(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

haha looks like the men says the same thing;p BUT they still eat! haha
ya,chinese food actually more "oily" unless its steam...but every time steam fish also sian rite..
"ang mo" food more variety & interesting..even thou when i bake the fish, it turns out like steam (cos i wrapped in aluminin foil like fish n co style) bcos of the butter n lemon, it so much nicer.

I dun really like COD fish actually..think its oily;p

Jo, u at home can try some for ashlynne..save time, cook 1 time, both u & ashlynne can eat...i did the menus over the wkend, i cook one time, whole family eat..my sister say not enuff & "kapo" kayson's food..Kayson actually stare at my sis! he's probably thinking how come ah-yi take my food..

Baby Food
i try to giv different type of food but daniell doesn't seem to like it alot, he still prefer porridge & porridge is the only food tat he can hav more than a bowl most of the times... for the rest he can only eat at most half a bowl... typical chinese?

i've tried ur Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Pasta le, it tastes very good but daniell only took few spoons, if i giv him more he will start to giv me puking action again, jialat... in the end i finished it all by myself, yum yum!

btw ladies, when u cook mashed potato, wat things do u add into it? i tried adding butter & milk or thickened cream with cheese, both also taste nice but again, daniell eats until wanna puke like tat... so wanna know wat ladies normally add?

Baby yogurt
Do u giv ur baby cold yogurt or u leave it at room temperature before u serve? 1st time when i giv baby yoplait daniell dun like (i serve at room temperature), but then today i giv him a bit of my cold yogurt (juz normal vanilla one) and he eat non stop & even make noise after i told him no more...

i give cold yogurt one. hee. Naughty mummy. Tell u Ervin eat all food loh. Didnt have good control over that.

Yesterday he take the whole egg. Nearly 1 liao can try egg white also right?
haha Jess, Daniell typicall chinese , must eat rice one ;p
maybe he's jus not use to "western" type of food??

BB yogurt: served Cold straight fm the fridge! dun let yogurt stand at room temp, no good.

Think kids nowdays v smart, they like cold cold rite, Kayson luvs icecream, heh n cold apple juice.
i already giv whole egg since 2 months back i think, so long as daniell has no allergy to it then i think should be ok... heh heh!

yalor, same as his daddy who is also 饭桶, must eat rice everyday... for me if ask me to eat rice everyday i will die... wahahha

ya i know not so good to let yogurt stand at room temp but i dun wan to giv him cold stuff so early, probably it is also bcoz of my elder boy's condition & make me wanna control daniell on this as well... wow giv ice cream & cold drink... pei fu pei fu
I give Baby Yoplait and just serve it cold. She likes Petit miam better but I'd rather give yoplait cos its less sweet. Adult yogurt has too much sugar so I'd rather stay away from those for a while.

I normally add beef/chicken with pumpkin/carrots/spinach with 1 scoop of FM. Olivia loves her mash.
Zach upgraded himself to eat rice. Imagine I throw away a whole pot of porridge full of fish n meat cos he dun wanna eat them.
Then my mom suggest I give him rice. So I use some of his porridge n mix wif rice. Hehe.. He took abt 4 tablespoon of it. Nxt day he went bah kut teh wif me n ate the rice too. He love it.
Pas, shAre the roast chicken recipe leh. Haha... I wanna try
Hey mummies,

I hear from a relative that its not recommended to give Salmon n Cod fish ah? say high in mercury... true? my MIl gave Jonas a fair bit of Salmon.. then upon hearing this stopped.. I buy Salmon fish bone mixed with others to make soup stock too...
nitestar.. in moderation lor.. dr foo say as long not every meal cod or salmon should be ok.. coz i told her hayden is a fishytarian..

i feed yogurt to hayden everyday.. he likes strawberry flavour.. keke.. now that he is coughing, i let it stand until room temp.. but usually, i give him straight from the fridge..
i use chicken breast n Thighs..didnt really do much seasoning. Those salt / pepper stuff we can add ourselves later. Since preparing for bb, salt is a NO NO. Just grease the rack & tray & Chicken with butter. Butter itself will contribute to giving taste.
Then roast for 30min to 45mins (till cook & brown enuff)
All the spices -pepper & basil, shd be added upfront. now, I add it back-end to the adults serving share only.
thanks pas!!!

I shall try it this weekend.. wonder he will like it or not..

tot of making burger for him..hahaha. Tat boy love bread so much
We tried to get kidspartysupplies to supply us the balloons. We wrote to them to enquire abt their pkg. They responded on the options available but when we replied on the selected pkg, we simply had no feedback thereafter. Only when we tried to find her contact then she told us that they had stopped operation! Scary if not kenna fly aeroplane last minute!!!
Ike Ike..

I order my ballon at heartlink party supply @ beach road there. They say prev from Concourse.

