(2008/11) November 2008

blessed11 (blessed11) => dats wat i was thinking, allow her to walk faster and enjoy going around the house (will be very cute lor) instead of just sitting on the chair, lying down, jumperoo etc.hehe..

Yoyosan (yoyosan) => no worries! :)

Chilipadi (chilipadi) => Happy Mother's Day to you too..
happy mothers' day!!!! went for a swim this mornin before gg for dim sum hi-tea, ate so much i skipped dinner.ha..there goes my swim..=P

got to let bb try the cereal today. it was good fun, recorded on it video and hubby snapped alot of pix. hubby said maybe i made it a tad too watery,haha..she eagerly tried e cereal but i think more went around her mouth n on e bib than in her mouth! only had a few tiny tsp..will try again tom and make it a lil less watery.

wow, daddy got e treat! am sure K loved it just as much as daddy!

Re:washing of feeding eqpt
thanks for all e tips! thats what i did too, just wash with e pigeon bottle and teat cleaner even tho my bowl can be sterilized. i love e new pigeon weaning bowl, looks like a mini bathtub.hahah..

this afternoon went to forum the shopping mall to get some organix food for baby and spent a big bomb there. For those who need the info, the shop name is Vitakids at basement1. There are some promotion items selling at half price but is very near to expiry date. They hv a few outlets in sg including paragon,here is their website: http://www.vitakids.biz

so sorry, didn't order from you as i can't wait for 3wks to get it. Definitely your spree is selling much cheaper then that shop esp the organix first products
no worries lah. In fact the response has been quite good to my surprise that i placed 1st batch of order already. Now consolidating batch 2. Do until I "tau kong kong"

Maid Problem need to vent
This morning the whole family went for brunch but maid did not want to join us as she says she has a lot of chores to do. So we went ahead without her. After brunch Meg went to the art studio to paint. She wanted to paint a Mothers Day present for my mum. So we left at abt 11am and only came back at abt 3pm. When we arrived home, to my horror, my maid was talking to a man outside my house. My unit is the only unit on he 3rd flr so no neighbours. Mummies who have been to my place will know what I mean. I was so mad cos' how can she have a man at my place when I am not around. HB & I gave her a shelling and we called agent as well. We have decided to change maid but will wait for new one to come than I will send her home. Tomorrow we have to call the locksmith to come change the main door lock. I have employed maids for the past 6 years and this is the 1st time something like this have happen to me. I guess there is a first for everything. Now just have to tahan till the new maid comes... sigh
OMG!! i gave my son heinz teething rusk! sigh.think must throw away liao. so sad.. wont be giving him anymore.. thanks for the useful article.

will order from u soon. mabe will consolidate with my other fren whom i intro happy bellies to. hehe then can order more! let u knw when she comes back from hols. =) will definitely support u! =p

coincidentally i also went for buffet high tea!hehe.. but i din swim.. hence eat so much till i also skip dinner... fat already..tummy budging out.. oops.. =P

mabe it's the apples that u chose. some apples tend to be quite sour.. no worries..to intro it again.like now i also dunno wat happen to my boy,he used to love egg yolk when i first intro, but now he like lost interest & doesnt like it. haiz.. so have to start thinking of other food o give him..

thanks Dymples for the pricing.. =)at least i know if mine is out of stock i can go where to replenish while waiting for chillipadi to deliver.

how abt bringing in nice hats?=)

Hi5, me also starting giving my gal for her first semi-solid food today! And yes, most of the cereal goes to her bibs. IS a new experience!

my gal do the same too. I also tell my hubby what is she trying to do huh.. So funny to look at her ROCK forward n backward :)

Haiz.. Why most of the maid is giving problems to employers! And yes, must change the lock cos not sure whether did she go n duplicate the key not.. How long has this maid been with u?
Dear Mummies,

Was so busy after the gathering that I did not have time to post. #1 was having high fever and it has been hovering for a few days. She is super cranky and wants to be carried all the time.

Thanks for hosting the gathering and preparing so much nice food. Nice meeting mummies in person finally.
Oh dear, cant image your maid actually do this. It is better that you change the lock fast.

Qweii was still looking for KorKor after Kai went off. (She loves playing with boys) Where has all your tummy gone?? My 三层肉 is so blunging when I'm only carrying 1 baby. *Give some to you*

Finally found someone who is concern of the next 三菜一汤 to put on the dinning table rather what is the next project to report to boss.

I'm still no gg to start semi-solid for my baby untill her next assessment in another month time. Just gg to take it slowly
My boy is took green bean puree already, basically u just wash and pluck the top and tail den remove the string, cook it, then blend it. He loves it, but then poo poo will be green la, cause goes in what colour comes out what colour ma.. But remember to mix it with sweet potato puree or baby rice cause some babies may not like the taste of it..

