(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

bubble pearl,
but u so good can pump out 20ml for each side ler? mine can get 10ml only for BOTH sides, so pathetic, think i'm going to engorge very soon, aiyo, i hate engorgement ler, very painful ler.. but pump liao BM cannot come out ler, how how how?
LuthAdel - I won't be inducing.. going straight for C-sect, cos my cervix totally closed.. Gynae said even if he wanna try to rupture my waterbag also can't.. Think that's y he reckon the success rate for induction is low for me. I also don't want to suffer twice though i did think abt ur case which is a success. Thanks for ur encouragement.

Jolynash - Do u mind sharing ur bill with me? I'm thinking if i shld upgrade to single bedder since i'll be doing c-sect. U can PM me if u dun feel comfortable sharing here. Thanks.
llig, you're on total demand feeding? So if baby never wake up and cry, you don't feed is it? I'm quite tempted to go on full demand feeding also. Sometimes when I wake David up for feed, he's so tired he cannot latch on for long. But I'm worried he's not getting enough, so I restrict the time difference to not more than 3 hours. And my hb's colleagues are telling him not enough, should be on 2 hourly basis. I counted, if we're to squeeze in about 8 to 12 feeds or more per day, then my 3 hourly is only minimal. Super stressed. His latch on time getting shorter and shorter. Used to be 30 minutes, then 10 minutes, now only 6 minutes! I feel like I'm spending all my time breast-feeding and thinking about breast-feeding.

Phy, wah your labour seems traumatic! *pat pat*

Jess, you got massage your breasts before pumping? The lactation consultant at Mt A taught me to cup my hand over the breast and massage my nipple, then move hand around entire breast. Helps with let down. Drinking a mug of hot drink before feeding or expressing also helps I think.
I had experience before THIS! and my massage lady help me to massage which is DAMN PAINFUL! she told me the reason is CHOKE! you gals have lots of milk inside.. is just that the thing is CHOKE! my massage lady that time help me unchoke my breast. she just massage using her thumb up and down around my engorgement area. i tell you. its damn pain till u will cry! after that. i know is my milk flows very smoothly liao.

I duno if we ownself massage can anot. but you can try.. if not ask your massage lady to massage for you. to Unchoke. cus some of the holes is kana block.

haha same i cant wake my gal up.. so i always let her sleep till she wants milk she cry for it lor. no choice. cus she dun wan to open her mouth. sometimes she can sleep like 5hrs.. faints btw you got pump out anot? i last time have this problem also so i pump it out now is better to see how much im feeding

hows the feeling of water bag burst? pain? and wha.. your birth story is quite fast so nice that your cervix can open so fast! so no epidural? so nice! for EBM u got to every 3hrs pump 1 time. then slowly slowly u got the kick of it. you can mayb bear like longer abit lor. for me now 5 times per day.. im trying now like 4 times per day now. cus im so lazy to wake up at the middle of the night. hehe If ya nipple bleed you can use hand to squeeze the milk out. but fast u got to unchoke your breast lor. Btw ya baby boy's eye is so big! haha so cute!

btw im EBM usually i give my ger drink my milk she will keep pooing while drinking is it normal? and is it true that once baby grew older they tense to hardly sleep liao after feeding? does anyone having a hard time to burp your child? and i heard that BM no need to burp also can ah?
mi stil having hard time trying to burp my boi. can juz doze off while gettin him to burp. hehe. if we feed BM, still hav to burp coz we feed from bottle ma. chances of air gg into bb is lesser if latch on but best to burp bb afta every feed. if bb don burp w/i few mins, let bb rest n try again ltr. =)
Phyl - Congrats! Has ur fever subsided? Rest well.

Bubblepearl - Ur cervix also not open yet when u admit hospital?

Carmen - Congrats! Do update us ur birth story & bb pics as soon as u can!

Jolynash/Jes - I've called up the customer service at GlenE. I was told that we r able to register bb's birth there. When i told them that i was told they no longer provide this service, she told me that it's only last week and now they hv resume the service. As for wireless network, gotta buy wireless card fr them which they charge abt $10 per hr & abt $32 for 24 hrs. Not worth to buy..

