(2008/11) November 2008

hi mummies,
I am so happy to have read what u mothers have posted. I have only posted in the initial part b4 bb was borned. Subsequent never posted bcos simply too busy.
My girl was born on 7 Nov 08 (yes, 7-11). These few days she fusses alot and even rejected the breast which is very unusual. She is so much crankier and i tot she was sick. Looks like everyone is going thru the same phase. The care givers at infant care centre has oso fed back that she is drinking much lesser.
But my major worry is her neck and weight problem. I sent her to an infant care centre once my 4 mths maternity was up. Till now she weighs her 5kg and she seems to have lost even more weight after her jab. The dr was advising me to start her on formula (she is a total BF baby) or else she may needs specialist consult for her weight problem.
Also, she still can't support her head well w/o support. The dr mentioned that her neck needs to monitor regular and seek treatment if she still can't support her head bext month.
I am getting very worried.

I dun think formula is the way to make a baby gain weight. Your dr is probably pro-formula. You may wish to get a second opinion from another PD (try to get a pro-BF one) who may be able to advise you in relation to your BF.

You may also want to
1. BF in a dim, quiet room. Sing & pat to coax your baby to drink whilst you feed if you need to (there was 1 period, if i stop singing, my BB will stop sucking. I sing she suck. I stop she stop.
2. If feeding EBM with bottle, try giving smaller feeds with shorter interval.

I do think you may want to consult another PD for the neck part.
hmmm.. i'm not too worried abt her slow weight gain actually. As long as she's gaining some every wk, and doesn't fall under 50%, i'm happy.

Perhaps u can try giving your gal FM for 1 or 2 feeds per day and monitor her progression?

A slight drop in intake shd be OK ba.. We adults also dun take t same amt of food everyday. As long not too drastic. Ya, if u worried, can bring her see doctor. Oh, do chk if she has oral thrush.

hope bb Z and u recover fast fast

Either your maid act blurr or she really dun understand t instructions yet nodding her head.. Dun angry dun angry

Hee... Its friday again!!
when u say can't support her head WELL w/o support, it means that she can still support her head right? Just that it is a little wobbly? Give her some time, cos some books say head strengthen between 4-6mths. Some bbs faster, some slower.

Regarding FM feed, my bb weight also very slow increase. Her pd recommends to include some FM powder into my BM. It is not for any purpose other than to increase Calories, but only do so if i am worried about her weight. Otherwise he is fine wif stickg to bm. Cos like wat everyone says here, as long bb poos, is happy, is energetic, can scream and shout (this is my best gauge).. then is okie. For me, i am currently including FM into her feed cos i going to stop pumping soon. Her intake for the last few days has dropped, *worried*, but have to monitor if it is the FM or she just being fussy (as usual).
Ok will email u tonight.

When you mix FM with your BM, you are actually wasting your BM. The antibodies, etc are all destroyed. If you need to feed both, you should feed it one at a time from seperate bottles.
Its really up to you. But 1 thing is for sure. Your baby cannot juz wear the swim diaper and go topless unless you want him to catch a cold.
Thank you all mummies for the reassurance.

Yes, that's what meant abt the neck being still wobbly. I was worried becos she is turning 5 mths soon and coming 6 mths she shld by right be able to sit upright n take solids and mine can't even support her neck. It doesn't help that hb thinks that it might be due to low weight so wanted to start her FM too. So, it 4-6 mths... Relief... Now just keep my fingers crossed.

My dd weight is way below 50%, she's at 3%. It almost like if take off her wet diaper, maybe she will be underweight liao... sob, sob...
Then bcos baby is TBF, everyone feels that mummy is the cause of problem i.e. not taking nutritions food.

Anyone's baby on Enfalac A+, thinking of putting her on. This Friso lady oso called to offer me a tin of Friso 2, thinking if i shld start her on it instead?
My PD told me that the quality of BM does not vary much with the food mummy eats. Coz I asked is whether my daughter is abit light due to the food I eat/my BM quality. So its not the amt of nutritious food you eat.
Morning Mummies,
Welcome to JessLee, pig07 & yokoh.

Dun worry, my gal's neck is also still wobbly and PD said she need a little more time. Much of it also associate with her weight. She is barely twice her birth weight at 4 month old.

This is the 1st time I have heard that FM is doing a better job than BM. You may wish to seek another advice from other PD. Dun let what pd's comment make you give up bfing.

Got your PM & replied already


I always thought i'm a little strange...i get leaky boobs now without them feeling rock hard. But when i pump, i get the usual or slightly more amount at a shorter interval between pumps.


So your daughter likes you to sing too? My daughter's the same and she only likes Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I sing that everytime she fusses and the moment i stop singing, she fusses again. My record was singing it 52 times...my husband actually counted :p Strangely, the song doesn't have the same effect on her if someone else sings...hmm....
Gd morning, a quick post before i rush to do all my work. super busy in the Uni now cos the Hons students are due to hand in their FYP in 3 wks. need to help them with it.

