(2008/11) November 2008

mi stopped breastfeeding last month le, n every week i have a part time maid to help mi with the house work so i only concentrate on the kids. i reach home ard 7 plus. which is slightly earlier then u, y u reach home so late. kekeke...

sometimes hor i really feel like cutting off the night feeds leh, but hor i scare she already not drinking so much in the day if i cut off the night feeds she enough bo....

any one here stopped breastfeeding and auntie haven come back? i stopped for a month le but auntie still have come leh..

hair loss,
i have cut my hair real short first time in 10 yrs i time. this time really dropped too much till i scare...i still drop quite a bit but i think as its shorter i dun c as much. kkekeke...
Hi girls,

1) I have 2 adult tickets to the Bird Park for sale. U.P $18 a pax, now gg for $28 a pair. Expires 30th June 2009.

2) Also have a BINB Beddie Bye Zip Around Blanket for sale, "Replaces loose blankets for safe comfotable sleep" U.P $34, now gg for $28. Color: Light Yellow, Size: L, for up to 31" in length.


3) Lastly, I have a BN Mustela Specific Support Bust Cream for sale. U.P is $38.50, now gg for $27. http://www.mustelausa.com/specific_support_bust.html

Do pm me if interested!! Thanks!!

Yeah it's really popular in HK. I envy those HK mummies, not only do they have so many brands to choose from, they can even order online and have the FM delivered to home, tsk tsk envy envy!
Like what the rest of mummy said, wait for baby'cue. If she cry for the night feed then give her.
I cut my hair short too so i will see "less" hairfall. Cos i think long hair will addextra weight and cause more hairfall. Luckily not too bad now.
she is always crying if i dun give. normally when i hear eh eh eh... i will give her her pacifier, after awhile she will scream if she still dun have her milk...........and i really mean scream... like dunno how many days bo give her milk drink tat kinda.

how abt feeding her more milk during the last feed? will she be able to sleep longer? also, perhaps dun let her nap after 6pm....and try to let her go to bed only 10 or 10.30pm...see whether she can tong till next morning ard 7am?

I also have a part time maid who comes once a week, but i still have to clean the floor everyday coz very dirty leh... then pack up the mess, pack my gal's school bag, shower etc. Oh, coz after work i go my mum's place to pick up the kids. I also express milk there before coming home. By the time reach home, really ard 9pm liao.... very gek sim... btw, then who cook dinner for your #1?
her last feed is ard 8.30pm and i let her drink 30 ml more which is 150ml. she still will wake up latest 2.30am. if she sleeps at 10 pm she will still wake up either 2.30am or maybe drag to 4.30am. she confirm wake up one leh. hope she will grow out of the night feeds soon.

my aunt will cook dinner for no 1. so when i pick my no 1 n no 2, both of them already bathed, and fed and ready for bed. go back play or read with them for awhile and bed time. i off work at 6pm then hurry go dinner then pick them up at latest 7pm then home spend 2 to 3 hours with them n bed tim.
Hello! Finally finish my exam today.. was a killer paper! the topic i skipped came out.. sigh..

Peanut, was meaning to say something abt Nini.. don't worry, u are not a bad mum. there are days when i m on leave and i don't want Z to be at home. I need my me time too. I'm sure there are other ways Nini makes u smile so just keep focussing on it.

Olwen, so cryptic. sorry to say most of us don't get what u saying abt us being frank and direct.. and the mummy grieving (?!). care to tell us more? no pt saying it when we don't get it!
as for the mummy who said she dun want gals, actually i can sympathesize with her. I was a terrible teenager and still feel that gals go through a lot more angst than boys.. its just me lah.. there were times i wished i was a boy leh! i still prefer to have baby boys if i had it my way but since i don't get to choose, i just leave it to God.

Earl_grey, erm what is the recommended amount to make ur brand of FM? would recommend u not diluting it.
not all babies need to have 6-7 meals a day. their tummies are bigger now hence they can hold their milk for longer periods. may be u can wait until ur bb cries then feed him/her? my boy is only on 5 feeds a day.

Kash, i m losing my hair still but slightly lesser now. I think cutting my hair short plays a part. are u gonna cut urs short too?

Lilian, thanks a lot for the link sweetie. i m getting my jumperoo tmr! can't wait!
Liv: u bought the yoghurt, there got state for baby? today i went to ntuc saw small cute pack of yoghurt. same brand as u say yoplait. but there no write for bb? can bb eat yoghurt yet? what thing to see if suitable?
Show our college photo to my HB and family, everyone has a great time finding bb.. haha.. my HB said that some bb looks alike. and yoyosan's bb look like my bb brandon when his eyes start to open (about 2 week later).. Happy, great job! my HB say is nicely and neatly done even if this is your first time.
thanks for the link! great link, add as bookmark to my fav.. Regarding feedings, I also wait for bb give me cues that he is hungry then give him eat or drink his milk.. cause when i use the every 3 hourly thing, end up i waste my tin of milk.. haha.. at first i thought i am starving him, but guess u also did the same way, so it should sounds ok.
hi mummies,
i had a long day at work. felt so sad being away from baby for so long today. feeling so tired now, can't wait for hubby to be home so that i can go shower coz baby still tossing around in bed. =P

re: cot bumper
think i need to find a super high one, coz my hyper baby always roll all over to the sides and yank down e bumper..

