(2008/11) November 2008


I have that 3 in 1 swing thing at home, my friend passed it to me because her son didn't like it. I think i saw that at Toys R Us at Vivo a few months ago. You want to get that for your bb?


i have that swing since my #1.. now using for bb as well.. very useful as u can take out the chair and have it as rocking chair or rocker...then bring around the house. I also want to sell it off next time...heehee...but not right now... i bought it from CK Tangs in Aug 2007.

did u call the maid agency and ask them for your their advise? The maid agency should be able to provide u the best advise leh.... how long has your maid been with you?

As for her surgery cost of $1.5K, i believe this shd be claimable from the medical insurance we bought? I also agree with chillipadi that after surgery, u have to look after her...not vise versa. Best possible option is to send her back also... she can seek medical treatment at home. As for new maid, if u get a transfer maid, I think u need not pay so much upfront... i may be wrong but i think this is the case... good luck.


congrats on bb Z is better and he can sit up! oh dear...hives... could it due to allergy? hope u get better soon...

My baby sits in the swing about once a day. She doesn't mind it but it's not her favourite. She likes the vibrating chair/rocker better even though we have stopped putting batteries in to make it vibrate anymore. But what's funny about the swing is that if my bb is tired and she's sitting in the swing, she actually can fall alseep there without us rocking her in our arms till the cows come home. I don't know how much it costs though cos this was passed to me.
How long has the maid been with you? If not that long, I think maybe might be better that you send her back. Coz this may be an indication of more health problems to come. With 3 kids, I dun think its a risk you want to take.

For my maid's case, she injured her hand till there was a lump there. Gp say need surgery. I brought her to chinese sinseh coz she dun want surgery. I pay totally coz confirm cannot claim de. At least now 80-90% cured. She has been with me a long time so I dun mind paying for her. Furthermore, I think the injury first started sometime when she was working for my mum. Sprain then never take care then exert again till got a lump. To be frank, during this period, I have to close 1 eye over housework, etc.
Seem like it is out of stock in singapore lay.

My gal has a Fisher price bouncer and she loves it too with or w/o the vibration. I want to get her the rocker swing for her luxuary. I think mine will love it too. But seem like cant get any more unless you want to sell me yours. Hahaha
<font color="ff0066"> Milderina</font>
She keep telling me her family no money... she no money cos for the past 6-mths tat she working for me, out of $350 - $300 goes to Maid Agent to replay loan... blah blah. Cannot pay for the operation. Keep crying and crying only. I did tell her tat I'm very very tight financially. Does not mean cos I stay in Condo and got Car means I berry rich... got lotssa $$$ to throw lor. I told her I myself got lots of bank loans to repay wor. Then she keep crying only. Haiz...

<font color="ff0066"> Chillipadi</font>
Yah.. totally agree wz you. Tat's one of my main concerns too. After paying for all the surgery, if she come out wz patterns and demand to be send back then how?? This nevermind... the worse case scenario is... what happens if the surgery got complications or after the operation, she again never take care of the wound area and it kena infection. Then how?? Spend more $$$ on her??!!

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
Tink I will most prob send her back. Too many other issues involved.
hehehhe... yah. I was happily rolling around the mat. Even bb loves it!! The Hello Kitty at I got is 1900mm x 1300mm and is 11mm thickness. Quite happy with it. Plus it's only $138.80 inclusive of delivery. Berry cheap wor. heheheh

<font color="ff0066"> Kash</font>
I called the Maid Agency liaoz. They are more concern with the agency being able to recover the maid's final loan repayment (due at end of March). They also pushed the cost to the Insurance company. But I already called the insurance company. If the results from the biopsy is positive for TB, I'm not able to claim a single cent as TB is a communicbale disease and is not covered under foreign workers insurance. Even if the biopsy is cleared, I will have to submit in my claims. From there, the insurance company will assess on (1) whether my claim is admissable in the first place (2)whether I'm entitled to claim any $$$. This answer tells me tat the Insurance agency does not seem keen to repay any $$$ lah. So typical.

