(2008/11) November 2008

hi shop4stuff,

my baby 5W9D, already in walker for more than 2 weeks now. he is happy in side. the walker we have has 2 high level, we putted at lower level, so his feet is flat & touch the ground. he can make moves by himself now.

oh, yes, at beginning, we put him in the walker about 5 mins a day too. worry about his back not strong enough. now he is very happy to be inside, move freely by himself.
fifi: when will u be distributing the happy bellies rice cereal?

shop4stuff: yesterday i post about the walker that will hinder bb walking development, have you read? my PD strictly advise me not to use walker that USA and many countries has alr banned walker..
We can be tired physically but mentally, we must stay strong & resilient, for our babies' sake.
I may not hv gone thru the extent that u have gone thru & are still going thru' now but all maternal instincts are the same - we worry for them all the time & it pains us to see them suffer no matter how big or small the suffering is, so I know how heart wrenching it must be for u. But think of it positively, children are god's gift to us and not everyone has the opportunity to receive this precious gift
So let's enjoy our babies & try our best to keep them safe, healthy & happy.
Don't be too hard on yourself ok.

My boy is showing signs of hyperactiveness liao, always want to stand up & walk, & need to entertain him all the time when he's awake. If I give him a walker, I think he will cheong the whole house & get into trouble. So don't think I will be getting him one. ;)

Yokoh, Carol,
how do u find the leap & frog activity station so far? My boy is interested in the toys, esp the mike where he grabs to put in his mouth & will start screaming when he can't hold it in place. He's also a 3min baby, doesn't want to sit in it for long too. Wondering if the seat is comfortable enough for him.
Thanks amook, jj, lynn and jess..... now dont know what to do haha.....friend gave me 1 during baby shower....so still pondering whether to give or not
Hi mummies!

Finally wkend is here though I have to work tml zzz..

Fifi: Nice website..guess wld be doing more sprees in future fr ya haha!

Dmk: Hi!! Of coz rem you hee..LOL so nearby :p how are you and bb?? Going to the gathering?? We can go tog...

Carol: Your bb can sit in high chair, stable enough?? :p What high chair do u have?

Me havent got mine yet ...wanted to get from Ikea but it was sold out when I checked abt 3 wks ago...

Shop4stuffs: My SIL also passed me a walker, wondering if I shld use it too hmm..

Entertainment for my boy:
1) Playmat to flip ard, with teether
2) Watch Baby Can Read VCD every morning
3) Sit in bumbo seat
4) Bring him go downstairs walk walk
Not much activity so may want to rent the exersaucer soon for him once his legs more stable...

Enne: If it is more restrictive for your boy, then I think reading to him/flashing the cards while he is lying down is a gd way to stimulate him too.

2 more days to baby hitting 6 mths woohoo!!
Hi Minkybear, me bz at work since returning, almst everyday nid to work OT...sianz...hardly hv time for family...so who's taking care of yr boy?
Re: Collage photos
Photo collage for Nov thread babies( At birth and 3mths)

Send to this email:
happy_22feb AT yahoo.com.sg

Pls State Nick, baby's name and DOB!

Photo received:
Olwen (you gt mail!)
Milderina ( Pls send to me today k)
morning mummies,
managed to sleep at 1040pm last nite. but still tired, never seem to catch up sufficient sleep.haha..my baby ran a slight fever coz of jab and last nite she puked out all her milk (at least we know that she drank alot,hubby said) while giving her the med. puked all over me, hahaha..quite a scene..

not intending to use one too. just gonna let her sorta slowly learn her way to crawl, stand and walk eventually.
Hi haru,

Yup i bought the stage 1 dex bibs from the BP as Fifi does not have stage 1. then I will buy from Fifi stage 2 later on as i hope to see more designs.
hi mummies, i am so tired even tho i took leave yesterday.

lilian, haru: yah, chasing debts is sian & don't get much credit for doing it.

bluebear: u r back! r u joining us at chillipadi's house on labour day?

teenyweeny: i didn't know u r in sengkang, thought u were near fifi.

haiz, very bz. trying to eat my lunch & rachel is crying away for her cow. see all next fri.
weather is super hot..thank God that baby fever has subsided. feel like going for a run, but endless chores to do at home...
Hi blessedll, my bb's bday 27 Oct :p so 1 day difference!!

