(2008/11) November 2008

<font color="aa00aa">jynnsan
i think what you are feeling is absolutely normal de.. i can't rem if you are the one who recently found a job? Cos i feel if u have been home previously with baby most of the time, and now gg back to work = long hrs w/o baby + leaving in the care of a maid, more or less you'll feel kinda insecured..
Give urself sometime to re-adjust ba, i'm sure u'll start to feel better real soon!


what?! BB drink fresh milk? ... what are the parents thinking??!!

My MIL also very fan, keep saying we never feed bb cereal at 4 mths! Whenever she eating and bb look at her she will comment that bb want to eat hor, 4 mth already still not eating cereal! Fedup!
My colleague in China start giving semi-solid from 4mths onwards. 4mths gave 1/4 egg yolk liao. Now, her baby is very big size.
Hahah! Yes i agree, we very paranoid. tis can't tat cannot. Agree agree!

Those not yet parents one, will not understand.
Yest when my bb is at my relative hse, we want to bring her upstairs to slp. My aunt (no kids) asked why cannot slp in the hall? She said must let bb get used of noisy environment.
Walao.. They playing mahjong in t hall, expect my bb to fall aslp?

Ya, my bb not used to strangers. I tink tat only started from 5th mth. Before tat she was ok.
Good morning mummies~

was down with flu last week.. on MC for 2days.. felt v low efficiency! still coughing. haiz... realise weekend is even shorter once we have baby! no enough~!!! thank god tis week gonna have 1 day holiday!

DMK> of cos rem u! ohh.. u're so bz with work oh.. how's bb? who is taking care for ur bb?

jo> omg~@#$@#%#$^ that daddy is a total ignorant! chinese? how can anyhow feed bb.. i hope the bb is fine

waterbaby> my mil start giving my boy the Si Shen Fen last week. she add water together with the powder &amp; sim with low heat til the mixture is abit "thick" den add BM (mix together) give to bb.... but i realise bb got harder stool... i tink gotta give bb more water..

carol> i soo soo tempted to bring my boy to swimming.. but i have yet got his swimming suit. (still with fifi) hehe... cant wait!! but 1st ting i need to do is complete his 6 in 1 jab..

re: entertaining bb
1) play gym on play mat (kept it in storeroom liao.. too much toys)
2) walker (he can move freely)
3) rocker (realise he will flip &amp; scared he will topple! mus keep an eye on him)
4) high chair from ikea (leave some toys on the tray for him to bite)
5) FP jumperoo (jus got 2nd hand one last sat)
6) bb book/ flash card (starting) got a few preloved sets from my fren
Alibaba> Yes I got it on Thurs!
Kayla likes it... But she hates the lizard (in the cylinder) initially. Its so ugly, no wonder she dislikes it. Mummy also hates lizard :p
Trysten likes it?
Gathering- don tink i will join .. cos i really have bad cough.. scared wil spread virus to the rest. especially so many babies around..
alibaba> Take gd care ok. Drink plenty of water.
I also feel like gg to get sick soon. My lips got one ulcer liao. Took too much fries last wk. Now regret
umm.. but bb only need to be on machine when time for feeding issit?? Possible to go aft his feed?
Yah lor if going of cos bring Nini e rascal lor.
lilian> ya i drank alot of water liao.. but i guess too late.. haa.. over HEATED.. u oso better take care or else wait become like me.. am on antibiotics somemore. haiz.. GP reassured me tat it's ok to BF.

Trysten was curious at 1st when i am fixing the jumperoo.. keep looking at his new toy. sit inside oso v v seriously touching on it. haha.. but heng he like it. haha.. phew.. bo waste $$. Kayla still a gal indeed. scare of lizard! haa.. my boy bo kick la.. haha..
oh dear.. sorry for my ignorance i din know tt... tot he on tube during feeding times ony..
I really hope he can go without the tubes soon...
peanut-no la. its k.. I also hope one day can bring him go out meet all his friends, including NINI.. see how if fri I can go, maybe can bring korkor meet nini meimei lo. keke
I have both exersaucer (leapfrog learn &amp; groove) and jumperoo (FP rainforest).

my feedback:
my boi is definitely more excited &amp; active on the jumperoo. Will jump jump &amp; bang bang on the toys. Hw, he's not patient to 'discover' the toys. He will play on it 5 mins max.

for the exersaucer, he is more patient, will turn 360 degrees to play with the toys. Loved the piano keys and microphone. Can sit there longer too! Oh, he will try to 'jump' but when he realised can't, he will guai guai just play with the toys.