Anyway, currently liaising wz the Maid Agency on getting a Trfs Maid FOC or even at half the agency costs. So much probs all these is causing me.

<font color="ff0066"> Fifi</font>
This maid has only been with me for cming 6-mths only. So far she is ok... although juz before this lump incident, can see her true colours and patterns coming out. I'm also concerned tat this lump is the start of more health issues. I cannot keep affording to send her medical treatment again and again.
HFMD take 4weeks? so long.. my sil can still say see me 2weeks later wor.. so scary leh.. i gotta sms her better be safe make it 1mth.. haiz.

y dont try chinese sinseh? i bot my maid to chinese sin seh for her ear problem.. so far til date she said tat she is better aready.. hope notin serious will occur..

re: send maid back
we can send maid back without getting the sickness treated?? i tot by law we suppose to pay all their medical expenses. claimable anot is another issue.. -_-
After much discussion with my parents, we think it's better to send the maid back. Cos we feel tat even if we send her for surgery here...

(1) wat if there are complications from the surgery? Who's going to be responsible?

(2) Who going to take care of her after surgery? I've got 3 kids leh. Where got the time or energy? I hire maid to relieve my burden wor. Not add to it.

(3) If anything happens to her in SG, how? Or if her family make noise to come here then how? Dun tell me I gotta pay for their airfare? Wat if they complain to MOM and says that unfortunate happen to the maid becos I never take care of maid? Becos I abuse maid? I will kena investigation by both Police and MOM leh.

(4) Paying for her treatment here, does not mean she will be grateful and do good job for me. She could suddenly turn around and accuse me of abusing her... then demand to be send back, etc.

To avoid these drama and problems, I think it will be safer for me to send her back. I will also give her $$$ to seek treatment back home. This way, she not only can get the surgery done back home, but at least she will hv her family around her to give her support and take care of her.

Somemore, our MOM here does not protect the interests of the employers. They are more concerned with the maids. Anything, they will blame the employer and put us under investigation. The employer is deem "GUILTY" before proven Innocent. Scary...
<font color="ff0066"> Alibaba</font>
Yup. As advised by my PD, HFMD actually takes 4 weeks to be fully recovered and not infectious anymore. Even though the ulcer and sores are healed and not present anymore, the person is still carrying the "active" virus in their bodily fluids.

Re: Maid. By Law, yes we are responsible to pay for their medical treatment. But this is as long as we are getting them treated here. But then again, this pertains to any injuries they sustained whilst working for us or if they fall sick. In my case, the maid's lump is not a result of unsafe work conditions, but rather due to her ill health. Who knows, this condition could be pre-existing. In this case, I feel it's not fair for me to bear all her medical costs. Like tat, all maids will come into SG juz to get treated for their illness by the employer then come out wz patterns so tat they will be send back?? In the end, we employers will be at losing end man.
Woohoo....my lil one just had his check up at kk this morn...and his weight is 7.1kg 63 cm. He's 4mths 1 week corrected. He got hearing test, blood test and 5-in-1 plus rotarix today. Hardly cry cry. Even can smile smile at the nurses and doctor. So proud of him.

His milk intake also dropping for the past weeks. Still feeding him on demand...about 60-90ml every 2-3hrs. He's still feeding thru the night. The longest he will go without milk is only 4hrs and it only happened 2x. pretty tiring.
Here's a pic of little zat taken today

Agree with you. Unfair to employer if its pre-existing condition... I wouldnt want to bear all this as I have other things to bear too...I too have my own family members to take care and a baby to feed too. But if anything happens to maid whilst at work (our home) of course I will do my utmost best to care for her. But then again, if im too close to maid, perhaps i may help her
Hi Mummies,

With regard to my girl not drinking milk. brought her to PD liao. seen and advised that she should be fine. could be just 'one of those days' that may take weeks to snap her out of it. According to the PD, she may no longer be at her growth spurt hence the demand for milk is lesser.