High chair: Finally got it today from Ikea!
So happy...will try baby on it.

Dmk: Oopps! Rem wrongly where you lived haha..so guess can't go tog then :p Hope to see you on the gathering! It's on Labour Day in the afternoon! Think we havent fixed a time yet....
glad glad
"fan" ho...duno to use or not ...but really cant imagine him moving around and snatching stuffs all over and put them into his mouth but really cant keep on carrying him la coz it will become a habit sooner or later..so need to stop it soon...
Iplay Swimdiaper
Thanks Fifi, had received

Opened and found out the size is abit small (size Medium for 8-10kg), should have get a Large size for my bb. Item is still unopen and original in bag, any mummy here interested, i will let go @ $15.

Please PM me ya

karen, you are late....me too thats y i also go search elsewhere to buy lo...coz i see the clothbook very nice ho...hehe..she left with swimsuit only
but not sure closed already or not too...
Hello Mummies ...

Lucas weighs 7.6kg @ 6mths old and weighed 7.29kg @ 5mths old. Doc says its fine though only 300g weight gain over past 1mth.

I went Suntec Carrefour yesterday and I saw a daddy preparing milk for his abt 2mths old baby. And this is what he did: Pour MARIGOLD FRESH MILK (small pkt) into baby milk bottle. To mi, they are ABSOLUTE CRAZY PARENTS! If they did not prepare enuff milk powder, I'm sure Carrefour sells milk powder! And definitely they are preparing it for the baby! Juz walk past them, didnt stand ard to watch what they doing after that.
Morning mummies,
My computer cashed last week and sent for repair. Was totslly handicapped w/o connection to the world. Just got it back but not used to it as I changed the software and everything seems so big big. Haha

What's your email address? I have yet to get your address.

I think so long there is weight gain, minimum is also considered ok?? That time my gal only gained 150gm in 1 month, doc also said ok, but to the parents it like not ok lay.

I think the parents you saw simpily bo chap. They think that so long there is milk being offered to baby will do. But anyway, baby under 1 year old cannot absorb fresh milk, that why they need formula, and that is also why formula under stage 1 & 2 are selling expensive like crazy cos it the only chance for them to make $$. After that toddler have a choice of replacing FM with fresh milk. Haha, smart right.
good morning mummies!

Need advice on this:
For the Yu Yan Sen's Brown Rice Si Shen Powder, the instructions say must add water to the powder and simmer for 5 min. However, i'm planning to add BM instead so that shouldn't be cooked right? How should i prepare this then?
dear mummies, good morning.. am so so tired that my eyes feel like on fire..

Jo-really.. maybe the parents really is 'blur blur type else really is crazy.

Waterbaby-Hmm u need to heat up ur BM rite? then mix lo.. yeah u r rite.. dun nid to add water lo coz BM..
Just having some thots..

Sometimes although he been thru so much and sometimes regret having my baby coz he suffer so much, yet when see his big eyes looking back at me, smiling and playing happily away, when he keep flipping to his sides both left and right he is ok, looking at people and things so intently, I guess that's why his eyes are big, to look and observe! I can't imagine life without him and his bro. Although b4 giving birth to him, I wonder whether how to have more love when I love #1 so much, but naturally more love naturally comes.

Although he still not yet won his battle, but am glad to see he is still fighting on strongly despite his health, surprisingly he is quite strong with his grip and standing when all along I am so worried abt his development coz naturally he will be weaker than his peers. But of coz his health takes priority over anything now, so sometimes I tell myself not to think too much, not to compare, he's my special baby.

Someone told me I shd be thankful, he suffer when he's a baby, at least he don't rem the pain when he grow up, hopefully his future childhood down the years will be painless and happy for him. At first I don't agree coz I feel life is cruel to him when he barely seen the world yet but now seeing his smiles makes me think maybe its true.. he won't rem.

