(2008/11) November 2008

Bear, aiyo my PD knock off already.. dunno any good PD that opens this late..
maybe baby z is really 'unlucky' to inherit that from u ... is he feeling uncomfortable or anything? If ok .. maybe stop feeding him cereal for few days and see how first... ?

Kiki, Z is already aslp liao.. he slps at 8pm..

He seems ok lah.. still happy to me.. nv notice him scratching though.. but his milk intake dropped to 680ml when usually its abt 800-850ml. might be the cereal hence milk intake dropped.

Anyway i live in the east.. so must be a PD nearby..
Paiseh, looks like my database is outdated one like its owner.. missed out one little baby on her birthday... so sorry! *bash bash long bia!*

<font color="9944CC">– – – –• (- • (Happy Belated 6th Month Birthday Baby Evangeline &amp; Great Mummy BlessedMum) • -) •– – – –</font>

Any weight/height to update? Started solid already?
Maybe you can source out PDs(East Area) in the threads at SMH? Probably be able to get some gd recommendation.See whether u can bring baby Z to pd early tmr. Asap.
hey mummies,
what a HOT day!!!

re:babies getting mobile
my baby loves to keep flippin when changing diaper, drying up after bath,dresing up, etc..so now always have a mad struggle with her when changing diaper. when hubby is home he can help to distract by entertaining her. but when i am alone, its hard to distract her no matter what i offer her, she still wanna flip. so end up she will scream and cry coz i keep flipping her back on her back. end up i heart soft after that and keep patting her to pacify her and keep telling her that mama just wanna change diaper and help her get clean..=P

oh dear, hope its not an allergy coz its really rare for babies to be allergic to cereal.

maybe dun give baby R the avacado again till you tried some other fruits? then try again a lil later? finally ur book arrived!! yipeee!

now i only change my baby on the floor or on my bed in a spot where she can't roll off (near the wall, headboard etc). think i need to ask mum not to change bb on the couch anymore coz she is super quick when flipping now!
fed bb some steamed pumpkin today.... 4 hours later he puked everything out... ON ME!! showered again only to realise my hair also smelt of the puke... so showered again + washed hais AGAIN!! wonder if this means the pumpkin did not settle well with him at all? not sure if i should try again tomorrow or hold off till he is older.... any mummies have this experience with pumpkin or certain types of food? felt so heart pain to see so bb vomit so much
he also pooed at the same time and it was a super huge pumpkin poo... but bb was still smiling happily with puke all over his face! Probably felt so happy that everything came out!

Bear, hope your bb's rashes get better! hope its not the rice cereal that's causing it....
which PD u go to? Maybe u can try Paediatric at 139 tampines st 11, Dr Lee. I think she is gd. If i rem correctly, kash also bring her children to dr lee. Her clinic no is 67838743.

Donut vs lilian,
hmm, i think donut will win but i'll bet on lilian...

bb falling off the bed,
my naughty boi always try to crawl down my platform bed and managed to do it until he is in standing position. I also scared that he will fall off one day.
Thanks for ur concern ladies.. I will hold off cereal the next couple of days. if the rash subsides, then it is the cereal for sure.

Blustar, I dun think it is the rice per se, but the additives in there. Happy Bellies has probiotics added, plus other stablisers etcs. Saw that there is even DHA added!! may be it is those things that are causing the rash. Anyhow i learnt that i can make my own rice cereal. Seems like a lot of work so i will try another brand and see how before doing it myself.

Bibi, that's my PD lor.. she is away.
i go to her aft Kash's recommendation. she is a very gd PD.

What do i eat? hahaha.. when my test results came back, the Prof that did the test was shocked at the number of things i m allergic to. He told me since i m allergic to so many things, eating a balanced meal is more impt than avoiding those food. For me i m allergic to the raw form so i make sure my food is well cooked all the time. But i still have probs like a perpetual runny nose and ezcema all over my body.
just for fun, i m also allergic to selar fish, wheat flour, pineapple, crabs, prawns, squids, cockroach, cabbage, cow's milk, cow's epithelial, dog and cat fur, all 9 species of dustmites in the world, 21 types of mold and pollens..

did u mash the pumkin until very fine like puree? dun worry too much...maybe u try again few days later? must give some water to yr baby...


wah...so many food n things u allergy....
Hey bear,
For your ezcema, you can try batheing in water boiled with dried bittergourd roots. My cousin inlaw had very bad ezcema and my aunty made him bathe in the bittergourd water for 2 wks and now it's gone. When emma had ezcema as well, I did that too and it went away. My brother recommended it to his fren who also had a bad case of ezcema. apparently the 1st few times after he showered with the bittergourd water, when he went to past motion, his stools were black in color. he has been using it for a month now and it's heping his condition. his ezcema is the type whereby the skin look very dry and raw.