re:milk intake
my baby also like yours babyzel, take only like less than 130ml when bottle fed..she always takes enough to curb hunger to wait for me to come home to BF.=P

re:baby sleeping
its e 3rd nite i am putting baby wide awake in cot for bedtime. honestly, this is the area where i have very little patience coz i know she is tired but yet she keeps rolling around, yanking e bumper, etc and refuse to fall asleep. put her in bed since 915pm, she still rolling around now and i hv to keep adjusting her coz she keeps ending up in a corner..sigh...
ha, right after i post this message i went to check and baby finall asleep..time to do the laundry and chores..
Poor Emma and poor mummy. Understand what you are going through now cos I'm in the same boat. Qweii is down with high fever of 39.2 degree and it just keep hovering up and down. I spent the past 1 week sponging her in the middle of the night. When she finally recovered on Sat, I'm down with fever, cough, flu, sore throat, ulcer that I think I spread the virus to Quinnlyn and she is running a fever since yesterday now back to Qweii.

So praticaly, everyone in the family is sick except for hubby. The only console thing is that both of them love to take medicine. She say 甜甜.
^5, me too maidless. I dun have a maid right from the start as I wanted to be a SAHM so find it kind of defeat the purpose. So in another word, I am the MAID that 包卡了 everything in the house. I always make fun of hubby that I am the only 'Maid' that he get to sleep with yet he wont be sued. Haha

It so heart warming to receive a gift from your own child right. Did your big man did any special gesture for you?

Next time you can post more recipes here then I can 参考, running out of idea what to cook liao.
Thanks for the effort for the photo college. It is very well done. Really appreciate your time spent on collating and mailing to everyone.
Each home has a story to tell. But it depend on how you look at it. At the down side, it seems that your hubby is pampering his brother too much and not teaching him responsiblity in his part in start a family - to be finance independant. Also he is not putting his own family interest in the 1st place, such as saving for your bb etc.

However on the other hand, you should look at his plus point. Ask yourself how many others out there in this world will act like your hubby, who value kinship so much that he is so readily to part with his money for his brother. 兄弟情深- thumbs up. I'm sure that is also one of his additional points that you sees in him when you decided to marry him.

I used to think like you too. Hubby was the 1 financing my MIL house and FIL expenditures when we have a housing loan to clear(we dun live together with them). He is the only bread winner in the family, earning 2k a month and my PIL has 4 sons. My other BIL leave 3 children for my MIL to cares for and they are giving her so little pocket money, spending the rest on holidays etc. But my hubby is still very close with his brothers despite all these.

But at the end of the day, I straighten my thinking. From the day I know him, he is a filial son, so why I change him about marriage? At least I'm glad that he is willing to contribute in term of monetary. Unlike those who dont even give a cent to their family. i tell myself at least when I'm old, I hope my children will also take care of us like the way my hubby did to his parent or my children will be willing to help one another the way my hubby did to his brothers.

So tell yourself, If you have more than 1 child, you will also wish to see the strong kinship between them. But having said that, you must also weight the financil ability of your family. Maybe you can try telling him to contribute in another way such as getting an air-con/sofa/fridge for him when his Brother has gotten a flat? (sometime men need a bt of coaxing too)

There are too much issues that can easily triggers of a quarrel in the family, What I can only make sure is that money shall not be 1 of it so I'm a very 知足常乐 person.
haha.. yah, from Day 1, my bb gal looks like her daddy. Boi boi looking. Hopefully wif her staring at me 24x7, she will look more gal gal eventually?! :p
Can share wif me bb Brandon pict? Curious. PM me?
hey mummies,
do you give a lil water after baby takes cereal (she is still on EBM now)? my has not pooped since starting on cereal over the weekend. only pooped a lil yesterday..
hi all.. how was ur nites??

Last nite ard 1.30am.. I was changing my baby feeding bag.. then came back to see him on his tummy and his tubing is out!!! no wonder he keep crying.. he go pull it out.. haiz.. then me and MIL prepare all the necessary things and need to coax him not to cry.. then re-insert a new one into him again.. haiz.. what a nite..

We just changed for him last sunday, by right only need to change again this sunday.. haiz.
<font color="0000ff">snnowy/Chillipadi
*sayang* hope everyone is feeling better and have all recovered well.. its always tiring and unpleasant to be ill or have someone dear ill.. jia you jia you!

