(2008/11) November 2008

i request for the sample before but find it wide so will make the legs open wide...and its not very thick...if im not wrong, its expensive, just like huggies... think napier or something which mummies here bought before is cheaper and is from japan too..

RE: playmat
Is yr playmat Parklon/LG bumper playmat? Mine is Parklon 15mm thick. I've been putting him on it ever since he flipped onto his tummy. As his head is usually lifted up, I don't see him bang on the playmat hard enough to cause injury. Even if he does bang on it lightly to rest, so far ok le. The cushioning is good enough to absorb shock.

But once when he accidently flipped from his tummy to his back, the impact was stronger cos his head came from a higher level & he got a shock & threatened to cry.
So no matter what, I still watch over him like a hawk even if I put him directly on the playmat. Only when I put him on the tiny love playmat which is on the bumper playmat, then I dare to walk away for a short while cos got 'double protection'

RE: Goon
I have a M size sample (requested via diapers.com website). The cutting is very big le, bigger than Mamy Poko M, in terms of both width & height. Gd for big-sized babies. Material is soft & slim just like Pampers Active.
maybe the curve is wide so no difference in percentile. read somewhere that their growth will not be so steep as new born. What's your boy's weight & age?

This link might help to assure you.

i'm bringing my boi for checkup & jab tmr. can't wait to see his weight now. think should around 6.5kg. he should be coming 6months on 2 april but only 4 months corrected (going by EDD). His birth weight is only 1.4kg. He's growing about 1kg per month so far so am happy.

he lost some weight too...only recently he prefers bm instead of FM. Always waste the FM. too bad this mummy not enuff milk to go exclusive despite pumping 3x at work.

i actually bought a lot of stuff from BP mentioned here..hehehe...the swim diaper, thermos, playmat...going to buy the baby can read vcd too.

my only source of entertainment is online shopping since hardly go out nowadays.
wah..60kids taken care by ur mil. wah.. i 1 baby already gao mu tiem already. She must have love bbs and toddlers!

will u still be calling the lady regarding the baby cube thingy? if so, could you help me ask how much, and if same as ur bargain the other time? Thinking of getting 1 set. Pls let me know? thanks.
mosh> per ur mentioned website said to have discount... but i refer to diapers.com.sg their price is cheaper leh.. if u wan to try u can request for sample from the webbie too.. try before u order lor...

shop4stuff> if u scare, den y not u put a small pillow beneath 1st..
oh no.. got a bad news... my nephew has confirmed to have hfmd... haiz.. hopefully my boy wont kanna it.. cos nephew still came to my house yday... omg~ keep my finger cross...
my baby's birth weight was 1.895kg and he weighed about 6.6kg 2 days ago. Think we probably went thru the same stress. My baby stopped growing in my womb at 35weeks+ so no choice have to C-sect at 36 weeks. He stayed in NICU for the 1st nite then after that moved to nursery cos his feeding/heartbeat etc was ok.

Same here, my only source of entertainment is online shopping...so far dare not bring baby out alone le, cos he fusses in the car whenever the car stops & if I drive by myself, nobody to pacify him at the back.
Joyce> ya ya, i heard the old wives tale before. Some say old ppl like to sleep next to babies coz they can "xi qi" from the babies. supposed to make them stronger! i thought i was the only one that hear such things before.
oh dear... hope ur boy is fine!

since ur boy is still at 50%, then u dun worry lor. My gal was at 75% on her 1st mth... now dropped to 50%. Hahah..

Diapers.com.sg selling $18.80. The web after disc only 14.90 leh.


Oh the cutting is bigger than mamy poko ah. Hmm..

I just bought Brainy Baby the other day but BB not very interested leh, maybe have to wait for her to get older bah.

They selling cheaper in M'sia. Ard 15 Ringgit at Popular.
yah. did take out all his toys to wash on tuesday liao.. but yday he came to my house again... cos after kk confirmed not HFMD.. end up today say is.. wah lao eh..

