(2008/11) November 2008

RE: Stop expressing.
Yes, currently pumping around 8hrly. When u say to increase timing per pump, this mean that pumping will get pushed back and into the wee hours, i guessed. Currently pumping at 7am, 3pm and 10pm. So if i start to lengthen the pump, then will go into graveyard hours?! (am i right in the interpretation?) If so, oh dear.. it's been a long time since i do 'shift' duty.

hmm.. wish it was as easy for me.

Milderina, Olwen,
Yah. So many "3rd-auntie-6th-auntie", when they hear my bb is a gal.. the next thing they say "oh.. try again.. have a boy then good.. 1boy 1gal good".. And best .. some say "Never mind la.. first one gal good la.. can HELP look after Didi next time"??!! It's like.. hello.. wat century are you aunties in?!
Hi Chilipadi,

i m fr Nov08, too. i m seldom post here but m a slient reader. heehee

i have orders with u, too. do keep me updated..ok?
I think as a baby grows, appetite also grows hor.. sigh.. now before 3hrs is up, my baby practically scream in hunger, then fed him 20ml, which is so so little, he also cries when he drink till the last sip. I don't think the feeding machine makes him full. So sad when see him so hungry yet can't give him more, sometimes he don't even want pacifier. Hopefully doc can increase his oral intake on the next checkup.
Gd morning mummies

halo Enne
- gd tt bb L is increasing his milk intake.
will keep you posted. I have already send the orders in already. It easier to coordinate with mummies from this thread. I am worried abt the ones that are not from this thread.

Thanks for ur understanding. I am trying to resolve this with the board moderators.
morning mummies!!

Re: pigeon home baby food maker
i can't seem to find this pdt, does any mummy know i can get this?

Re: cereal and milk
at the moment, i am giving baby some EBM, some cereal and then somemore EBM. Any mummies, just give EBM and then cereal (but no milk after that)?
Morning mummies!

You could try shorten your pumping time slowly, for example 30min to 25 mins then to 20mins then 15 min. That means, do not empty your breasts everytime.

I managed to reduced my pumping time from 4x to 3x (note that it will reduce your supply too), using this method, cos stretching of pumping interval doesn't work for me too (blocked ducts, engorgement etc)

<u>pigeon home baby food maker</u>
Haru, try Isetan. My friend bought hers from Isetan last time...

<u>Japanese Milk Powder</u>
Just to follow up on this topic, I've checked with my jap friends, she said that this brand 'Morinaga Hagukumi' is good. She and her friends are giving this to their babies... hmm... wonder where/how much can we get this... hee
Peanut> Juz saw ur MSN msg tis morning. I forgot to sign off my MSN last Fri when rushing off from office. Paisey. Hmm.. no idea abt t thermals lay. When i see them i let u know k

Enne> Glad u like t surprise 'bomb'

Happy> Gamsiah!

Haru> My First Foods book finally arrived. I think they arranged for registered mail after i complained.
PD say can give my bb cereal liao. But i'll wait till tis wkend, cos she juz had her 6-in-1 yest. Very bad mood aft tat.

Olwen> Add to their sorrow?? Dunno wat u meant lay.. U r referring to the woman's comment abt girls?

Minky, Fifi> Thks for doing up t book
Minky, juz to update u abt my bb's UTI. Her kidney scan is normal. However, doc still wanna do another scan (DMAS) 4 mths later to further confirm she's ok. She still has to take antibiotics until then, for preventive purpose. Haiz...
blustar (kiransmumzie) > Jumperoo. I bought it 2nd hand from WTS forum thread! $165. My bb likes it more than her exersaucer
Morning mummies. Am quit bz with work these few days so popping in less. Anything urgent, call me or PM me.

