(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hi n_g

Maybe at certain stage or from 3rd, it has to be 1kg or close to 1kg/mth.
My boy was 2.9kg at birth, which mean he had gained 3.7kg since birth. Many had commented that they didnt see much changes in him since he was 3mth.
While I agree that posting her home address is a bit too much .. guess if I'm the one who has been played out, definitely I'll be angry.

Well, hope she has learnt her lesson.
My ger also drinks little (not as little as urs thou) since birth. To make things worse, she is gaining less than 180g per week (below the average). She did not hit her growth targets since her 2nd month onwards!

My PD did not want to prescribe appetite booster for my ger cos she say she is too young! Is ur boi's development on track? (i.e. muscle development, etc) My PD's rationale is that as long as the bb is alert and is growing ac to the milestones, she does not wish to interfere... Maybe cos ur bb is boi?

I found an organic shop that sells fresh stuff! It's on Level 3 at Habourfront! Next to the Food court! Will go there to buy pumkin. I saw a slice selling at abt $3... :p
can help me reserve the slot for 31 May till tml please? I need to chk with HB if he is off on 31 or not.

The trial lesson allows oni 1 parent wif the BB (sori miss yr posting on previous day as i din log in for a few days)?

JowinBB & ypg:
perhaps she has her own diff? anyway, i juz commented dat women power recently very over whelming. not only in forums but at AWARE too! really "nu ren bu hao re"!!! ;p
Gosh, waited 1+ blardy hr at the clinic to see my slight cough.. e long wait outside in the HOT HOT weather is making mi more sick than e cough itself!

my boy gains abt 1kg a mth since birth leh, was 3.2kg at birth & abt 8.2kg at 5mths. but he's taking mainly FM lah..not on solids yet. Just go with ur PD yea, dun worry too much as long as bb active.

thks for ur review. trying to fix an appt w them now, so hard to get a suitable slot.. looking forward to have fun at the shoot!

e elder folks will tell u to start on white rice cereal first as brown rice cereal can be heaty for bb. but PD says ok leh, more nutritious, just give some water. I bought 2 tins of brown rice cereals leh.. nw think abt it maybe shd get 1 each instead, scarly bb dun like e cereals i bought HOW.. i eat ah =@

saw on FB u got clarice a new toy again!? she's one lucky gal! haha.. me still thinkg abt e jumperoo/exesaucer ah. my bb like stone stone in them when i bring him go try at shopping malls, but at home can jump nonstop when we hold him. wonder if he dun like or just need time to warm up in them..
wow... really much cheaper wo.. but will not be getting the brushes as bought the pigeon ones from BB Fair last time, cannot waste $$ nowadays. its getting harder to earn $$$ nowadays (im doing business dev, so feeling the heat quite strongly).

ya, agree dat it does not feel good to be played out.juz hope the mummies will feel better after venting out and give a chance for Summer1979 to change. like i mentioned, all of us are mummies, so must try to "live and let live" =)

dun knw y, i becum so soft after becuming a mummy, last time i used to be more "gangho"! haha..
Re Summer1979:
I am appalled by her behavoir. if she not so sotong to post using her real nick, no one would ever noe! What a scam! Anyway that's power the internet community has... U think u can hide behind a computer with ur nick! Wait long long uh!

I agree tat posting her address is really overboard. Post her photo is enuf liao lor...
I oso agree that posting her home address is a bit too much. Her fault shouldn’t bring to her family member being harass.

女人不好惹? I agree! 

Wau! Your boy really gain a lot of weight leh. Must b very chubby, so envy…. My boy at birth 3.75kg, last Wednesday only abt 6.6kg. sob sob… my boy on TBF since birth.

Can reserve for u.

2nd trial namelist (tentatively on 31 May):
1 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
2 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
3 joanne81 (any date is fine)
4 ikeike (any date is fine)
5 tamms
6 poohy
7 candice (poohy cousin)
8 Jlow
9 stellateo
10 little_rabbit - 31 May 09-Yes
11 lavendery - wish to be on waitlist for 24 May in case any mummy cant make it.
12 Carmen Tan

All the above mummies, please confirm whether u can attend the 31 May trial class asap. Also, PM me ur name, BB full name, BB date of birth n ur contact.

As I am not going for 31 May trial, I can only help u to do up the namelist. N if u trusted me enough, I can help u all to pay 1st n u transfer $ to my POSB savings account lor.


Post her photo, look as if WANTED like that. Even worse. Haha...
Hi snowger
haha.. post photo also chamz...i agree, no address to be posted too.

Hi Carmen & gals
Watever she did, as long as she dun do it again. The scam will die down one day...