Hi blessed11,
saw yr post on thermal jars. I saw them at Metro (sengkang) and Taka before.
Hi mummies,

Today was moving office and spent the whole day unpacking. Damn tired. Didnt know moving is soo exhausting :X

Dymples: Sorry to hear abt ur maid saga! Sounds really unfortunate that such a thing happen and I guess usu as an employer, you would be at a dilemma coz will feel obliged to take care of the maid. Still I think our families' health shld come first! Hope u get a gd transfer maid soon!

Giraffe teether - wow tempting but so exp!! But wld be gd for my boy coz he always like to chew stuff!

I-Play swimwear - thinking of getting the 2pc sunsuit. Since it comes with diapers inside, no need to get extra swim diapers?
And u all getting the M or L size?? Wonder when I shld bring my bb to those public pools...
All the swim accessories look so cute too, esp the sunglass and caps haa...so tempting!

Drastic drop in milk ss: I finally found out the answer today :X My PIS pump suction is actually weaker!! Argh feel so silly, to think I did not realise earlier, I just assume my 'milk ss' drop coz of other reasons. Mon must go and service it, hiaz..hope can take it back on the same day man. Lucky I never stop my pumps (coz was feeling real demoralised) or else ss will really drop even when pump is working.

Baby is exactly 5 mths today! Woohoo
Next Mon seeing PD. Can't wait to find out his weight.
I intend to bring baby when she is at least 6 mths and have completed her jabs. I am getting the thermal ones coz I'm scared she's cold. But the liferacer ones do not come with built in diapers. Hence, getting the diapers from iplay. Yah the sunglasses are very very tempting. Mildy, Happy and Bear are the proof!
pig: Thanks!

gladgal: Hmm..your baby one day older than mine, mine was yesterday! PD said can start her on semi solid, i tried brown rice cereal on her and very funny half in half food out..better today tho.

Has ur PD said ur baby can start too?

Understand the frustration with pumps dun work...so disruptive.
hi mummies,
went to vivo today with hubby and baby coz it was simply too warm!! hahah..didnt really shop much today tho.=P do you mummies nowadays feel a lil "stoned" whenever you are outside? i tend to get e spaced out feeling whenever i am outside esp when dining. think its just e lack of much needed rest and sleep.+.+ reading signboards and stuff is more challenging as its all a blur to me..hahah..

ur little darling is so handsome! his neck is really strong already! my baby can flip on her own sometimes now, altho her hand tends to get stuck sometimes and she'll start whining.hahah..getting challenging to change nappy and bath her now coz she likes to turn to e side.

thanks for e dimension!! am in touch with them via email on the avail on e mats. thinkin if i should get a thicker one tho. do you feel e 11mm one is thick enough for your little one? e mat can be folded up pretty easily right? coz stil waiting to move into our new place at e end of e year, so pretty tight with space in our current home. =P

really hope u can settle ur maid issue quickly, can set ur mind at ease then. =>
Fifi: Ohh ok ok. Didnt realise the I-Play swimwear is just normal lycra materal.

blessed11: Oh! You started solids!
I will ask my PD when I see him next Mon. Shld be starting solids only when bb is 5.5 mths or just a wk before he reaches 6 mths!
haru: Yes, i do feel spaced out sometimes bit tired and blur..i still feel kinda lethargic.

Maybe bcos not enuff tonis during confinement period and also didnt drink much DOM.

gladgal: Ya yesterday...she loves it...PD says after she used to the brown cereal can slowly introduce other foods and fruits..fruits likely mash.
Bear &amp; Jo: I think is either too full or maybe after drinkin, he very excited like that, keeps kicking. Is it becuase too many actions that why he vomits milk? and Jo u mentioned now bb can tahan milk feed longer. How do you know how long he need to be fed? my bb very strange, he don make a fuss when he is hungry. how much ml your bb drink and how many hours per feed? mine is like 130ml for every 2 hours. sometimes when i see him 2 hours still no make a fuss, i try feeding him. he like very hungry can finished up to 150ml.. hmmm.. how to know? and if i feed him rice cereal, how long to feed him later? 1 teaspoon of rice cereal enough? his last weight when he is 4mth is 8.178kg.
Dymples: Yeah if me, I will also send her back. have to think after the surgery, there may be outpatient fee, follow up medicine to pay. end up the kids u have to take care, she need to rest. the housework everything need to be done. What you did, i feel is alr very kind. send her home and give her money for treatment, where to find? so sorry to say singapore treatment reali damn ex, plus no confirm say will claim back. yeah, better to be safe than sorry loi.