I'm giving cereal then milk (either EBM or latch on).
<font color="aa00aa">Kiki
I can get it fr HK, but i heard there's the HK version &amp; Jpn version.. for a carton of 8 x 850g its abt $37.60 each(b4 shipping).
'Morinaga Hagukumi' - 0 to 9 mths
MORINAGA Chirumiru - 9 to 36 mths > this is the follow up. =$29.60 each(b4 shipping).</font>
thank kiki, i'll go check it out at isetan. i think i wil def consider the jap FM when i wean bb of BM too.

yipee! happy for u! can't wait to go home and check my mail now..hahah..

i see, maybe i can ask my mum to try doing that too.
hi mummies!!

Chillipadi: Good to hear Emma is better now...will continue to pray that she will be fully recovered.

Minkybear: hey, I have also just started giving my bb brown rice about 1 tablespoon a day. How does your baby like it??

Olwen: the last time i checked, the govt bond is 80K....now 200K?!?!?! Wow, confirm that my decision to deliver my boy in au is right!! I cant imagine having to fork out 200K if one day my husband has to return to au.
<font color="0000ff">snnowy</font>
Ya.. found a kaki here to talk abt wat to cook for dinner..hee! Tonight is tofu w minced meat + stir fried garlic spinach w silver fish. #1 better now?

<font color="0000ff">momojess</font>
No need to thank me ya, that's wat this forum is all abt.. sharing

<font color="0000ff">chilipadi</font>
Wow, daring lei! She never thought you come back early huh? How's Emma now? *patz* Really dreaded those fever..

<font color="0000ff">dymples</font>
Haiz, better to let her go, at least you won't feel so stressed out. We can form a banner with Kash already.. 'MAIDLESS? YES-WE-CAN!' (MYWC)

I think you are really nice to her by changing detergent &amp; providing gloves.. Don't think i can be so nice, hee! At times those allergies are caused by themselves because they use TOO much!! My previous maid has the cheek to ask me to change to the previous brand of floor detergent as it causes her hands to develop red, itchy rashes. When I questioned her usage, she use a big cup w only a quarter pail of water.

<font color="0000ff">mothers'day</font>
#1 surprised me w a bouquet of pink roses from wet market (now downgrade), &amp; my mum a bouquet of carnations. Hubby said #1 handpicked the flowers, hmmm, gd taste!! Me beaming with joy!

Ask your Jap friend where they got the morinaga FM from leh? I very interested to know!


Sent you a PM regarding Bright Starts, 'cos dunno if you'll be reading posts or not.
RE: solid food
my bb dun seem to like rice cereal.. maybe too bland? potato also dun really like.. but he like yogurt! i bot baby yoplait... he like it and wanted more.. faint.. picky picky..

RE: poo poo
mine took mamil gold and his poo quite regular.. at most once in 2 days.. ;p

earl_grey, u selling jumperoo ah? saw ur thread.. sold already? if not i want leh.. haha.. ;p

Yesterday didnt get to log in, having "STRIKE" with my MIL and HB as MIL yesterday no work.. i see her in the house fed up, brought bb and maid go outing.. What was the STRIKE thingy? remember that time i told u gals that I found bed bugs on the sofa? I told my HB to throw the sofa and get a new ones scare the bed bugs lay eggs and spread ard? MIL refuse to throw away cause last time they buy expensive.. fed up, i told her i buy her a new one as a mother's day present.. don want.. is like free thing drop from the sky don wan.. i letting her to choose lei. Sunday she do a spring cleaning.. the sofa covers etc, use hot water to wash.. the sofa all bring to the sun and sunshine.. i fed up with her the things is some of the cupboard are spolit and expose some wooden parts.. i tell her to throw, all she says is " never mind, bring go and sun then will be ok!" exposed woods how to sun.. i never see cockroach outside the sun can be kill by it loi.. i make horrible remarks " why don u and your son go outside and sun, then you all can be brand new too?" angry lei.. yesterday went back to my mom's place for dinner.. then HB comes fetch us.. my mom says him loi.. this morning my HB calls and say he meet me go see new sofa. happy now.. am not throwing my temper, am worry for bb's safety.. bed bugs.. i got bitten by it.. now my legs like pimples face.. so ugly.. sorry ladies, i getting a bit longwinded.. just venting my anger.. MIL lowly educated i understand, but HB also join her? wouldn u ladies angry meh?