Ya, just let those mummies to vent and will be ok. Like Sam mentioned, if you are one of the mummy being betrayed.. of course , angry lor

Yes, the class only 1 parent. My HB cannot join in.
i would like him to bond with my girl as well..Tat day, he will drive us there n then walk around at Tanglin lor...
Maybe all the daddies can sit n chit chat n drink kopi until all the mummies & babies finish hor.

Hi Echt
I see, so starting of brown rice is ok. I bought a tin and most like i will start my girl with brown rice too.

U will not like baby's cereal la.. bland taste lor.. kekeke
forgive me, I eat the leftovers of my ger's rice cereal... It's pretty good!!!! sweet sweet (dunno is the nestle cereal or my BM) but dun like the puree feel la... :p

I think post photo is btr. She can change hair style, etc. Then can't recognise her liao. Imagine address leh! Later kena harrass uh!
Poor her but i hope that serves as a effective deterent/stern warning message to people who are not genuine in their pleas for free stuff!

Like ur idea of getting all daddies to sit n chit chat while waiting for us. Besides it is only 45 min. Maybe they think too short a time for they to bio gals while drinking kopi at Orchard.

But if all of ur hubby macho type, maybe they cant stand my hubby. He super kaypoh n talkative type, just like woman. Me is no nonsense type. We are like gender reverse.
Music Trial:
Huh??? Then i sud let my HB to bond with Kasia more... he may get a chance to go overseas to werk for 3-6mths, allowance wont be fantastic but at least he got the exposure. but once he flies, i jia lat liao, cos dat means its down to myself to care for Kasia... aiya, will c how things go ba.

think i can go la kopi with the "outcast" Hbs instead!!! waahhahaha... ;D
my boy nt chubby leh.. only e cheeks abit of xiao long bao nia.. tt's y also quite surprised at his wt

sure thing! ask u ah.. last time u took, u bought the soft copies too? or just take the few prints they gave in the package? e cost of the soft copies are ex leh.. and they only gave 3 prints..so little!

shd taste like oats bah.. maybe i put egg inside n cook so it's more tasty for me..wahahaha. hope i dun have to go to tt extreme!
hallo mommies,

me back home again.. sent in bb to IFC today thinking that he's ok.. then they called me and said bb fever.. sigh..
but when reached home, he no fever liao..
like that how ah?
if bring him to hospital later they poke him here there but in fact, it could be just teething?? i hope it's only teething..

just curious, any mommies here instead of feeding commercial cerial, will be cooking porriage using slow cooker then mesh porriage till very fine or cook those rice which have been grind very fine by some shops?
Hi snowger
I know nestle one are nice.. cos i always " kapo" my cousin's cereal powder when she's still a baby.. My mum will scold me... Now, i kapo Milo powder n put straight into my mouth. Very Heaty lor..

Hi ypg
haha.. its ok. my HB super quiet when he met " strangers" n super talk nonsense with his buddies...

Hi Carmen
haha...u become the chair woman lor

Roses among the thorns ma..

Hi echt
i see.. when its time to start for my BB, i just take a spoon to taste .. kekeke...
Hahaha i put at my house for quite long le.. then she sick seems like s moody so i take it out and let her play lor.. The jumperoo u try to make him jump jump. like whole his legs and make him jump. i mean teach him lor. i think he will love it ba? my gal is like that slowly then she okai lor. Hahah

exesaucer it seems like cannot adjust the height leh.. I felt lar. but the toys are quite interesting for them. and they are not really tired in sitting there leh. I felt lor

i took the soft copies lor. pay like hell. now asri's package quite cheap what include the soft copies .. check the thread. $250 only I think.
ic.. will try again then. need 2 get somethg, in laws say v hard 2 keep him entertained nowadays.. haha

yea, $250 but e pixs wont b touched up, just lighting chg & cropping which shd b gd enuff bah.. n his weekend slots are now only for end june.. sooo long away!
ahh? what did Summer1979 do? She is like Mas selamat in the whole forum. No time to read lei.. feeling sad now coz kenna lecture from boss for wasting paper to print documents. sighzz
sad hor.. i just read it. she like ask from people to give her free stuffs. then she sell it to other mummies lor. then other mummies feel cheated. just because she hand gun her NEW nick and her old nick everyone knows what she's doing. Haiz.. Quite jialet when everyone just poking her here and there. faints. and she's our dec baby here also.. Hmmmm

Wah. talking about hard to Please them.. i haven been dancing real HARD for my gal to laff! hahaa
wah..few hrs onie so many post liao!! So busy at work, juz scan through. Will read again tonite! Hehehe..