I hv asked my mum to boil the water for me to bathe, hopefully it will help with my hives.

The other option you can look at is the NAET treatment which my god daughter is undergoing. Not sure if you heard of it. You can read it here on her blog http://jtheodas.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html

hope the above info helps....
Bear, looks like we share some of the allergies.. my allergies include cockroaches, cat fur, dustmites, molds and pollens. keke.

Rashes - my baby gal also looks like got rash after i feed sweet potato, but all along i tot its heat rash. How does allergy rash looks like? And when i apply California baby candula cream, then the rash will go away. 2days after i stop cream, it comes back tho.

Diaper Rash - how does this looks like too? recently baby's butt got a bit of rash and it bled a tiny bit. 2dots, like needle dots.. i wonder if its diaper rash or food allergy rash?

Blustar, thanks i've received the food chart! And confirmed u on fb too.

Meat - when do we start feeding meat? Anyone tried?
she just came back frm holiday early this month. she really know how to enjoy life. or u can try raffles at tampines 1. my neighbour always bring his kids there. think lilian also bring bb k there.
Bear-hope Z gets better soon, that time my #1 develop hives, I panicked like crazy but dunno what allergy causing it, in the end we deduce it to be dustmites maybe from 7mth burning incense.
Goode Morning!

Bear, How's Z today? Wa sai.. u allergy to so many stuff! Poor u
Ya, my PD is at Raffles, Tampines One, Dr Lim. But hor, t clinic layout kuku one. Normal GPs shares t same place, so many viruses there.

Bibi, thx for supporting me! *kiss kiss*

Enne, I think your tatoos all fake one. Ur bet payout screw up one. How can Hot Fav get 1:10???
Lilian-EHHHH.. shd be opposite hor.. paiseh.. 'rusty' liao.. just 'chong chu jiang hu' so a bit blur. hahaa..

Spin-grass ah?? kekeke.
morning mumz!

rainbowcandybaby, yep i mashed it and sieve till fine... but he still vomited it! then this morning he woke up was coughing alot
waiting for 9am to call PD and see if can go down... hope he will be ok cos we are flying off this sat liao! saw in my fb u asked where im from? hehe... from singapore la!! saw from your pics your bb sits by herself very well! can even sit on those rides by herself! my boy still needs support while sitting.. actually he dont like to sit! always extend his legs straight when we try to put him sitting...!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Good morning Ladies!</font>

Wa, i heard got fight wor.. who emerged the winner ah? hehehhehe </font>
Lilian-not 'chow' hor.. its 'rusty' only!!!!

AdenMummy.. Lilian is dark horse. peanut is hot fave.. see which u support.
<font color="119911">Bibi
Looking for mahjong kaki ah? HeheHe, i would love to join u! but needa find someone take care of my "boss" then can.. hahhaha..

Hope that you've recovered from the bad scare and Emma is fine

My PD is at the forum, Dr Tan Siew Pin. If you are desperate to find a good PD, but her rates are pretty steep, but very popular.
<font color="119911">blustar
Yeah! She's very patient der hor.. u made an appt with guek hong already ah? heng they managed to slot u in, if not sometimes i go, woah, its packed with ang mohs! hahha</font>
Lousy day... my heels berchak!! All the way from serangoon mrt to hbf i walk like a baika. Then finally at my building ground floor i could walk no more, gotto get my colleague help bring a slipper down.. and hers is so huge!!! so i super cartoon... -_-

tok abt it man.. now its a struggle putting on clothes and diaper for my bb.. she'll scream like hell cos we're restricting her movements. Even let her pang sai these days also make me sweat.. keep twisting and moving then aft tt starts to whine..

btw wat causes u to hav so many allergies ah? inherit? or last time ur mum started u too soon on solids..
Hope Z is not allergic to the food lor or else v mafan one.. gotto b eatra careful and picky on wat he eats nex time.
Aden'sMummy, yeah i called this morning at 9.15am and they had one slot left at 10.15am!! Thank God! yeah agree many ang mos... but also quite alot of locals!! think cos of the location @ forum....but if got appt don't have to wait long.. which is great!
My PD:
no fixed one lei... started off with Dr Keoy at TMC but always queue so long then change to Dr Koh from AMK bb&amp;child clinic. Very senior doctor but tend to be more conservative.. ie try not to giv med if not necessary.. Then another fren recommends Dr Anthony at Hougang.. seen him once only.. quite good but the queue too long and not able to call in for appt..
Alamak.. for AMK/Bishan/TPY area any other good ones to recommend?
<font color="119911">peanut
So suay ah? maybe its a sign? or maybe kenna sabotaged? heheee, ok, i'm sprouting nonsense, this is what lack of sleep does...

