(2008/11) November 2008

Me and Jo wil meet at City Hall MRT at around 6.45pm then walk to Odeon together. Whoever wan to join us pls let me know. If wan my hp # i'll PM

Activity: Jap Buffet Dinner
Venue: Hanabi at Odeon tower (city hall. Between Carlton Hotel and Bra Basah compex)
Date: 20th(tolay tolay!!)
Time: 7.00pm

1) Minky
2) Coconut
3) Jo
4) Moomummy
5) Alibaba
6) Spin
7) Babyzel
8) Joyce
dun be too excited. my gastric aint good before preggie de.. yday got lao sai due to mala steamboat. den i still eat "lor mai kai" for breakkie.. sure bloated.. haa.. no need waste $$ buy pregnancy kit. haha...
<font color="0000ff">peanut,
no, it's not thermal 1 coz i don't really gng to bring nat swimming in the public pool yet.
Juz for hanging ard at the pool side, 嬉水 nia...hahaha
ok lah, i admit, it's more for the vain mama lah =P</font>
TAT time i give my hb the test strip &amp; say "nah tis will be ur birthday pressie" haha... he dun really wanna believe it. cos he scare disappointment.. so in the end bot another clearblue prenancy kit from pharmacy at airport. Tested positive at Taiwan honeymoon trip.. haa..
Oh dear, hope didi is alright. Do give him some jin feng san to calm down.
Frankly speaking, keeping them a distance from each other is not gg to work. In might even backfire that only 1 of them can be around and not both at the same time. I believe she is jealous cos last time she used to get all the attention, now with an addition to the family, she is seeking attention.

How about trying to get didi to play with her with adult supervision? That is why I did. Remember last time I always complaint that #1 beat #2. Now, #1 will always ask for #2 if she never see her around and if there is loud noise when #2 is sleeping in her bouncer, she will go and pat her chest tell her 不怕 then it will wake her up. liao.
Good Morning!!!

Its really pretty tough in the beginning lor, she rejected bottles in the beginning and it took me a week before she finally accepts it. and slowly her intake increase from there as we are giving more standard feeds.

<font color="ff6000">Kindermusik Class:</font>

Date: 14th June 2009
Time: 1500 hrs

Tanglin Mall Studio
163 Tanglin Road
#03-11B Tanglin Mall
Singapore 247933

More information abt this class can be found here.

Classes for our Babies!!!

1. Milderina (CONFIRMED!)
2. Happy (CONFIRMED!)
3. Minkybear (CONFIRMED!)
4. Alibaba (CONFIRMED!)
5. Bear (CONFIRMED!!!!)
6. Amooks (CONFIRMED!)
7. Fifi (CONFIRMED!)
8. Fruche
9. Kash (CONFIRMED!)
10. Chillipadi
11. Peanut (CONFIRMED!)
12. Joyce_7580 (CONFIRMED)

Waiting List:
1. Jesslee
2. Yokoh
3. Lynn
4. Lisa77
5. Jynnsan
6. blustar
7. baby23
8. yoyosan
All go for lunch liao..

tnks for ur tombaning. Most likely i will drive down if hubby come bk early cos i still need to pump at 5pm, thus won't hv enough time to go to Admiralty. Think u must munch on something light, or else your stomach wont be comfy for buffet dinner tonight! But i thik u r small eater lei, cos last time at Hog's breath u also can't finish one portion of fish n chips..

Yippee, got coconut n jo to walk with u together to Odeon tower.. So no afraid of LOST liao.
GYMBEROO: http://www.mumcentre.com/index.php?option=com_classifieds&amp;task=details&amp;cid=3509#events
There are also outlets at Tanglin mall. mummies can try since some mummies think that HFC is inconvenient! (Gymberoo is more on workout and building strength through playing and discovery, so is much different from Kindermusik class which is more on music and play fun.. I also want to enroll bb to join this class).

glad_glad: no need to wait till bb knows how to crawl, mine still don know how to crawl, but the teacher teaches us how to strengthen bb's neck, arms, legs and spine exercise for preparation for the crawler. It's lots of fun! bb loves the exercise but poor me, in sweat cause need to carry him up and down... haha( sounds like i got free exercise and personal trainer).. They also have nice music and activities for bb to do discovery like playing will balls, parachute, bubbles etc.. i think is nice... I enroll brandon cause he a bit slow in doing crawling, tummy time and rolling over.. so hopes this activity helps him to learn better..

Teeth: so nice peanut ur bb got teeth.. i hope mine have so he can bite and chew thing.. ever try feeding bb fish, he nearly got choke and vomited.. scare the hell out of me till i tell myself will only proceed to fish porridge when he has teeth...

