trial class and 2nd hr is for cut cake ceremony etc.. With 25 babies + parents.. no time to eat n drink lor.

Ok to join the combi one as i have the stroller.. But the huggies one.. lazy too.. still must spend on huggies jean... kekkeke
i tout combi will win combi stroller haha chey.. lol
I think hor those contest need voting really quite hard to tio.. like i say unless you got 1 whole village supporting you.. confirm win. hahah Ya huggies one still need to buy their pampers which i havent even try before. lol

oh 2hrs only hor.. hahaa.. then should be ok with cake only laa in tat case...

yalor u are rite... so long as u got strong network & can get lot of ppl vote for u then the winning chances quite high...

jo, fabbie,
i got lot of huggies jean ler, u two wan to try out? can send u one pc...