I have a qns to ask all mummy, i have a big nipple, i try to let my boi latch on but i think too big for him he feeling like vomiting. So nw i thought of pumping out. But I pump for 5min still nthing.
Anyone using Medale Single deluxe pump, it a gift, but i find there is no suction at all. It is hw the pump works. Sorry for so long post.

i'm doing total demand breastfeeding. er .. it's less stressful I feel. Just feed when my baby wants .. sometimes, she can sleep for 3 hours and wont ask for milk .. then when she gets up, she'll ask every 1/2 half or so until she's full. I prefer it to a schedule. As long as her mouth is "searching" for the nipple, i feed her lor ...

that's why i waited till day 3 .. i don't have stitches but the "memory" of the pushing when we gave birth still there leh, so I didn't want to force too much ... lol.

check with the rest who had stitches ..
iemiko: I give Preston 80ml per feed...and he's more or less on demand feeding. Sometimes i worry whether i'm overfeeding him but so far 80ml seems ok...he will wake up between 2-3 hours, depending on his sleep.

Phy: Congrats again!!! Long labour for you but that photo of Hayden is priceless! Haha...

Fabbie: Sometimes Preston also poos while drinking milk. It's quite normal! Hee...don't worry.

I have no problems passing motion. After delivery, i first went to poo on my 6th day! (Aiyo!)...then subsequently, i poo (soft stools) almost daily or alternate days. No pain at all. The confinement food will help make ur poo soft & dark...don't worry about the pain.

I haven't done my baby bonus yet!!! :p
dear friends who has pop . congrats. no time to read up the above...

bb stress the whole family up whole nite..seeem colic n no sleep... refuse to latch on too....i can only pump out 40ml max n she gulped finish within secs!! i pump again another 35ml again 2hrs later.. she also gulp finish. really leave with wits end!!!!

if this continue, i might supplement her with FM just for the nite. the poor gal not sleeping at all..now she sleep like a log......ahhaah!!! HB also...tortured overnite.now snoring awayy beside bb.. i still catch a 3 hrs sleeep.... now pumping so came online

if bb having colic, can give bb wind drops bought from pharmacy. as long as 4 daes old can take le. juz mix into milk. my boi having colic n i gave him med 4x a dae plus apply ru yi yu. now he much beta le. =)
dear friends who has pop . congrats. no time to read up the above...

bb stress the whole family up whole nite..seeem colic n no sleep... refuse to latch on too....i can only pump out 40ml max n she gulped finish within secs!! i pump again another 35ml again 2hrs later.. she also gulp finish. really leave with wits end!!!!

if this continue, i might supplement her with FM just for the nite. the poor gal not sleeping at all..now she sleep like a log......ahhaah!!! HB also...tortured overnite.now snoring awayy beside bb.. i still catch a 3 hrs sleeep.... now pumping so came online

2nd bb,

Yup I bought the spray at Fajar Wan Xiang Med Hall.

BF : I feel my gal abt 90ml during midnite, she can finish it and can last abt 3-4hrs. I oso do demand feeding, only feed her when she's hungry, I wun wake her up to feed her.
mummies who had gone thru c-sect
- do u bind ur c-sect wound immediately after the op? when going to toilet to relieve urself, hv to always unbind, then bind back again? How long do we need to bind? 1 mth? 2 mths?
i bind once i able to get out of bed. when go toilet i remove den bind back ltr. hehe. my dr advise mi to bind for 2mths. =)
For hand and foot prints, I saw those kind DIY type at centrepoint Robinsons.

Reddates, thanks. Will ask my mum to pop by later to buy.

Ade, so hw are u coping nw?
Jac, I'm also thinking maybe it's my flow improving, that's why he feeds faster. But is 6 mins a feed a bit too short?

Fabbie, I don't pump out leh. I'm trying to latch on 100% as much as possible - but it's darn stressful, especially at night. Sometimes David and I struggle with latching on properly for ages.

Sam, How about night time? Does your girl wake up often for feeds?

Jowin: My baby has wind (I'm stupid at burping babies), so my PD gave us this emulsion medication. My PD advised me not to give gripe water until baby is one month old, but I think each PD has different opinions on this.