yokoh: ur baby can sit in the walker? mine, i rent an exersaucer for him, keep screamin.. end up i have to change the toy.. haiz..
blessed11, did u ask PD how long u hav to feed brown rice cereal b4 u can introduce other foods and fruits? We're also gg for the 3rd jab next week! *excited* haha!
Ops, i sounded like i am excited abt the jab... nono.. abt starting brown rice haha :p recently rather busy with getting visa, so havent been posting much. Medical checks, interviews blah blah blah..

Dymples, hope ur maid issue settle soon. Think if i were u, i too, will send her home. just my 2cents.. On a different note, i am also trying to get the playmat! i like the winnie one! *smiles*

Snnowy, i have the 2in1 swing.. it cost abt S$100 after conversion at 1.5rate. mm, i like it cos it saves me abt 30mins of my life per day! haha, its a great invention!
<font color="ff0066"> Mommies</font>
Thks so much for all the kind advises and words of encouragement! It means so much.... tat's why I LOVE THIS THREAD!! hehehheeh...

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
Personally I feel tat 11mm is enough liaoz. If you tink about it... the 15mm is only 4mm thicker. Tat's not alot of diff leh. Not like it's 4cm diff. Yet, the price difference is so much. Tat's why I decided to juz get this one. Plus, the thicker the mat means the bigger the area. I dun need a mat tat is sssooo huge. This size is juz perfect for the small available space I have in my hall.

Oh yes... the mat is easily folded. Then put in the carrier bag. But to carry around, it's kinda heavy leh. Will need hub's help.

On a brighter note... I put Janessa on the mat juz now and she rolled and rolled. Suddenly... she FLIPPED! Yeah!! Finally!! I'm sssooo happy!!!
I saw the Foogo Thermo Food Jar at Raffles City Robinsons.

For cereals, follow the instructions to prepare on the packaging. My boy never seems to be hungry de. Haha. 7am - milk, 11am - milk cereals, 3pm - milk, 7pm - cereals, 11pm - milk. Jus finished feeding him! Gave him milk at 11.15pm .. drink 70ml and refused to drink till 12.30am. And make him awake and spoonfeed him abt 60ml! Even early morning, he drank halfway and refused to drink le. Nowadays almost all milk feed must spoonfeed de. He drank roughly abt 80-100ml each time and the balance 20-40ml ... he never swallow and flow onto the hankerchief.
Good morning mummies

Have a nice Sat and a restful weekend ya.

<font color="0000ff">Bear</font>
I wasn't around in the thread cos been staying at my in-laws place most weekdays, there no internet there so I can't log on. Glad that yr boy has recovered. Hope yr hives will recover soon, take care and pls. try not to scratch them.

<font color="0000ff">Milderina</font>
That is a splurge item I think. Nice to have but we can do without, other teethers like those $4.90 ones from Pigeon or Tollyjoy, can also serve the same function.

<font color="0000ff">Dymples</font>
Sorry to hear about yr maid's TB. Is she on treatment now? yr gals n family shouldn't catch TB cos in S'pore, all bbs are vaccinated with BCG(which protects us from TB) at birth. I have taken care of TB patients when I was pregnant, my bb(the elder one) was norm n I was ok also.
Robinsons expo sale:
-Pureen milkbottle detergent (S$6)
-Tollyjoy soap powerder (S$4.90)
(Not sure if elsewhere cost the same, just in case some mummies are using these)

Anyway, nothing much there.
mummy: PD says once she can finish up her small bowl of brown rice and without spitting out too much meaning used to the taste and all..then can start on other fruits and food one by one.

