(2008/11) November 2008

Oh and i dunno what is there to buy in philippines but if anyone wants anything, just pm me yeah... =)

going to London in 1st week may. shopping list fr mommies here are welcomed! The pound is darn low now -- just changed some at 2.1 - i am thinking of brining bb with me so i can extend a day there to do shopping!! *rub hands with glee*

Hi Mummies, i hav 5 cans of Happy bellies Brown Rice Cereal to let go. $8 each, pls PM me if keen to take.
Yah Drugstore still onz.

Not sure abt expiry of the cereal. But it will be new stocks so shld be ok I guess. When's ur BB turning 6 mths?

London? I want I want! * Head's off to find pen and paper to write a loooooooong list.*
Dear Mummies,

have been silent reading this thread since i got preggie. My daughter is born on 16 Nov.

This morning, i finally conquered my laziness and got myself registered to post comments while i am expressing my milk. Would like to share some of my similar experiences with mummies here.

Dymples > your baby prob got too used to latch. i got the same problem when i start my gal with bottle when she was around 5th weeks. I was equally perturbed with her rejection cos she was still happily drinking when my confinement lady had to give her bottle while i was doing my malay massage @ ard week 2. By rejection, i meant screaming and wailing for up to 2 hours and only taking in 10 ml. You have to expect "cold turkeying" her a few days prob if your gal is the stubborn type to see changes.

One thing i've learnt is to stick to the routine of bottle feeding once you start. I made the mistake of latching her totally again when she seems to take the bottle well, only to find that she starts rejecting bottle and i have to start "cold turkeying" her all over again. I seeked profesisonal help from Thomson Parenctcraft the 3rd round i start introducing bottle again, and the senior nurse advised to give baby full bottle for at least 3 days or until the baby can smile when she see the bottle before you start latching her again. That's when i realise i've been doing the wrong things cos i mix latch with bottle, and when i see that she's taking bottle, i switch to full latch again. My poor baby....victim of mother's ignorance... haha. I was dutiful in following the advice after that to go full bottle feed for about a week until i start to latch her again at night time (to simulate my going to work scenario). Now my baby can take both latch and bottle happily.

Read about some mummies who had babies fussing on the bottle. Perhaps you might wanna change to a larger teat hole and try? The same time i went to Thomson Parentcraft to seek advice on bottle feeding, the nurse told me to change to a large teat hole for my gal cos she was fussing on the bottle though she is drinking it - but very slowly. I changed and she could gulp down the whole bottle within 5 mins. I used to use NUK medium teat hole for her, and after taking the nurse advice, i changed to the large teat hole when she was slighly less than 3 months, though the large teat hole seems to be for babies ard 6 mths. According to the nurse, my gal could only tahan having the teat in her mouth for a certain time period, once the time exceeds, she will fuss. So she advise we change the teat hole to a large one that flows quicker so the milk empties into her stomach before she even realise it. It worked for my baby and from then till now, she is still able to finish her milk milk within 5 mins most of the time. She was definitely not like this on her medium teat hole. Mummies with similar problems may wanna try this method to see if it works for your babies.

I have similar concern on weight problem with my gal. She was 5.7 kg when i weighed her on 14 Mar (only 25th percentile
), and it was only like... *gulp* 100g gain from her last check in Singapore 1 mth ago!! I asked the PD and he said it could be a different weighing scale ( i am in Shanghai now). When i weighed her in Shanghai, she had to be stripped buck naked, so 5.7kg is really her net weight. I will monitor her gain again when i go back to the PD in 2 weeks time and weigh her using the same scale. Hopefully, there will be some encouraging wt gain. I've also been telling myself to not bother too much on the wt issue as baby is active and feeding/ sleeping well. She could just be a petite baby lor. My baby is currently taking 160 ml per 4 hly interval. I make sure she feeds 5 times per day.
hi enchine,

i wan the baby cubes too! Place order through..?

London! Bring me, bring me.... or bring my shopping list pleeeeease!
How do you mummies avoid baby from scratching face? I have filed and cut her nails but she still got cut on her face.

Any good filers to recommend..?
My boy has been using California and GAIA. I have made a rough calculation and found out that California Baby Shampoo & Bodywash (17oz) is more worth it ... but get it at BP price. If I'm not wrong, Ima is doing BP on California Baby products now and is closing her BP on 30th Mar (tomorrow). Order it now!
Baby Cubes:
Order thru Emeraldbride of Dec mums.

