(2008/11) November 2008

mornin mummies!!

rainbowcandybaby,mummyzeal: thanks for the advice on the bb jar food! will prob go buy some today to try! hope bb will like it..

mummyzeal, sent u the foodchart! and added u too!

snnowy, added u too!

Haru, bb K's bum is all better! I'm hoping it wasn't the avacados but just a diaper rash... u are rite on the carrots! i also had to steam for half hour! if not too hard... Think im also gonna try pumpkin next! will try n go to the supermkt today!!

mosh, i also think its better to feed bb cereal from a spoon rather than adding to milk bottle.. ( my mil also asked me to do that) but as lilian said... thats an old ppls thinking!

my mil use high pressure cooker cook the apple+pear.. actually i wonder if there's still any vitamin left cos she'll keep the juices for us to drink then blend the apple and pears into puree for bb.. -_-.. but bb stil loves it thou..
SOmetimes hor i find her toking cock.. she like to comment the way i do stil got nuitrition left not but then hers seems worst..
aiyorz.. got a few cases from mummies here why u stil leave her on the bed. did u put pillows around? good thing she's ok.. tsk tsk
When i leave mine on bed, i hav to b extra careful now cos she's real active.. flip flip + crawling + sometimes her arms are quite strong she can "jump" forward like a frog! hahaaa...
Chilipadi, my boi fell from mattress yesterday as well! quite a shock for him thank goodness is nt from a v tall height cause the mattress is place on the floor bt still a short height of 10cm. he hit his head first then landed on his face flat. ya he cried for a while too. checked for bruises don't have any. was quite worried too bt since he can drink n eat and still quite happy we left him be. this morning check on him he is stil quite ok. hope all is fine too we didnt call the pd. Glad Emma is ok.

Peanut, ya they can really move v quickly.my boy fell i was actually beside him just that i happen to turn around to place something on his cot and this happen. was less then a min actually. scary...
oh dear!!! glad Megan is ok now. actually i am guilty of putting my bb on my bed to nap too (surrounded with lotsa big pillows and i check every 5 mins if i am not napping with her). coz she can't seem to nap long in her own cot. but i tried to let her nap in her own cot yesterday and she woke up after like 15 mins. but i really wanna get her adjusted to napping in her own cot too.

actually wat i normally do is feed bb some milk first (bout half bottle or one side latch) then followed by cereal and then milk. normally she would still take milk after cereal. this weekend i tried giving her carrots so i gave that before the cereal. but i think as she gets more used to veg/fruits i will prob give that separately if not it seems like alot to feed in one seating..=P

Thanks for your schedule

Just tried giving 2 scoops of cereal with 1 scoop of milk to bb, she loves it

MIL barking me to feed bb porridge again, haiz.. told her not to hurry, bb only just turn 6 mths this week mah.

Chilipadi, Minkybear
Gosh! Glad your bbs are ok. Nowadays my bb also very active on bed, flipping all over, have to be very careful now.
Lilian, blustar, Haru

Yah, guess adding cereal to milk is the old way of doing. But sometimes feel very stress abt it cos MIL keep nagging me and says my niece already taking porridge by this time, sigh!

Anyway, will try giving her milk, follow by cereal lor. She loves it just now and that is after a full milk feed! So suprised that she still can almost finish the cereal wor..haha...
so we cook the apple in water? I wanted to try giving apple puree but don't know how? I thought if boil in water then no more vitamin. Can we give raw?
yup i understand t stress from MIL. I am fortunate tat I dun live with mine coz I can foresee a lot of disagreement. Actually onli last Sat, she told my HB to mix cereal with milk (in bottle) after he told her bb not too keen on cereal -_-"
If she knows I am giving fruit/vege puree stuff to bb, she might tink i siao... cos in their era, they straightaway give porridge de.
Lucky HB listen to me

coconut, hay, i tink pressure cooker is OK ma. Its suppose to retain vitamins better than traditional method cos of t faster cooking time.
Yo coconut, is nini (i was typing nono at first..) taking Enfalac Stage 2 or change FM huh?
My stage 1 left 2 tins.. dunno whether to chg
oh pleeeeease.. i dun like nono.. he's fat and ugly!
Nini stil taking stage 1, e tin left with abt 1/3 liao.. aft this may try her on the free tin of Friso stage 2 see how.. But understand we need to change slowly?? issit start off with 1 feed of stage 2 and slowly increase? not mixed with stage 1 powder rite?

u stil got 2 tins then of cos finish liao 1st mah.. anyway stage 1 can actually drink until 1year old
I put alot of pillows and bolsters around her but she damn bloody strong lah for that small frame. somemore she had jab on friday so wanted her to sleep better since she can't sleep long in the cot. Like Haru's baby, emmma will wake up once i put her down. my hb so angry wif me that when we went to my mum's place yesterday he ask my mum to scold me. Luckily my mum did not...