Keep my finger cross.. gtg home liao =(
the baby shoes very tempting.
but maybe can wait till few months later, hopefully the BP comes again. Otherwise if we buy and keep now, wonder if the material would 'disintegrate' wif time?
Happy Bellies is not as easily available as compared to Healthy Times and Bellamy. Understood from Fifi that Paragon selling but i'm not sure exactly where. I'm ordering through Fifi now.

Hope your boi boi is safe, must sterilize all the items ur nephew played with before giving to ur boi.
i had severe preeclampsia (high BP). My bp went up to 200+/150+. I was put on 1 month bedrest. In the end, they still had to take BB out early cos scared i get stroke or seizure. Was pretty scary now that i think back. Baby stayed 2 months in KK. The funny part is i have had a relatively easy pregnancy before that. No morning sickness etc. Never had to take MC until that 1 month hosp leave for bed rest.

anyway, it's over now..just glad that bb is fine

oh yah hor...never think about that. I just buy a bigger size to play safe. mi too ks. see got good bargain quick quick buy.
what's the content in the Baby Brainy VCD that u bought? Got colourful images? I notice my baby is attracted to colourful and fun images like dogs, cats, babies, zoo animals, puppets etc. He must be in an active (not hungry or sleepy) mood then he will concentrate on the show. But his all-time favourite show is American Idol - he will watch with such intensity that i have to face him away from TV.

no disc for the DVDs/VCDs in Taka Fair...promoter says 'controlled' price..really gns.

Buy from BP cheaper...
Bibi, Lilian: Thks for the Medela info! Coz can't rem where I keep my warranty card oops. Suspect my pump a bit malfunctioning leh but can't tell exactly. So thought of sending for servicing while it is still within warranty.

Alibaba: Oh no, hope your boy dont kena. Seems like HFMD is on the rise again. That's the con when our babies interact with more pple or when we send our babies for group classes rite...
Oh dear... hope your boi is ok! For the next few days,gt to monitor any fever,diaper rash or ulcer.

Re: goon
I used goon previously.I found it is better than mamy poko.Price increase and i stop using.
Although it is thin,can absorb very well. Thumbs up for this brand!

Try wheels on the bus dvd.YOur baby will love it if he is attracts to colourful images.My baby love it and can entertain himself with jus tat disc.

Yaya,hav to wear swim diaper inside the swimsuit.Baby still very young ley,cannt jus let them wear swim trunk lar.The water in the pool is too cold for them,later catch a cold ley.
thanks! i've PM-ed you about e nursing tea. looking forward to try it. =>

thanks! i saw it its 6 pack in 1 for the Happy Bellies. So is it 6 small tins in one package? kinda blur..
HI Gals
I have a pack of brand new tea for nursing mummies, from MIM. I have stopped breastfeeding, so dun need the tea. And I happen to read that some of u want the tea?

PM me yah?

I bought 2 vcds, right brain and left brain. Both very colorful, but didnt really see animals leh, got lots of balloons, toys .
I am SUPER ANGRY with maid now. This morning 11am, I told maid bb take cereals at 11am, drink milk at 3pm and take cereals again at 7pm. And after bb had his cereals at 11am, I went out for interview at 1pm, leaving maid n bb at home. Trusting that she would give bb drink milk at 3pm ... as usual I didnt call back to ask. I reach home at 5pm and make bb sleep. At 7pm, when I gg to prepare cereals for bb, I asked the maid what time bb drank milk and she gave mi the look. I say you never give bb drink milk? She says she thought 7pm take cereals. She is brainless or what!
MIL juz went to question the maid and maid told her she gave bb cereals at 3pm. *vomit*

Got communication problem w the maid.
Heya ladies!

I see some new faces! Welcome both of u! Having premmies must be really stressful for u guys! if it was me, i would have worried to death. :p glad they are all doing well now.

Glad_gal, Z is still sick.. no more fever, just cough and generally a grouch. :p i hope he gets well.. feel very helpless when i see him being such a grouch.