Bowels movement: I pooped on the third day after birth. Ok lah, as long as your tear does not extend to anus, should not affect stitches I think. But I got quite a bit of piles during labour, so pooping still quite painful. The liquid paraffin helps a little. Gynae says it'll take 4, 5 months for the piles to go away. (T_T)
fabbie...i only pass motion around the 4th day..dont have to push...it just come out...take the medicine it helps soften the poo...

how do we know that we have finish pumping the breastS??i just pump till it is soft...

phyl...26hrs labour....i went for a near 24hrs labour also...really long...and also i dont feel like giving birth again.but right now looking at baby jake....i misses those times when he is inside...and i cant wait to get pregnant again!!!hehe

anyone have the first impressionz website?
iemiko...do you know what are the charges like for the shop at KKH?
hi emeraldbride,
still not see mine on the list, can add me in the table? thanks!

EDD: 18 Dec 08
BB: 1st bb
Gynae: Dr Christopher Chen
Hospital: Gleneagle
Stay: Punggol
Gender: Boy
Name: Brennon
Hello, sorry to intrude again.

Anyone wants milk bags? i have 3 unopened ones to clear. If dont clear, very wasted.

Price reduced to $10 per pack, any takers? I bought at 19.90 per pack at takashimaya. Brand is the first years. self collect at mrt convenient for both parties.


ya i did try to massage, put hot towel before pumping but still cannot ler, maybe my massage method is wrong bah...

ya i'm oso thinking to ask my massage lady for help but she only can start this friday.. dunno wat can i do meanwhile... my mum keeps on saying i got no milk & been giving FM to my boy, so discouraging!!

seems like GlenE charges for everything lor... for carpark, i remember that last time they gave one day complimentary (on ur delivery day) but now they charge $30 for 3 days (during hospital stay)...
btw, thanks for checking on the registration service...

do u still burp ur bb if after direct latch on? or u do it only after bottle feed?
anyone have any massage lady to recommend..cheap and good...i am in my 6th day already....really wanna find one to massage asap.
lol sometimes my gal sleep when im burping her.. so i just let her sleep sometimes she will sleep soundly.. sometimes she will vomit abit milk. but seriously she HATES TO BURP! haha

okai.. haha. she poos alot! even poo(sprays) on my mum's pyjames when she's changing her pampers haha sometimes i take along time to poo. cannot squeezze too hard.. just scare will tear my below nia.. since its still abit pain.. Dun worry ah.. i also haven do my baby bonus yet! i heard they say baby bouns must do within 2 months. so dun worried.. alot of time! .. What im going to do is will apply a join account with my gal. on OCBC mighty saver first.. then i apply my baby bouns. cus i wan the money to go in to my gal's account.

SO envy lor! im so jealous now hahha

sometimes milk will be stuck. so try to massage it.. then see can split milk more anot. dun worry.. just drink more soup or milo. things will be better de ba.

2nd Baby
DIY type? how is it like? can share? thanks thanks

Dun stress yourself.. will affect your BM de wor.. anyway. DAY time u LATCH.. Night time you pump out. if not it will be very tired for you. You need more rest too my dear..

Ya pump till its soft.. sometimes soft i see if my milk still flowing i see till no more milk. then i stop hahaha cus i really dun wan my engorgement to come again so fast! like that very tiring to keep pumping sia! Massage lady you can try mine http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/1948955.html?1228835531 hope you can get her. =) she does help me alot. thats why i highly recommend her! haha

Dun care lar. as long your breast is HARD. and pain = MILK! so dun care about them. u massage and squeeze you breast more.. so that it wont get choke. cus i tell u.. if ya massage lady help u massage ya breast will be x 10 pain! i had before. damn pain till my tears come out. and thats the Worst pain in my life! lolx

sometimes i burp baby after latch.. sometimes i dun it depends if she drink alot that i hear alot of gurp. i will burp her lor.. as for bottle feed also the same. she drink alot i will burp her. if she drink like for fun i wont. cus sometimes she dun even want me to let her burp.
i'm using ur massage lady but think her sis will be doing for me... their massage very pain ar? i remember that last time (previous birth) when my breast got engorged, the moment when the massage lady touched my breast, i already cannot tahan & wanna cry, so not to say let her massage if breast really engorge... haha!

btw, check with u ladies,
if i pump out my milk & wanna giv it to my boy in within an hour time, can i juz leave it on my table at room temperature? or i must store it in my frigde first? coz really lazy & take out to warm it up later laa..
Yes, total demand feeding. No point waking the baby up to feed cos if he's too sleepy, then you're just disturbing his rest.