Minkybear, glad that baby is also ok. Cannot imagine if anything bad happen to them. Tonight we are also going to lower the cot cos' emma is now trying to pull herself up to stand. The babies are all now reaching the very precarious stage learning to stand.
Chilipadi, ya hope all is well. actually angry at myself for nt "saving" him before the fall.
How is your hives? still as bad?
yah thou for pressure cooker its faster but imagine aft tt e water become apple juice liao.. tt means most vitamin/minerals also in e juice liao rite?? then the puree also not much use already wat.. i feel like telling her this but then decide to forget abt it.. haiz..
u know for brown rice cereal we need to add water then bring to boil one.. we normally add some frisocream wheat cereal so wil taste nicer cos the brown rice itself not much taste one.. so for me i'll add the wheat cereal and bring to boil.. his mum can actually ask me like tt the wheat cereal stil nuitritous meh cos her method is to add only after the brown rice is cooked.. wat she toking... its e same wat.. and i find my method better cos it'll be much smoother whereas for hers, the cereal wil become crumby
And len, i use room temp water to make milk cos my bb seems to prefer tt then she say like tt seems to her the milk powder not cooked and not nuitritous.. -_-
Chilipadi and Minky: Glad your bb are OK! Ever since my boy fell from bed, now I nvr dare to leave him even for a few seconds..somemore now they are learning how to crawl even more dangerous gosh...we must really be careful!

Yen: Just tried apple puree for the 1st time yesterday! I steamed it with the skin for abt 5-10 min then scrap off the skin. Followed the 'First Foods' book

Lilian: My baby also gave a funny face when eating the apple!! haa..but i think for mine, it was a bit sourish..

Blustar: U going Perth end of this mth? Self drive? Me shld be going in mid-end Aug...by then bb will eat porridge..so wondering how to bring food over hmm
-_-.. my bb also really torture me lately.. jus Fri nite i slept with her she can wake up and whine for more than 10 times!!!! She was in her cot and i mentioned earlier these days she always subconsiously flip and then wake up and whine. I really dunoe wat to do lei.. hope this is jus a phase then this bad hibit no more.. Sat nite no choice i put her sleep in her giant rocker then slightly better... wake up and whine around 5-6 times.. -_-
Afternoon mummies...

How's lunch? Had delicious Bak Chor Mee @ HFC ;)

My boy was caught with mild Bronchitis since last week. Sigh, fever comes and goes, comes and goes. He can't really sleep well (due to coughing) and super phlegmy. Brought him to PD to suck out his phlegm but still alot.. got to confined at home for about a week or so... tired... now working from home

Glad that your babies are okie now. I can understand it totally =) Nowadays babies tend to move very fast, really have to keep our eyes 'fixed' on them, can't even blink
yah avocado with apple puree.. interesting hor..
i tink e avocado itself taste yucky.. thou understand most babies stil love taking it alone.
din know HFC got nice ba chor mee lei... -_-

Can blink lah but mus blink superfast lor.. tts wat i do.. hahaha.a. i can imagine lei.. mus hav looked v comical blinking so fast
Btw mummies, if your baby is drinking on Friso 2, I saw Vivo City Giant have promotion buy Friso 2 900gm, comes with a free tin of frisocream rice cereals.
Haha, it's the 'Eat' eathouse, next to Bento eathouse @ 1st floor lah, standard ok lah (still prefer Bedok FengShan one thou). I everything also call delicious one mah..

<u>Baby Chart</u>
No update today. Mummies any new updates pls let me know .. consolidation in progress...
you change my name huh...
donno why babies these days are so fussy hor... emma cry while sleeping and we donno why until we hear her fart. so now a days, when she starts to whine in her sleep, we jus watch her and see if she stops. if she does, we leave her but when she is hungry, she will jus cry non stop.