Waterbaby, u leak aft taking the tea, yet ur output is still the same? that's odd, i would have thought that ur output will be more! may be it takes a day or 2 for the output to increase since u are also pumping more oftn now.
i can't take those stuff liao.. already got oversupply..

Re: percentile
This is a statistical way of analysing data from a huge population. u guys are right. at 50% it means 49% of the babies of the same age are below and above the weight/height of ur bb. in simple terms, it means ur bb is really, erm, average. haha... Ur bb can increase wt and still maintain at the same percentile bcos it simply means, on average most bbs only gain that amt in that period of time. Nothing to worry abt unless ur bb is in the 10th percentile or the 90th percentile.

Alibaba, oh dear! hope ur Trysten don't catch it!

Jo, did u write down the instructions?
Nope .. I didnt write down ... but lesson learnt .. from now onwards, everytime I go out, I will write the schedule for the day for the maid. But I dont dare to leave bb and maid alone at home anymore.

Hope Trysten dun get it from his cousin. Now Trysten guai guai drink milk already ah?

wheel on the bus:
My boy loves it so much! I always play the vcd for him to watch while feeding him w cereals on his rocker. While eating n watching, he can juz smile w his mouth wide open. So cute.
Yeah, u also heard b4 right.. So weird hor!

Hope Zach can recover soon! It is normal to feel that.

ur maid is Indo or Philippino? Ya, write down is better and ask them to repeat what u wrote! This is imp so to make sure they understand.
re: maid
My maid is Indonesian. MIL told us something juz now ... this morning MIL and maid went to the market ... they bought vege and also asked for the leave to cook the curry. They went home and then MIL n FIL went for breakfast at the market before they go to work. Maid called MIL and told her the vege seller never give them the vege. MIL thinking whole bag of vege never take .. she faster go back to the vege seller and the guy said the maid took everything. MIL called home and ask maid again ... then she said the leaves for the curry wasnt inside. Alot of times the maid never make herself clear in what she said.
Hi Mummies,
My boy keep vomit the milk after drinking the formula. is there anything wrong? he has been drinking for more than 3 mths alr. just recently lei.. his bottles always got sterilised. is he too full?
hmm..ur baby stayed in KK for 2mths, must hv been a trying period for u & the family, shuttling to & fro hospital. But that's all behind us now, what's more important now is that our babies are growing well & healthy. Yr baby is gaining very good weight from 1.4kg. Well done mummy!

thks for the recommendation. Wheels on the bus..ok ok will check it out. He loves colourful images
There're 7 volumes, start from Vol 1 in that sequence or any 1 will do?

thickness...actually my own view is the thicker the better...at least 15mm. 18mm is the best, but heavy, according to seller (not to mention expensive). But if u're not moving it around, then should be ok.

ic, hv not seen left&right brain VCDs yet. If got animals, usually their movements will capture my baby's attention. U can try yr VCD again when baby's older, or try another VCD. I also tried Baby Genius : Mozart and Friends Sleepytime VCD + CD, very soothing to prepare baby for bedtime, lotsa kids, animals, flowers images with background music. My baby boy yawned 5 times when he watched it..haha..

hi hi! Think u're the resident guru in this thread when it comes to explaining baby issues
I've read a lot of useful info u posted. Hope yr baby boy recovers soon.

Yeah it was quite a stressful period for me & hubby from the day we were informed baby's not growing till his birth, then to catch up with his weight during the initial mths. I'm just glad everything went well.
thanks i will try putting a pillow but worried bb will turn and turn 360degree then i will be busy shifting the pillow haha...

hope your boy is safe...must sterilise all...

