(2008/11) November 2008

For mummies who can't take seafood, pls advise interest if other chinese food..

Activity: Seafood Dinner / Beng Thin @OCBC (Raffles place)
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)
5) jo (tues only)
6) Moomummy
7) Happydays
how come Tue-Fri now ony become Tues...

A place with round table of cos.. Beng Thin hokkien restaurant at OCBC lor.. i can get discount ther..
I typed a long msg and "IE not responding". Arghhh.

Afternoon Everyone!

Cos I realised MIL gg holiday on June 17th for 4 days so I beta be ard to make sure Lucas is doing well. Getting more and more pissed off with maid's doings.

I dunno what to say abt Nini and Lucas cos Lucas also screamed and cried loudly when we try to clear mucus in his nose.

chilipadi & minkybear,
Hope ur gal & boy are doing fine now.

bb development:
Notice alot of ur babies are now sitting w no support, flip n roll & crawl.
Lucas will be 7mths old coming Wednesday and
sit: Requires support
flip: Flip tummy down and will not flipped back.
crawl: Tempt him w something in front at a short distance .. he tried but still at same position, nt a single step forward.
Quite worried.
coconut> Beng Thin nice restaurant huh?
Is OCBC bldg near Raffles MRT? I mountain tortoise when it comes to CBD area. I nvr worked there.
u ask liao but not going then i dun wan to ans u.. whahahaaaa....
u tell me u tell me.. going 1st or not? huh huh huh???? tell me tell me...
Jo, i think lucas is just taking things slowly. dont worry too much if u really concern u can check with Pd. my boi also cant sit without ppl supporting he will automatically lie down.

lilian, coming anot? better come la peanut misses u! :p she want to hug u in person!
say liao they best of frens in the whole wide world..
re. bb development.. go look at the development booklet that u always need to bring during his medical checkup. see if he's in-line with the development progress so far not.. I know of someone;s bb who at 9mths stil can't even hold his head steadily!!
We sit together and watch show. I never watch gals' fight before woh ... cant wait... lol. I heard from my colleague before abt two ladies FIGHTING at workplace .. dunno issit pull hair kind .. haha.
Jo, *clap hands* great we sit far far away to watch hor. :p don't want to get pulled in like what peanut say she will pull me in scare...
Activity: Catfights
Date: 16th Jun
Venue: Beng Thin Restaurant @ OCBC
Fighters: Lilian, Peanut
Highly likely involved: Minkybear, Jo, Enne..
wahhaa... enne, u provide pop corn ah i provide clapper and pong pong... happening leh! Let cheer them on!

No.. bear gonna watch it live on tv from home while feeding Z cereal and milk.. i know some TCS guys, will get them to film it down and telecast on national tv.. Gosh.. hands so itchy now, going to hit the gym rite now!
Bear so u coming also right? k fix that place la peanut, at least central n also u got discount. sound like the perfect place then we can rock the house down!

thks! Pumkin you can steam or boil it after just smash it...yes u can add in BM...my boy enjoys the mag mag cup...cos he is teething..the cup is spill proof n BPA free.Wow...u give so much rubbish fd yr bb...

Mummies...have facebook share yr bb photos? Add me at [email protected]
AGGHHH!!! Z developed rashes!!! On his head is those big patches like big mozzie bite without the raised bumps. His torso also.. His chest got another type, like heat rash. He nv had such rash before.. only developed aft he started on cereal!

OH NOOOOOO... my worst fear has came true.. And i bought 3 more tins of Happy Bellies from Chillipadi!

Oh dear, you just started feed Baby Z cereal is it? How many days/feeds b4 u notice it? Normally, rice cereal is VERY unlikely to cause alleric reaction leh.. Could it be viral rash? Did u notice he got any fever these few days?
Kiki, nopes no fever.. he very happy leh...

His rash on the chest started a bit on Fri evening. very mild.. Sat morning no more liao.. then it appeared in bigger patches on Sat night.. got worse..

The rash on the head appeared only today. today is the 3rd day of cereal! 1.5 teaspn today with less BM so it was more pasty...

I know rice is very unlikely to cause rash.. but him being my son, i m not surprised. I m allergic to 78 different things myself, inclding soy, wheat, chicken, pork, beef, salmon, rice flour etc.
Hopefully the gathering is on 16 Jun, Tuesday so that I can join. Else I wont be getting tix for the catfight show anymore.

can not imaging how scared and how hurt your heart was!!!

few weeks ago, it was nearly happen to my baby. I was changing my boy's diaper as usual. when I have my both hands on the diaper, he turned, and his whole body went down the bed (i sleep the out part of the bed, next to baby cot), then I get hold of his leg immediately, so his head didn't touch the floor. my God. I was sooo shocked. it was far too quick before I can think. just catch whatever I can to stop him falling down. from then, i would never leave him alone on my bed. i always put him in his cot.

snnowy & rainbowcandybaby,

I have added you two on my face book.

Now, i'm too busy to come in and post. even have hard time to read all the messages. every day I am doing the catching up =(
Usually if it's food allergy will show up very fast one right? Just a thought, could it be Roseola or Fake Measles? Althought u mentioned that Z had no fever.

Got alternate PD to see?

My baby got very mild viral rash last time and we noticed no fever at all, still as playful...
Hi Ladies,
My avocado finally ripen and i gave it to my girl today. Gave her about half of it and i got to finish the other half. Eek..dun like avocado in this plain form. Prefer avocado shake with gula melaka. but after that i found a red rash thingy on the side of her mouth. Wonder if it's actually an allergy. Probably got to try again and see if the rash still develop.

How come the dinner gathering become a fighting match? lol. Is that part of entertainment to attract more mummies to the dinner?

Yippee! My first foods book was delivered to me today!

My gal also very strong, can kick away the pillows and bolsters surrounding her. Really very unsafe. Luckily ur gal is alright.

Friso 2 got gd promo at Giant. Friso 2 plus free frisocreme (wheat based or rice based) at $28.95. Promo ending end of the mth.

Kiki, ya i have heard or roseola. don't think it is cos as u said, he had no fever.. and the rash is not the same. He has 2 types of rashes, one like heat rash and the other big patches..

Food allergy rashes dun have to be immediate. could be chronic like me.. take a few days for the body to think that the new food antigen is 'bad' and reacts it. then the rash develops...

Sigh.. why my PD chose this time to go away? i dunno anymore PDs leh.. SIGH SIGH SIGH...