Kash: no worries, glad_glad let me know where the BP alr.. hehe..

Dymples: can try adding the jar food into the rice cereal.. maybe bb will like it. rice cereal got fortifed iron so is very impt in bb diet.

Mildy: so anyone is still getting the diapers? or like wat mummy2nia say cheaper at chinese TCM shop?

Mummy2nia: Bb finally yesterday flip and has his own hands remove.. hehe.. happy now.. thanks for your console that time.. so ur bb starts to crawl next after flipping?

chilipadi: how's baby? hope she ok alr.. for maid thing, before she comes to work for us, i usually will tell the agent to check and see if got hp. i personally tell the agent straight that i don wan maid to have any hp.. yes.. i also feel hp is a big distraction.. hp is definately a NO NO.

porridge: I stopped giving bb porridge.. that time i try give bb some fish.. i think he cant swallow well end up like got choke and vomit out.. frighten the hell out of me.. i think i will only start porridge when he has teeth.. will still stick to rice cereal.. hey mommies using Frisocrem, have to try the next step of the Friscocrem, the wheat cereal instead of rice cereal.. is for bb 6 mth and above..

Blessed11: my hb and his younger brother also very close.. my hb he everything lend to his bro end up never return back.. like the Macbook, he borrow till now never see.. our printer, our digital camera n vaccum cleaner.. i keep telling my HB why your bro like that? he will always say never mind.. I cant say anything cause both of them are very close when i one side feel that his bro takes advantage of my HB.. eg: like my MIL, my HB very protective of his mom (maybe his dad has passed away early), like if i say horrible remarks abt his mom, he get offensive easily.. sometimes i feel i married into his family, i very " poor thing".
Good Afternoon!!! Sleeeppppyyyyyyyy, i everynight sleep at 10pm but still so sleepy i wonder why...

Any mummies start giving your babies biscuits?

i dunno how much i got from my aunt leh, cos my girls are look after by my youngest aunt so my 2nd aunt will bring the diapers to her and tell her how much then i pay only.

aha... u very funny in your posting on MIL and hubby. the diapers can get from the BP thread if you wan but sometimes those small stores sell pretty cheap too.
Just brought DD for last 6-in-1 injection, she now weighs 8.5kg (97 percentile) but only 65cm tall (50 percentile), urghh!! PD told me to stop her cereal until later lest she becomes too heavy, and obese in later stages.

DD's weight has always been a worry to me since 2nd month when PD told me she was a little heavy. I am feeding her less milk now, 180ml for each feed when I believe most babies are drinking more than 200ml. I also make it more diluted, 8 spoons of FM for 180ml of water when it should have been 9 spoons, and yet her weight still increases so fast!

She was heavier than many babies at 3.4kg when she was born, and she put on 250-300g each week since then, although her growing speed has slowed down, obviously it's not slow enough! Could mummies who are feeding their babies FM teach me how to 'slim down' my baby?
My PD asked me to feed my bb MORE!!! So opposite from yours.
Ah.. How to slim down huh? Ermm.. Less feed? Nite feed give water instead?

It's already reserved, and I have 4 mummies queueing if the first deal falls through...... think I am selling too low liao, hee hee!
<font color="0000ff">earl_grey
Woah, i'm opp of you too! i needa beef up baby!
his birth weight is 2.8kg and now drinking 100-120ml each feed nia..

Maybe bring ur baby go exercise? Swimming?</font>

If only I can feed her water I will do so! Firstly, she dislikes water and won't be 'bluffed' into drinking water; secondly, if she doesn't drink enough she refuses to sleep, or wakes up in the middle of night asking for milk, so either way I 'kena' 'cos I want to sleep!