Bumper Playmats:
Yes its worth it. Can be used for tummy time, playtime etc. Can even be used for short naps. Cheong Choon also sells the mats at the same price as the BP.
blessed11, coincidentally i jus placed my order for the playmat on the BP thread. hee, i am gg for the pooh flower hill design.
<font color="ff0066"> Hi EnChine</font>

Thks for your advise on bottle intro. Huh?? Need to let me gal go "cold turkey"? Aiyohz... but I no heart to let her cry and cry leh. Now I juz want her to try to get used to bottle for the time when she hits 6-mths and I am intending to stop BF-ing. For now, I tot of doing a combo, where majority of feeds will be direct latch except 1 feed in the afternoon will be via bottle. If make her cold turkey for a few days, won't tat affect my milk supply? Or do I need to subsitute direct latch with pumping during this time? Cos if I need to pump, plus feed bb wz milk... I lagi no time to settle all these now leh. Haiz....

<font color="ff0066"> Blessed11</font>
I find the bumper playmat really useful as compared to the ABC mat because the bumper mat provides more cushion against, is not so hard and major plus point... easy to clean up. Another advantage I find is tat the bumper playmat comes in 1 big piece, so it's berry easy to keep... juz fold and store. But for the ABC mat, will need to take out the individual pieces and stack. And when wanna use again, need to fix up these individual pieces. Ever since I got the Bumper playmat, Janessa is really happy to juz lie there or even roll around. HTH's.
I'm facing the same problem now. It's so hard to cut his nails cos he fidgets a lot so sometimes have to stop at 3 fingers. If I don't cut them all, he will have 1 or 2 scratches on his face the next day. I put on mittens for him at nite when he sleeps &amp; remove in the day (so as not to affect his motor skills development).

Anyway I just got a new Pigeon nail clipper to try again - supposed to be a 'safety clipper' cos got curved blades. I tend to cut his skin slightly with the existing First Years nail clipper. Very heart pain. *GUILTY FACE*.

RE:Bumper Playmat
One of the best investments I've made so far! Very useful just to put baby on it for playtime, tummytime or just lying around. It's colourful &amp; baby is attracted to the prints. Cooling and easy to clean with just warm soapy water. Very comfortable to step on too..!
My ds loves it.
blessed11, Jeelee

Normally i'll cut him nails when he's sleeping cos he fidgets a lot when awake. But my boi nails are growing too fast... i need to cut the nail every 2 to 3 days. Even within such a small intervel, he still get scratches. I just brought a pigeon scissor to cut his nails, hope it works.

the bumper mat is nice but very exp...
Hi mummy,
My baby cannot wear M size diapers, so would like to sell them off.

1. Mamy Poko Diapers
Size: M (6-11kg)
Qty: 85 pcs
Selling: $25

2. NTUC Diapers
Size: M
Qty: 55 pcs
Selling: $8

Self collect at Hougang.
PM me for deal.

I was packing my hse today. Have the following items for sale.

1. Similac Mum 700g x 2 - Expiry Sep 2009

If interested, pls say so.
dymples: thanks, wow all the mummies have really great feedback abt the playmat looks like i will probably buy one too..

can i check with u mummies more abt the playmat:

1. What thickness is enough cushioning 12mm, 15 mm?

2. Is the rough texture or smooth texture better?

Kindly provide any buying tips for playmat as there are several types to choose from brands too (LG, and another brand..)

RE: Ur maid

Yes, I tink is the right choice for maid and ur family that its to her best interests that she goes home for her treatment, it not only saves u cost, but also the trouble, anxiety, stress that u may face. Better to do it early than later she it becomes a drag and things get more complicated, moreover i find ur maid not v. consistent in what she says. I changed my maid once and felt it was best for all of us.

Mummy (zeal): Yes! No wonder i saw ur nick i guessed was you from this forum..how much did u pay?

jesslee: Wow, seems like the mat is really good, any feedback on the above abt the playmat?

I use the farlin brand clipper (rounded design) its really good and ez to use but i hv problem on the filing part i tink there are some filers in the mkt which may be very good to shave off those sharp edges. My gal cut her nose when asleep and suddenly cried so loud today.

bibi: Ya very ex the playmat...was wondering if we can get better price if few mummies here can get one each, like bulk discount from the supplier spree.

Yes, i also cut every 2 days, its grows really fast! No matter how i file it still get cut, so i oso put mitten on at nite only.

I was packing my hse today. Have the following items for sale.