Huggies S promo coz new packaging. the rest of the size, new packaging not out yet but taka fair got offer. 14.70 and if buy 3 pack, free 1 pack of 12 pull up pants and above 200 got free diaper bag and some free gift like 1st yr bowl, huggies bib etc

so r u worried or what did pd say? is 75% still considered gd? my hubby kept complaining my bb slim liao and then i start to worry coz bb only gain only 300g in 1.5mth which should be about 500g to 1kg each mth.hhh...and i start getting paranoid...and today he vomit his milk coz after feed move him around. usualy this happen when hes too full so guess his intake really drop liao so shouldnt force him to increase his intake...bb poor thing ley..when i told hubby he pressured me coz he blamed me. then he said i did wrong in the 1st place for lengthening his feed and caused him to slim down and now while trying to adjust back to old feed,made him vomit...and i still blame him even when im in the wrong in the 1st place ...hhh....*sob*

i hope my boy is not sick today and its just that hes too full tats y he vomit coz we will be going to msia 2morow (fri to sun/mon)....

my maid recently never hear properly our question and gave the wrong answer...fedup....find her heart now like not here liao. my frend say maid 3 to 6mths all the color will come out liao...hope not ah coz i quite like her la.

i get maid to record every feed coz i want to monitor his intake

thanks...so does that mean 35% to 75% percentile is on the safe side and no need to worry about?

last time when my boy is having his flu n cough,he stil has slight cough after he recovers and pd said it will take time to go away completely and need not worry. if cough gets worse then its a cause for worry, but now its getting better (with only slight cough) means hes getting better. so dun worry ya

mine was given as a gift duno wat brand. i will go check out the tiny love...sounds better coz thicker thus peace of mind. thanks...else will go grab the horse brand mattress/sofa seat
Last time my boy got such problem too...think its too full. coz after that when we reduced a little, he no longer vomit. he vomit coz we moved him around after feed (esp when hes too full) e.g. daddy carry, ah ma carry, pass here and there so jerk him here and there, jerk him up and down... and today he started again coz i try to increase his intake as he slim down liao...but think i will stop coz heart pain.

Milk feeding
Do you still feed your baby every 3 or 4hourly now? Or feed on demand huh? Some say they are still young so still should be by xx hourly???? Advice? coz i moved fm 4 hourly to feed on demad coz i try to lengthen his feed then he slim dowm
your bb slim down cos he exercise more. When he's younger, he only eat and sleep but now he start to flip, kick, sit..... Is not your fault k.. my boi is 75% percentile also. doc said he's a bit on the high side (too fat liao), will get over weight soon. So i try not to give him too much to prevent over weight. Don worry my boi also drink less now and he can also ta han longer.
yeah put tiny love playmat or mattress on top of bumper playmat is safer, extra cushioning is always good. Even if baby roll off the playmat/mattress, still got a bumper playmat as the base to cushion the impact.

re: baby slimming down
I was also worried about this cos from 4th to 5th mth, my boy was still taking 120ml/feed, 5 feeds/day. Although eventually his weight did increase by 650g within a mth, I thought he looked slimmer, esp the body and face looked sharper. So I increased his feed to 150ml/feed since last week, & sometimes he'll leave 10-20ml can't finish, or he will finish & spit out a little, esp when he flip to his tummy.

Don't be too upset le..I think hor, whenever something happens to baby, we tend to play the 'blaming' game. But must not forget we are all still learning in this parenthood journey everyday(esp if u're a 1st-time parent), so don't be too hard on yourself. I used to blame my hubby for little things that happen to baby, eg him not being able to pacify baby, him causing baby to spit out milk due to the way he hold him etc. But now I stopped blaming cos' he is also new in this & spends less time with baby as compared to me.
Hi Mummies,

I am from Nov07 and Dec08. My girl was borned on Nov08 instead of Dec08.

May I ask if you all notice that your 4 month old babies are dirnking lesser than normal days?

She fussed and cried alot when i try to feed her (whether it's BM or FM). She has always been bottled fed.

For today, her last feed was at 5.15pm finishing her 130ml EBM..and till now she hasnt drink anything and is sleeping. Am worried she is unwell or what though she can still smile and play.