You can bring him to kiddy palace to test which one he prefers. Or, like me, i got them at 2nd hand. I figured it is more cost effective than rental coz i can keep longer &amp; sell after he outgrows them.
Feeding BB solids:

My MIL has been extremely eager to start bb on solids and she's been asking me to feed the bb since 3 mths old. On several ocassions, when i put bb on my lap during lunch/dinner, she would use her spoon and scoop a little of whatever was served for the meal and try to give to bb. She's tried to feed fish sauce, pig tail's soup etc and each time i see her doing it,i would carry the bb and stand up immediately, preventing her from feeding and tell her the bb can't take such stuff yet. However, she insists on doing it every time...Rather frustrating to visit her and going back to her pl for meals...

Chilipadi, don't think I'll make it for the gathering. U guys enjoy ba.

Enne, very normal to worry abt bb L lah. he has been through so much. Ppl will also forever ask u abt him, whether he is better, whether he is normal etc. I feel that physically BB L is growing very very well! I think he flips better than my boy. haha...

Jynnsan, u aren't the only one that is panariod. My maid still dun get to touch my son. This morn, my boy woke up at 6am to cry. Usually when he is ready to wake up he won't cry and if he does, it means he still wants to slp. My policy is to let him cry it out but my maid went to carry him. FIRST TIME in her life she handled Z in the dark. I went to check on him and saw her carrying him, immed shouted at her to put him down. Asked her why did she do it and her ans was cos he was crying. Kaoz, i have been letting him cry it out for 2 wks liao and she still dun get it. very pissed cos in the end Z cannot slp anymore and I had to entertain him at 6am!! only we mummies know wat's best for our kids so dun worry abt feeling panariod.

Lilian, ur Kayla isn't the only one. My Z also refused to let other ppl carry liao. see new strangers or many strangers looking at him he will start to bawl.. yesterday brought him to a gathering and he cried whenever anybody looked at him straight in the face. I noticed if he looks at his own reflections, he will also turn and hide his face. I tot they were too young to understand what is the meaning of shy?
Waterbaby, ur MIL still dun get the hint ah? tell her off directly lah. SAY u trying to kill ur granddaughter ah? Kaoz... if it was me i would have given her a BIG piece of my mind!

Re: solids
I think different ppl have different mentality. I also feel that our bbs are different. S'porean bbs are very, erm, soft compared to 3rd world nations bbs. Other countries ppl dun worry a lot abt cleaniness, hygiene etc, as much as us hence their bbs' immune system, to me, is stronger. may be that's why they can tahan solids earlier. don't compare. also we shd move ahead when we have new information on how best to take care of ours kids. Else we would always stagnate with old info and nv improve.

Minky, i bring Z out everyday for walks leh.. twice a day some more. i dunno why he acts like that. if ppl dun look at him he is fine. but once they start to look and smile at him or try to play with him, he will start to cry. sigh.
wah... weird mine i nv bring out to walk v "shan gui" haa... only on weekends.
Last time he will smile at strangers nw different liao scary...

Actually ya my boy look like he is keen to take solid always reaching out for our food. Any of you train your babies using cup already?
Re. solids
I guess i'm the lucky few whose mil is very supportive to wait till 6mths. On sat, we went to my bil's place for dinner. When we came home, my mil told me that my sil tried to feed bb barley water but she said no.

On the otherhand, my own cousin tried to rub salted peanuts and char siew meat on his lips. Told her NO liao but she will try again when i'm not looking. She is younger than me some more still can't think. Married but no children. No more bring bb to visit her.

Re. strangers
My boi is the opposite. as long as pp wants to carry him, his hands will be out. He likes to look at his reflection in the mirror...so guess he is not the shy type. Heng he is a boi.
i tried feeding him with a cup. it's usually becoz he still have about 30ml in the bottle and he stopped. With cup, he will finish about half, and half on the burp cloth! LOL. So messy!

