(2008/11) November 2008

enne, later she bring shanghai xiao long bao for you haaa...

so who want to join for seafood dinner in june? raise hand nw!
Gd also..I stay in the east..keke
As long as not ulu ulu places..I'm ok but I've a preference to work in town. Can shop!

I haven't been to Tampines One yet.
Long time never go to Tampines Mall and Century Sq. Have PMed u.

True. When I picked my son after work, he is very happy to see me.
He has learnt to reach out his hands when I say "carry" or "Bao4 bao4".
If stranger wants to touch/carry him, he will black face then cry.
He choose the people he likes. Btw, his bottom teeth is coming out.
So cute.

Mildy, Olwen,
My office has shifted out from Raffles Place. I missed Amoy food centre, maxwell mkt chicken rice and tg pagar muffins/egg tarts. :~~
u read my mind! so scary... i was going to tell enne i tabao some chaosng xiao long tang bao for u guys!

Activity: Seafood Dinner
Date: WEEK OF Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut
enne, later she bring shanghai xiao long bao for you haaa...

so who want to join for seafood dinner in june? raise hand nw!
minky, cannot muffin.. cos she's nuts
wat seafood dinner?? if got souvenir from shanghai i'll join. but no thks for chaosng stuff
can i also suggest a hokkien restaurant at OCBC centre? price is reasonable + i can get discount ther

so realistic lei u... k lah i'll try to find some cheapo souvenirs for u
pam pam:
I PMed you. I lost your HP no coz that day dunno why my phone sort sort then lose a lot of nos. You got my no hor, sms me urs?
Ooi fifi, yeah just read my hotmail =))

Doidy cup colors: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html
Haru.. shoot you are right -- no pink color!! I mistook the cerise for pink.. KNS i will go for red then. Yeah I know the colors are more limited (no yellow and pink) but she offer us the free cup, the AUD exchange rate is pretty decent now and her shipping is quite reasonable too. I go ask her when her other colors are coming in..

Minky & Yen! Maybe we can meet up for lunch and shopping!! I will PM you my contact. SMS me if you wanna go shopping =)
Mommies just add on your names to the list ok?
I wanna order by this Sunday.
Doidy cup colors: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html

1. Pam - red
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru -
5. Haru -
6. Karen -
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn -
10. ManTou Bear - will check my PM later

1. MTB - will check my PM later
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- ?
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - ?
hi Pamela,
I would like to order 1...

Doidy cup colors: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html

1. Pam - red
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru -
5. Haru -
6. Karen -
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn -
10. ManTou Bear - will check my PM later

1. MTB - will check my PM later
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- ?
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - ?
7. JessLee - blue

RE: Gathering last night
Guess what, after i came bk, i still eat 1 donut, 1 kiwi and 1 bowl of cereal with milk after i pump.. Big eater right?

Activity: Seafood Dinner
Date: WEEK OF Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues - Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
hi Pamela,
no worries! have added in the colours of my choice below.

Doidy cup colors: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html

1. Pam - red
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - cerise sparkle
6. Karen -
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn -
10. ManTou Bear - will check my PM later

1. MTB - will check my PM later
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- ?
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - ?
7. JessLee - blue

Dinner: How the food yesterday? the next gathering seafood, I want!!

Activity: Seafood Dinner
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)

Glad_glad: When u call and ask for the trial test be sure to tell them that u are a mum centre member and is entitled for the 10% discount for the trial test. The trial test is $40 after discount is $36 dollar. If u take out the package and join the membership which is $50, u get this trial test for free. the membership entitled to have a free Gymberoo t-shirt and globalised membership plus 5% discount on the merchandise. Hopes it helps! Am taking the sunday afternoon lesson at HFC at 1pm to 145pm cause i have asked the bbs there are abt the same age as Brandon abt 7 mths or close to 7mths. my lesson starts next week.

FP Sales: any good bargain give feedback ya..
tink u're a monster lei...

tink last nite i din eat a lot due to tummy pain but shd have made my $ worth liao cos taken quite a lot of sashimis.. hehee..

nyway my ah yi came this morning.. mayb tts y last nite pain pain....
Peanut: That means u are not pregnant? haha.. never mind, alibaba will reserved the place for you.. next mth can try again..
of cos i'm not pregnant. its too high a risk cos i'm reaching 45yr old liao.. thou stil much younger than alibaba.. i'm mayb looking at adopting 1 instead....
原来 is ur dayi ma makes u tummy pain pain last night, no wonder. Think alibaba is the most lugi de cos she dun eat much and also no sashimis..

overall quite ok the buffet yest. But the service was damn poor! I want to order food and call the waitress, guess what? She give me a look, KNS! machiam i owe her $$ like that.. Peanut saw too.. so angry!
Back from FP warehouse sale! It was PATHETIC. There are exactly Six types of FP toys, a drum set, a piano set, a musical key set, a tool set, a purse set and a calculator! so pathetic! my hb tot that was only the "must buy" section so went to ask if there are anything more. the saleslady said only this variety this time lor. There are quite a bit of Barbie and Hotwheels stuff.. such a big disappointment. waste my petrol gg there.

Peanut, not i dun want u, but i m addicted to the forum.. hard for me to concentrate on work.. heehee..

Seafood dinner ah? have to count me out again.. dinner me cannot one..
Activity: Seafood Dinner
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)
5) jo (tues-fri ok ... dear all, June 15th is jo's birthday ... hehe)

*raise hands up* for seafood dinner gathering. I juz wont eat crab .. cos dunnoe how to eat.