Jo: Thanks!
Hi Mummies,

HAPPY news to share! My gal's hip bone is inside the joint now... yeah~! But still gonna wear the splint for a few more mths though to strenghten it... whew~ at least we know she dun need a surgery le and she's doing well =D Thanks mummies for ya concern n support..

Oh, she took her jab this morning and at 5mths 1 wk she's 8kg and 70cm le.. glad that she's growing well.. the GP ask us to start her on semi solid like bottled puree bought off the shelf for alternate days for a week n check on allergy..

Had been real busy lately. Missed out on alot of topics.. Hope everyone's doing fine =)
<font color="ff0066"> Shop4Stuffs</font>
If I'm close to the maid or if she has been working for me for a long time, I also won't mind her getting treatment here. Haiz... guess wat.

I also found tat she's got a scar where the lump is at the doc's consultation yesterday. When I question her about the scar, she said dunno wat happen.
Tat she was very young when the doc operate on her. I suspect she's hiding the truth from me. So all the more I won't send her for surgery here in SG.
Why should I be good to her if she's telling me lies after lies?

Then yesterday keep crying... say she no more husband cos she kicked him out of the house 7-yrs ago for having another woman.
But when I interviewed her last October, she can tell me she misses her husband, children, etc. Again... find out more lies. *fed-up*

<font color="ff0066"> Blue Bear</font>
My maid hs not confirmed got TB yet. The doc only suspect tat the lump is due to TB. So for the sake of my gals and I also scared of all the complications tat may arise,
I will be sending her to Indon for her to get treatment there. Will be better for the maid also, cos at least she will hv her family members to take care of her.

<font color="ff0066"> Jenn</font>
Tat's fantastic news!! Hurray!! So glad your gal dun need to go for surgery. Thank God.
Heheheh... starting solids is the fun part. I also can't wait to start my gal. Got another 2-mths wait ahead of me cos I'm thinking of starting her only when she hits 6-mths.
10pkts Huggies Pull up pamts
Unopened, expiry 2012
L size, 12pcs/pkt

Self collect: Jalan Bukit Merah Blk 135, after 6.30pm, Sat, Sun can be arranged.
Self collect my work place: Odeon Towers 9am to 5.30pm, City Hall MRT or Raffles City lunch time 12pm to 1.15pm or after 5.30pm, Bugis MRT, Parco, lunch time 12pm to 1.15pm.

Pls pm me.
harro mummies: me been absent for a week. &amp; guess what? my 老大 fell from the monkey bar &amp; broekke his arm. sorry abt the wrong spelling. something wrong w my keyboard now. haha. maybe u all think i'm going a bit loony now but i got to laugh abt it a bit. sigh.

anyways, welcome to Jess &amp; Yokoh! i was in the same aboat as the 2 of u. i delivered at 34 weeks plus &amp; my luike spent 26 days in the hosp. any other newbies?

fifi: i paid u already. heehee. keep me posted on the other sprees ok? didn't know u organising swimsuit purchase too. i bot for rachel &amp; gerard already.
Heya all, hope u had a wonderful sat with ur family!

Z got worse this morning. Last night he started coughing a bit more.. this morning totally cannot stop coughing and sneezing. His cough developed phelgm some more.. so poor thing.. but he is still quite cheerful and we brought him to the PD again. PD said if cough don't go away within a wk must go back again cos she scared pneumonia!!! ARGGHH!!

Dymples, sending ur maid back is the best for both u and her. don't feel guilty.

Glad_gal, my guess was right! rem me asking u if it was ur pump that was the prob? hope u got it fixed and ur ss is back to its usual amt!

Bluebear, telling me not to scratch my hives is like telling me not to breathe!! kekekeke.. impossible lah. Miss u here.. come in oftn ya?

Jenn, that's gd news! big load off ur chest! u can make ur own purees..