Unfortunately, my MIL is a little thick in her head. I have told her that she shouldn't try and feed the bb things off the table but she still does it anyway. Think my MIL has selective hearing abilities.

A typical conversation between my MIL and me -

1. Baby is bored sitting on MIL's lap watching Taiwanese show for 15 mins:
MIL: Yr bb cry, i think she's hungry.
Me: Can't be, i just fed her.
MIL: Oh! Then maybe not enough, you have no milk is it?

2. Baby is fussing cos it's v warm (MIL is averse to putting bb near the fan cos will get wind in the head!!)
MIL: Yr bb cry, i think she's hungry.
Me: Can't be, i just fed her.
MIL: Oh! Then maybe not enough, you have no milk is it?

So you see, just change the scenarios and the conversations are always the same. I just put it down to her being thick...
Afternoon mummies,

hey, i can't seems to find anyone selling 2nd hand jumperoo/exersaucer in wanted to sell thread lei..Where u guys found?

haha, my gal also san kui.. normally only brought her out on wkends, but occasionly will bring her to playground with gor gor on wkdays.
Ur Mil is really scary man. Can't understand why old folks are so keen in feeding all these food to baby when they are not ready? I think u really got to tell her FIRMLY that baby can't take those food.

My bb had a fever on sat, now it's flu and cough. Starting stage. I didn't want to bring her to PD cos i wanted her to fight the flu/cough on her own without using medicine. I dun like the idea of baby taking in too much western medicine. MAybe will monitor over today and tmr, and will give her more BM to boost up her immunity system.

Apple Puree:
I made some apple puree for my girl yday but the organic apples are not sweet at all. in fact a little sourish. Her face scrunched up when i feed her. End up give a few spoonfuls then i threw away the rest. Got to buy normal red apples ba.

Semi Solids:
So far only fed baby bellamy rice cereal and health times brown rice. HT is easier to mix and smoother texture. My gal prefers HT to bellamy.
During the last PD visit, PD say can even start bb on porridge. Aiyoh, i still clueless on preparing porridge.
u can use slow cooker to cook bb's porridge or alternatively, use small claypot to cook.. But claypot hv to cook longer and also hv to watch the stove on n off.. just wash some rice + water and on high using slow cooker, then abt half an hr b4 porridge is cook, add one kind of vege and let it cook for another 30mins or so. Make sure that the porridge is cook till very soft.
My gal also like to see herself in the mirror. She will smile to herself or to me in the mirror. It makes her happy!

Ya, ur baby seems ready when he starts to reach out for your food. How old is ur boi liao? 6 mths soon?
Venue: Chilipadi's place (HOUGANG)
Date: 1 May 2009 (labour day PH)
Time: 11.30am onwards

- Chilipadi
- Olwen &amp; babies? - yes yes! &amp; my one-armed swordsman plus hubby &amp; maid
- Minky, Issac &amp; HB
- snnowy &amp; my kids
- Happydays &amp; my kids
- Bear????
- Alibaba + bb + hb (TBC)
- Fifi???
- Enne (TBC, need to see MIL gog out anot 1st)
- Vincy &amp; baby
- Glad_gal &amp; baby
- Fruche, hb, bb
- Yoyosan, hb, bb

Food to contribute:

I will be prepraing the following:potato Gratin, Macroni cheese, black pepper pasta, chili dogs &amp; simple salad
Glad_gal - Sugar rolls/kueh from Bengawan
Olwen - sushi
Minky - Ikea Chicken wings.
Fruche - TBC
Yoyosan - TBC
Thanks, u made it sound real easy. I got to go buy slow cooker then. Then i can also prepare the ikan bilis powder u mentioned and stir into the porridge.
Hi Mummies

Sorry to interupt. I'm from Feb09 mummies just wanna check if anyone keen on bb carrier. I will be closing my orders by this Wednesday. Selling at only $16. Anyone keen can PM me for colours.
hi mummies: no time to come in lately but just remembered that we didn't have an email on the gathering this week. can some kind soul email to everybody on the list above except Bear &amp; alibaba who r now confirmed not going? i wld do it except tt my bank's firewall blocks out sending to all gmail, yahoo &amp; hotmail addresses. i'm just worried tt some might forget &amp; not turn up.

