(2008/11) November 2008

I gotten a HP as present. This present is for last year birthday + Mother's Day + this year birthday.
How nice hor... (F*H#()%F*$%@

pam> my 1st mother day>> at BKK.. spending his $$.. no care.. knowing he will act blur.. & he said ask from my son.. ignorant man.. & keep asking me wan buy wat for his mother.. bot my mum & his mum a dior eye shadow palatte.. not cheap lor..
kash..Crocs wat u buy that can top up to $225? wat kind of shoes they have, got Suedues Alice or Santa Cruz bo? I going down to pick up my pre-select shoes tomm.. Plus c anything I wan in additional. Dont noe those I interested have bo...

Anyone wan lobang? know people there so no need to queue..hengz..

But how is the snatching of shoes part har? That is the only part I scare.
I see, i see.. Thks ya! There is once i went (cannot remb wat brand), all are rejects from shopping centres cos the boxes are either torn or squashed. See already so sian..

Hehe, at least hp still a decent gift!!
really ah? ma fan anot? saw webbie sponge bob kids cayman is cute leh...if dun have den no preference.. i duno about size leh. C4/5 is for baby right. den take tat one lor. & prefer blue color ^_^
Mommy's day pressie ...
I asked my hb go buffet ... I PAY! And I ask him for Mommy's day present ... he quite broke ... initially ask mi ask from Lucas for pressie ... ask again and he ask mi take Lucas's bank book and go get what I wan. Bey tahan.

Guys ... dunnoe how to appreciate how we take care of their children.
wanna ask the mommies here, if ur bb is doing the shaking head action?like keep shaking his head. mine bb sometimes dunno wat he wans...just keep shaking his head as if on pills..haha.. very funny.. =)
any mummies already wean off bb on bf and on solids already?can share recipe and advise?tks!

mommy's day present
I din get any present from hubby..haiz..on say but no action.but we spent the evening at vivo city w our bb... just walk walk.. and gt a gd cordless deal! hehe.. not bad.. =)
Wow.. i thought I was the only mommy tt didnt get a pressie!! Have been secretly fuming inside. If he still doesnt get me a pressie by next weekend, i will use our joint account to buy me something. Give up on hinting leow. Cant wait for my daughter to grow up so the can do the shopping instead! hahaha

See lilian, mild and alibaba.. at least your hubs got sayang you lah. Jo, go get yourself something nice -- i am sure your son wont mind! hehee

Bibi, thanks for the info but did mine at the 2nd checkup after delivery leow. I can't wait for the medical industry to figure out a better way to do pap smears! it is so uncomfortable!!!
kiddy palace sale,
jumperoo is considered as offer item, no further discount will be given. jumperoo selling at $239.

pap smear,
i think i'm e one only that didn't do e test. e doc said come back after 4 mth n i forgot all abt it.

mommy's day present,
i brought my mom for dinner n my hb offered to pay half, plus an ang pow 4 her. Me nothing.

sometimes when i asked him, he always said "i always give you present mah"... his present issssssssssss sperms %^&*((&$%$ {:p}
Happy 6th Month Birthday to...

<font color="#9400D3"> °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ Baby Jalen Eden &amp; Mummy rainbowcandybaby °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸
wah.. kiki so sweet of u to remember all the bdays of all the bbs.. =)
happy 6th mth to bb Jalen Eden and mummy rainbowcandybaby. =)
so fast our bb is 6mth liao!
I also didn get any present during mother's day.. worst loi.. is our first mother's day which i think is kinda of special.. yeah that day i greatly remember is a "quarrel day". the day when i asked his mom to throw away the sofa where the bed bugs were found if those have read the earlier post.. the day where i heard from his kampong mom who say that " all pests can die under the sun".. and yeah all the things shine under the sun will be branded new again!! what a forgettable mother's day though..
hi fellow mummies
am wondering does anyone has the contact of chilipadi. if have can kindly contact her for us? she done an organic BP but missing for 4 days now. we are abit worry. could someone kindly contact her n ask her to update us? thanks
hello mummies, haven't been posting for a long time!

Kiki, thanks for updating the chart and remembering all the birthday. Can help me to update my bb's details as follows?

Nick: Krystel
BB's name: Shin
EDD: 29 Nov 08
DOB: 24 Nov 08
Height and Weight taken at 5th month: 62cm and 6.9kg
EBM + Similac

I started bb on Healthy Times Brown Rice Cereal few days back as i want to train her before i start work tmr. Quite messy! Would like to check your, after a few spoonful of cereal and follow up by milk, do your still give the full feed or will give bb lesser milk? I still give the full feed of 140 ml and she can finish it.