Kash: I guess this jealousy will take times.. cause my cousin's son, he shake his bb sister very hard on the rocker till my cousin saw him doing it.. n he tells my cousin that bb sister cannot drink milk directly from mummy's teats must put in bottle to feed bb. end up my cousin pumped out let HB feed.. wait i got the 2nd one.. i think we also face the same problem.

Alibaba: Just as I suspect, PEANUT likes to do "funny" statement so she can be awake.. like last time she say she very sian want to cry, face reality.. hahaha.. i keep scrolling up and down, never saw u write you are pregnant loi.. *Pours Peanut a double shot of espresso**WAKE UP!* :p

Pamela: I also want 1 diddy cup.

Dinner gathering: Wa lao.. don keep saying sashimi lei.. my mouth watering alr.. everyday eat meat and veg.. si bei sian.. i want my sashimi too!
lynn> join us!!

damn... i am v v v slpy now....

drivers>> any easy way to go odeon tower from north.. haiz.. seems like there are alot of one way! so scare i kanna 2 ERP cos duno my way. haha..
come lar... then u will hv endless serving of Sashimi!

i also another lu chi.. Asked hubby yest and agar agar the road, but good thing is can use GPS. If sway sway kenal also bo bian..
alibaba n joyce: cannot, i just do laser. doc say no seafood 4 one wk.. plus i look like i kena scabies.. haha.. next time i come.. see want pretty so like that..
lynn> come &amp; eat our share!! cos we dont eat sashimi!!

joyce> same lor... i ask my hb how to go tis morn.. haha.. he refer map &amp; tell me.. kaka.. tell me direction can vomit blood... me too got GPS.. but hor.. i dont really trust him. cos sometime he really take v long time to locate himself. else keep taking the longer routes.. lolz..
peanut> GPS hor.. sometimes really cmi one... will tua me to holland.. i start my car.. reach destination. he oso haven WAKE UP!!
kiki, peanut
me back home liao! Thanks chilipadi for longbang me ;)

nice meeting all the pretty mums at lunch

And Babyzel, my sec sch junior, so ciao haaahhaa
Doidy cups update
Cost per cup: The owner offered to give us a free cup for every 10 ordered. So price = A$10.98 (S$12.30)
Exchange rate: I will use whatever is reflected on paypal -- so will set it at 1.12 first ok?
International shipping: Est to be about AUD$1.10 (S$1.23) per cup (assuming we are ordering 10).
Local postage: whatever is reflected on the stamp, or if you guys wanna pick up, you can meet me in town or we can arrange for it.

Total est cost per cup exc local postage = S$13.53

To maximise the discount, we will go by batches of 10. Karen Blustar &amp; Haru, let me know what colors you want okie. (refer to this website: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html)

May have space for 2 more cups (pending confirmation from another mommy..) let me know soon!!

1. Pam - pink
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru -
5. Haru -
6. Karen -
7. Blustar -
8. Blustar -

wah veri the fast leh! nice meeting you too! let me know when u recall when/where you saw me :D

u stay so near we can come out for lunch more often lah :p
me oso back in office...

kiki, mosh, peanut(coconut, donut....), babyzel and Kash, it was great meeting u guys. I enjoyed ur company and had a good time. do it again next month?

Hanabi gathering
mummies enjoy yourselves. me envious but cannot join you guys leh. will try the next gathering.
Yeah nice meeting you and thanks for all the tips/stories shared with us ... monthly lunch gathering @ HFC? sounds good hee...

Yeah mummies enjoyed your delicious hanabi dinner later... eat more sashimi if you can....
ah..... my hubby jus bot GPS nia.. so on the way we have to keep saying WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!! lor..

wah!! wangjiao??!!?!?!?? wahhaaa... my boss not in but my supervisor is wor.. later i can ony go AXS pay for my bills.. Jus now went in liao then tamade din bring my bills out..
they al say u look v familiar?? me too find tt lei.. u on national tv before issit.. tsk tsk.. or ever advertise for organic products??

sure can meet more often after my bb recovers.

yalor, I told kiki she look familiar , chilipadi also find her familiar, now u also find too ah..
yah lor.. or mayb becos we work same area so i seen her before. umm... hope she's not some criminal being sought after by interpol
I'm back at office too!
Mummies, nice meeting all of u at lunch just now. So enjoyable! Thanks Kash for the ride back to office.

U reached home so fast! Amazing.

I join u and jo later at city hall mrt at 6.45pm k! We walk over together. : )

Really nice to get together, u are one interesting mama.If next month meeting, count me in.