Shop4stuff, i might sound harsh but which part of my sentence do u not get ah? "Nothing to worry abt unless ur bb is in the 10th percentile or the 90th percentile" the ans is IN THERE. I find that you don't seem to trust ur PD. PD says ur boy is fine then dun worry. so many things to worry abt yet u worry abt something like this. So DON'T WORRY!!!! Ur boy is gaining weight wat. And why did u go and fiddle with his drinking schedule? He won't be fat forever. when he starts to walk, run, he will slim down. so young already u start to put him on a diet. Right now, the most impt thing is for him to drink as much as he can, not lengthening his feeding intervals! And now u wanna force feed him again.. no wonder he puke.. if u wanna increase feeding amt, do it gradually!

Lynn, did u increase his feeds recently? Sounds like reflux to me. Aft his feeds, try to keep him upright for abt 30mins or so.

Re: feeding less
According to Babycentre, ur baby's tummy is now BIGGER! hence they are able to hold the milk longer and don't need to feed as frequently. This applies more to FM babies. They did say that exclusively BF bbs still need to feed oftn but for my boy, he also dropped his feeds to abt 840ml a day. It isn't the amt the bb drinks but how much weight they put on.

Pig07, u might wanna wait a day before rushing to the PD. The same thing happened to me last wk when my boy just drank 320ml in 15 hrs (a day he usually takes 920-960ml). but aft that trip he drank another 3 bottles in that day so in the end his total intake was abt 800ml. He was gaining wt too so nothing to worry. I haven't increased his feeds since he was 12 wks old and he still gained 300g in 20 days.

Babbit, have u been giving ur gal tummy time? tummy time is essential for her to develop neck muscles. also try not to carry her in a cradle position. try putting her over ur shoulders. This forces her to use her neck muscles.

Thanks everybody for ur concern abt Z.. he slpt pretty well cos in the end we put him in the aircon room. was really warm last night. His cough is much better and he is more cheerful today. And he did something wonderful this morning! he got into the sitting position by himself and sat for 2 seconds without support before toppling over! so happy!
mildy, waterbaby,

we have that as well. my SIL who married a french guy bought it for megan when she was teething. Very good and lasting. we still have it! Good investment if you are having the 2nd one
anyone got the hives (Feng Mo) allergy. Both me and my younger sis are having it due to the hormones balancing out. my younger sis has a 9 mth old baby. lats nite had one attack and cld not sleep at all. what made it worst is that emma woke up twice last night. think her gums are itchy might me teething soon. normally she sleeps from 9.30pm to 5am . just saw the doc and she gave me some antihistamin to help relive the itch. so irritated.

SAME?! Hahahaha..i have to sing and do the star actions with my fingers sometimes if she's really cranky but most times, singing it alone suffice (thank god!). Wonder why they like this song...
Good morning mummies

How's everyone's bb doing? Mine is drooling non-stop now haha.

<font color="0000ff">Milderina</font>
Nice giraffe toy haha.
U will be getting for your gal?

<font color="0000ff">Chilipadi</font>
Sorry to hear that U have hives. Yes, antihistamines will help, try yr best not to scratch ok. Ya, think now is our bb's teething period, so our sleepless nites coming ag.
Chillipadi, i have hives!!! was just telling Fifi that even my face has the welts! i m resisting antihistamines though cos i get immune to them pretty quickly. not sure if its hormonal or its just me and my usuall allergies. Hang in there!

Bluebear, where have u been??!!

hives is due to hormones? Oh dear...this is the period of time our hormones are readjusting right? i thought hair loss n perhaps breakouts are already bad enough from hormonal changes, i didn't know that it could trigger hives too!

record my own singing and playing it for the baby? Er..i don't think i can stand hearing my own singing coming out from a player. I would probably cringe and roll over with foam in my mouth.
Hi mummies,

I'm looking for tis Fisher Price Smart Stage 3in1 Rocker Swing. Know of anyone selling 2nd hand or how much is a brand new one?

so our babies share the same birth date!
They are drinking about the same amt now....

I started my ds on tummy time when he was 3mths+ old by placing him on his tummy on a firm mattress everday. He struggled &amp; grouched during the 1st few tries cos head was still wobbly. I placed a beansprout pillow below his chest to help him gain support. Then after a few tries, he became more comfortable in that position then I removed the pillow. Shortly after, he flipped to his tummy by himself &amp; by then was able to hold his head up firmly. Now he enjoys sleeping on his tummy (sleeps better too) and the new view when his tummy (can use his hands to lift his body higher). He'll wriggle his body like a worm from the foot of cotbed to the head so I quickly put on cotbed bumpers. I avoid letting him flip to his tummy right after meals, he will sure puke out some milk.

