(2008/11) November 2008

enne, teenyweeny, cookie: *wave*. yen lives in sengkang now???

babyzel: i'm so cheapo, i only want to pay less than $20 per can :p

babyzel,aden mummy,
i also big fan of mj but no kaki. my kaki found himself a gf, no time for mj liao... last time no bb, can go out but now struck at hm with my boi. sian... if you stay around tampines, we can meet for some mj session. can bring ur bb lar... i can get my hb to take care.
back from lunch! bot a new pair of shoes and i'm now 8cm taller! chio man.. ony ting feet going to break anytime soon...
No luck with man hunting.. all double or triple eyelids.. yew..
yo! u finally in! wow ur b takes avocado milk shake? on man.. me goin to do for nini tonite as well... shake shake shake...

bbzel, anibaba
yah v difficult to get shoes one.. most time i've to get from charles and keith but their shoes actually not v comfy.. otherwise if manage from other shops sometimes gotta put in padding lor..
U want ur hb to go crazy ah? If mummies come play MJ with bb in tow, you hb will have 4 bb to look after leh. Haha

What stylo milo shoes u bought? Can make u taller by 8cm?
hai yo Bibi, still got your MIL around ma. (tok as if i am gg like tat)
If really got MJ at your place i will hop by to be kaypo
Hello! so funny ur posts!

Z slpt until 9am this morning.. but he woke up at 6am for one feed. hahah i feel so refresh.. his rash on the head is gone liao, but the one on the chest remains. My hb said to try cereal one more time today.. if rashes then confirm, chop he is allergic to Happy Bellies.. My mum also told me that the cereal is the cause.

Thanks a lot for all ur recommendation.. we would just wait till Dr Lee comes back tmr then go and see her.

Mummyzeal, how did u get tested? Hard to find ppl that know they are allergic to cockroaches!

Peanut, my parents gave me cereal in the bottles when i was 3-4mths old. My mum kept saying i nv mati wat, so dun complain. I told her look at my rashes! My mum is sensitive to detergents and perfumes while my sis is allergic to meds and a lot of other stuff.. her skin looks tai gor one..

Chillipadi, my rashes come and go but i have one patch that is with me since May 5 2007. I know the date cos i kena bitten by midges while out on a night field trip in the live firing zone.. it is getting itchier and itchier! wat is dried bitter gourd ah?

Wah 8cm Peanut? i can never walk in those. I don't wear heels at all.. I can't balance on my own two feet, let alone heels.
Hi Mommies,

Apologies to barge in.

I have stopped breastfeeding.

Selling my BNIB Boots breastmilk storage bags at $12.50 (40 pre-sterilised bags in @ pack)

Collection at Punggol or Alexandra
I cant help but laughing now ... ai yoh ... abt looking for 2nd man and Peanut - clown of the day w the big big shoe but u have got a new pair of 8cm heels liao.

My hb also exactly same like Happy. Cant be bothered to help mi w baby. When baby poo, he siam buay hu. I tell him off ... he's also ur child ... whats the problem w cleaning him up. And tell mi he manage to put him to sleep most of the nights .. V GREAT hor!

lilian & peanut,
Cfm gathering 16th June? Jus follow majority. The most I markup my VIP seat price 300%
babyzel: i post a WTB ad & buy second hand lor.

lilian: cheeky gal! u fighting w peanut? why??? all such happy cheeky frens. ah, yen works in tampines now, so des ne. i also like tampines. anybody got friends w lobang in banks there? stan chart? dbs??? credit suisse????

peanut: yes, i know u miss me
but not as much as u miss bear. my kids take avocado milk shake but it's not nice enough for adults to take. yuck, avocado w friso. think i prefer snow mountain. night time is not good to feed nini new foods, may get stomach ache in wee hours of the morning.
those normal high heels lor.. but once i back in office i change back to my colleague's big slipper again wahahaa... my feet breaking lei.

u tall lei.. me short.. so gotto wear high high.. cannot balance also doens't matter.. mayb a handsome single eyelid man wil come to my rescue.. *dream**

toking abt which i now remm that nite aft giving avocado.. she woke up and whine more than 10times in the middle of the nite! wonder if its due to tummy pain..
Peanut, or u fall down and hurt urself. heehee.. be careful!

Happy, i support ur cold war! If i m pissed i would do the same to my hb.. he is the type who cannot tahan cold war so i sure win one.. :p but usually we would have a big fight aft that.. oh well..