mosh, mosh! r u going to meet us on friday? cos i sent u an email &amp; it bounced back.
olwen> mostly i couldnt join.. my cough always take long to recover
but anyway u gals enjoy ya!! i'll drop by if i am able to.. (fully recovered)

joyce> i got it from "Want to sell" thread. someone staying near my place selling mah. so i do it a quick deal! haha.. although i am pretty mao dun on getting a exersaucer or a jumperoo.. am same like yoloh.. prefer to get a 2nd hand one than renting one.. can keep for long =) &amp; too can sell it away once bb outgrow it..
WaterBaby> The 'typical conversation' between u and MIL makes me laugh! Ur MIL realli one kind.

Joyce> Hehe.. Cos all of the available jumperoo bought by us liao. U have to constantly F5 the WTS page. keke..

My MIL has been bugging us to give solid. Luckily she's not staying with us, else i die early.
It's my own dad I really cannot stand. haiz.. He's the one putting food on my girl's lips. Angry.
you guys really(fast leg fast hand).. hehe.. Think must act fast and pressing F5 constantly liao

no worries.. It is indeed v.easy if u are using slow cooker. Buy those small one.
Thanks for sharing, so i am perfectly normal.

Not be be surprise, my friend is a mother of 3 but the youngest one already Primary school! She is a FULL TIME SAHM all along.

This maid of mine so far is ok (close 1.5 eyes = OK), but she is only with us for less than 1 month, my ex-maid had given us load of problem and issue and finally buay tahan return her.

Nobody is able to help us, at the most they can stay for 1/2 day or sometime not free. Hubby family not very supportive so only my family will try their best to drop by.

Can't help to worry but there is no choice.

Every min and sec just can pray that everything will be ok.
jynnsan> do u have CCTV? i have one live cam from singtel. sometimes i will 3G home to see my bb when i am at work.. although my mil dont work. but she always will go out.. but timing uncertain.. as long someone will pop by to check different timing. shld be fine. most importantly. u have aready monitor how ur maid handle bb etc. den can more fang xin to leave bb to the maid right? my only worry now is.. bb become more attach to maid.. ^_^ duno is good or bad.. haiz. nv ending worry..
2nd hand toys
Agree! have to keep checking the WTS thread constantly. They get sold very fast. Try to go for those condition 9/10. Fyi, i got my exersaucer for 100 and jumperoo for 160. Very gd condition.
yokoh/lilian> ur house v spacious hor.. i aready bo space liao.. when i bring back the jumperoo .. my mil aready shake head liao. hahaha.. dat is why i pack up bb play gym into storeroom..
alibaba> I am surprised the jumperoo tat big size! Can't lug it back home with baby for wkend use.

I saw OG advertisement on last Thurs paper. Baby einstein 'jumperoo' (forget t name, but is similar to jumperoo) selling at $199.
the exersaucer is a good deal. jumperoo cost more than my budget but i realised that rainforest one is more ex than the deluxe version. Rainforest looked more fun. Quite a few sellers sell btw 150 - 180 for a 9/10 condition.

No space too! I'm oso staying with my inlaws. My mil also shake head but did not say anything. She did suggest that my boi may be hyperactive coz he's always flapping his arms &amp; kicking legs. LOL.
lilian/yokoh> i daren't tink of exersaucer unless i get rid of the jumperoo! lolz..it's really a hassle when come to cleaning the house.. haha.. mus take the playmat up, the walker,the rocker now the jumperoo! lucky i am not the one who is cleaning the house ^_^

lilian> new jumperoo @ $199 got better than our rainforest one bor? i got mine @ 170 leh. wait v "tiu" leh.. jus tell me not as nice hor...

my boy is quite hyper lor. i guess it's jus boys la! he so loved to play with kor kor... when he got all excited he will yell &amp; laugh v loudly... know to snatch toy... &amp; he see kor kor. he will keep "talking" machiam asking kor kor to play with him.. v cute...
Heinz Teething Rusk:
I jus let Lucas tried the Heinz Teething Rusk. Its not nice ... he eat it for awhile and then continue to hold eat in his hands but not eating anymore. Even my niece dun like it too. I tried .. its v hard and no taste. I think Farley's Rusk taste better than Heinz Teething Rusk.

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