(2008/11) November 2008

<font color="119911">looks around suspiciously.. thinks to herself *is that god speaking to me? hmmmmm*</font>

<font color="ff6000">Aiyo, i am ah sam with no day off, no AL, no MC, no pay, 24hr on standby leh, my boss won't let me off</font>

so its true Dr Anthony no accept phone appt one issit?? i wan to go see him hor hav to be on weekend and len need to ask my fren who lives upstairs to help me queue wahahaa....

no slipper in obbice.. so gotto wear my colleague's giant one.. sibey cartoon..
I am a big fan of MJ too! Used to play weekly b4 the birth of #2.Now hands itchy oso cannt play

The stupid PS3 lo.Keep playing tat day and nt helping me with the housechorses.Ans jus his luck cos me having PMS too.
You knw lar,when we (woman) are busy with housechores and babies,and they (men) shaking legs at the other end.See liao buay tahan one lo! Keep telling me later later... like waiting for the SUN to drop down!
And machiam they are kings,waiting for the maids to do the jobs.Like Waiting for me to tell him 'lift your legs!',when i was mopping the flr! Arghhhhh...
u only have one colleague nia ah?? next time leave a pair of slipper in ur office la. JUST IN CASE! kaka.. cartoon for all while den buy new pair can hao lian liao...
You must call in advance to book.
Normally their booking are full for those babies taking jabs de.Everytime i will go Q early morning or late evening,then waiting time wont be too long.
If you taking nini for jab,jus giv them a call in advance at least a wk.
haha.. ur kah so small nia... mine will be elephant as compare to u... is it v difficult to get ur size?
peanut> sama sama. outsourcing for a new man too.. got extra intro over.. cos my place here no bird will lay egg...
Morning mummies,

i can imagine how awkward when u are walking just now.. Sure attract some passerby right? And also the big slipper, LOL..

Go get some liang teh to cool down..
aiyo, men are always like that de.. Hey, u shd let him handle the kids now and u sit one side and (kiao kah).. Make him suffer mah..
haa.. so now me,peanut and alibaba want to look for new man! Anymore wanna join in??

No use de!You alrdy said men are always like tat.He suffered oso like awhile nia.do liao oso like tat.
Since he likes to touch his gamestick,then dun touch my kids lor.I asked him go kiss,play and slp with the game!Dun touch us!
<font color="ff6000">peanut
my boss cannot fire wan leh.. *scratches head*

Man? what man? i hear someone talking abt a man? HahHhahAhaha</font>
u v dirty minded lei.. why mus split cost.. we not getting duck lei.. aiyo... bb L's mommy...

i super attracted to single eyelid men.. but hor.. not al single eyelid man i like lei.. the shape of the eyes mus b e type i like oso... and len of cos the nose sharp one better and mouth cannot b why why one.. and yes i no like men with big pigu..
i dun even dare to look at people!! i jus walk as fast as i could.. thou i really cant walk fast.. but i know at my building a man really saw my shoe cos by then it almost fall off liao.. sibey lao kui..

anibaba me happy and enne wil go men shopping soon.. so exciting
i love my hubby partly becos of his single-eyelids too.. but after al these years, other than the eyelids, al other stuffs change shape liao..
haha.. u walk with ur eyes looking forward oni.. no side looking for u. But sure there r many ppls looking at u bcos of ur paikah walking.. sibey paiseh too if i am u.

but hor, since this is his pattern, u both hv to comminicate. Otherwise things will always b the same, then u hv to do all the work yourself!
who say abt duck..

we purely just making friend.. go out walk shop only ma.. alibaba, happy hor??

peanut-u then dirty dirty lo.
He will help to do the work normally cos we each hav duties assigned since married.
Me hor.. see dirty liao cannt tahan one.So like to do it quick quick and get it done fast.So when i was doing the work,hoping him to do too and help out with it.But hor,he sat there tat day playing happily.Me see liao.. Buay tahan lor!

LOL! Then even if u get a new man, he will change shape aft a few yrs too!
buay lao kui la.. haha.. u jus walk normal... look at the ppl who look at u lor... tell them STARE WAT STARE!! lolz
Morning mummies,
Your posts are so funny.I was reading and laughing away.

ur shoe size so small nia.
So sad, my shoe size upgraded from 5 to 6 after giving birth. I wonder if I give birth to #2, will upsize some more or not..:~~
enne> small feet wear shoe nice. but if too small harder to find size. hehe.. i guess she can even wear kids size shoes..
Me also shoe size 3.5 to 4. Sometimes really diff to get shoes in my size. Their smallest is still too big, end up always got to buy insoles and insert them in. Raining then very jialet cos shoes kept slipping off.