I give you the phone no. 91477802 ( Amy )
Shop no: 6294939

They charge me 1 dollar for each ballon.
Maybe daniell not used to the texture of other food compared to porridge? Maybe can try risotto which is also porridgy in texture. But then, love to eat porridge also good wot. I think children, like adults also have preferences. :D For mash, i basically put anything.. including beef sauce or i do a mix of sweet potato/potato or pumpkin/potato.

I wondering if some of the kiddos are more interested in chewing now cos my gal also started wanting to eat rice etc. Sometimes i let her have rice, with steam fish (with the broth in the rice).I can't wait for the day when she can sit and eat our food.

Salmon and cod is actually considered low in mercury compared to other fish like flake (sharks). But even then, its recommended that only 1 portion once a week (or twice if i using small portions).. not everyday. I think fish bones for stock is pretty okie bah.

Roast chicken are great! esp for self-feeding.
So far except for salt, i pretty much add different type of spices from the onset. Paprika roasted chicken pieces are quite nice. Heh i just used some mustard powder in my gal's food.. gave abit of a tangy taste.

Abit of ice cream is okie right? I prefer to let Avery eat yoghurt but she still dun quite like the sour taste, even if i add fruit puree. But unless its sweet fruits, normally she also dun like fruit purees. Now that summer is here, i thinking of making ice lollies with fruits. :/
Argh.. mommies.. is it?
My boy have been eating fish everyday leh..
Today only switch to chick porridge, if like that tmr I switch to pork liao loh.. stop fish for 2 days.
Last time when my mom come, she didnt give him fish for 3 days, then she cook fish again. The momment my boy smell the fish.. mouth wide open hahaha...
I dun think he's not used to the texture other than porridge coz sometimes when I giv baby jar - heinz mums recipe he is ok with it n can finish one whole big jar... I find him got hard time chewing pasta (evencooked till very soft) n minced beef, but ask him to chew rice, he is completely fine n can take half bowl of rice... So I oso dunno wat went wrong...

So nowadays I mostly giv him porridge or rice if I lazy to cook his porridge... Hehe
Haha guess he's got asian taste buds then! Nevermind la.. soon our kiddos all eating rice. Daniell just started earlier!
hi pas
haha. me gave ashlynne cod fish daily.. asked PD, its healthy fish oil.. high DHA.. so ok la.. i continue.. dun like other fishes.. threadfin have alot of bones..
hee, personal preference bah..i nv like cod fish myself..haha except for the orange flavor cod liver fish oil taken when young;p
I actually prefer other types of fish like fillet(snapper etc) / ngoh fish / batang fish..No bones too!

how did avery react to mustard?? wow , she really hv tried out different spices ..i was tempted to let kayson try a piece of my chicken w pepper...hehe but i didnt...
perhaps i can start him on basil?

ice cream ok la..a lil bit ..i let him try vanilla flav one..nono for chocolate yet.

Jess, confirm Daniell very traditional chinese cos he likes rice! whther is it rice or porridge..haha
baked rice he ok??

Kath, urs oso "ang mo pai",like bread ahh;p;p
Not much reaction le. She just 'sup' the whole thing. Same thing with the curry powder. I dont add like a lot la.. just a bit of tang or sharpness. I think spices like basil, thyme etc are just more aromatic.. not that strong in taste (unless u really use a lot). Smells nice and i find it enhances the dish lor. I think can try
threadfin got a lot of bones? i bought so many times (the body part) but so far ok ler, no bone seen...

hehe u & me same taste, i also dun like cod fish... and so far i only let daniell tried snapper, cod & threadfin.. he ok with these except cod, so i always got to go wet market & buy threadfin coz cant them at ntuc or cold storage...

daniell also like roti... from fast food burger (bread), chocolate wassant from bakery till mummy's homemade bread - milk loaf, butter loaf & pandan loaf... so long as it's bread, he luv it!
and recently i hav hard time to feed daniell porridge when we're outside coz most of the times if he sees us eating, he also wan to eat our food & reject the porridge tat i bring out for him... jialat ler, so sometimes i got to wait till go home then can only giv him the homecook porridge...
Hahah..tink kids nowadays, as long as it is not their food, they will want it.