Olwen, oh no.. was it a clean break? need to insert pins? so poor thing leh...
Since she is telling you more and more lies, juz send her back. Initially I feel like telling you if you wan to consider let her go for treatment in SG then u and maid split the treatment cost.

is your eldest son alright? When I was in pri sch, my classmate also climbed the monkey bar and broke his arm. And his arm was cast w triangular bandage for sometime and he recovered.
Take photos of ur babies and post here!
hi mummies,
hows e weekend for ya all so far?? brot my baby to my MIL place tis afternoon and she had such a good time with all her doting aunties, ah ma and cousins.very thankful that my MIL didnt mention about stopping BF, i feel so grateful that they respect my decision to continue to BF. =>

ya, i have limited space in my living room so can't get too big for the mat. hubby says as long as baby wont hurt herself if she accidentally bumps her head on the floor, he is fine with 11mm. what do you tink? is it safe enough?

about ur maid, i think better send her back before you uncover more skeletons in e closet..if not very gek sim.

i am interested in the baby cubes!! is there a link for pictures etc? i have no clue how it looks..hahah..very sua ku..=P

that is such a wonderful blessing, really happy for you and your family. =D yipeee!!!

oh dear, how is he doing now? hope he will recover real soon oh..

hope Zachary's cough will go away soon. do take care of urself too ya?

Re: bruised boob
hey mummies, my hubby noticed that i have a small "bruise" on the side of my boob. wonder is it coz i massaged so hard while pumping until bruised?? hubby says so scary, like "abused" by him, hahaha!! anyone had that before??
<font color="ff0066"> Hi Mommies</font>
Thks for providing me a listening ear to my rantings and ventings on my maid issues. Pai-seh... Also... thks so much for all the kind advises and words of encouragement.

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
Oh dear... did the PD give Z any medications for the cough and phelgm. Must monitor him yah... but as long he is happy and active, everything will be fine. Meanwhile, can consider putting some baby vicks on his chest and soles of his feet to alleviate the runny nose. I've done this for bb Janessa and it's helped her to sleep thru for the past few nights.

<font color="ff0066"> Baby rejecting bottle</font>
I'm trying to introduce Janessa to the bottle in preparation for when I will slowly ween her off BF-ing after 6-mths. Now I'm only trying this bottle introduction at 1-feed a day (during afternoon). But everytime the bottle is placed in her mouth, she will take 2 sucks then scream loudly. But if I give her the breast, she will suckle hungrily. Aiyohz... any mommies got any advise? I'm using pigeon teats in the 150ml Medela bottle. I've never had this prob wz any of my older gals leh. Both of them took to the bottles readily. No hassles. But this one seems hooked on direct latching.

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
To me, 11mm is good enough liaoz. If you keen, maybe you wanna pop by my place to see the mat and feel it... let your bb try out first? I'm staying at CCK area.
Today, even my older gals were happily jumping on it, rolling in it, etc. End up, become their play area. *faintz* hehehehe....
But I'm happy tat it's being put to good use. Totally no regrets getting it.
Sorry mommies!! I have been super bz. last min company ask me to go philippines so must make arrangements. Anyway I went to kiddy palace to ask abt the hanima(?!) fence leow. It is 115 * 115 (so you'll need 1.5 for the LGprime/parklon playmats). Cost about $140ish. Maybe got 10% discount. But no stock until end April. How??!!

One of my friends recommended to buy pet fencing. Much cheaper... less than $20 bucks per panel. I hv no idea what it looks like but if it fufills the purpose and is safe I will consider! She is gg to take a picture for me.. but if any other mommies have any experience for the

Ok wait.. i go read all the old posts first. BRB!
hi dymples,
thanks for your offer! no worries, i trust ur judgement completely especially you are a mummy of 3!! i just emailed the lady bout e mat, hopefully will be able to place my order soon. =D

i think just gotta keep tryin w e bottle..i started introducing e bottle quite early on with one feed a day. but then again, until i cannot be around when she is given e bottle. she will totally get distracted and refuse to drink anymore unless i give her my boob.hah..

hey pam,
wow, super mum!! must be challenging..i am only working half days on flexi hours and i am already so sleep deprived. can't imagine how u manage with travelling for work!