I agree with you, they have so much to choose from and spoilt for choice! so lucky !! plus, its so much cheaper there... ^groan </font>
Gd morning mummies>

me back from BKK since sunday. it's an exhausted trip.. walk &amp; walk &amp; walk! Miss me bor? lolz . today start work.. Super Blue day!
Hasnt got time to catch up with all the posts. anyone can summarise ??

bring bb to PS yday (free voucher from peterpan)

Happy> Thanks for the effort!! V NICE!! Luv it!
wooo.... so many days never post liao.. too many posts to catch up with..

my bb also lei!! sleep sleep keep flipping over then wake up and whine i've to flip her back only to hav same ting happen over &amp; over again.. tiring.. so these 2 days i let her sleep on e giant rocker.. like tt then she wont b able to flip while sleeping

Eggyolk: gurp.. i jus told mil cannot giv til 9mths.. wonder wat wil she say if i change stmt say can giv liao.. My hubby wil say me rather listen to forum mums then to his mum.. -_-

hows ur bb's drinking? my nini also drink so much lesser now.. Cos she on 2 feeds of solid, if she can hit 400ml of milk then i satisfied liao
<font color="0000ff">peanut00
Morning! *waves*

We're feeding him every 2.5 - 3hrs 100ml - 120ml.. good days he'll finish within 10-15mins, bad days he'll take like 30mins and leave abt 10ml and smile at me! *pengz*
Will try to start him on solids this sat, he's turning 6 ..................months.. hahha~
But dunno is i stress or what, my supply i scared cannot meet he's demand liaoz, keep using the stores and not able to store, damn sianz.. coupled with sleep training ..</font>
my b also fussy eater lei.. find she doesnt like frisocream tt much leh.. but giv her some others like apple puree she'll even make e armm armm sound!!! hahahaa..

Re. e "ony boys" mum.. i hope she gena ALL granddaughters in future lor.. She shd be counted blessed to hav kids.. stil wan to choose gender.. buay tahan
Good Morning!!

my girl also keep flipping before sleeping. so i just let her b, then after awhile she will fall asleep on her tummy then i will flip her over.
Morning mummies!

<font color="ff0066"> Happy 6th Month Birthday to Baby Heidi and Baby Kiran! Mummy Haru and Mummy Sheryl, you have done it!</font>

Update me when u got their new stats k? =)
seems his appetite improves.. tts good!
my b at least need to wait 4hr interval.. and also smaller eater these days

She also gena flu and bad cough.. mus hav caught e virus from my hubby sis.. cough so much without covering mouth.. Somemore she bot face mask also never put on, dunoe buy for wat.. now my mil also gena liao...

today on leave for whole day but din tell mil -_-.. leave home same timing so she tot me work work =P Paiseh to let her know me on leave go enjoy never help look aft bb. haiz..
at my mum place now then later meet fren jalan jalan.. hee.. jus help my mum dig out sweet potatoes from backyard =)
<u>Jap FM (Morinaga Hagukumi)</u>:
My friend who told me about 'Morinaga Hagukumi' is staying in Japan now, that explains how she got it :D

Aden's Mummy
Your $37.60 (w/o shipping) each is for the HK version or Jap version? Any idea they got any significant diff? Think should be quite ex if plus shiping cost right? >_<

Btw mummies, how many tins of FM your baby consumed per week/bi-weekly/month? Need to work out some sort of cost sheet

Was BF exclusively so totally no idea...
It's good to have some 'me' time to jalan jalan

Wow, home-grown sweet potatoes! Can bring home and make puree for your little one =) Hee
peanut> Got BP selling thermal swimsuit leh
Juz tell ur HB u saw websites or books (say KKH's. haha) say can give eggyolk lor. LOL. They wun noe

Kiki> 1 tin for 1 and half wk

Alibaba> Ya.. got miss u
Re: collage
Welcome! Is my pleasure to do it!
Is so cute and happy while collating the photos.

Re: yogurt
I tink not very safe to giv so early as their immune system still nt strong yet.And yogurts are cold,guess nt v gd to giv cold stuff till mayb 8mths old.

I dun intend to start giving egg yolk now.Will wait till 8mths old then give.Mayb ask your mil to start giving when she is 8mths old,anyway jus 2 more mths nia.Better to tell her can giv nw,else next time she wont listen to you liao.
Wow! 1 tin per week! Is it considered alot or little?

How much baby Claudia drinks everytime and how long is her interval?

My boy drinks about 200-220 everytime and taking 5 feeds per day ....
hhhee.. come come.. got complain abt mil come in and vent.. wil feel better aft tt.. Old people r like tt.. thou u offer to buy, she stil no wan u to spend e money one.. Like mine.. i hate their sofa sets.. those rosewood type.. sit already ur back and head will break one.. i always sit until wan to lose temper..

glad bb L appetite is getting better.. tts a good sign isnt it!!!

hehee... my b sama as urs! cos smaller eater now me downgrade to small bottle again! haiz.. -_-"
claudia is drinking ard 4 feeds of 120ml (10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm), 1 feed of 150 ml (8.30pm) and 2 feeds to 3 feeds of 90ml (2.30am, 7am depends..). ard 800 ml everyday.

yah!! tt nite woke up so many times to flip her back.. pu huay..

hehee.. we dug 5 sweet potatoes.. we adult wil test test 1st.. If good then i bring 1 back for bb.. Organic one!!! no pesticide tsk tsk..

aiyah i saw e swimwear at kiddypalace liao.. my hub say even for size 1 stil big big for bb,, then he say buy those bb bikini types -_-