I'm not planning to use a walker for my boy. Cause besides whether they will walk faster or slower, I've read that its also quite dangerous. And furthermore I've seen babies who sit in walker and end up hurting their hand when they glide fast and hit the table edge or wall.. So I think I'll just let him learn on his own ba..

By the way, HAPPY MUMMYS' DAY everyone!!!
Happy Mothers Day Mummies.

Re: Walker
Posted a few times le so shall post again. Go look at KKH website to find out why walkers are not recommended. It impedes muscle growth and hence may slow down walking and also, there are way tooooooo many accidents.
Good morning mummies!
Happy Mother's Day!

I've tried ur recommended method to make cereal less lumpy by adding cool water first to make a thick paste, then add in milk. It really worked!
Thks for the great tip. My MIL was so impressed that I could get such useful advice online.

RE: Baby waking up
for the past week, baby has been waking up a few times in the middle of the nite. Dunno is it growth spurt or teething. I'm feeling like a zombie now...then last 2 nites my side was raining so heavily, thunder & lightning...got up a few times to open and close windows, damn disrupting.

re: Baby cereal
Mummies, can i ask it seems that HT is quite a popular brand that the mummies use here. Is there a reason for that? I've been giving Nestle Nan 1 formula milk since birth, now introduce rice cereal also happen to be Nestle brand cos my PD gave me samples to try. Baby likes it so far. But I'm just wondering why HT is so commonly used by mummies here.

so sweet of u, the bear is so cute...


oh u going to stop BF..., last time as I want to stop BF i just squeeze out abit out when bathing so it takes abt 1 wk it will stop producing milk.


wat type of brand and organic fd u brought fm Vitakids?

it must be very fun when starting to feed yr baby cereal, same as me...

Hats, I'll consider abt it, thks for yr opinion.
Happy Mummies' Day! Hope ur hbs do something special for u today.
mine can't be bothered. heh... and then Z gave me a 'surprise' by not slping through the first time in a mth. Kept crying aft 4am.. checked on him and his diaper leaked. fed him, change him still dun wanna slp.. Cry it out liao also cannot.. think it has something to do with his 6-i-1 jab taken yesterday.. sigh..

Kiki, new data on Z
Last weight: 7.8kg
Last height: 65cm (my short fart has grown!)
Taken on 5 mths & 16 days

Yoyowsan, i supposed u are pumping every 8 hrly? If u wanna stop bf-ing naturally, it can't be done overnight. takes abt a mth or so. first lengthen ur pump by 30mins until u are free of blocks. i.e. doing 8.5hrs until u don't get blocks (need a few days to tell) then lengthen to 9 hrs etc..

Wanna ask a few qns:
1) have u guys used the cot bumper? i haven't and dunno when i shd be using it.
2) like wat Jess mentioned, this few nights got thunder storms.. does ur bb wake up? how to get bb back to slp? in this case CIO doesn't work cos each time he is drifting off to slp, another peal of thunder will wake him.
i had put in the cot bumper the day baby is born. very useful esp to prevent baby head or hand knock at the cot barrier. my baby does wake up a few times at night coz my upstairs kids always throw things on the floor which always awake my baby, i normally just poke in the pacifier and she will fall asleep slowly after that.

glad that the response is very good. you must be v tired of doing this spree

i also hv some heinz products given by neighbour,but will not give it to baby as i prefer organic food for her.

i brought happy bellies, organic baby foods and organix first for 2 months supply. The organix first food is so yummy,my baby really love it
Hi gals
With regards to the Happy Bellies cereal, did u all buy all 3 flavours? Whc is nicer?

My mum said since my baby is comimg to 6MO soon, no need to give cereals, just straight away give porridge lor. My elder 2 kids, I gave them cereals at 5MO, but this one delay introducing solids till now..

The Organix first food.. is it cereal? Maybe I shld try.
<font color="ff0066"> <font size="+2"><font face="monotype corsiva"> Happy Beatiful Mommies Day Everyone...!!!</font></font></font>

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
The Cot Bumper is to be placed around the cot once bb is more mobile. It is to prevent bb from knocking his head or limbs against the bars of the cot. Juz to provide some cushioning. heheheh

As for bb waking up, nowadays Bb J co-sleeps wz hub &amp; me on the bed, so not able to advise you. So far she has woken up due to the thunder. heheheh... Maybe cos she smells mommy nearby and feels comforted bah.

<font color="ff0066"> Mummy2nia</font>
I've used walker for #1 and I find that she zooms around too fast for my liking. A few times her delicate fingers almost kena "kiap" when the walker hit the walls or furniture. Somemore #1 only started walking when she's about 14-mths. For #2, I din used walker liaoz... and she started walking about 11-mths. heheheh...

<font color="ff0066"> Gal Dolphine</font>
No worries babe.

