(2008/11) November 2008

bb solid food:
Fed Lucas porridge w carrot today. MIL say tomorrow she go buy pumkin and fish. I told her let him eat porridge w carrot for 2-3more days then change. She refused to listen and insist to change menu for him everyday! Angryz.

Hi everyone,

I'm back! Now who missed me?

Have some good news and some bad news.

Good news: Happy Bellies will be arriving tomorrow. I will post more news tomorrow.

Bad news: The liferacer swimwear supplier informed me that based on our orders, they only have 3 suits. All adult orders have no size. Thermal swimwear, apart from the 3 from our order, they only have #328. Next batch of stock arrival is indefinite. Sigh. Feel like taken for a ride. Will be cancelling this spree. Please PM me your account number for full refund.
Yah ... missed ur sprees ... haha.

Cancel liferacer swimwear spree??? I jus bought a new set of swimwear for myself .. preparing to go into pool w Lucas.
lilian: retail for evenflo triple ful is $350 at kaki bukit or $400+ at Paragon.

I got mine brand new $309 from littlehugz forum mummy here..she had lobang. Delivered straight to my home. If self collect if i recall is $299?
Yokoh: Wow your 2nd hand exersaucer is really a gd deal!! Even rent is abt half that price liao...

Looks like jumperoo/exersaucer got quite gd reviews - me still thinking hmmm...my boy quite active so guess he shld like it haha...

Jo: Alamak..dont be angry k!! Sometimes the older generation just have 'their set of thinking'. I was explaining the '4 days rule' to my mum just now too and she remarked that during their times, where got such things, they just feed us a new combination of food everyday!! But I am glad at least she would follow my instructions. If MIL, more tricky man...

Fifi: Welcome back!! :p
welcome back! i just emailed u regarding the durabibs. let me know if u have stock for the stage 1 bibs ya? thanks!!

it was nice meeting u just now. would hv loved to chat longer if i didnt had to go home to feed baby. hee..

reminds me that i need to get a mini slow cooker too..i have 2 more weeks to introducing cereals still..same here, clueless about preparing porridge. think it wil be my mum doing it most of the time since she looks after baby durin e day when i am working. =P
Hi gd mrning mummies
<font color="aa00aa">Spin
Mine came 2nd mth after giving birth, then MIA liaoz.. so make me panic every nw and then whether strike lottery again! hahha</font>
Aden's Mummy- same here ! past mths still regular. but this mth still hasnt come. when is the best time to chk for preg ?I juz tested neg few days ago.. but feel the result is nt accurate unless wait for 2wks after missed period.
hi morning mummies,

Re: menses
Dun worry.It takes sometime to become regular.Mine came onli after 5wks,and is alot! So hevay and machiam jus giv birth.Scary! But today,it seems better and jus like normal

Haiz.. but i having very bad PMS which i dun hav b4 giving birth to caden.
<font color="aa00aa">Spin
Oh boy, i have no idea! Pretty clueless myself! haha</font>

<font color="aa00aa">happy
serious ah? aiyooo poor thing, cheer up k!
Glad to hear you are better today

Thanks for all your emails.
i think i have receive most of it. those who are still keen to email me can you do it by today latest? thanks.
morning mummies! it was so warm last nite..me only slepted for like 2 hours coz can't sleep and by e time i almost fall asleep had to wake up to pump or feed baby..+.+
Good morning mummies

Haru: It was great meeting you and your baby yesterday. I only realised when i reached home that i didn't know your baby's name after talking to her for so long in the carpark, what a rude auntie!

Menses -
Hoping mine will stay away for as long as possible...
<font color="aa00aa">Haru
And i tot i slept the least! baby kept waking up screaming last nite, not sure whether its teething. Hw u cope trying to stay awake at work?</font>
What do you all think if we were to put up an updated list of our names, baby's name, dob of our baby as well? last time we use to have one done by Hui. Bt that was so long ago and there are so many new moms here.

i guess i will start with my own.