Simply, she has missed like 1 feed today, and with left over of more than half on her other 2 feeds.
aiyo same as my baby today...he's turning 5mths this Sun. He only took 4 feeds today - last feed 150ml at 7.30pm. He usually sleeps after that feed but these 2 nites dunno why very awake play till 10pm and I fed him 30ml then he fell asleep immediately. I'll usually give him a midnight feed if he sleeps at 8pm but I think will skip tonite since he slept at 10pm.

Btw if her last feed was 5.15pm, for me I will still feed my baby after 4hrs even if he's sleeping. I'll just carry him and put bottle teat in his mouth & he'll drink with eyes closed. Otherwise he can't sleep thru the nite.
my boi also drink lesser now. In e past he can drink abt 800ml per day, now is only around 600ml. every morning until 12 or 1 pm, he only drink 150ml. a lot lesser.
Hi Mommies,

My maid has gotten back the results. X-Ray is clear. No signs of infection in her lungs. However, from the ultrasound report, they recommend an biopsy to be done to further investigate on the lump. Haiz. Tomolo gotta bring the maid to SGH to consult a General Surgeon. I'm really hoping it's nothing serious. Called the insurance agent today. They said tat if the lump is due to TB, then I am not able to claim anything as the policy does not cover communicable diseases. If it's cancer, then it depends on the severity, blah blah... all medical terms. All I know is... looks like I won;t be able to claim anything at all lah... cos the insurance agent also told me... after submit in the claim then see how much is covered... but most importntly, all this also hinges on whether my claims submission is admissable in the first place. aarrgghh.... like tat I buy insurance for wat!! Better dun buy right!! *fed-up*

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
I've received my LG Prime Hello Kitty mat liaoz. Although it's only 11mm, I'm quite happy with it. Love it so much... heheheh... maybe even more then my bb siah. *LOL*

<font color="ff0066"> Alibaba</font>
Oh dear... pls do monitor bb yah. As long as bb dun hv direct contact wz the saliva or other body fluids, should be ok. But now... you will need to sterilise everything he touch. Oh yes... juz so you know... even though your nephew will hv so-called recovered after the 7 or 14 days quarantine, he is still infectious for another 2-weeks hor. This was advised by my PD. The govt only made it mandatory for HFMD patients to stay home for 1st 2 weeks cos not all parents are able to take leave for 1-mth to quaratine the child at home.

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
Oh dear... hope bb Z gets better soon. Besides the cough, any runny nose?

<font color="ff0066"> Jo</font>
Maids are like tat. Sometimes, they know the instructions very well. Juz tat since you not home, they also can't be bothered. To them is extra work. Will not be surprised if your maid din give cereal at all at the 3pm feed. Could even be telling lies juz to cover her ass. This is one reason why I dun let my maid touch or handle my bb at all. Once they not happy wz you, they will take out their anger on the child. Like I mentioned before... I know of a maid who purposely dropped the bb on her head juz becos the employer scolded her and she wanted to get back at them. Haiz...
I've sent out emails regarding the iplay swimdiapers spree, drugstore spree and happy bellies BP. If you have not received, please let me know.
You may want to check if your boy's tummy is bloated. Wind in the stomach may cause BBs to throw up some milk after feeding.

You may want to monitor for a while. If 1 day drink less then next day back to normal, then shld be not too bad. My gal does that now and then (actually quite often). If prolonged poor feeding then better consult a PD.
Hi Mummies,

Thank you for the replies. She is turning 4 month today according to the chinese lunar calendar.

She fussed so much last night till this mornng 3am. Refused to drink though I think she is hungry. We fed her using syringe and spoon in hope to get some liquid into her. At 6am, she finally drink and finished her 130ml FM. Still, I am bringing her to the doctor later.

That means for the last 24 hours, her intake is 660ml versus the usual 780ml.Although her drop seems insignificant, but its worrying to see her cry so much and cry the moment the milk bottle teat touches her mouth. Was still thinking if she is teething, or ulcers in her mouth.