Now thinking maybe I should feed her at 4-hourly interval instead of 3, but even now she only drinks 6-7 times each day, which I thought is normal, if I drag to 4 hrs for each feed, will it be enough? I don't want her to be 'under-fed' either! What should I do?! Mummies, please share your feeding schedule with me, many thanks!
RE: amt of milk
my bb still taking in 150ml per feed.. so little hor.. and feed every 3.5hr to 4 hr.. he is less than 50% percentile..

earl_grey: wau 4 mummies ah.. then i no chance liao haha..
hi mummies, im also a nov 08 mummy, with 2 gals. a silent reader since this thread started. Really enjoy reading all the posts here. although 2nd time mum, but i still need to learn all over again everything abt baby.

i have a $5 VPOST voucher to give away, expiry is 31 May 2009, want to offer to the mummies here 1st. if you interested, pls PM me.

how come u r so lucky huh, can sleep by 10pm... i only get to bed like 12.30am or 1am
everyday is like a walking zombie...can't even concentrate in meetings.


wow, u must have been really fedup with your MIL and hb. but i agree with u that if there is bed bugs and there is now a baby in the household, why not just change a new set of sofa? luckily ur MIL now agrees to change.
Re: Hair Loss

Can I ask for those mummies who are still on total BM or EBM, are you still having bad hair loss? or no more?

My hair loss is very terrible and my hair stylist said she noticed that all her clients who are breastfeeding will loose a lot of hair compared to those who breastfeed little or stopped. Aiyoh, like that I dunno whether to continue to breastfeed or not coz hair loss is pathetic

Maybe the Jap FM is too nutritious?? So I should give her less FM to correct this problem? But I already dilute the milk leh.

2 weeks ago, it was 7 spoons of FM for 160ml of water, 6-7 times each day, and I found her waking up at 5am crying for milk, that's why I increased to 8 spoons/180ml. Maybe I should make it 7 spoons/180ml? Okay, will try it out for a day and see how she takes it.
earl_grey> Haha.. Then why u selling your Jumperoo? Ur girl can work out on it mah.

Liv> My bb's drinking schedule and amt same as yours. One day need 5 feed only. She's at 50%.
Cookieoreo: WOW! Me envious!! waiting for my baby to celebrate mother's day for me...long wait haha!

kash: hi kash! I'm not on total BF yet my hair loss is terrible. still very bad and contemplating chopping it off.
lilian, mine dun even like rice cereal so i ask my mum to onhold the porridge 1st.. he nite time last feed at 8pm then next at 2am then 7am feed again.. so is ard 5 to 6 feed a day.. sometimes he cant even finish the 150ml.. must see his mood.. ;p
good that your bb is drinking so much. my girl is still drinking like 120ml most times cannot finish now every 3 hrly....

claudia sleep at 9pm and charlene sleep at 10pm, after tat i also zonked off. but then hor i have to get up ard 12.30 and 4.30am every night to feed my claudia leh.. she still dun sleep through thus really have very disturbing sleep.....

Okay, think I shall drag it to 4-hourly interval and feed more diluted milk and see if this will slow her down.


Waiting for her cue could be a way, but these days she doesn't really cry for milk unless very hungry, so she can go on for 5-6 hours if I don't feed her - Okay, so maybe the problem is with me then, that I should have dragged as well as waited for her cue.

oh envy u leh...coz after my #1 sleeps at 10pm (hb settles #2 who sleeps ard that time or earlier depending on what time we reach home), I then get to do some housework, pack, shower, express milk etc etc leh.. I only reached home at 9pm...
how abt u? how come so early can finished so much things? envy envy... eventhough bb sleeps through, it doesnt benefit me coz i have to wake up earlier then him to pump milk and get ready to work.


guess perhaps u r still breastfeeding so thats why hair loss. coz all the good nutrients go to the breastmilk loh... if that is the case hor, those who pump out more will loose more hair? hahahaa... is that the logic? anyhow, i really sick when i look at my hair. not only with bad hair loss, i developed scalp problem abt 1 mth ago....super dry and alot of itch and dry skin. changed a few shampoos also useless. I was told stress and lack of sleep can cause this to happen

earl gray,

as long as ur bb doesnt get too hungry, i believe it shd be fine..

She doesn't want to sit in it, that's why I'm thinking of getting Bright Starts Bounce Bounce Activity Centre as an alternative.


