(2008/11) November 2008


Maybe your nini is just a very intelligent baby. My grandma used to say that difficult babies will not allow themselves to be bullied when they are older because they are very smart, they make everyone do what they want instead.

* U-Like Blender *
I googled on U-Like coz dunno how it looks like.
Those interested to know too, take a look here:
Isn't it t blender tat those promoter demo outside NTUC?

I have a robinson gift card... how do i know how much $$ is stored? anyone help?
today so quiet here
Hi mummies,

RE: U-Like Blender
I took a pic just to give all a clearer idea...


The set comes with:
1) Blender motor in orange w orange dome-shaped cover
2) 2pcs of Small see-thru jar w covers (for 1 portion/jar)
3) 2pcs of Big see-thru jar w covers (for more)
4) 2 types of blending blades - cross blade is for soft foods like fruits/vegetables, straight blade is for hard foods like ikan bilis, nuts etc.
4) "Bonus" item - jar with handle on the right - to blend soya beans or fruits juice separating fibre - like those we order in food courts.

Just place food items tt u want to blend into the see-thru jar, screw in blade and place it on top of orange motor (see small jar in white in the pic). Press it down to the catchment & blending starts. When it's done, unscrew from motor and u can scoop/eat from jar, or even keep any balance in the fridge by screwing on the cover.

I bought an extra cross blender blade at $10 to blend baby food only when the time comes.

U-Like Blender definitely takes up less space in the kitcen & easy to rinse off as compared to the Philips/Braun blenders.

There was a promoter doing pdt demo when I went down to buy the blender.
Thanks for the detailed writeup and pic on U-Like!
I think i'm gonna get one when i visit the store one of this days...

IMM? I want... ! But working now...
So sleepy
no probs.
Good things must share!

it's retailing at $69.90 (supposed to be promo price when I bought) but I think it has always been at that price le..maybe the promo is an'on-going' promo...heh heh...

too bad I stay in the East side..otherwise can go and jalan jalan in IMM with u..
lilian> same here.. eyes closing.. jus now almost doze off while pumping... it will be good to have a bed...

waterbaby> keep me updated on the tea for 2.. i tried the nursing tea before.. i dun find v much increase in SS.. same like haru, i need to increase my SS.. cos my bb seems to increase his intake aready..

jesslee> ohh. i go metro check out 1st.. cos i got a $50 vouncher can utilise it mah...

recently my boy aready dun wanna take my nipple liao. haiz..give him he can suck awhile & stop struggle & fuss... give him the btl den ok.. maybe he aready used to btl feed le..
Welcome jesslee & yokoh,

Thks for the info on the U-like. I wanna go shopping soon..

IMM too far for me. If you going Tampines, i'll join you.
Hahaha now taking leave till mid may, my exam coming.
Strange.. my boi decrease his intake these few days. Don't know y..

Mummies staying around Tampines,
Anyone need FBM? I have some to donate, from Jan09 till now.
bibi> maybe he will go back to normal later? sometimes they will be more cranky & refuse to take more... maybe it's jus a passing phase...

u got too much FBM ah?

i got a batch of expired one still lying in the fridge. haha.. waitin to do a milk spa for my boy.. btw do ur find that bb is more pukey if they drink FBM? & their sai smell is more "sour"?
Yar, freezer got no place to put liao.....

Hmm, i tink is about the same leh.. But don know y my boi poos very often, like 3-6 times a day.
i tink u can resort to do milk spa for bb.. or foot spa for urself.. hehe..

wah.. tampines gg to have another shopping coming up?? there aready got 3 shopping centre aready right? shiok leh.. no need to travel to city to shop..

Dozing off!! help me..
Glad gal,
as per the info on the warranty card,

Sole agent:
No 81 toh guan rd east
#03-01 secom centre S608606
tel: 6562 3008
technical enquiries: 65626298
where got 3 shopping centre?? Only 2 nia.
3rd one coming soon!

Bibi, ya, i hope they have more Jap restaurant. I'm sick of Sakae liao.
Envy u gals got BM to give!

I know medala distributor is at Toh Guan...
got 2 already, 3rd one opening soon... good for me cos i'm the lazy one. don like to go too far esp if it is very crowded.

taka got any good bargains? i'm going on sun.
there's gd n bad points for having more BM. i got lots of stretchmarks around my breast. So awful.

I need to go for classes, after 6 hrs breast feeling full very pain. And will get blocked duct very often.

but the good thing is, more nutrients. having a healthy bb is very impt to me esp by boi is o-.

I am starting to try out the EYS brown rice si shen powder..how do i feed her with it..? pls advise method..
kaka.. oh it's 2 only meh! haha.. i only went tampines maybe the most once a yr.. i tot i saw 3.. so is century sq, tampines mall nia hah? Coming 1 more new one oh.. how come woodlands dont develop... so sianz.. CWP nia.. yawnz..
Haru, Alibaba:

I suspect the increse is due to the Tea 4 Two because it's almost the same today. I have to pump every 2 to 2 1/2 hours today, just like yesterday but the yield today is not as fantastic as yesterday's though. I realised that yesterday, because i was stuck in a very cold meeting room the whole day, i kept sipping the tea throughout the whole day starting from 8am. Therefore by about 11am, i was starting to leak and had to pump every 2 hours. Today i was running around a lot more so i only had 1 1/2 cups of the tea by about 11am and the leaking started at about 1pm, 2 hours after my last pump.