Pas, Zach alr took ice cream in variety of flavors..hahaha. No reservations from me. but now we try not to eat in front of him alr. so now my 2 tub of Haagan is sitting in freezer..
Jake has been eating rice since around ten mths,he don like
Porridge,but loves plain rice,maybe he is same like the father
Loves rice hate porridge. He even drools when he see us eating rice!
So fast,time flies more and more of our little ones turning ONE!
maybe i have not really train ashlynne on harder food.. like rice.. she so far, hardest food is pasta/ macaroni in small piece..N minced meat, not yet chunky meat.But i dun really puree anymore.. i fed her abit harder food.. she spat out.. scary...
Ya i think kid like our food more. My gal also dun like drink milk now, but she love her porridge + all kinds of food we eat....hahaha...usually will let her try some cos dun want her to become choosy on food in future.
aurorin, curry?! wow! u're really daring...haha i like curry n tom yum alot...haha think kayson will cry if i give tom yum rite;p;p

Kath / xiaohwa,
agree, they jus like our food more than their;p

Kath, eat ur ice cream when zach's asleep la!

jowin, i also nv puree food le...just chop/ cut into smaller pieces tt's all.
can let ashlynne try some rice, its not tt hard la.
kayson can finish 1/2 bowl of rice & still wan more! in fact we didnt even want to give him 1/2 bowl of rice, cos rice = alotalot of porridge.
sometimes i think they just want to eat when they see us eating..not bcos they are really hungry

Jess, yup yup, we same taste! snapper fillet is nice

what do you give Kayson to eat besides the rice? Does he take the rest of the dishes too or does he just eat plain rice?

Now that our kids are turning one, we can feed them the same food that we eat ourselves right? Or do we still need to prepare their food when going out?

everything also try try lor.. wanna see what she likes also and it is also not very spicy. I let her try abit of chicken tt's in tom yam broth from our plate before.. u shd see her face.. hahaha but then she still wan to try.

Ya.. i think as long as its not on their plates, the kiddos all more interested. It is not like they are really hungry.

Actually now that she is turning one.. i hope to slowly wean her to eat what we eat.. like rice with abit of broth and the veggies we have. Most time our food also quite healthy.. alot of steaming (eggs etc) and simple stir-fry. Plus the meat/veggie she can eat, and not allergic to (minus the prawns-seafood and nuts). Just need to cut into smaller pieces for her.
i give rice with steam/soup tofu (I give only plain tofu, not egg tofu) , steamed fish , veg (carrots, brocoli)
Basically its like what we eat, rice with dishes...
If sometimes no such dishes avaliable (cos not always we have steamed fish rite), then jus plain rice he also happy..he just wan to eat ah.

For now I still try to prepare porridge when we go out. Cos its not always we eat chinese food when out rite. sometimes western , sometimes jap, sometime italian, etc...jap not so suitable (ramen is no-no, too salty & i havent let him try Chawamushi yet), italian ( tomato sauce v salty, cream base sauce got egg, unless olive oil base..)

If we have chinese food (zi char) outside, then after his porridge, i'll give him a bit of adult table food (rice w suitable dishes ) just for try try...cos outside food still not as healthy as our own homecook food rite.

Bottomline, its still safer to prepare our own food (porridge/pasta) when bringing them out cos we never know wat we are going to eat..(unless u already hv wat to eat in mind )..eating is always a big headache;p
Kidzparty not stopped operation. They closed for the past 2 weeks. Took in my orders already and i just went to my friend's party done up by kidzparty at pan pacific last week.
ikeike, i order my ballon at adam&eve, they are charging $1 per latex balloon and $1.20 per printed.

Wah...bbs here v adventure! My boi is still take porriedge with pork or threadfin..ice-cream..he love it!
hi tsw, we decided to call last saturday after getting no response from them. We wanted to order a $150 pkg and Trish said she cannot accept my order and they told us they have stop operation for some time. Did you place a big order or you ordered much earlier? I found it strange too. Cos if they really closes, why is their webpage still up and no notification etc was mentioned? Anyway, we are really glad that we called to confirm. 1 item down, now focusing on other issues hehehe....

hi esthers & bbpearl, thanks for the info. We are not very good at decorating so we decided to leave it to a organiser.
hahaha Tara no lah! Ony the balloons organiser hahaha..... Actually the official organiser was yehyeh but we "sacked" him after he came up with the mahjong theme for bday hahahaha.....

Jo, i ended up with bbterror. Actually their pkg is similar but I chose Kids initially due to good feedback. Well, I guess its a case by case basis liao. Trying calling instead of sms or email. Perhaps they are too busy with too many orders on hand hence no time no respond maybe? My guess nia lah.
u mean kidzpartystore? they were away for 2wks in oct but now back in operation lei. i juz sms trish to add on orders one wor. how come so funni???
iemiko, beats me too hahaha.... anyway u will get to see them personally on sat then maybe u can ask them ba......... most impt u muz get their respond
Kidzpartystore was closed for 2 wks so no reply. Even when they are open, Trish usually takes days to reply email. She's not prompt in replying sms either. In fact I feel insecure placing orders with them.
no need disc code pas..cos it's black friday so most of the items are on sale. Last year, Gucci was on sale, so worth it. The moment i decided, the bag sold out..

aiyo.. very tempting.. i need find Ashlynne one CNY clothing.. the one i bought either 18m or 24m.. its too cute... faintz..

Pas, u going to organise again or kath?