Don't think it's the Jap FM's fault, it seems more like I'm overfeeding my baby. So are you going to get Jap FM from HK? I don't mind chipping in to share the shipping cost.

However, if you are concerned with level of DHA in FM like I do, Wakodo has a higher level of DHA than Morinaga. I read somewhere that in order for the DHA in FM to make a significant difference in brain development, there has to be at least 77mg of DHA in 100g of milk powder. Not sure how true this is, but I'm using it as a guideline lah.
Kash: She bo pian.. I on strike many days alr.. My HB buay tahan me almost everyday don talk to him.. hehe.. then he buy loi.. MIL still don know.. that HB problem to solve not mine.. haha..

earl_grey: I think is ok to wait for the cues loi.. my bb also i try gives him 3 hourly end up he wasted most of the milk..

Hairdrop: Kash, yes i ever heard that mummies who are bf lost most hair, cause most nutrients given away into the milk.. I have stopped bf not because i don want, is my bb he don want.. now am still dropping hair but not as much as last time when i am bfing, one patch botak!
So lucky u can sleep so early. Me earliest is 11plus after putting bb to sleep around 10.30pm. Sometimes she take longer to go to sleep. Then i will go do my stuffs and sleep after 12 midnight. *Yawn* super sleepy now and everday.....
My girl drinking 125ml every 3 hrs. Sometimes also cannot finish. Haiz, still haven't got the chance to upgrade the milk bottle lor. Keke..

Last weekend i went to Tampines 1. There's this jap shop selling jap tibits. I saw the wakodo FM there. They selling $46.00. I bought some bb biscuits from Wakodo. $4.50 per pack.

I'm still BFing, hair still falling but not as much as before liao.
<font color="0000ff">earl_grey
Are you a SAHM? Maybe like what the other's suggest to either
1) feed every 4hrly
2) wait for baby's cue
then from there you trial and error and see BB's pattern..

If i'm going to start on formula i was thinking to start with Wakodo becos if my stock from HK runs out, at least back-up can still get from SG u know what i mean?
I will check the logistics and shipping from HK, if not whenever my ILs come to visit from HK i can get them to lug it back ! heeheee.. then even better right? hahaha~
In HK its really very popular, not sure why SG only has Wakodo.. </font>
kash: hahaha if that's the logic I just be thankful i dun hv so much milk...otherwise botak liao.

i asked a dermatologist from changi hospital and he said there's nothing we can do about it. he said when people go through traumatic experiences like childbirth or majoy surgery, hair loss is inevitable cos body reacting to it.
so just bear with it, try not to handle hair roughly...and wait for this bad period to pass.

i bought this hairloss treatment shampoo from klorane...not bad. helps a bit. a bit only though.

<font color="ff0066"> cookieoreo</font>
heheheh... I like your slogan ~~ 'MAIDLESS? YES-WE-CAN!' (MYWC)!! Yah... going forward, guess it'll be more heavy going for me. But guess at least I will not hv added stress from the maid's nonsense antics. *LOLz* It's times like this tat I thk God I'm not working. Cos if I'm working then will be 'held hostage' by the stupid maids.

<font color="ff0066"> Earl Grey</font>
hehhehe... so cute. But I agree wz your PD tat it's better for bb NOT to be obese. Cos I read somewhere before tat by a certain age, if the toddler is still obese, then the fats will no longer juz be 'puppy fats'. It will become permanent, and next time the child will have weight issues.

<font color="ff0066"> Olwen</font>
Can't imagine got such mommies still exists. I know tat some people are still more partial to having boys... but certainly not to the extent where they are actually so happy when they dun get gals! Tat mommy is really shallow! So if I got 3 gals, she must tink I'm really poor thing lah!

<font color="ff0066"> Lynn</font>
I totally understand how you feel. If I were in your shoses, I would hv reacted in a similar way. No matter what... our children comes first! Everything else is secondary. Fortunately your hub "kan kai" already and relent to get new sofa.

Thks for the advise on the cereal. Yup yup... tat's a good idea. Tink I will add the jar food to her cereal.
