(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Yeah, so glad that we got through this. I've just finish my report, so happy.

Hey Phyl,

Thanks for your effort, really appreciate ur effort. Have a good rest!!!


Thks for your secretarial effort to ans Phyl question for ppl here.
today can sleep soundly le.. xie xie phyl and bluely and Tara.. and others who iss invole. and help to sign the petition. ^_____^
Hi gals
I am realy happy and our effort pay off...

I would like to thanks Phylicia..Thanks for all your effort. THanks for accepting the interview from CNA... Thanks for arranging all the things and Santorini.. thanks for all the drafting all the letters to MP and PMO. and thanks to all the girls giving support & contributions

I sound as if i receiving an award.. yes. i m really receiving an award now !!!!!!
I'm an Aug 08 mummy but i hav to come to this thread! Oh my god!!! I cudn't believe it when i watched the 930pm news!! i'm elated!! : ) Our rally did work! Thanks Phyl! Thanks PM Lee!
Hi Phyl

Really thanks alot for making this happen. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We can really have a good nite sleep!!
hee fabbie..so sianz rite?? lucky tmr friday liao..will drag myself to work..but guess wont be able to fucus one..

Just pray hard that our wishes can come true
phyl, just saw ur latest msg..u meant we are eligible for the baby bonus (1st timer) benefit though our baby not borned after Jan 09?

My EDD on 2 Dec 08..Im very concern abt the ML & BB benefits..Can share with me?
bliss77, wat u mean? u meant to say that for my case its eligible?? really? im will be sooo glad..will it be announce in the 10pm news later?
hey mummies, juz heard the 10pm news..cant believe it with my own ears.. our voices are heard..we got it man...Cheers!!

Esp thanks to Phyl and all those who help in this contribution..I posted my views in many forum & hope it helps too..

Anyway, its confirmed now..No more stress & I can focus on my work now..
Hey, I just watched the 10pm channel 8 news! Wow, our efforts paid off!! YEAH!!!

Really appreciate all mommies here who contributed to make this happened, esp phyl who took time to consolidate all our names..
YAY!!!! I'm so happy!!

Well done ladies!! Special thanks to Phyl, littlebluey and all the mummies who actively pushed this through. I've never seen Singaporeans react to a policy so fast and furiously before...preggies are not to be trifled with!!!

(Ok lah...also thank you gahmen for backdating the implementation date)
Yep surprise to hear the 10pm news that the date been back dated. It even say its due to some mummies-to-be response to the displeasure of effective date, and make them loss out the benefits.

wow..our baby inside can feel the joy liao.
Big cheers for all who done this GREAT job.
bliss77, ya we can have a peaceful nite sleep with our dearie baby liao..hee..

Spaghetti, yes we mummies are not to be trifled with..
We must continue to stay united as a strong force..hee

Thanks PM Lee and all for granting our wish..Truely appreciates
Hehehe, so happy now. Baby can come out as per schedule and still enjoy the new additional benefits
Yuppy!!! Now i'm hoping for Xmas baby again, haha

Thanks Phyl, littlebluey and all the rest of the mummies
Hey ladies!!!

I am the one who were with you at AMK Meet the People Session yesterday!

I am so happy that we have succeeded! It is indeed time well spent!

Now we can concentrate on giving birth liao... Heehee...

Thanks phylicia for consolidating the petition and also the Mummies who spoken to Inderjit Singh last nite!
Would really like to thank all those who have made nearly impossible mission happen! Really glad that the garmen hear the voices of MTBs! Now we can really tink of how we are going to split up and utilise our maternity leave with the co.

Tks once again!
Congrates Everyone.

My husband saying all of you mummies who frightened the young man inside the room. Pray that he feeling better already.
yay!!! Im overjoyed at the fantastic news!! BIG BIG thanks to Phyl for being super efficient in consolidating the names and sending it to PM pronto! Special Thanks to littlebluey, adelchia and all mummies who went to the meet the ple session yesterday at AMK for making our voices heard. Hurray! And all of us who complained and made a whole lot of noise on all the forums and feedback sites!
GREAT JOB everyone!
Thanks Phylicia and Santorini for all you have done (*applause*). And of cos God for hearing us and blessing us with good news. And last but not the least, our dearest government for really hearing us...

I am so happy i can kiss the entire world!!!!
I just joined the forum just to say thanks to phyl and all the rest for the effort made. I am soo glad it all worked out! Weeeeee

Now can fully enjoy our remaining second trimester.. the "so-called honeymoon period of pregnancy"

And for sure..i will be part of the forum from now on! Yey!
Hi sherline
nice to see u here and at MP session..

Hi kristine
haha.. dun like tat la.. we got scare tat young man meh... he must open to exposure ma...

Ya.. now we can go n discuss how to ultilise the 4 month maternity with boss

Welcome mummies joining our Dec08 Thread
Now that all this has calm down.. i tink govt earlier alr have aug 08 in mind..they are juz trying their luck with Jan 09..else how can they back date within 24hrs?? Hahaha.. they r so funny.. must let ppl make noise then onie change the date..keke

I forgot to thank littlebluey and santorini as well!! Muacks u girls..my baby boy is so happy now..
Hi Ladies,
Lets pop the champane & celebrate!! Cheers!!!
special thanks to the ladies who made our voices heard!! yippie.. can con't discussing the meet-up plans liao.. LOLz
Dear ladies,

So happy to hear the news. Thanks to Phyl n all for your efforts in making it possible
we should have a celebration...

Hi Emeraldbride,

my fren was thinking like what you mentioned. she said that probably government is trying their luck, and then 'responded' to us.. like as if they are hearing the people..

But dont care what is what la. so long its beneficial, we all take it.. hahahaha..
im so excited for baby to come out le.. hehe ^___^ so we must wait for the pdf to revises and the MOM is it?
Hi all,

I am selling the Prenatal Heart Listener.

CORE Prenatal Heart Listener
• Self-pickup at Hougang area.
• Selling at S$48, bought at $59.90
• If interested, please PM me. Thanks.

Features as follow
• Listen, talk, and play music to your unborn baby.
• This device lets you hear your unborn baby's heartbeat late in your second trimester or possibly earlier.
• You can also record the sounds, allowing you to share with family and friends.

Hi Mummies,
I m from the March thread. Due to overstocking, I m letting go of DOM Benedictine at $40 each ( I got it at $48 ). PM me if you are interested. Tnx.