<font color="ff0066"> Chilipadi</font>
Eekkss!! So scary. Nowadays maids are getting more and more daring. They also very smart to cut corners and 'eat snake'. Yes yes... better to get rid of her faster before she tries any other nonsense.

<font color="ff0066"> Fed up with Maid</font>
Haiz... my current maid #5 also giving me lotsa probs. Only working for less then 1-mth... and cry says wanna go home. She showed me her hand got those itchy blisters as a result of being allergic to the dish washing detergent. So the next day I bot the Hydrocortison cream for her to apply plus I also got her organic detergent and gloves. 2 days when I spot check, I saw her still using the old detergent and washing the dishes without gloves. *aarrgghh* was so angry!! I told her off and said :"If your blisters get worse... forget it! I'm not bringing you to doctor cos it's your own fault!"

The next day... after sending #2 to childcare, she come crying to me and said she wants to go back Indon. Said her hand blisters very pain, her bones pain, her arm pain till cannot work. Wah seh..!! I so angry I straightaway called agent. The maid agent then called her to the phone and scolded her and told her that she cannot go back Indon cos she still got loan. After the maid put down the phone, she turned to me started crying and ask me to send back to Indon and bypass the agent. I told off... said I can't do tat becos of her loan. *frustrated*

Again I called agent and told her to explain to the maid that I'm not allowed to do such things. To summarise... I'm sending this stupid back to the agent at the end of next week after I settle getting a part time cleaning auntie, tingkat service for dinner and then changing my #2 from childcare to those 3-hr kindergarden classes which is nearere my home. Haiz... of all things I'm sssooo busy now coaching #1 for her SA1 Exams, still gotta settle maid nonsense!!!
I've put the bumper since my boy kws hw to roll over. My boy didn't wake up when there's thunder storm cos i think not very loud fm our room. If yr baby wakes up, u can cuddle him and sing songs to make him slp...

icic so is organix first food. wow...that's alot u brought for 2 mths supplies.Maybe I shd get some for my boy. He very choosy one, I mix got buy organic jar fd and non-organic home made veg n fruits to be put in his cereal or porridge.
I think your new maid is really lousy. Will the maid agency will change a new maid for you?

how many bottles and tins did you buy for 2 mth supply?

I got recommendation on diapers which my boy is using since he's born, is cheap,cloth-like, long lasting...which is Giant brand diapers. Can get it at Giant supermarket.
Pampers(DRY) brand I use it in the nite- cheap than others series of Pampers brand.
Bear: I can join ur membership, my HB also no give me surprised.. imagine bb is his first son.. damn irritating loi..
I have put the bumper too since he is born.. i think is good cause now when he is awake, he can kick himself up to the edge of the cot.

Dymples: Yes definately change the maid.. otherwise in future give u more headache.. hope ur maid agency find a better one for you.. take care ya..

porridge: i have try the porridge on bb, he starting give me the weird look.. haha.. i think he slowly get used to it.. mummies what kind of stock u add to make your porridge?

Thunderstorm: my bb is like the father.. got fire also cannot wake up.. haha.. we play majhong so noisy.. he can sleep through.. unless if it realli very loud.. but usually if not wrong that if turn bb sleep on the side, bb not too scare.. my bb hug bolster.. so i think like the bean sprout bag, press on the chest?
Mummies, Happy Mothers' Day!!

My hb surprised me with a giraffe earrings, a Precious Moments figure and a card. =) Guess he felt bad that we seemed to be quarrelling more last few days. Anyway I think I must learn to be more appreciative too!

Snnowy: No wonder like nvr see u online these few days yah. Hope her fever subsides liao...

Baby23: Hope my bb likes the Organix first foods too that I bought fr Chilipadi's BP!! The pix does seem yummy..And for the teething rusks, gosh I bought mine fr Bellamy's!! Hopefully the fats is not as bad as the Heinz ones. But anyway usu baby dont eat the whole thing so I guess is ok.

Jess: I am using HT cereal. Hmm havent tried others yet so can't comment on the difference. But I find that HT cereal is very smooth when mixed with milk, and so far baby also likes it. So I guess I will just stick to HT and HB, which I will use when my HT is finished :p

Bear; Been usng the cot bumper since day 1 ..now more useful coz he keeps flipping and rolling over. But sometimes even the bumper cannot stop him from knocking his head at the side hiaz...but still do put as cushioning!
<font color="ff0066"> Bibi and Lynn</font>
Yah. Will be sending this maid back to agent latest by next Friday. Then I won't be getting any maid liaoz. Will be opting for part-time cleaning lady to come 1x a week to do the ironing, change bedsheets and other housework. For dinner, my dad will juz cook extra and 'deliver' to my place. Hengz we stay in the same condo. hehehe... let's see how long this arrangement works out bah. I'm so sick of maids and their thousands of antics, complains and excuses.

