(2008/11) November 2008

Hello mummies,
I'm back from my mil's hse from dinner. MIL asked me to be fireman (dispute b/w aunty and another SIL) but dun think I'm as good as Fifi, our fire fighter. The most innocent is my 5 months old niece being thrown to my BIL after my SIL left home. Haiz...

post some of your gathering photo here lay. Interested to see.

Do keep us updated of your damages and what is worth getting ya

hey pam!
i saw that you chose pink, but i dun see it on the site. the au site seems to have fewer colours than the other site? anyway,just let me know which site to choose the colours from ya? thanks!

have replied to ya.=D

Re:milk intake
my bb finally finished her milk (bottle) today, so happy!!! she was gg on a bottle strike for so long and when mum told me she finished her milk today, i was so proud of her..heee...

re:nap time
whats ur baby's nap time like now? i am hoping to get baby into a routine for naptimes but she seems to nap really short nowadays.
Hi Pam! i would like Turquoise & jade green sparkle please

FP sale: anyone knows if they will have the FP jumperoo there?

Avocado: fed bb that for first time today! He seemed to like it! Bot frm isetan 2 days ago it was still hard... but it softened pretty quick in my fridge!
Hi Mummies,

I have been very busy last few wks, no time to come in chat...oh you gals have a gathering...it shd be very fun with so many babies ard.
My boy drinking lesser milk, not sure isn't becos intake of solid food will become like this?
Motherhood exhibition coming soon in June, anyone going?
Hi Mummies!

I'm new to this forum. Hello! My BB was born Nov 08 too

Was wondering if anyone could help me with some issues I'm having?

1) I started feeding my BB some semi-solids, and noticed a slight bumpy rash around his mouth - is it likely to be cos of the saliva from his drooling or cos of allergies to the food? I'm not sure what constitutes and allergy. When should I be worried?

2) BB has a bedtime routine and fell asleep without fuss for the longest time. But just from last week he started crying a lot after the bath and when i put him in the cot to sleep. He's perfectly fine for the bedtime story in between. Don't know what suddenly caused the change of behaviour. Anyone has similar experience?

Thanks so much in advance!
Good morning mummies ...

Who is gg to the FP WHSE sales at noon and nt a LU CHI? Can come n pick mi up @ Joo Koon to Lok Yang Road (quite near)? Keke.
<font color="0000ff">FP WHSE sale, oh...so tempted to go. Milderina, u gng from punggol? Shd ask u earlier if i can tong bang boh? heehee =P</font>
morning! snowwy, gathering no photo la. and no babies. it is only for the mothers.

enne, hope they lift the bane of MSN soon... miss seeing you there leh...

peanut! where are you? go sale liao ah?

jo, really going ah then no lunch leh? remember to pack something to eat on the way.
I asked my dad to come and bring mi there if he is ard this area .. then faster grab and go. If he cant make it, ermm .. dunnoe if I shld take a cab there.
jokes to start the day right

Two patients escape from the IMH. They climbed up a tree and one of them fell from the tree and started rolling on the ground. After a while, the patient rolling shouted to the top: "Hey! How come you are not coming down yet?"

The patient ontop replied: "No..no...I can't...I'm not ripe yet"


One truck driver was doing his usual delivery to IMH. He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to go home after unloading the stuff.

He jacked up the truck and took the flat tyre down. When he was about to fix on the new tyre, he accidentally dropped all the bolts into the drain.

The truck driver was very sad as he can't fished the bolts up; started to panick.

Coincidentally, one patient walk past and asked the driver what happened.

The driver thought to himself, since there's nothing much he can do, he told the patient

the whole incident.

The patient nonchantly replied: "can't even fix such a simple problem....no wonder you

are destined to be a truck driver..." he goes on explaining:

"You just have to take one bolt each from the other 3 tyres and fix it onto this tyre.

Drive to the nearest workshop and replace the missing ones"

The driver was very impressed and asked "You're so smart but why do u stay in IMH?"

Patient replied: "I stay here because I'm crazy not STUPID!"
Morning mummies!

peanut! you are so cheeky &amp; funnie!!

wow,FP sales so far away, lok yang way is it ulu? Will nag hubby to drive me there this sat.

the young parent subscription free gift fully redeemed liao,left only the teddy bear.