Minkybear, don't be so hard on urself. My hives now under control with antihistamine. I also avoid prawn, sotong cos' it causes the hives to come faster. I now standby antihistamine in my handbag so when I know it's coming I pop one.

yah... must be very careful now lor... if not my stupid hb will make noise again
Ya, start with one feed of Stage 2.
If u want to try Friso Stage 2.. i tink u can start now since u only left 1/3 time of Enfalac.
Wat if nini doesn't like Friso, and u dun have any Enfalac left??
For apple, u try steam la, like tat more nutrient retain
U no like nono, then how abt kangkang? hehe..
I prefer Chen HanDian. Hahah.. He's funnie

chilipadi>> Aiyo.. I usually leave bb K on bed, with pillow around her. Now i have to be cautious!
Thx for sharing t info here.
eeeww.. the one opp mac ah.. i never tried tt before cos my colleague ever say e food ther not v nice..

yah i tink steaming is still better.. at least u're assured all e good stuffs r still locked in ther.. not like my nini, may hav taken useless stuffs al this while
who is chen handian?? i so seldom watch variety shows now.. esp those taiwan ones..
Apple steaming - she already make 1 whole lot of puree and put in fridge liao. If i now steam apple she sure offended
Difficult to change people's mind that easy.
My mum also feed my boy cereals in milk bottle. She ask me not to give bottle puree, she says no good.
My mil also the same. Feed water must feed in milk bottle. OMG! So many rules.

Changing to stage 2 milk,
The friso sales person told me need to change alternate feeds wor. Says 5 feeds a day, 3rd feed is stage 2 milk. Then 2nd day, 3rd and 5th, slowly change like tat. Not by mixing stage 1 and stage 2.
Kiki, ya stressful nw he also don't like to be place on the bummer mat alone to play he will cry u need to accompany him then he will sit there to play...

Peanut, ya interesting. me havent even start on my pumpkin. guess will have to do it tonight. wonder hw pumpkin puree taste like.
of cos freshly made ones are better than bottle purees lor.. so i agree with ur mum..
My mil also start of by giving cereal in bottle.. She did this to ALL kids she looked after. Only thing my nini special.. fussy on bottle tts y she no choice use spoon lor.. i shd count tt as blessing in disguise.
I do agree with my mum on this.
Sleep... me 2..Gd for you. Ur nini likes this way. Its better to feed with spoon although messy.

2 mummies, 2 different ways.
Ahlama, headache. 1 day my brain goes cross wired. Long story...
Yeah., hibernating... zzzzzzzz

He loves it lah.. nv push anything out of his mouth.. eat finished liao cry and cry.. want more cereal, dun want milk.
wow he no phew out ah.. good progress lei.. my nini took abt 3days before she can take in better.
u gave him 1 tbs for the start?
hello mummies...

baby is recuperating..fever's gone, sore throat's gone, left with cough and flu. yest she can even cough out her phlegm! amazing..heh.

Kiki..i dun think i gif u full details leh..
my bb born on 11nov. feeding similac, cereal and solid.
bear..dun give up...my bb at first reject cereal.i change to solid, then after few days come back to cereal she okie,..dun give up k!!!
My b's flu stil hanging ther... keep liu piti, esp aft she cries.. and she simply HATES us touching her nose whenever we try to clean the mucus off.. I tried to put in the nose drop to clear her block nose and she screamed like going to get slaughtered like tt..
Chillipadi...glad ur bb okie..

Mummies! I've got the same prob as u..bb will cry at night, refused to sleep...until fart...
she got stomach pain ler.. not the pangsai kind lah.. u rub oil on her.. for mine, is the traditional malay oil which works. rub on her belly button and around it. Behind, rub oso..then coax her to sleep..I noe this is tough..will take sometime..after that she will sleep. Must be patient.. :)
mummy2nia, bear's bb love cereal.
peanut, nini still sick ah... poor thing. seen doc? must eat more apple to keep the doctor away.
peanut..my bb same oso..heheh..when give medicine, it's like torture to her. She will cry and cry..aiyoh..my heart pain leh but i noe i gotto give lah..so choice.

ah minky
tt time we brot her to doc for her flu and cough.. now no more cough liao so we only continue with the flu med.. but dun see much effect leh.. The apple.. i suspect all good stuffs gone into the juice for the adults so she only taking the useless puree