My new work place will be at Tg Pagar. For mummies who are also working there, it will be nice if we can meet for lunch one of these days!

Btw, i have 3 tubes of Desitin Creamy to let go at $9 each. Pls PM me if you are interested.

Have a good Sun!
Hi Earl Grey,Gal.dolphin, Bear &amp; Krystel

wishes Phoebe , Sky, Zachary &amp; Shin "Happy 6th mths..."

Phoebe same bdae with my boy 23rd nov... As for Sky, Zachary &amp; Shin are same day on 24th nov
Hi galdolphin,

bb Sky so cute ar...kw hw to shake his head...
can cook some pumkin(cut chunk) and spinach(mush cut finely).Pumkin must smash it after cook. You can steam or boil it for 10 mins until soft. Have lot of vitamins n fibres...

starting to feed semi solid is like that messy, till now my boy still eating very messy.
At first i gave half milk n half cereal, right nw 1 full feed. Then other feed of milk he drink lesser 180ml every 4hrs last time 200ml...
i gave him Japan brands baby biscuit after meal or maybe 1 hr later...
(Kiddy palace sales) Yesterday just brought a Pigeon brand training cup with sprout&amp; handle and he likes it...he's teething so he chew on it also will hold the training cup.
Add on Heinz pear juice will let him try out today after cereal...if not he always choosy on cereal flavours, every 2-3 days need to change flavours.
Hi featherg,

When I first feed my bb cereal, he also rejected. But I tried again only adding water into the cereal instead of milk then my bb started to eat the cereal maybe u can try this method. Btw, I m feeding my bb Healthy times cereal. Mayb u can try this brand.
<font size="+1">Oh so sorry, somehow the list @ my home PC is not latest one... </font>

<font color="FF5555">•°·...·°.Happy Belated 6th Month Birthday Baby Phoebe &amp; Great Mummy Earl Grey .°·...·° </font>


Happy 6th Month Birthday to
<font color="EE3388">¸¸.·*´¯`v´¯`*·.¸¸</font> <font color="8855DD"> Baby Sky (Mummy Gal.dolphin)</font>, <font color="FF22AA">Baby Shin (Mummy Krystel)</font> and <font color="5566EE"> Baby Zachary (Mummy Bear))</font> <font color="EE3388">¸¸.·*´¯`v´¯`*·.¸¸
Hee, no problem at all.. it's only 举手之劳. I free and I remember then I do lor... =)

added u on my facebook =)

<u>mummy krystel:</u>
Baby Shin data added
hi mummies! let bb try avacado this weekend but his bum area looks red... like rashes... wonder if this means he is allergic to avacado?hmmm.... maybe i will stop and try again when he is older...

jar bb food
any mummies can recommend a good brand/flavour of baby jar food? am thinking to let bb try some so i can bring for my perth holiday.. prob will be too troublesome to prepare fresh food for the trip! thanks in advance!

rainbowcandybaby.. goin to add u 2 my fb now too! love to see more bb pics
Hi blustar (kiransmumzie),

maybe yr bb is allergy lo...usually new taste try for 3-4days if got allergy then stop, next time older then give.
I brought diff kind of bb jar fd for my boy, he loves HealthyTimes brand the best...there's lot of flavours...start with veg then fruits..can mix with the cereal...more filling for the bb.

okok!!! I will go in and add u all at Facebook...

Gd nite!
hihi rainbowcandybaby,
i've added u in fb liao!!hehe.. baby Jalen Edin is soo cute! =) oh ya.for pumpkin do i have to add BM in?or i just steam and mash it then let bb eat?can advise?me just bot a slice of pumpkin,gg to to let my boy try 2molo. =) btw, u bot the mag mag cup for bb Jalen is it?it's the spout bottle is it?he loves it?can share?tks!
today fed him lots of rubbish like cake,durian and ice-cream!hahaha...
tks kiki for remembering.. so sweet of u. =)
happy 6mth bday to bb shin and bb Zac!hope mummies had a great time with them! =)
good nite to all!!=)
Hi Mommies, how much water or juice do u feed a day? I find my gal's poo very very hard.. a bit worrying. Thanks in advance for the advice!