But I feel sad coz as a human.. 'chi shi fu'.. but he won't be able to have this 'fu' lo.. can't eat what he like.
Good Morning mummies!
Monday again.. So tired
Brought bb to relative hse yest. She dun let strangers carry her liao. Cham...

Its so natural that mummies worry abt our babies rite?
Did t doc say when can baby L start taking in milk?
Morning mummies!

Enne: *pat pat* Though he can't 'chi' for now, but he would definitely make up for lost time once he has fully recovered!

Baby Greg is officially 6 months today!! So happy!

Spinach: Yesterday did a lot of first times. Used the U-like blender for the 1st time, and also introduced spinach to baby! So funny, he gave me a disgusted look and almost choked when I gave him a spoonful. So in the end, I mixed with the HT cereal and he was able to swallow it better.

Freezing and heating up puree: How do u mummies heat up the frozen puree ah? E.g. frozen spinach, apple etc? Microwave or use the traditional hot water method? Microwave is more convenient but think the nutrients would be lost rite??
Lilian-he only having a bit of milk thru oral feed which is to stimulate his sucking and throat only, but he needs to be on full machine feed long term till his weight is ok, doc not satisfied with his weight yet. Yeah its natural to worry but for my #2, he makes me live in fear everyday lo.

Your galgal maybe not used to strangers izzit..
glad_gal-sad to say.. can't use the word 'fully recovered'.. hai.. anyway..

happy 6mths bday to Greg!!!!!

celebrating anot???

Yes, i'll be heating up the BM to add to the powder but the instructions say must simmer the powder with water so i'm just wondering how mummies feeding their babies with this do it.

On a separate note, you take good care of yourself. Baby L has been most brave
morning mummies!

OMG!!! what the %#^$*@ are they doin??? sorry about e language..

i know that none of us here can truly understand the emotional and physical challenge that you are going thru. just noe that you will overcome it and things will be so much better than before. if you ever need any help, or just listening ear, know that we are hear for you and Baby L ok?

yipee!! must be so fun!! i think i will start with rice cereals before tryin to intro veg..=P so nervous just bout trying to give cereals.hahah..

Re: feeding semi-solid outside
hey mummies can i ask how you do it if gg out for quite a long time during e day when she starts to take it more than once a day? should i give bb a feed of cereal before gg out, just BM in between and then some cereal again for her night feed?

Re: teething rusks
any brands to recommend? wanna let my baby try when she turns 6 months,hee..
Good morning Mummies!!

Enne - Dont worry so much! The good thing abt bb is that they will not know that they are sick and they never know what is giving up. Their body will just keep wanting to get better. So infact, he might even grow up to be stronger than other children after wat he have been thr now. When you describe abt Bb L's smiling, it really touches our heart. No wonder pple always says that mother is the greatest, dont we all love our children with our Heart and soul! Keep up the good work!

6in1 and rotavirus - Anyone gave their bb both at the same day?? I am still thinking if it will be advisable to do so. My PD says its alright, but I still worry abt giving bb too much virus in a day.

Swimming - Brought Jadon swimming again...keke...each time I put him into the water he will cry, but I bo chup, will cont. to half submerged him in the water and play with him to divert his attention. But the public pool so crowded and quite irritated by all those children that kept jumping into the water and beating the water, kept splashing the water all abt and I have to try and avoid them. Other than that, it was overall fun!! ^^
glad glad
Congrats...im waiting for my boy to turn 6mths too this sun...very eager...coz can start all the food liao la...yahoo....

i bought heinz and pigeon..opened up and tried haha...

heinz-very the hard ah..not so tasty...got little salt in the ingredient

pigeon-not hard, like our normal rice cracker but very tasty ley so duno good or not ley..got salt in ingredient..the 1 i tried is fish favour...i bought vege and fish favour..bought those small balls which will give only 7mths as its meant for 7 mths

Any mummies have any comments on the above - if they are good?????
Good morning mummies

Just yesterday met up with old classmate, when i told them i have to leave my bb + maid alone at home, i feel so insecure although i had already installed my CCTV, i can't stop worrying at work. The she told me," WHY DO YOU WANT TO THINK SO MUCH? I THINK YOU ARE GIVING YOURSELF TOO MUCH PROBLEM" Then i just keep quiet, because all along i thought it is normal for a mother to feel worry especially only MAID + BABY alone at home for such a long hours.