Pet fencing?? so funny! but it is actually quite a good suggestion..can consider. hee..
hey mummies, any recommendation for baby's sunscreen? i went to test shiseido's baby sunscreen but kinda ex, $49. considering California Baby but there is not tester for that...
<font color="ff0066"> Pam</font>
Huh? Pet fencing? My doggie is already in her play pen... but it's those like wire type leh. Not the Hanenim(?) play yard type. To date, hv not seen those play yard plastic type of fencing for pets. Hhhmmm.. if have and is cheaper, I also dun mind leh. As long as it serves the purpose. hahahahha...

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
Aiyohz... dun say tat leh... *stressed* But this type of thingy is acutally based on personal preference. To me, I feel tat 11mm is good enough liaoz. Cos it serves it purpose. But some mommies may prefer more padding cos maybe they are abit more protective. But for me... after 2 kids, comes to #3, I more 'boh-chapz' leh. hahahahahah *lol*

As for suncreen, do you mean using for swimming or for daily use? If for daily, me dun use any sunscreen at all. But if for swimming, I will use either Coppertone or Banana Boat. Both costs about $20+.

I finally finished scanning your posts!! Took me one whole hour and i still haben finished everything!! Aiyoooh... ok if i missed anything just shout yah?

Meantime, thks for all the advice abt smelly farts and no poopoo!! I feel so much more relieved now =)

Playyard/ Fencing
Anyway i type so fast abt the fencing that i think my post dont make sense. Kiddy palace sells a 4 panel version (made of plastic) in a 115cm*115cm dimension. This costs $140ish (i cant rem the exact price -- wrote it down on a piece of paper n forgot where i placed the paper!!!*knock my head*). If we buy the LG playmat, we need at least 6 panels to make it 230*115. So this will cost $140+70=$210. So same price as the chinatown winnie. Only bonus is that she seemed willing to give us a discount if we buy at least 5 of them. But it is OOS currently.

yeah i thought it was a bit wierd too.. but figured that if it's safe then why not!! it'd be much cheaper! hahah... but then hor the hanema (cant rem the spelling!) playyard looks really nice!!

I am super sleep deprived too, but my co very nice let me start work late. BB sleeps with me so i latch her on thru the night but at abt 8am when bb is fully fed and in a supergood mood, my maid &amp; MIL take over. I sleep for another 2 hrs then i head to work. I stopped pumping in the mid of the night leow.. cos i too shacked -- really peifu all the mommies here who still wake up in the mid of the night to pump!!

I used the Carrefour Cooler Bag (cost $9.90), wrapped dry ice all around it, squashed it into my suitcase and checked it in. Not much issue with travelling with EBM on flights... TSA revised its guidelines about mommies w/o baby on board flying with EBM. Only thing was that I transitted in London airport, they made me try every bottle of my EBM. The troublesome thing was buying dry ice...esp if you are in a country that doesnt speak english! I had to explain like mad that I them to buy dry ice and not ice cubes/ ice packs. oh, and if u r worried abt the hygenie factor in other countries, try using the medela pump and save bags, and disinfectant wipes. It was a really useful for me. I will be trying to bring back my EBM again i go philippines. When u are heading off, feel free to just contact me. Will run u thru the to-dos =)

My bb was stuck at the 90ml until about 3 mths. Paed asked me to up her to 120 but she's still stuck at 90-100.. but occassionally she will whack 120. My bb was born 18 Nov. Was 6.2kg 2 weeks ago =)

I wan organic food cereal! But any idea when the expiry date will be? i only gg to start feeding her when she is 6ish months! Btw ur drugstore spree still on?

Btw, my friend also rec me this brand: http://www.healthytimes.sg/cereal.php
Apparently very delish.. so i got some to try for bb too!!

Organic everything
Ok I am gg to be superkiasu and use organic shampoo and all -- so being superkiasu and supercheapo, what is a good and cheap organic shampoo and soap i can buy?! California or GAIA??

Dont fret too much. I think you made the right choice lah.. if it's really TB, u maybe putting urself n hubs at risk. Don mean to scare u but I rem one of my ex colls had TB b4 and all of us working with him had to be sent for xray to doublecheck if we are ok (luckily we were) but he passed it to one of his family member.