Yes, thankfully if you've got an appt, you dun have to wait.. unlike another PD i 1st went to @ SK, omg, with an appt i still waited more than 1hr plus admist a class of cranky/sick children. Swear never to go back there again. Not sick also will go back crazy..</font>
good morning mummies!
Was busy these past days.Having hot war with my hb since weekend till nw bcos of the stupid GAMES!!! Arghhh...
So i am doing everything myself,not wanting any help from him at all.When he wanna bath or change my kids,i snatch over and do it myself.Since he dun wan to help me tat day,then dun touch my kids at all!

Dr Anthony is both my kids PD.I find him v gd and patient with kids.Although the Q is long,worth to wait.
And whenever my elder gal is sick,she must go let him 'touch' with his magic hands then will recover.Tried a few times,bring her to another PD,giving the same medi,but still wont recover de.Very funni!

Alamake did i miss the War btw lilian and peanutssss???
morning mummies

cat fights orh.. interesting.. nv see before.

peanut> u so sway ah today..u dont have a pair of slipper in office?? wear urs la.. &amp; later it's time to shop for new pair of heels .
morning mummies!

oh dear, hope baby K is ok and its not the pumpkin that caused it. my mum is gonna let baby H try pumpkin today.

ya, now its a tall order trying to get her diapers on. plus she wears bumwear at home which is even more challenging to put on her if she doesnt lay on her back. its like a challenge to see who is faster!hahah..

Re: U-Like blender
i think quite a few mummies are using this? my mum is thinking of getting it coz she saw it i think at Tang and feels like getting it for preparing baby's food..any reviews (ease of use, washing, etc)?
Morning mummies!

That's a lot of stuffs u are allergic to and can't eat. Then u usually eat home cooked food or buy outside. Outside food quite diff to buy in ur case right?

Did u feed ur baby slowly and make sure he swallowed well before the next spoonful? Hope he's feeling better.

Aden's mummy/Bibi,
I just saw someone mentioned mahjong. I'm a big fan. But now play only once in a blue moon. When i was preggy, i played every fri night till late and stopped 3 weeks b4 delivery.
peanut> its a bad omen.. hehe
Time to get new shoes lor.

alibaba/aden'sM, u 2 another 2 kaypos. Pls get your tix from piekia Enne. Seats are limited.
<font color="119911">Enne
Hehe, good one! Keep the shoe to thrash her opponent ah...

good excuse to go shopping!

Tell me abt it, i used to play so very often, until i got preggas, then keep going to the toilet, then stop.. then baby come out, no time to play, i dun even think i can rem how to 'mo pai' liaoz.. sobzzzz
sorry.. category 1 VIP seats are taken by me, Jo, Bear. (unable to free more space due to space constraint, needed for the 'battle zone'.

category 2 still available.
Aden's mummy,
2 of my MJ kakis now also preggers. 1st tri. think after they give birth, nobody will have time for mj liao. Speaking of which i will be arranging a game with them in 2 weeks time. Keke.

Go shop for ur shoes. Gd time to go shopping. Heng u work in HFC, can get ur shoes easily.
<font color="119911">Enne
Cat 2 issit sitting behond Cat 1? If yes, then i want. then i can kick/tap/stretch my feet and enjoy the show.. hahhahhah </font>
For mummies who can't take seafood, pls advise interest if other chinese food..

Activity: Seafood Dinner / Beng Thin @OCBC (Raffles place)
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)
5) jo (tues only)
6) Moomummy
7) Happydays
8) Aden'sMummy
9) Enne
10) NiNian

For mummies who can't take seafood, pls advise interest if other chinese food..

Activity: Seafood Dinner / Beng Thin @OCBC (Raffles place)
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)
5) jo (tues only)
6) Moomummy
7) Happydays
8) Aden'sMummy
9) Enne
10) NiNian
11) Babyzel