Jowin, i oso ask my hb to go lim kopi while waiting for us.. but so early leh..means i hv to wake up ard 7.30am to get ready and then prepare Zach then onie wake hb up.. maybe i will take cab down myself instead then he come n pick us up.. :p

we should all go for lunch together then.. all the mummy go for hi-tea (while hb hv kopi at kopitiam type) muahahah!!! Evil wife
ypg - have transferred fund to u. Ref: 2264431504 Please let me know if u have received it.

pastillies - i always think that rice cereal n brown rice cereal is the same thing - they r still rice. so i will still feed... do check with the rest if they know any difference.

anyway, noticed that mums here usually have to feedback to IFC, but i think for my case, it is v different. everytime i collect him, i will hear feedbacks which usually make me -_-" nothing to say. Things like:
- when teacher tried to wake him up, he swing his hands to get rid of teacher's hand n continue zzz.
- how teachers know he wake up, he will lift one leg up n rest it on cot bar.
- he likes to use his legs to push cot bumper down and sticks both legs out of the cot.
- bite everything.
- saliva all over place. and playing with it too.
- fight with others, pull pple's rompers, want to scatch others, rest his leg onto others, etc

and today i found an essay written in his logbook.

Message to Parents: We did try letting him hold the bottle before this but he will let go the moment we let go our hands too. :) But today he managed to hold it bit longer till he finished milk.

Ambrose is now trying to turn back after lying on his tummy. Sometimes when he is tired of trying, he will just lie on one side.

He's such a charmer. Every teacher will always asked for him and he liked people call him handsome! U try call him handsome, he sure will give you a smile! :)

In the meantime we will definitely assist him in his crawling and other developmental progress.

Message to Staff:
20/5/09 Thank you v much! Btw, he looks like daddy, where got handsome?!
I tried calling him handsome & he ignored me.
kath same, my HB have to go walk walk drink kopi while waiting for us...he say "y daddy cant join?! eveytime only mummy" haha;p

chantalle, got good news on ur item, i email u le!

jowin! y u go and kapo nestle cereal & eat??!! actually i also heard my colleague mentioning nestle cereal is sweet, so didnt quite wan to start with too "sweet" stuff..
by the way, can i pass u ur bag on thurs instead? same time after work? or this sunday?
tom i taking leave to bring kayson see doc so cant meet u afterwork...
I starting to get worried....he poo really really too many times today..already 7X le! a bit too much, somemore the last few times is watery one....haiz..just brought him to injection on sat only..no problem leh..but now..

one of the aunties say that maybe he is teething so will poo a lot more often..is it true??

no, no leh, my boy still cant sit upright properly...he will "try" to sit & then bend foward & end up trying to eat his legs!!!! argh!

thanks echt..but i buy the brown rice cereal already leh...mm maybe i go n buy white rice ceral too?? aiyoo there's so much to learn abt baby food.. .

ya seeing doc nowdays is a long long wait...
Hi ypg

Yes my friend Amanda and i can make it to the 31st May class. I hv pm-ed u our details.

So the 31 May class is not yet secured izzit?

Woah just read abt the Summer thingie...she so jialat one ar...wonder why she has been doing all these to cheat ppl's thing...there are really needy mommies here who really need our help le...Sigh...
Hi Aurorin,

If i'm not mistaken you are migrating to Australia is it? Which part of Aus? As my in-laws are in Perth, they can help u if u need help there?

BTW, totally agree with u re the Combi high chair..i hv been trying my very best to let Jordan use it more often in order not to waste hb's money!!

Mommies attending the music class on 31 may 09!! We shd also go for high tea after the class! What do u say? But it's a pity that all of us can't be in the same class le, now we hv to be separated into 2 diff groups... =(
Opps Ypg, my friend's name is actually Amanda Jean so plse dun b confused with the different names..It's the same person.. =p
hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt, did u have any spare BN Medela PIS Advanced TUBING to sell?
need it urgent...if yes, pls PM me...thanks.
morning mommies..
bb zee seems to be back to normal liao.. body temp also ok liao.. and sleeping very well and eating very well and not fussing anymore.. thank God..

semi solid
just curious, any mommies here instead of feeding commercial cerial, will be cooking porriage using slow cooker then mesh porriage till very fine or cook those rice which have been grind very fine by some shops?
ypg, viral is sooo infectious nowadays... do take care.

pastilles, the last time my bb poo many times min7x was during on meds. Texture seems runny but after her course of meds, it resumes normal texture (soft). The truble now is she is pooing after every meal which she didn't previously. Wonder if she is allergic to the FM???
will transfer money to u tonite k.

btw, u ok wif collecting FM from tanglin? do sms mi n let mi know k. thanx. =)

do take care k. will pray for ur hb.