You got my no. anot? I will always wait for your call abt nice lobangs ah. Next time start scrolling down ur hp contact list from 'J'. hehe.

Lucky I decided to go FP whse sales tomorrow/Saturday. Since Bear say nt worth gg, I'm nt gg liao.

you are INDEED A BIG EATER ... but if u keep eating but stay so slim then no prob. lo.

our bb chart shld add another column ... mummy's birthday! Hehe.
Same like you ... I'm addicted ... I started coming in during worktime since yesterday and have never stopped till now.

Must ask IT mgr to block mi frm SMH forum. Haha.
Bear, thx 4 t feedback!
Heng nothing much there.. coz so far away i wun b able to go anyway.

Jo, wat u trying 2 hint?? More cheapo SH souvenirs for u huh?
Hi Mummies!!

So tired! Jadon having a fever last night and was kicking up a big fuss, refusing to sleep. Now panda le. Really very jialut, cause he is suffering from the side effects of the vac. and teething as well. So poor thing. Anything I can use to ease his discomfort?
I heard that is some kinda teething gel?

Anyone has any idea? My son also teething. Keep on crying esp at night.
wow! i'll buy a piece of pandan cake and celebrate w u! My bday is Sept 21, can advance celebrate for me as well!! i would prefer amer choc cake from bakerzin.. thanks!
Carol, Yen
i ever use dentinox teething gel for a couple of times but it doesn't help for my bb lei.. mayb i apply not enough. But take note dun apply more than advised as the numbing effect may affect swollowing,. So instead my MIL put jinfengsan on her..
Bear and Jo: Me too.. the moment i opened my laptop, I always add extra tab for this link.. hehe.. at home, i also reads all the post.. My HB say me "38".. angry, then one day, got diapers sales that was last time the post written by one of the mummies.. then my HB says i clever how come i know. then i tell him the post that he say "38" one loi.. then he keeps his mouth shut after that.. haha..
yah... heavy.. now my lower ab a bit cramp + sleepy + nose block.. horrible terrible..
tt waitress hor.. aft we ask for bill then her face muscle start to loosen up a bit wahahaa... aiya some people r like tt one.. busy + stress then wil b tense and frustrated.. she's jus not suitable for service line..
wa peanut, u realli clever le.. celebrate pandan cake with jo, and yours is the bakerin.. wa.. "gao zhao".. haha.. need to learn from you.. next time my birthday i wan hilton cheese cake.. hehe..
Is it effective?

Currently, my mum also apply jin feng san for my son. Not sure effective or not.

I think the diaper sale news is from me. Hehe...
Actually last weekend carrefour got 10% (regular) items and diaper sale. Forget to post. IF I come across again, I will post.
Wow, u such a big eater lei. Still can eat so much. I go home only eat ice-cream cos during buffet never order any dessert like not complete.

So ur tummy pain should be ok by now liao. Timing so zun, during buffet then pain, so it's not the sashimi fault. Keke.

The waiter kind of rude lor, cannot take order by the item no, end up poor jo got to read out all the orders to him one by one. Somemore his face quite attitude.
harlow mummies,

just came back from meg's parents teachers meeting. As expected, complaints on my little monsterette are talkative, cannot sit still, bossy, smart mouth and hates to do writing as well. Teachers says her general knowledge is very good for a 5 year old as she seems to know the answer for everything. Anyway I gave teacher the permission to punish (sit in the corner which she absolutely hates) her if she is out of hand.

Tomorrow I on leave. going to bring emma for jab. This weekend will be a difficult one as emma will sure to have fever and oso teething at the same time.

Seafood dinner
Very tempted to join u guys but than after I eat sure suffer like hell. The hives will come in a vengeance. So better take a rain check on this one.
definitely not the sashimi lah.. they so fresh.. otherwise al of us clunching tummies liao..
After putting alibaba;s oil i ok niao.. also + hot tea hehe...
Tomolo me on leave!!! yipeez!!!!
then u can jus take veg and toufu! heheheee.... its e company, not the food that count!

actually tomolo wan to take leave for my bb's pneumococcal jab.. but then decide to delay somemore since she haven fully recover from flu. So i'm taking leave to do pedicure! hehee...
peanut, nv hear of that restaurant before me live in the well. haaa..
bring me there ba. ok so we can form one round table yet? so good life ah peanut can go pendicure... then ask ppl go shopping with you la.
Hi mummies!

Juz came back from KKH. brought my boy for last dose of vaccination today.
It was nice meeting all of you last nite.

The funny thing is, I felt full when I was at the restuarant. but the moment i reached home, i was hungry again. :p

Seafood dinner? sounds nice. I'll join you gals if nothing urgent crops up at work during that time.

Activity: Seafood Dinner
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)
5) jo (tues-fri ok ... dear all, June 15th is jo's birthday ... hehe)
6) Moomummy
no nah.... so far ony 5 paxs and mayb as date draws near some last min cant make it one.. So if ony left u and me stil wan round table not ah..??

i so nong no go pedi/facial lei!! now my toe nails yeno yeno one.. my hubby see liao always make the disgusted look.. to tink last time he liked my toe nails cos always do nice nice.. now like shit...
then last min wher to get people shop with me.. u wan to pong dang??

Doidy cup colors: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html

1. Pam - red
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - cerise sparkle
6. Karen -
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn -
10. ManTou Bear - will check my PM later

1. MTB - will check my PM later
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- turquoise
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - ?
7. JessLee - blue

Thanks, Pamela! Let me know when and how i can pay you