Usually i pump every 3 - 4 hours, depending on how busy i am at the office and the yield for each pump is about the same as what i am getting in the last 2 days when i had to pump every 2 hours or so. I will plan to stop drinking the tea over the weekend and see if the ss is the same. Hahaha..experiment a little bit and remove variables...
u can go to the counter at Robinsons and get them to check for u. =>

is happy bellies avail in spore? if not i may get someone to get it back from US for me. was originally thinkin of tryin Healthy Times or Bellamy's.
wats e taste of the tea like? if its really e tea which works, i might give it a try too. heh..sigh, forgot to wake up in at 3am this morn. end up i had to wake baby at 6am to latch to empty boobs to stimulate supply.=P
I seldom go to town nowsaday... hee...

woodlands not developing bcos... u guys can do ur shopping at our neighbour country :p

u want tollyjoy breastpads? Cut-throat price sell u.. hee...
I thought it's quite bland tasting, except it has the raspberry fragrance. I use the same bag throughout the whole day and just top up hot water so by the 3rd top up, it just tastes like plain hot water. The nursing tea has a slightly bitter taste to me and i didn't like the smell but this tea doesn't.

I just went to MIM's website to check the contents of the tea and realised that the tea's out of stock. Do you want to try the tea? I can give you a few tea bags if you want to try it first before buying, just in case you don't like the taste or it's my imagination that's making me think the tea works!

I couldn't wake up last night to pump even when the alarm clock rang at 1am and i ended up with wet patches on my T-shirt which i only saw when i woke up at 3am to go to the toilet..wasted the milk
Hi mummy, anyone can explain to me what is percentile? my boy only gain 300g for 1.5mth *sad* ....and hes 50percentile before he lost weight... so hubby say i take care bb until he grow smaller not bigger
hhhh...... coz i try to stretch his feeding timing and seems like once the timing is stretch for too long, he can only very little..now reverting back to 4hrly...
Afternoon ladies!

So busy this week cause have been accompany my #1 at his class everyday.. Intend to let him get comfy with the environment first and will leave him to cry/scream out next week

Yes, we brought him to the kindergarten for 4 times before he starts on monday. Hopefully he can adapt well next week. Keep my finger crossed..

RE: First food book
I know some Popular sell this book, if i m not wrong, u can get from bukit batok branch. Or u can call to check b4 u go down. Think BP is stil cheaper overall. It is a useful book for first time mummy, the contents is quite simple and the ingredients can found easily at the supermarket.

RE: Baby Qi
I didnt heard b4 that if we carry too much will (xi zhou) their Qi.. But what i heard b4 is that baby shouldnt sleep in the same room with old grandparents.. Cause the either party will (xi zhou) their Qi.. IS IT TRUE OR ANYONE HEARD b4?

Yes, i have been following littlegastronomy blog's since my #1 on solid food.. Many recipes hor? She likes to use stock for her dishes..
Hi shop4stuffs,

re percentile, if i understand correctly, it means that 50% of boys his age weight the same as him. For those at 30 percentile, means he is heavier than 30% but rest of 70% are heavier than him. So, no worries. Your boy is doing just fine

Now that our baby loves to flip and i believe some babies love to just bang their heads on the mattres... if we place baby on the play mat which are not very thick, will it cause a problem? i have a playmat but dont dare to use it.. any mummy have such concern or have given baby and its okie?
Haha.. How can it be TRUE !?!?!

Dun blame urself! So wats ur boy's weight now, and which percentile he falls under?
To explain wat is percentile hor, i tink Fifi or Bear will be more pro at it.
In layman term, it is a percentage value saying where your data falls in the cohort.
If you are at 50% percentile, that means you belong to the 'average/normal' group. Half the population of kids has weight higher than u, and the other half has weight lower than u.
thanks alot for your explaination...funny thing is now that he has only gain 300g in 1.5mth, his percentile also the same....how come huh?
some mummy say brown rice can give only 6mths...what did the medical hall say? when i buy from the normal medical hall, they say 4mths can...i bought but i havent give la...mine is with yang sheng coz they say si sheng is heaty so yang sheng will cool it down abit...

intending to ask the pd b4 i give bb in 3 weeks time..then he will be arnd 5.5mths...
my boy oso did tat.. will head down when he is tired... so far ok wor... somtimes we'll put his hankie there cos he keep drooling. so when he head down is on his hankie..

i tried before goon diaper.. i like it. cos it's thin & soft...have urine indicator too..gd absorber.. stop using them becos they increase their price..
Thanks alot lilian. but now that he only gain 300g in 1.5mths, he still in the 50th percentile ley????

Can just wear the swim diaper bo? And for the swimsuit rite, wear those full bodysuit or just the trunk is better?
Hi mummies,

I have a BN Pampers Active Jumbo pack (M)- 68 pieces to let go at $22.

Also one open pack left with 40 pieces @ $12. My bb has outgrown the size.

Collection at Parkway Parade. Anyone interested, pls PM me. Thanks.

my boy not tired then head down ley..he will laugh and head down. sometimes his head will be like his hands and legs banging down on the mattress...very scared lo..