When he sits my lap facing outwards now, he can support his head but don't think he can sit up by himself yet cos when in sitting position, backing still needs support &amp; his body tends to lean forward.
Lilian, i propped him up on my pillows (2 of them) then he just got off them and used his hands to support him. He then forgot and remove his hands and toppled forward. he laughed when he fell leh.. so funny.. then he tried again but this time my hb was there to support him.

Snnowy, only got take-along swings. dun sell the 3-in-1 swings liao. else u gotta import over from the US.
so quality is not really directly linked to the kind of food the mother consume... BIG relief.

Yep, has put dd on tummy since 2nd mth. But she hated it, so wasn't that regular on the tummy. Guess i have to put her on her tummy be it she like it or not.

wa.. the teether expensive man!!!! Really that good ah???
Hi Ladies...
Me at SGH wz the maid now. Haiz... The wait us so long siah. Been waiting for the past 1-hour 20-mins liaoz and still waiting. The worse part is bb Janessa is at my parents place. She refuses to drink my EBM. My dad juz call to tell me tat she cry n cry till sleep. Aarrgghh...!!! Why must my maid get this stupid lump? Really wasting my time n money!!!

Tat teether seems really interesting. Ate you ordering...
Oohh... so much temptations when it comes to bb stuffs.

Me still having hair loss. Hope it settles down soon. Siamz... This time it seems worse then before.

Wow!! Bb Z can sit up by himself?! So fast ley. My bb Janessa till now still refuses to flip.
I think there is abit of relation lah. Coz when I take fish soup with milk, I get more milk. But my PD say the quality does not differ much. So maybe there is abit of relation but not so much that it makes a big difference as long as you take proper meals. If you diet, etc then of coz got problem lah.
Think ur bb is either too full or having wind?

Since u are SAHM, u gets the blame for bb-related issues. Very common. Haha.

hi pig07,
Dun get too worried abt ur bb drink lesser nowadays. I think alot of babies here at this stage are drinking lesser.

hope your maid dont have a serious problem.
Maybe its difficult to feed my bb w milk .. so she pretend she hear wrongly and feed cereals at 3pm. Stewpig maid.
Babbit, tummytime is gd for her. My hb KS.. put my boy on his tummy aft the first wk!! so his head is really very strong. Just keep persevering.. don't put for long periods. say 2-3 mins then give her a break, then try again. much better than putting her on the tummy for 15 continuous mins.

Dymples, wat a waste of time hor.. oh well...

Haha thanks for all ur compliments abt Z sitting up. I have to tell u, he still can't flip completely.. always halfway or the hand get stuck under him. but he loves sitting up.. may be this morning was just a fluke lah.. my hb was telling him he got no stomach muscles sure cannot sit long.
Hi mommies

I really need some advise. My maid has seen the doc liaoz. The doc said confirm it's not cancer. He also said unlikely to be TB as the infection is not in the lymph node. However, cannot rule out this as yet. He will still need to do a day surgery to remve the lump, then send it for biopsy. All these will cost me about $1.5k. My concern now is (1) the cost (2) should I send the maid for the surgery? Cos if the biopsy comes back positive for TB, then the hospital will need to inform CDC. In end, there goes my surgery money cos TB is NOT covered u under the insurance. On top if tat, I will incur extra money to send maid back to her country. After tat will need to incur maid agency costs again cos need to get new maid. All this mounting costs is making me increasingly worried n frustrated. Wat you all suggest I do? Should I juz send the maid back?
i dunno how to advise on your maid leh. they are suppose to come lessen the load in the end u are much more busier, somemore i guses 3 kids is already very tight financially liaos still ahve to pay for her medical bills. the maid no money at all ah? ask her family send money to help her for her medical bills? so far did she say anything to you? or u tell her not that u dun wan to help her but u also dun have the money, if she cant pay then she have to go back n seek medical treatment instead?

as for the giraffe, i dunno if i will buy leh. kinda of ex. kekeke....
hi Dymples,

My advise is to send her back. When she returns, she can seek medical treatment there. Not that we are heartless but think of the cost incurred, plus time. After her surgery, you still need to look after her. There us no gurantee that she will appreciate what you are doing and do a good job for you. After the treatment, she may turnaround and tell you she does not want to work anymore. In the end you will be at the loosing end. Quickly make arrangements to send her home.
actually i would send maid back to agency..but then again,i have no experience with having a maid so i can't really comment. i think its best u contact agency?

oh my gosh, u must be happily rolling around e mat!hahah..is is very big?? mind to give me the dimension that you have?


My baby has just turned 4 months this week and she hates tummy time too. We started her on tummy time since she turn 3 mths and within a few seconds, she would be crying murder. Perhaps that's why she still can't flip yet though she doesn't mind tummy time as much anymore, not her favourite activity but bearable. However, she loves to sit and stand. She would try and pull herself up to a standing position if you offer her your fingers. My PD thinks my bb may skip the whole flipping process altogether and just move on to sitting and crawling. I can only wait and see...
