(2008/11) November 2008

Jo, Enne
cannot.. i become seeeeeerious when face to face.. i got personality split one..

yah lor.. my b keep biting watever that comes into her mouth.. and she especially loves anything plastic and papers. Other than biting stuffs she'll be whining liao.. terrible hor..
peanut they are like tat ba...babies mah :p
my ah boy latest craze is to bite my face and also pull my hair. the more he pull the happier he is and the more i say pain the more he laugh.
enne... see... i told u :p

Notice peanut become less heaty these few days after changing her name to coconut. Really got use one.
AH?? wher's charles & keith? u know when u come from control station to the right there is a Guardian pharmacy? wait ther can??
enne - oh yaya.. ! wow u really gd leh. at least u still kwn lor. i really long time no go there liao.

Peanut - okok.. i knw liao
looks at peanut and Spin PROUDLY. ^_^

Lilian-ohh.. I also bo ler.. so sad.. I haven't joined any gathering yet before.
Enne> glad to hear that Baby L is taking more oral. i always very jealous when i see baby drinking loads of milk! u should see my eyes popping out when i saw Bear's Z drinking, or should i say gulping down all the milk down his throat!!!! so envious!

congrats me again!! wait if anyone say wanna vomit meaning pregnant oso .. haha... see whose next bah.

M/L got 4 weeks (mus take weekly basis) , CCL got 3days. AL got 10.5 days. MC still got 12 days! haha. gotta clear the above in sequence one by one..
amooks-Yeah lo.. I also envious that other bbs are able to drink as and when they are hungry.. sigh...

alibaba-paiseh paiseh.. heeeeee.......
u're not alone lah.. me too wat.. everytime i see my sis's bb drink milk milk i also watch with envy and sadness.. Then outside sometimes i see some babies smaller than my b but they drinking 1 big bottle of milk.. my b ony takes barely half of wat they're drinking.. haiz..
There are 3 mummies with name starting with jo ... joyce lim, joyce ong (mummy zeal) and jo15 (thats mi).
heheheh, i didnt know FP warehouse sale so HOT!

Here's the info.....
there's warehouse clearance sale up to 70% for Barbie, Hot Wheels & Fisher-price on 21-23 May 2009 10 am - 6 pm at No 1 Lok Yang Way. Take feeder bus No. 192 from Boon Lay Interchange.
peanut> aiyah, dun worry, ur nini still drinking ok. your MIL is very experienced baby sitter, dun worry too much. my PD always remind me not to force baby to drink if they dun want to.

Enne> dun worry, Baby L will catch up soon! my hubby always have this imagination that my baby Daiwei will catch up and by that time, we'll probably grumble on his milk powder costs!
by the way, his milk powder is already higher than normal coz i always make milk for him but end up throwing away coz i always try to feed him but he refused, then throw, try again with new bottle.... sigh.....
amooks-my bb wun be able to compare with his peers the amt he drinking coz of his condition, he wants to drink but not allowed to, whenever he see his korkor makan food, he looks so intently and sometimes drooling.. so sad.. hungry yet can't drink... anyway my bb milk powder.. 1 small tin use 2 days.. $38 liao lo..!!

Hey dawei ok ma? few days ago saw ur postin, I was so worried for ya.
FP sale - Too far for me.. and the house not much room for extra tings liao. Also i find tt new things only work for her a little while then she no longer interested again.. waste $$ only.. -_-
Enne> hmm, sigh, my baby huh, really naughty, should be drinking but never hungry. anyway, i still monitoring. going to Gleneagles for another check and see how. thanks for your concern. will keep u updated.

who going to FP sale?

Let's form a shopping gang: FP sale 21 May 12noon?
<font color="ff0066"> FP warehouse sale</font>
I also wanna go leh... can join you ladies or not? How to meet yah??

Let's form a shopping gang: FP sale 21 May 12noon?
1) amooks
2) Dymples

<font color="ff0066"> Peanut</font>
hahahhaha... I'm normally silent reader... but I love reading your posts. NEver fails to brighten my days.

<font color="ff0066"> Ulu Woodlands</font>
Mommies... can add me into this list? I'm staying at CCK so can meet at CWP anytime during the day. After work hours is a no-no for me cos gotta settle my 3 gals and now no more maid liaoz.

<font color="ff0066"> Gatherings</font>
Enjoy yourself mommies... I so wish can join you all... but now no more maid liaoz more difficult. Plus Wednesdays are "Cleaning Lady Days". hehehehe...
Evening, I have been reading your posts. Funny...

FP sale,
Too far for me. I stay in the east.

Leaving for the day...Bye
<font color="ff0066"> Enne</font>
No lah... me SAHM. heheheh... So now without maid, I'm my household's CEO, CFO and Maria. *lolz*
Shoot cannot resist a sale! I wanna go too!
I can pick up 3 mommies from Bugis MRT (my office is along beach road) to go for the sale. prob take 2 hour lunch then.. heeheehee
Anyone keen?

oh dear this is so addictive -- must try to concentrate on work again =((
<font color="ff0066"> Pamela</font>
Hiya babe..!! How are you?? Long time no chit chat.

Aiyohz... I've gotten rid of all my useless nimcompood maids liaoz. Now I'm surviving with jus a weekly cleaning lady. heheheh...
So far so good... Although more busy but I'm happy cos no need to scream and yell at a toopid fellow who can't seem to understand basic English.

wahh...must be a tiring nite!! sorry reply so late..just got a chance to log in!

my bb seems to be clingy nowadays...can't leave her for a moment and she will start 'crying'. feel better if i leave to work when she's sleeping..
Enne, Joyce, I'm ok.. very busy with my studies cos now the undergrads are having their hols so its time for postgrads to do their work.. very stressed too cos i have to finish by end next yr and i still got more than 70% more to go. Have to wean myself off the forum liao.. cannot keep coming in to chat.

Hope u gals are having a gd dinner.. i haven't had mine yet. waiting for my hb to come back.

FP warehouse sale
I'll be there around 10plus in the morn.. who is there can gimme a buzz. heh! anybody in the east wants to go just gimme a sms ya?
FP warehouse sale,
i'm keen but it is too far away. i wanna buy FP jumperoo leh... If it is cheap, maybe i'll consider going there.
<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
Wow!! You'll be there so early? *sob-sob* Dun tink I can join you babes liaoz. Tomorrow gotta go church cos it's Ascension Thursday.
My parents dragging me off cos I've not gone to church since Janessa was born. *kena humptam liaoz* hahhaahah...

But now I'm trying to negotiate wz my dad to drive me all the way there after attending mass... but scared not worth the travel leh. *faintz*

Hiya mummies

Getting busy at work so not much time to read soo many posts!!

Lynn: Thks..think will go for a trial run at Gymboree..sounds like something that will exhaust my bb's energy!!

Dinner-wow how was the sashimi dinner haha..

Avocado: Got read someone commentg on that?? Went to buy one from Cold S today! Hmm so have to wait a few days before it 'softens' rite coz it still feels hard to me. Scarly cut open still not ripe..

FP warehouse sale: Goshh I am soo tempted too but working how to go..hmmm thinking of Sat.
Mummies going tmr, let us know if got any good bargains ok!!