for jayzon, my mil buy rice from those mini shops. she say its called 'xin mi' = new rice? hehe. its smoother in texture afta its being cooked. don hav to grind or blend porridge. juz cook d rice in slow cooker wif ingredients n let bb eat.

so all daddies gathering tgt on sundae for kopi? hehe. my hb will b at home cleaning house while his wife is out enjoying wif her bois. lolx.

d feedback from ifc so cute. it also shows tt they reali observe and know wat ambrose likes to do like lift leg up on cot bar when awake.

research shows tt bb wun hav diahorrea when teething wor. its more likely due to itchy gums den bb put hands inside mouth n stuff like tt. coz cant be cleaning bb hands every 5-10mins so lead to diahorrea.

ger, smtimes its normal for bb to poo when taking antibiotics. its a drug reaction. veri common especially if taking amoxicillin or augmentin. if allergic to FM, usually will hav rash n not diahorrea.

re: cereal
brown rice cereal is sweeter than plain ones. if wan bb to eat vegetables, can try nestle cereal with vegetables one. tink can take from 6 or 8mths onwards. i tried previously on jayzon n he luvs it. d fruits one as well. now he eat all kinds of vegetables. =p

re: summer1979
omg. read abt her on thread. quite mean to post her address even thou she is deceiving ppl.
Hi dee,
How is your boy? Hope he is fine oledi.

Hi juzyounme,
Your description on IFC feedback on your Ambrose so cute! Make me laugh non stop. Heeheehee…
U call him handsome n he ignore u? hahahahaha…

Hi ypg,
How is your hubby now? Hope he is fine. For our little one, all of us must take care oh.
my #1 used to eat those "xin-mi" bought from shop.. but now he's (still) eating porriage.. don't wanna give him rice yet (tho he'll eat) coz he still only have 8 teeths and no molar to properly chew food before swallow.. so, now w/ #2, thinking how?
maybe easiest would just use the same porriage his kor-kor eat but blend it till soft before giving him?
is it ok-ah?
my hb notti last nite, gave #1 eat spicy steamed fish! surprisingly he likes! lol!

bb #2 ok liao.. thx..
i hope not to get a surprise call from the IFC.. even the teacher would say, "mrs. chua, u knw my call is not so good news, bla bla bla.. ".. precisely, when i see the caller id.. i also scared..

now, back to work.. another busy day..
Sorry, I was so swamped when i got home yesterday that I totally slipped my mind about the transfer. I'll do that tonight.

Gathering on 20th June
To all the mummies who've confirmed, the gathering is now cancelled due to the low participation for this round.
U mean got shops grind for us? II starting on millet after the commercial brown rice. I gg to grind into powder b4 cooking cox the book says it will b rancid if I store powder too long. Not sure for brown rice

Wat is xin mi?

So sudden do take care
hope yr HB will get better soon, take good care of yrself ok?

Music Trial:
my HB will have a recall on either 30/31, will be quite long type so dun think can go for the trial class liao. any taker to take my position?
OH mine.. why virus infection? haiz. hope ya hub will be okai

i heard from my frd her baby girl also lau sai alot and heard it may due to teething leh. but i think u better bring him see doc ba. better be safe lor.

Haiz. damn sian clarice is still having flame inside her throat! when she cough got tears come out de jialet.. tmw will be 2-3 more days left if she havent better i got to go back to my PD to check up again.. is it me over worried or what? weekends we always need to go back to my In law house, and clarice got the cough and flu from my mil. I told my hub i dun wan to go back cus she(MIL & clarice) haven recover.. but he say my MIL already recover liao, i was thinking So fast? but clarice haven ah even she just recover i dun wan to bring her back yet.. why i cannot wait till 1 more weekend then bring her back? must be this weekend? im just scare the bad air is still around the house! cus doc told me her sickness is due to air bond someone who is sick pass it to her! Arghz.. what should i do? close one eye.. go back to my MIL house on weekend.. or quarrel with my hub fight till all the way that this weekend im not going... hao fan ah..
ikeike - he was w a nanny for 2 weeks n the nanny doesn't want to take care of him, coz he is damn cranky. so i got him into IFC. the teachers there said they have babies more cranky than A, so they seem to handle better.
hope your hubby recover asap..take care!

Re: solid
seem like so many mummy started to intro cereal..me still have not bought anything..

any bowl or spoon to recommend?

barbie,hotwheels & FisherPrice warehouse clearance up to 70% from 21-23 May 09 from 10am to 6pm at No.1 Lok Yang Way.
You can take feeder bus 192 from Boon Lay Mrt/interchange.
You can use visa to pay but min. purchase $50/-
If you are driving park at URA car park along Lok Yang Way