YA, i received the ladybug swimwear last night but hor think i a bit kiasu, i ordered 100cm one, now still too big for my gal but it's really cute... 2 little happi ladybugs taking photo together.. *priceless*
peanut> i hope u wont throw the GPS out of the window!! haha... if u're using the FOC satellite den will vomit blood. cos too many users.. need time to locate satellite.. &amp; if are in an enclosed building or carpark, u need to get out of the place den gotta wait for the GPS to "wake up" by the time duno if u drive out, u may hav reach destination.. so better to bring a map with u. play safe.
u damn funnie lah... everytime i read ur posts, i will be laughing to myself and people around me think i "siow". Me now very sleepy.

The stupid hive are back again, this time attacking my palms. now my fingers are so fat. Luckily got my antihistamines with me.

Parents Teachers Meeting
Tomorrow I got parents teachers meeting with megan's teachers. Jia lat, sure will have complaints on her.
wah maybe I look like Mas Selamat so u all find me look familiar lah...

peanut: cannot wangjiao oredi, handsome boss is back

mosh: Hope ur bb is better now.. mine too.. runny and blocked nose...

babyzel: np =) maybe next time I should order Pork Knuckle's Skin instead, that one more popular
chilipadi, y u always say megan until like monster.. aiyo...

seems like u guys had fun at lunch just nw.
wonder if dinner will be as good.
peanut eat too much is it sleepy later hw to eat your sashimi! tsk tsk.
Put ur bb in high chair then bring toys for her to play or bring plastic spoon or bowl for her to keep her entertained. Usually i will give her all the above mentioned items to keep my gal busy while i eat. So far so gd, i can enjoy the whole meal. Anyway hb always eat very fast, by the time she fusses, my hb can carry her out of the high chair and go walk walk.
sounds like u all had fun.. may be i can join u all for lunch.. this wk too busy liao...

Pam, PMed u!

Haru, PMed u!

Peanut, u like very free this few days.. can take over my job liao.. guru Nutty!
peanut, kiki, chilipadi, mosh, babyzel,

nice lunch! i enjoyed myself...how i wish dun need to come back to office! heehee...Sure on! I dun mind going vivocity for lunch as long as I got no near lunch or 2pm that kind of meetings/conf calls

kiki, thanks for the pork knuckles! pai seh forgot to pay u back for it....

oh dear, u think was from something u ate juz now?


u know how to go to bras basah? U turn into the small lane immediately after bras basah (going to city hall direction), and u can turn into the odeon towers carpark. DO NOT PARK IN RAFFLES HOTEL! Damn expensive. Best if u can park along those road side parking at purvis street, liang seah street...cheaper. but odeon towers shd be per entry after 6pm...pretty cheap too...

wish i can join u all for dinner...too bad i can't.

snnowy, joyce,

can only let both of them play nearby or together if tehre is 1 adult to supervise. Hoesntly, most of the time, we can't afford that kind of timing.... always have chores to do....
ho sei lah.. later got me u jo and mayb spin. We'll walk together hands in hands okie okie??!!?

ah??!?!! wahhaaa... so cock one ah.. no wonder so cheap $199 nia lei. I somemore v gancheong keep asking hubby to try it out but he not yet install. Now i sian one half liao..

wah i feel v weida can make u happy. dun worry nah... ur colleague wil tink u love ur job so much tts y keep laughing at work. me too neh.. keep typing typing.. they tink i v busy and hardworking..

tip.. for hives i heard dun bath in warm water, use cool water..
yah nor.. finally not that busy these days.. then boss oso not in tts y F&amp;E.. woo hoo...
wat GUru Nutty... pls lah.. she gets al info from internet. Every other things given back to al the teachers already.
kash aka Milk Queen ;)
np =) thanks for sharing all the tips &amp; interesting stories too

Hope Baby Euan is fine when u get home =)

Join us next time k!

ya, is it something u ate ? or the hot weather? Hope u feel better now

she can be a real monster at time. I did not tell you guys this but 3 wks back when me and hb left her to play in the spare room that used to be my MIL's room, she found my MIL's eye brow pencil and since she know how to read, she use the pencil and drew her eye brows. We only realized that she drew her eye brows when she asked me for tissue to clean her face. Than me and hb asked her why must clean face and she said she drew something on her face. so we quickly went to check and saw her eyebrows. at first we thot she used her crayons and asked her what she used than she said pencil and we thot it was normal pencil but she said no and show me the eyebrow pencil. My hubby cld not stop laughing cos' she looked so funnie with the darken eyebrows. See the mischief she can get into. Here's the pix of her darken eyebrows.