1. Similac Mum 700g x 2 - Expiry Sep 2009

2. Similac Stage 1 900g x 1

If interested, pls say so.
hi pam,
i totally know what you mean about being completely shacked. i've been pumping at midnite before sleeping around 1am, then waking up again around 330am to pump one more time. by e time i sleep its around 4am+, then bb wil wake up around 7am for feed. super tiring and i feel so "stoned" e whole day...same here, its a blessing that i get to work flexi hours so no fixed time unless i have meeting to attend, etc. even then i am already thinking when i should stop waking up in middle of night to pump.ha...but so torn coz really wanna BF for as long as i can. oh well, the sacrifices we make as mothers. =p

London?? think i would go crazy shopping if i were u too!!!

personally i prefer California baby..=D

Re:baby's nails
my bb's nails also grows super fast. whenever i wanna cut her nails i just let her nap in my arms so i can cut when she dozes off. ha...am using American Red Cross nail clipper which my BIL got from the states. very good to use.

Re:eek:rganic brown rice cereal
i am so torn on whether to get Healthy Times or Happy Bellies??
RE: Playmat
Mine is Parklon 2100mm x 1400mm, 15mm thickness. I made my decision based on size suitable for my living room &amp; my preferred design. Think it's worth the investment esp when our babies learn to crawl &amp; walk etc, need an area for them to move around &amp; u'll definitely need a playmat to make it more comfortable for their next stage development.

That day my hubby accidently spilled Milo on it and it was easily cleaned up using just wet cloth. No stains seeping into the playmat at all.

Our only grouch is that the prints are so colourful that we can't see the things that we leave on the floor, so end up always stepping/kicking on remote control, cup &amp; toys etc.

RE: baby's nails
Yeah the scratches can happen even when the nails are already cut....but baby's skin heals so fast that the scratches are usually gone in a day or 2. I guess cutting right after his bath and while he's asleep is the best way to avoid cutting his skin.
blessed11, its $138 but no ready stock.. still waiting for reply from ssw. cos we're leaving sg end apr, cant wait too long. Maybe i'll get the yellow bear cos got ready stock.

haru, i havent tried it yet but i am so excited abt trying it! hee.. next fri gg PD and asking for green light first. let u knoe soon!

haha people keep asking me why i'm selling the 5cans of happy bellies! Cos from next fri to end apr, i think baby can only finish 1 can lor..hehe.
morning everyone!

Long long time nv drop in liao cant catch up with all the topics bt hope u all are getting on well with babies

So what is the topic for this morning??
Good morning!!!

yeah, this weekend started her on 120 ml as she seems not enough and glad that she can finish it at times. so i am super duper happy.

i had your same issues that time when before i go back to work and i also went throught cold turkey. my bb just refuse to drink from the bottle and everytime feeding her milk is a nightmare. i actaully had to go through the whole thingy for 1 week before she decides to drink from the bottle. *sweat*
some jokes to start your day right

A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:

"Emma come first.
Den I come.
Den two asses come together.
I come once more.
Two asses come together again.
I come again and pee twice.
Then I come one last time."

"You foul-mouthed swine, " retorted the lady indignantly. "In this country we don't talk about our sex lives in public!"
"Hey, cool down lady," said the man. "Who talkin' about sex? I'm a just tellin' my frienda how to spell Mississippi."

A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters but always talked about having a son.
They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted.
The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.
The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.
He was horrified at the ugliest child he had ever seen.
He told his wife, "There's no way I can be the father of this baby. Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered! Have you been fooling around behind my back?"
The wife smiled sweetly and replied, "! Not this time!"

By the time a Marine pulled into a little town, every hotel room was taken.

"You've got to have a room somewhere," he pleaded. "Or just a bed, I don't care where."

"Well, I do have a double room with one occupant - an Air Force guy," admitted the manager, "and he might be glad to split the cost. But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in adjoining rooms have complained in the past. I'm not sure it'd be worth it to you."

"No problem," the tired Marine assured him. "I'll take it."

The next morning the Marine came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. "How'd you sleep?" asked the manager.

"Never better."

The manager was impressed. "No problem with the other guy snoring, then?"

"Nope, I shut him up in no time" said the Marine.

"How'd you manage that?" asked the manager.

"He was already in bed, snoring away, when I came in the room," the Marine" explained.

"I went over, gave him a kiss on the cheek, said, 'Goodnight, beautiful,' and he sat up all night watching me."

A dad calls home.

Dad: Hello?

Boy: Hello...

Dad: Hey son, pass the phone to Mom.