Relax, i understand how u feel cos my hb sometimes like that also. then i purposely do housework and make lots of noise to show my displeasure. Sometimes he will see me face black black and help me with the chores. But not all the time will work. He say why i always find the house dirty and need to clean. Think his threshold for dirt very high!
Hope ur bb will get well soon.

Small feet got gd and bad. Gd is can buy track shoes in children size and children price. lol.
Hi mummies, so busy lately, I didn’t have a chance to post. Been reading tho, all the stories abt mahjong, cat-fights &amp; avocados.

Also saw tt babyzel &amp; peanut finally cut their avocados but peanut’s wasn’t ripe enough. Avocado is v nutritious tho, hi in EFA’s, vits &amp; minerals. My Gerard’s milk intake has slowed down to abt 2/3 of before he started solids. but he’s still round cos of all the solid food he’s been taking, abt 50% more than the other 2. He loves avocado w milk.

Still house-hunting, I really wonder when I will ever move house.

Wonder whether Jenn has a better job to recommend me too. Sigh.

Oh yes, I stumbled upon Nikki too, (remember her) while trying to buy cheap friso 2.

I am so tired.

Sorry, did anybody ask me anything?

Yen, u're back
do u still work in raffles place or was it u who moved?
Babyzel, Happy
Think most men are like that, will find ways to escape from housework.
My HB will be glued to the tv, especially when the kids soiled themselves.
Sai very terrible meh??
wow.. babyzel your feet oso small small!
Ya.. old folk said small feet very hao ming!
hmm.. tink i shld tie my gal's feet then next time she oso hao ming.

Actually kids shoes are more exp than adult de.Most of my gal's shoe is more exp then mine!
Just bought a pair of pediped for my boi,can buy me 2 pairs of high heels ley.*heart pain*

haiz.. same lo.He even asked why i need to mop the flr everyday!
I asked him back why he needs to bath twice a day!!!
Same same. : ) My hb also very scare of bb's poo poo. He never change diaper for bb for so long liao. Think he only helped during the 1st mth. That's why mother's day is a bigger event than father's day.

Friso 2 at giant got promo. A tin with frisocreme(worth $7) is $28.95. You can go buy.

Hopefully this myth is true for me. I also want to be "hao ming", relax at home and got $$$ to spend. Haha.

We mopped the floor also for their comfort mah. Somemore got kids, must clean up more often.
I looking at the bulk purchase. All the party supplies look soooo pretty and nice. Can't wait to celebrate my girl's 1st birthday! Going to be really interesting if we can have a big celebration for all our bbs in this thread. Keke.
Gd Afternoon mummies!

Notice got fight goin on ar....I become referee can? LOL!!! This one wat kind of fight? If pulling hair, scratching aka cat fight, shiok leh..but hor must not let our babies see. Hahah..

Wah, u all got your own PD, I just go to GP, Dr. Ho at Kai clinic. I went there since I was born, till now I got baby and he's still as nice as ever. Somemore i invite him to my wedding... :) So the other day when bb got fever and the other works, I brought her there and she's recovering. I was recommended by SIL to go baby and child clinic at Tampines but gosh, long wait and bill amounted to $80! wah piang..lucky can claim a bit.

Hub and I went all the way to Tangs Orchard to buy U-Like blender..it's fantastic. The lady even tell me the recipe to make soya bean drnik, which obviously i didn't try to remember cos i wanna chope2 and buy. She mentioned you can make very nice sambal belachan with the blender but i told her i just wanna make bb food..hahaha... It's really good, got the info from this forum...go buy!
dat would b nice..u noe im still thinking how to celebrate her first birthday. Im sure she wouldn't remember but there's always pics right?
Oh yes!!
Wanna ask, where to get a nice diaper bag? U noe like those style mylo one? Im going for a wedding and I want something nice not my backpack!!!! Sigh.. I saw Kate Spade..not nice leh...Coach one looks normal...LV ex ex

We got our U-Like blender from Fifi. But hor, she nvr demo to us how to make sambal belachan leh.

Wah, u ladies so hardworking, mop everyday! I mop once a wk de. pai sey....