Mommy's name/nick: minkybear
Baby's name: Issac
Baby's DOB: 11/11/08

Sorry i do not know hw to add a table to this thread... :p
gd morning mummies

happy> cheer up! i hope my dont come so early too..

minkybear> u shld know mine details liao bah.. kekeke..
Thanks ladies!
Today mood better.Bear asked me to eat chocolate and i ate almost half a tub of chocolate ice-cream last nite :p
Now i got to worry abt next mth PMS... tink gonna start eating evening primrose oil to overcome all these PMS. But glad that my cramps are gone,but came the PMS. Haiz.. woman so ma fan!

Use back the previous table,editing some details.Erm.. but who is holding that chart?
good morning mummies,

good idea! Here's mine - although I shld be in Oct thread ;)

Mommy's name/nick: chilipadi
Baby's name: Emma-Jane
Baby's DOB: 17/10/08 (ETA was 11 Nov but had Emma early)
Chilipadi, its ok you are already part of us

Happy, the last i remember was with mildy...
Half a bar of chocolate! must drink lots of water k. v heaty...
good morning mummies! How is everyone doing?

Me back to work after almost 6 mths break! So sianz to be back to work.... missed my last 6 mths not working...but missed the salary even more!

me same as u.... shd be October thread. But i nvr go there...how abt u?


my details:
Nick : Kash
Baby's name : Euan
Baby's DOB : 25 Oct 2008 (EDD was 13 Nov but bb early leh...)

u still breastfeeding? menses come liao ah? Mine still not here yet. Just hope it will not come for as long as possible.. if u have bad cramps, the pill really help to remove all cramps if u willing to consider....
<font color="0000ff">Mommy's name/nick: minkybear
Baby's name: Issac
Baby's DOB: 11/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: chilipadi
Baby's name: Emma-Jane
Baby's DOB: 17/10/08 (ETA was 11 Nov but had Emma early)

Mommy's name/nick: Aden's Mummy
Baby's name: Aden
Baby's DOB: 16/11/08
Kash- 6mth leave !! wow.. so nice . I was on 2.5mth mat. leave &amp; back to work

my details:
Nick : Sha Sha
Baby's name : Jayla
Baby's DOB : 06 Nov 08
I thought ice-cream makes cramp worse and flow heavy?
My flow was heavier too, but gd thing is cramp not as bad liao. I used to cramp till i break into cold sweat.

Here's mine -
Mommy's name/nick: Lilian
Baby's name: Kayla
Baby's DOB: 19/11/08

I oso never go. Like outsider there leh. Have been in this thread since pregnant so feel funnie to join the other thread.

Milk supply,
Me very sad that milk supply is dropping so rapidly. Now trying ways to up it again. This weekend must make fish soup and drink again... sigh...
Howdy mummies!!! Has disappear to hibernate for awhile. kekeke....
MY details!

Mommy's name/nick: Milderina
Baby's name: Claudia
Baby's DOB: 14/11/08
Morning ladies

RE: Gathering
I will not be joining, you gals enjoy yourself

Olwen, have PM u

Cold stuff will make cramps worsen leh. Dont eat too much cold stuff wor. I heard that cramps and pms should improve after birth leh, not sure.

RE Exersaucer/Jumperoo

Hmm, I also dont know if BB will guai guai stay in it or not. Cos she 3mins bb, put her in bumbo also start crying after 5-10mins, sigh... maybe will get a 2nd hand one...
<font color="0000ff">Mommy's name/nick: minkybear
Baby's name: Issac
Baby's DOB: 11/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: chilipadi
Baby's name: Emma-Jane
Baby's DOB: 17/10/08 (ETA was 11 Nov but had Emma early)

Mommy's name/nick: Aden's Mummy
Baby's name: Aden
Baby's DOB: 16/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Kash
Baby's name : Euan
Baby's DOB : 25 Oct 2008 (EDD was 13 Nov but bb early leh...)

Mommy's name/nick: Sha Sha
Baby's name : Jayla
Baby's DOB : 06 Nov 08

Mommy's name/nick: Lilian
Baby's name: Kayla
Baby's DOB: 19/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Milderina
Baby's name: Claudia
Baby's DOB: 14/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Mosh
Baby's name: Vernise
Baby's DOB: 28/11/08
Hope i din miss out anybody!
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">GATHERING</font></font>

1st May is confirmed. Anyone else wants to join us, pls add to the list. No obligation to bring food. Email me at [email protected] for my full address.