Sigh, do you think i really think and worry too much?

Working mothers are really not easy...
wow kao....wat the hell are they doing...can bb drink fresh milk????? no rite....hhh...poor bb...u know, i also know of parent near my house, give bb egg yolk when turn 1 mth lo...and everyday ley...1/4..tats y bb very the big...also give man toa etc not sure if its ok...they are china granparents, my place here alot of them n i always chat with them. their bb seems very big ley..and some (most) give food very very early ley and bb seems okie ley..so duno la
morning ladies

Anyone bought Exersaucer or jumperoo? Cant decide which one to get leh. Which one is better?
thx dear mummies.

peanut00-this fri? even if go, cannot bring baby coz he's on machine ler.. at most bring the big brother only. but I can't cfm ahh.. coz if MIL gog out, I need to stay home with baby.

NINI gog ah?? hehe
I bought the Heinz Teething Rusks.

Doc always say its fine ... even my hb also listens to the doc ... but I still feel abit uncomfy abt it.

I will definitely worry as much as you do cos there sure some areas not captured under the CCTV. Can your parents/ PIL go to ur hse and take care of them? And how is ur maid's performance so far?

Mummy who feed 2mths old bb w fresh milk:
Dunnoe what that mummy is thinking ... my hb heard the husband ask his wife is it okay? My hb sure the bb sure diahoerra one.

First time preparing porridge for Lucas ... do we just add 1 vege into the porridge and try for few days then intro other vege or meat? I told my maid to cook porridge just with carrot .. my MIL keep ask want to add potato? want to add meat? I told her one at a time ... so fan cos ask mi few times already.
wow sei...2day my boy knows how to do pushups liao ....i.e. the buttock also can come up together with the hands liao..heard like this, next is sit up liao..but now he only can flip one side ley, only few times see him flip 2 times
<font color="aa00aa">GATHERING</font>
1st May is confirmed. Anyone else wants to join us, pls add to the list. No obligation to bring food. Email me at [email protected] for my full address.

Venue: Chilipadi's place (HOUGANG)
Date: 1 May 2009 (labour day PH)
Time: 11.30am onwards

- Chilipadi
- Olwen &amp; babies? - yes yes! &amp; my one-armed swordsman plus hubby &amp; maid
- Minky, Issac &amp; HB
- snnowy &amp; my kids
- Happydays &amp; my kids
- Bear????
- Alibaba + bb + hb (TBC)
- Fifi???
- Enne (TBC, need to see MIL gog out anot 1st)
- Vincy &amp; baby
- Glad_gal &amp; baby
- Jo, hb, bb &amp; maid
- Fruche, hb, bb
- Yoyosan, hb, bb

Food to contribute:

<font color="aa00aa">I will be prepraing the following:potato Gratin, Macroni cheese, black pepper pasta, chili dogs &amp; simple salad</font>
Glad_gal - Sugar rolls/kueh from Bengawan
Olwen - sushi
Minky - Ikea Chicken wings.
Jo - Hakka abacus (suan4 pan2 zi3)
Fruche - TBC
Yoyosan - TBC

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+0">Pls confirm attendance so that we know how much food to prepare. Tks</font></font>
last time people will throw few things in one...just like people feed semi-solid early etc...only nowsaday we are like so paranoid, this cant that cant lo...but the logic is to see if bb is allergic and also to ket them taste 1 at a time..so see if you want to follow strictly or not lo...

Enne: Hugs...your little fighter will make good progress with time yah! Hee no celebration but we had lunch yesterday with my parents and aunty

Haru: Ya it's exciting to start new foods!
For teething rusks, I bought the Bellamy's ones, but havent tried them on baby yet.

Shop4stuffs: Thks! Ya
Share your solids experience after next Sun ok!

Jynnsan: Is your classmate a mom already?? Of coz it's perfectly natural for a mother to worry at times and for you esp since your bb taken care by maid. Working mums definitely not easy..but take heart we are all trying our best to provide for our little ones.