U can try to massage the breast prior to feeding.. The way to massage is like how we do breast self-examination for cancer.. same technique.. then after that bend forward and massage/shake ur breast.. let gravity do the work..

I dunno how much I feed Lisa as I'm on total latch-on... no bottles... But if u latch on, I heard u dun have to burp as often cos the baby will regulate the flow of the milk.. but if u bottle feed even if it is breast milk.. should try to burp the bb if not she might vomit or feel uncomfortable...

I feed lisa whenever she wants... but she has never slept for more than 3 hours before!!! She poos A LOT!! Almost everytime I feed her, she poos!! Haha!! which I think it is ok cos breastmilk gets digested very fast and has a laxative effect.. that's why they tend to require more feed than formula milk...
Huh where to find the type of plaster ar. It is a waterproof kind. The doc never ask me to apply any cream leh... I also feeling very itchy at the wound area. He only tell me to remove the plaster after 1 wk and can continue to bind...
Now I feel itchy dunno izit also at the urinary tract leh..coz I cant differentiate the itch..

Yesterday the doc use the smith n nephew spray to spray on my wound very cooling. Also dunno what is that..
do your baby hiccup everyday? Mine still hiccup everyday.. I have to feed him my BM to stop it..wonder if anyone is the same?
their massage is not very pain lar.. is my breast that she massage.. is already in pain liao. but then bo choice. cus choke liao. so she massage lor. and its pain.. then sometimes she will massage abit hard cus its damn choke lor! lolx

for me. i will put in the warmer.. is best put in the fridge or a cooler box beside u(thats what i always do)! cus im lazy too hahah normally if my BM i see no have little patches in the bottle i will give my gal to drink. cus have little patches meaning put outside too long liao.. i will throw lor.
ya.. my baby hiccup everyday.. especially after feeding. sometimes after feeding will give her a little bit of water to drink.. 1 is the clear her mouth. cus her touge so many milk on it. 2nd is to cure her hiccup lor. i heard doc told me. sometimes water doesnt cure.. will disappear slowly. so sometimes i let her drink abit
ur dr use opsite spray. its like a transparent dressing. wif tt, don hav to apply plaster one.

for waterproof plaster, can go any pharmacy n ask d sales asst. tell them u wan opsite dressing - waterproof one.

my dr gave mi dermatix. for scar reduction n reduce itching one.
oh can drink water ar? coz I heard bb cant take water b4 6 mths?

ok. I will go n check... for dermatix I can just go to the pharmacy to get too?
Alamak it is getting so itchy at the wound...feel like scratching it already...
fabbie...i just sms your massage lady...hope i am not too late.

jess...EBM can be left outside for 4 hrs at room temp...i always pump in advance and just give at room temp....sometimes i will use the warmer to warm first.

merydith...my baby also always hiccup...my mum say just let him be..

i just use one hr just to express 70ml of milk...is it normal?or i am taking too long?
Iemik0 - Thanks for the advice. Btw, after the op, will the wound be covered with waterproof plaster? Do u bathe on ur 2nd day after op? I'm thinking if the wound is covered with the waterproof plaster like opsite, then it makes bathing an easier task. :p

Jes - Ya, my hubby was like how come other hospital provide free wireless network yet GlenE charges for it. Btw, u mentioned previously that u hv booked ur anesthetist. Who was ur anesthetist? Mine is an old man - Dr Edward Pang. Wonder if he's ur anesthetist too. :p
Fong2 - I've pm you my contact. pls check your mail. All the best to you too...

Jes - So you can actually go back to gleneagles to reg for the birth cert, lucky fong called to check, i was the unlucky one to go back last week when they closed the counter. Sorry if I've stressed you earlier.

Phyl - Congrats! like baby Hayden's hair....

depends on dr preference. my dr don like waterproof plaster coz she tinks cant air d wound. mine is juz normal primapore plaster.

i bath on 3rd dae juz b4 discharge. wan come home clean clean ma. hehe. nurse juz use one clear plastic bag n cover my wound area. tt's how i bath at home as well. =)