Venue: Chilipadi's place (HOUGANG)
Date: 1 May 2009 (labour day PH)
Time: 11.30am onwards

- Chilipadi
- Olwen &amp; babies? - yes yes! &amp; my one-armed swordsman plus hubby &amp; maid
- Minky, Issac &amp; HB
- snnowy &amp; my kids
- Happydays &amp; my kids
- Enne (TBC, need to see MIL gog out anot 1st)
- Vincy &amp; baby
- Glad_gal &amp; baby
- Jo, hb, bb &amp; maid
- Fruche, hb, bb
- Yoyosan, hb, bb

Food to contribute:

Chilipadi - Potato Gratin, Macroni cheese, black pepper pasta, chili dogs &amp; simple salad
Glad_gal - Sugar rolls/kueh from Bengawan
Olwen - sushi
Minky - Ikea Chicken wings.
Jo - Hakka abacus (suan4 pan2 zi3)
Fruche - TBC
Yoyosan - TBC

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Pls confirm attendance so that we know how much food to prepare. Tks</font></font>
hahah, her name is Heidi.=>

i used to pump every 3-4 hours at night, now i just pump once about 4-5 hours after baby's last feed. coz even if she wakes up an hour aft i pump, found that i will still have enough milk for her to drink until she falls back asleep. unless her last feed is very early like 8pm then i will pump twice, once about 12am and another time at around 3am.

Aden's mummy,
hahah, just pray for God renew my strength each day!! and a lil dose of caffeine if i really need to..kekeke..
<font color="aa00aa">Suggestions please!
Running outta ideas on what to cook. See what suggestions you guys have.. heee
i've got <u>minced pork, fish cake and eggs</u> in the fridge. Was thinking to make ba chor mee for dinner, then realised my ah lau dun like yellow mee.. soo thinking what else can i make with these..</font>
I am trying to see if I can feed till 8 months but looks like it may be only 7 months. If suppy conmes back, may stretch till 1 year. Emma takes a bottle of formula everynight before bed while the rest of the day she drinks EBM.
<font color="0000ff">Mommy's name/nick: minkybear
Baby's name: Issac
Baby's DOB: 11/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: chilipadi
Baby's name: Emma-Jane
Baby's DOB: 17/10/08 (ETA was 11 Nov but had Emma early)

Mommy's name/nick: Aden's Mummy
Baby's name: Aden
Baby's DOB: 16/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Kash
Baby's name : Euan
Baby's DOB : 25 Oct 2008 (EDD was 13 Nov but bb early leh...)

Mommy's name/nick: Sha Sha
Baby's name : Jayla
Baby's DOB : 06 Nov 08

Mommy's name/nick: Lilian
Baby's name: Kayla
Baby's DOB: 19/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Milderina
Baby's name: Claudia
Baby's DOB: 14/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Mosh
Baby's name: Vernise
Baby's DOB: 28/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: haru
Baby's name: Heidi
Baby's DOB: 13/11/08
i can't confirm yet as my hubby's schedule is not out. try to let u know asap ya? can i be put under TBC? that will b Milderina + 2 kiddos! thankies!

Mommy's name/nick: minkybear
Baby's name: Issac
Baby's DOB: 11/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: chilipadi
Baby's name: Emma-Jane
Baby's DOB: 17/10/08 (ETA was 11 Nov but had Emma early)

Mommy's name/nick: Aden's Mummy
Baby's name: Aden
Baby's DOB: 16/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Kash
Baby's name : Euan
Baby's DOB : 25 Oct 2008 (EDD was 13 Nov but bb early leh...)

Mommy's name/nick: Sha Sha
Baby's name : Jayla
Baby's DOB : 06 Nov 08

Mommy's name/nick: Lilian
Baby's name: Kayla
Baby's DOB: 19/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Milderina
Baby's name: Claudia
Baby's DOB: 14/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: Mosh
Baby's name: Vernise
Baby's DOB: 28/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: haru
Baby's name: Heidi
Baby's DOB: 13/11/08

Mommy's name/nick: happydays
Baby's name: Caden
Baby's DOB: 04/11/08