Jumperoo, how much does it cost when its on offer? Anyone knows?
gd mrnin ladies

Cookedd mashed Potatoes
I've prepared some potatoes for my little gal. I've put some in the freezer . Juz wan to knw how long can we store the cooked mashed potatoes in the fridge ?
mornin mummies!!
me pumping away in e office now coz got a meeting to attend later,dunno how long it will take.

oh dear, hope baby K is ok and the rash is not uncomfortable for him. maybe give it a try when he is a little older.

tried giving baby carrot this weekend, not my fav food to prepare coz i was so hard to puree. in e end i had to steam the carrot for 30 mins so that its soft enough. even then baby not very keen. my mum is gonna let her try for another 2-3 days then i think i will try sweet potato or pumpkin.=P

seems like sucha tricky task to feed her milk, cereal and then veg in one feeding session! =P
Good Morning!
Spin>> From wholesomebabyfood.com:
We recommend keeping frozen baby food cubes in the freezer for a maximum of 3 months!

In the refrigerator, it is recommended that fresh pureed homemade baby food be stored no longer than 48 hours

I prepared apple puree for bb K for t past wkend. She dun really like it lay, althou she still eats but give t 'sour face' look. I tasted t puree myself, not sour lay, its sweet actually
morning ladies

Want to ask, what's your feeding schedule for bb?
I saw some mothers feed bb milk follow by 1 -2 tbs cereal but some give milk first then 2hrs later give cereal or puree. My mum and inlaw says to add cereal in milk and give it to bb in bottle. Very confused! Shld follow which one har?
Mosh following is hw I feed my gal. Normally I will drag the milk feedin time since in bet she oreadi take semi solid food. unless she cry for milk.

830am - milk
9.30~10.30 - pureen
12nn - milk
2.00 ~2.30 - 2 scoops of cereals mix with 1 oz of FM
4.00 - milk
6.30~7.00 - mashed potatoes mix of 1oz of FM
9.00 - milk
Ya, same as Spin, basically is alternate feed of milk and puree/cereal.
My bb dun take a lot of cereal still (max is 1tbsp), so i will give her milk 30min aft t cereal (lesser amt than normal)
But every bb intake and preference is diff, so i tink u juz do wat is suitable for u &amp; bb

Old ppl always like to add cereal to milk and feed thru' bottle. I think they used to do tat last time bcos milk powder is more expensive than cereal, and they want to make bb feel full.
As wat Fifi has mentioned b4, tat is not t correct method of weaning.
blustar> if u going to Perth, i would suggest that u buy the baby foods from there as it's usually from Australia and fresher! also, if u bringing food into Australia, the customs will be quite troublesome, so just bring the minimal and get more baby foods there!
Update on avocado dd 22/5: bot a readily ripe one from market! no waiting at all and also from Australia! scoped al the fresh out and attempted e feed.. she gave a twisted funny look and rejected after the 2nd feed -_-"
Then.... i mixed her fav apple puree in.. and hehe.. she took it eagerly and managed to finish abt half of e avocado.. quite good. Guess its quite filling..
tts good.. then no need to waste the avocado lor.. aiyor.. i was like dun wan waste then scope averything out for her.. but she can take half i already happy cos i tink avocado v jer lak one lei.. aft tt she now and then spit out a little bit of greenish stuff... errrkk..
yest also use pork cook porridge with carrot&amp;spinach for her.. she seems to like it compared to those cooked with fish ones.. ony thing my mum cook too little she like not enuf tsk tsk tsk..
hello mummies,

Something terrible happened on Saturday.
I left emma on our bed to take her nap. usually she naps on our bed as her cot tends to get hot and noisy as it's near the window. about 45 mins into her nap time, i heard her cry and was walking to my room when suddenly her cry became very very loud. I quickly ran into my room and to my horror, I found her on the floor on her tummy. I carried her and started hugging her tight. after 10 mins of crying she finally settled down and both me and cec started checking her all over. we did not find any bruise or swelling but was not at ease. we called the PD and she asked us to do the following:-
1) Feed her milk and see if she is holding the milk. If she starts to vomit, send her to the A&amp;E immediately
2) Check if she is drowsy and sleepy? If she is taking her nap, wake her up to see if she wakes up. We had to monitor this for 24hrs so at night had to wake her up to feed to see if she wakes up. If she doesn't, send to A&amp;E immediatley
3) Extended swelling than seems to get bigger and bigger. Send to A&amp;E immediately.

Luckily for us, non of the above symptoms surfaced, so we were in the clear. I really thank God that emma was not hurt in any way except from the shock of the fall.

coconut> then i have to mix avocado with cereal if she phew plain avocado out. She doesn't quite like apple puree. U made t apple puree or buy bottled one?
Ya, spit greenish stuff sound gross...