I have to say my hb is pretty hands on then. In the morning, he is the one waking up to take care of Z while i slp till 8+. He showers Z every morning, then feeds him.. night feeds wise i m the one that would wake up cos i m a light slper, but he would ask me to wake him up so that he can feed him. i can't ask for more lah but there are still somethings he does that pisses me off.
peanut, a handsome, single eyelid man.. but with a big pigu can or not? haha
Me too dun like big pigu man.. esp those sway left sway right those kind. Errkk!
Aiya, tink my 2 grenades can keep longer in t fridge liao. Dun wanna bb to get tummy pain.
hey gals!

came back from PD... she said nothing serious and recommend not to take medicine unless cough gets worse and is disturbing his sleep! BUT when i was in the clinic.... 2 ang mo ladies there keep sneezing and blowing their nose
one of them blow finish with the tissue then threw it into the dustbin which is like some distance away) she think basketball??? and somemore the tissue flew past me and BB ! faint!! understand if children blowing noses but these were the children's mummies! Then somemore the "basketballer" was telling her kid to quickly wait outside the clinic cos here got alot of germs! I was thinking to myself.. ya germs from inconsiderate ppl like herself ! !
Then almost felt like i should not have come to the doc just for mild cough! I quickly stood up and walked to the other side and dropped my phone in the process too!

my fav! haha.. also played every fri till i gave birth! now once in a blue moon also...

Haru, i also got my u-like blender from isetan and its good! v easy to clean.. soya bean looks easy to make from the demo i watched but have yet to try it myself! You can buy seperate blades ( think its $10 or $12) so bb food use one and chilli/garlic etc use another blade...

shoe size!
wow you mummies have small feet! mine was 8 and now 8.5 after giving birth... whenever i see a shoe i like and ask for my size... it wont look nice in my size already cos its sooo gigantic!
Click on 'Start New Thread' link at the bottom of the page.
But u muz have registered at least one yr then can post there
hello mummies,
finally can come in to post. reading the thread makes me laugh

it's bittergourd stems/roots which is dried. You can boil it with water and use to to bathe. Apparently it's quite effective. I used it on emma and she hasn't any relaspe.

mine oso quite hands on but than alwaysn ot around working late. so lately have been handling the 2 gals on my own with the maid's help. tonight again will be late, so bo pian have to 自己来.

i havn't tried any avocado for emma but hsve given her organic apples n papaya. now her cereal is 3 times a day. rice cereal at 8am, banana rice cereal at 12noon and oats porridge at 5.30pm. in between, she will drink milk. emma is very greedy, loves to eat n drink but still damn small.

i continue to look out for u ok. see if any of my neighbors selling or not.

my hb also asked me before why must mop the flr everyday...hahahaa...dunno how he looks at the flr...to him it is not dirty. but to me, warrao the floor is super dirty i also cannot buay tahan...i keep going to the toilet to wash my feet leh... if my hb mops the floor, i have to end up mopping again! he will only mop the outer open areas, nvr shift the mattress, etc to mop corners or underneath boxes. Sometimes, i see liao buay tahan, i told him i will mop. But he washes all bottles and does all kids laundry, shower baby everyday and feed bb and put him to sleep. I handle number 1, he handles number 2. but there are times he rather watched TV or his PC after #2 sleeps and leave the bottles unwashed. I used to be damn pek chek but now i can't be bothered. he can wash them at 12 midnite, but he has to wait till 1am for the sterilizer to cool down before he can assemble the bottles. that is his problem. I have learnt that I can't be doing everything coz i really dun have the time.
I think our thread the most happening liao. Got ppl fighting, fire-fighter, cheers on etc.
I think others all coming into the thread.

Aiyo, men give you all so much trouble yet you still want to look for man. I rather takw their $$ and look for 'fun'.

I think you can only post when it is in June, By then you will fulfil 1 yr registration.

KINDERMUSIK: I got 1 slot available for this coming Sunday 10am class. The cost is $23. Anyone interested in joining the Dec mum n bb? Please let me know asap. I need to finalise the namelist quick n submit to them by today. If u r interested, please PM me ur name, ur contact, ur bb name n date of birth. The $ issue can come later.
sorry.. big pigu - OUT! problem is my husband's getting bigger.. i watch in disgust.. wahahaa...

yah.. our thread is the most 'off' one i guess.. Al the imaginative mommies inside here liao

Hubby job: rescue bb whenever she whines.. change for her outings.. feed water sometimes.. feed medicine sometimes.. Thats All.. Full stop..

me opposite from u leh.... i prefer guys with double eyelids... however, i married a man with single eyelids. hiaz...now my son single eyelids. hiaz!
I've read before that some mummies are adding cereal to bb's milk and feed in a bottle. Please dun do that. The older generation do that cos FM back then are expensive and considered as 'luxury' so they have to add cereal to the milk and cut the teat hole biggr so that bb can suck, save their time in feeding cereal as well as to let bb think it milk.

Instead you can get the bottle dispenser that comes with a spoon and feed bb. It is less messy and also free up your other hand. You can consider getting this for yoru care giver if you dun like them to feed bb cereal using milk bottle. I got it at $8+ from NTUC xtra in 2007.


I got this for #1's time. It under Nuby. It comes with a spoon and a sprout so that bb is not confused with bottle teat.


It shows the cereal in ml so that I know how much she take. Can dispense with pushing the button at bottom with finger. I also use this to feed puree too.


The small hole in the middle of spoon dispend the correct amount to feed each time. Less messy.