(A few moments later...)

Boy: Sorry, dad. Mom's busy. I think the mailman is with her in the room...naked.

Dad: WHAT THE F***?! Son, do me a favor. Go to the drawer beside the tv and there should be a gun in there. I want you to kill those mofos for me. Don't worry, I'll hold myself responsible.

Boy: Ok.
(There was silence for a moment and soon two gunshots were heard.)

Boy: Ok dad. I've killed both of them. Mom laid dead on the bed and the mailman fell out the window and into the pool outside.

(Dad remained silent for a while)

Dad: We had a pool? Is this the Simmons family?

Boy: No. This is the Tan family.

"Dad": Sorry wrong number...
Rice Cereal
Do u mix the rice cereal with milk (FM/BM)? Or just warm water? Feed using spoon or in bottle?
If in bottle, wun t teat get stuck?
Sorrie... me 1st time mummy very sua-ku :p

MIL came over yest.. kept telling us can feed porridge liao *roll eyes* So fedup as she keep telling us wat to do.
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Good morning Super Mummies and mummies who've just joined us

<font color="aa00aa">Dymples</font>
Hope u have resolve the issue with the maid

<font color="aa00aa">Bumper Playmat</font>
I'm also thinking of getting 1, all the designs are so cute!!

<font color="aa00aa">iplay swimwear</font>
Shld i get the 1piece + swim diapers or 2piece with swim diapers? hmmmmmm
Morning mummies! Long time no post!

My 5-month boy is drinking 220-240ml EBM every 5-6 hours interval, is it normal? Any baby like him?

Recently, he starts to wake up in early morning (5-6am), usually sleep to 7-8am, we have to feed him to let him sleep else he'll keep on sucking him finger and make alot of noise.. Not sure whether this is a sigh of weaning off..

I read Gina Ford book seems like that case but if possible wanna wait till he's 6 month leh..

Any mummy planning to start wean off your baby earlier?

How much your baby drinking now? Can we do a survey here?

How old: 5 month
Drink: EBM
How much: 220-240 every 5-6 hours
mummy: those are my fave choices too..i like fisher price one too but super pricey i tink not worth paying for the print..$309.

Jess: I tink i will also get the bigger one like urs, i checked 1850 mm actually not a very big space either..2100 may be more ideal so bb has more space.
<font color="aa00aa">Milderina</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">BUY BUY BUY!</font></font>

How old: 5 month
Drink: EBM
How much: 220-240 every 5-6 hours

How old: 4.5 month
Drink: EBM
How much: 150 every 3-3.5 hours
bad bad bad....wakakk.............aiyo.......please ask that thread to close soon. i scare i cannot control........
<font color="aa00aa">Milderina</font>
Think u must watch "Confessions of a shopaholic!"
Hollywood made that movie for you! hiakhiakhiak
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">BUY LAR BUY LAR BUY LAR</font></font>
Depends on what kind of cereal. Nestle ones come with milk so mix with water. The others mainly need to mix with milk.

Feed with spoon. Coz the main aim is to introduce them to solids, chewing, swallowing, etc. Feeding in bottle does not accomplish this aim &amp; also its a bad habit.

DUN BUY! *Slap slap* Hahahhaha
<font color="aa00aa">Milderina</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Buuuuyyyyyy......</font></font>~ gu chi gu chi..

<font size="-2">*Hides before Fifi slaps me 2!...hehehehee*</font>
*peep at fifi chasing teenyweeny and hide 1 corner arm chio*

wakakka...............i think i am sick.........ya, i think hor cofessions of a shopaholic is made for me. i read all their books, prob tats y i tio "tok"? wakakkaka.....

*farts into happy face before running off to hide again*
Re: Liferacer Thermal Swimsuit
Have gone to Isetan to try on the thermal swimsuit size 1. Its rather big on Alyssa now (5 mths). So do take note ok.

According to Happy, he daughter fit into it @ about 8 mths.

Thks for t advise!
One more qn abt weaning. We know it is recommended to start weaning our bb at 6 months onwards and not earlier.
One reason is bcos of risk of allergies is higher if we start weaning early. But wat kind of allergy are we talking abt?
Rice cereal not likely to cause allergy ba? I also nvr heard allergy from vege (eg carrot..) and fruits (eg. apple, pear, banana).
Haven't come across books/web tat explains tis part.
If i can't give myself a gd reason, it is hard to convince my MIL.
Need some enlightenment here...

U-Like blender ????? I want !! U always got gd lobangs!