There are so many sales going on and GSS is starting soon..next friday,me going to broke next month..kaka

there will also be a motherhood exhibition at expo from 4-7 june, those stay in east, so near for you to go
noooooooooo... soooooooo far.. &amp; soooooooo hooooot.... i'm not FP craze person tsk tsk..

i jus bot a Crocs slipper.. but its a new stock e staff say the sales wont hav it. otherwise may go take a look

can we one day take a day or half day leave go out eat, jalan jalan and tok cock??
peanut> i can on u.. but i tink june very hard for me... tot of taking 1 week ML in June leh. but seems impossible....
Update on my avocado (20/5 @10pm): a bit softer but stil v green. Put into plastic bag wif super huge apple and dump into rice bucket as well.. double POWER!!!

yah last nite at gathering was asking wher u disappear to liao.. they say u no maid now like octopus.. hehee... i almost forgot.
who say jun??!!! May lah!!! i wher got wan to wait until so long.. nex week nex week!!!!!!

nex week nex week!!!! half day also can
minkybear, pam..so qiao
My office also in Beach Road(nice view) but shifting to Tampines next mth.***sob
There's ladies shoe sale @ BHG these few days and 20% discount for baby items.
Last nite dinner was good (other than my tummy pain and got the chou chou oil from alibaba which actually worked), and got a surprise when fifi pop out like a genie wakakkaaa.. but tink nex time better get restaurants with round table if big group so easier to tok tok and mix around.. long table difficult wor cos my ear not v powerful one..
peanut, me cant la if can take i let you knw k.
wah hard core leh your avocado...

yen, oh so near too haaa... wish my office shift there then i dont need to travel so far.

jo, hope u find wat u looking for.
peanut> cannot i taking urgent half day later!! haa. next week hard liao.. ermm ... ur go ahead 1st i may last min hop in...
baby23... fully redeemed??? walui... #$UF*"!R*(^%#:
I was eyeing on the avent urban diaper bag. *angry* no more gd mood liao
ah?? wat u mean by u can't but can take wil let me know.. entertain me lei u... wakakakaa..

dun wan lah.. go ahead 1st.. wait end up only me eat &amp; tok to myself meh.
peanut, ya round table tat's why i say 10 course chinese dinner mah.. haaa.. then can c everyone's face also. later can hear voice cant c face.
oh u go shanghai liao hor june forgot. then go there shop la.
good idea leh snowy put at peanut's house ask her mil to look aft la. heee so fun.
peanut,nv entertain u la... got to c my work load mah. if ok then can take la if cant then cant take lor so say c hw maybe i also like fifi pop up like a genie haaa...
Hi Mummies

Sorry to intrude.

I've 4 tickets to let go for the Little Big Club Concert on June 7, at 5pm. 1st row seats for Category 4! $100 for 4 tickets or $50 for a pair. *Kiddies under 1 year old get in free*

Do PM me if any of you are interested. Thank you!
Have been reading your posts. My boss is sitting in front of me...Today, he not in. Keke, can sneak into SMH.

Keke..Shift from CBD to Beach Rd (3x flr) then to Tampines. Stuipd high rental...If move to ulu place (Int. Biz Park, Tuas), I confirm quit.

So envy. U can go Shanghai.
peanut, where? ons la after u come back from shanghai we go! wahhaa...

lilian, good cause u stay there mah bt also ulu ulu leh...
Wah now I'm a genie? Ok I shall change my nick to genie. But no wishes granted! Haha

Update for FP Sale from Bear:
Not worth going.
minkybear-logged off msn le, cannot stayed too long. sian lo.. hope to find a greener and not so strict pasture.

Yen-I now at tampines ler.. u moving here? which building??

peanut-u gog shanghai??

umm.. dunoe shd say envy not.. i keep having 2nd tots.. last nite aft gathering i go home they say Nini v naughty ah.. kept crying.. dunoe issit becos i not at home or wat.. Mil say she angry with me.. then i tok to her she really bochap me!! Dunoe wat wil happen when i go overseas...

i need a break from spore, from home, from work! i look forward spending times with my own family.. bad or not?