I took all these pictures with my other free hand
kaka.. some of us married to a not ideal man.. but i feel marrying a man who care for family & love us most important! no need so handsome la. lolz.. but mainly must "kan de shun yan" la. if not how to see each other ev day?

kash> my son look exactly like the daddy.. hidden eyelids.. none look like me. haiz.
alibaba, snnowy.. Why i asked huh? Cos i saw a news about a young lady from Redhill.... .....
snnowy, i din know got such gadget
snnowy: u r v capable mother. i feel so shy tt with my son so big, i never knew abt all these things. *take my hat off to u*. qwnlynn has such big beautiful eyes.
yes i saw tt at mothercare as well but din tot of buying cos wonder how good e product is.. jus wonder if it can stil flow out easily if we made the cereal/porridge thicker?
The forum page is down again..lucky I save but the previous page i cannot see...hmmm...

Snowwy, your doter is so pweettyy!! Thanks for sharing the tips...Im currently giving her cereal separately with a spoon..

Guess what Mummies?
Today, I gave her steamed broccoli puree again. (Did a a lot yesterday and freeze em in baby cubes) Yest she's fine with it but today was such a struggle, in the end i threw them away. :-(

So next I took out Heinz Vanilla custard. Again she reject like kena slaughtered. Cry like mad..but no tears one..Bluff me one..hahah.. Anyway, dad suggested why dun i feed her using my fingers. So I washed my hands and feed her like you know how malay eat with their hands? I did dat and she eat leh....hmmm...so now I noe.next time if she reject spoon, i will do dat. Wah, if i noe dat work earlier, i wouldn't have wasted so much food. :p
Heya ladies... Z is def allergic to Happy Bellies.
when i went to collect him, he had no rash so I thought yesterday's rash might have been caused by something else. But MIL said he only had cereal at 1.30pm. Yesterday he had it had 11am. at 7.30pm the welts appeared on his head again but not as much as yesterday. The timing of the appearance was consistent as yesterday, abt 6hrs interval. Guess we have to bring him to the PD tmr.. sigh...

Snnowy I have a bottle like this too but i didn't bother going to see how it works cos it was a gift. i dun think mine has a button to press on though.. cool gadget! thanks for telling us!
These few days I am out of office so can't login much.

Wad news about a teacher in Redhill? Share share leh. Am not a teacher though. Heehee.

Re: Doidy Cups
My hubby is now a distributor of these cups. Yippee.

Pam has not placed the order yet. The lady in Aussie requoted her for the shipping coz she (the lady) say need registered mail. The cost if buy from her now is about $14.53 based on today's exchange rate and factoring in that banks and paypal do use higher exchange rates.

Although my hubby has yet to confirm the selling price, he should sell the cups to you all a similar amount (if not abit cheaper). Hence, if its ok with you (it is ok with Pam) if you all get the cups from my hubby?
hey mummies,
takin some time to log in here for while before getting busy w chores..

thats good news, so dun worry too much for now ya? =>

i am ok with it if Pam is ok. wow, ur hubby really businessman!

oh dear, does this mean baby Z will have to do some tests to check his allergies?

Re: baby schedule
hey mummies, care to share whats ur baby's schedule like (ie. feeding, nap, etc)? coz my baby has been having very little naps, only twice x half hour each time throughout e day and one nap (longest nap) bout 1-2 hrs in late aftn when i bring her home. would like to sorta have a schedule that i can get my mum to follow so that she gets proper naps.

Re: first foods
mum made pumpkin for baby to try today and she def likes it much better than carrots! but she gave her so much that she didnt her cereal!! told her that cereal must still be fed. so i am wondering should i space out the time that baby takes cereal+milk and veg/fruits? if not i think kinda too much to eat at one go?

re:baby bedtime
Bear, how do you get Z to sleep so early? do you put him to bed wide awake? i have been putting baby to bed aft her bath when she is still wide awake but she can take a long time to fall asleep. she'll be rolling, whining, going on her belly and use her legs to stick up her lil butt, pulling e cot bumper..
hi fifi,

doidy cups
really?u have one?is it good?can give us the review?is it cheaper?hehe... sry ah..used to it liao.. now after gt bb,everything must go for the cheapest.. If it's cheaper then can try getting from ur hub fifi..=P

oh dear. very sure from happy bellies?gt mix anything?is e rash quite bad?

mine bb is a boy la...he can sit a while only.
U fm singapore..so r u a Indian mix chinese?

bb gal very sweet...ya i saw this before...looks quite useful.Thks for sharing.

ya i think yr bb nt use to spoon lo but i will suggest u try it everyday...
cheaper??? of cos i want!! wahh...ur business seems fun..eh, got any nice diaper bag or maclaren stroller? wats ur hub's web addy again? thanks

yes..will definitely try...she doesn't mind being fed with spoon but recently seem to reject puree..

I do not have 1 yet. But think its quite good based on the reviews. Exact price I dunno yet. Have to wat for my husband to confirm the retail pricing with them.

Price should be comparable. If more expensive then of coz not logical liaoz. The site is www.debabyshoppe.com. No diaper bags or maclaren strollers.