<font color="ff0066"> Lynn</font>
I've yet to intro bb to any porridge. Tink I will intro bb only when she hits 9-mths. Even then I dun put any stock into the porridge. Best for bb to have the natural seasoning tat comes from the vegetables tat we'll add in. For both my older gals, I only put in those stock and seasoning after they hit 18-mths.
I have been using cot bumper when baby starts tossing and kicking her legs in the cot. This is to prevent her legs from getting stuck in between the cot fencing. My girl is not afraid of thunder, she still sleeps soundly away, not affected at all..
Mother's Day : No surprise as well but just went out for lunch, hb said i can eat anything i want.

Wow so nice still got gifts..hehe
I tried bellamy rice cereal and healthy times(brown rice n barley). Feel that bb likes them equally leh. As long as the mixture not too watery she likes liao.

I think it's up to individual preference. My bb likes brown rice n barley. I got oatmeal too but have not intro that to her yet. She likes bellamy also leh. I just give variety.

Aiyoh, ur maid gave u so much headache ah? Hope ur case will be resolve soon. happy mother's day!!
sabre => oh okie..still thinking whether to get it.. :-(

Fifi (babyfifi) => alrightey, noted!..im very new here so not sure whether this topic has been discussed or not. can't read all the previous topics..wait my eyes will be very blurrrrr...hehehe..

Chilipadi (chilipadi) => Kinda sad to hear about ur mind..ive got a maid too..u need them but u dun need their nonsense. I hope you will get a replacement fast.. ur spree is goin v.well hor. Im so tempted to buy but need to save the money. Tot of doing myself..hehe..

Dymples (acthia) => Good comment..dats weird huh..then wat happened to the walker? u threw it away? ive yet to decide whether to get..tough decision!!!

abt your maid, you so have to change, hand pain, later leg pain, then head lah wat lah..i juz cant understand why mom still support the maids..we, employer sometimes suffer too!!

My first mother's day is pwetty okie2. Hub being not the romantic guy nvr give me any flowers, cakes or gifts. :-( And I had to send off my relative who's goin back KL in the morning and then rushed to work (yup, working shifts). But hub said he's goin to treat me supper at 24hrs swensens after work finish close to midnight..aiyah..watever lah, by the time reach there, no more mother's day..become duno wat day liao.
glad gal, mummy2nia,
wow, ur hb so gd. my hb face e pc e whole day liao. hai, bu yao xi wang bu run hui xi wang. tell him to watch over e stove while i feeding my boy n he ended up sleeping in e bathtub.
Waw lau this maid of urs really irritating behaves like a princess..is she an experienced one or new maid? sounds like a new maid to me.. just send her back. this type no use.

I have a bit of issue with my brother-in-law but never had the chance to speak to my hubby about it as he is always taking his side. So i never bothered to discuss it.

My BIL stays with my HB and I, he has a room to himself, and brings GF home at times. He does not contribute us a single cent staying with us, my HB pays for all the instalment for the house, utilities, water, maintenance for facilities, $4k a mth, and I contribute the phones, SCV and household items and groceries.

He eats at home with us at times, (what i call freeloading) and sometimes with his gf.

My MIL complaints about him not giving her a single cent as allowance...

And when he eventually moves out my HB has to help him pay $30-50k for his new home.

What wld u do if u were me..?
Happy Mothers Day!!!

Me reading posts... while HB and bb Zzzzing. This is how i spent my 1st mother's day :S

Dun thk me! Its actually yokoh and glad_gal who spotted ur BP first

Will u b organising t BP again?

Bear, Ya, me put bumper ard t cot

Re: Walkers
Decided not to get one. Ya, all t elderlys ask Why dun give? Kind of difficult to explain
I bought Jumperoo and Exersaucer for my gal, they also can train her legs

blessed11, well... t relationship between ur HB and his bro muz b pretty gd rite?
Its difficult to say wats right, wats wrong. Afterall, they are brothers. If your family finance is tight, then perhaps u can tell ur HB not to help with the housing part.
Lilian: Thanks for the advise. My HB treats everyone v. nice so i find the supporting of the housing part quite a burden..since we juz have a baby...
Bibi (chomine) => this one after i told him i nvr receive anything from him then he do something leh. hahahaha... i oso told him i nvr get pressie, he juz called me an hour ago sayin he's at shopping centre himself tryin to get a pressie for me (maybe he feel guilty)..sigh..feel happy but at the same time feel bad, make him 'work'.

blessed11 => i feel for you. this is a very difficult situation to be in. no matter how much u wanna 'complain', ur hub will still do it. the thing is juz make sure he has money for your family. i hope ur bil appreciates the things your hub does. hopefully he will change for the better.

Lilian (tunapuff77) => i oso got jumperoo for my bb. she loves it!! can dance, her legs will move side to side, got rythm somemore..wah piang. lol! juz dat when i saw the my old pics in walker, i can see i was havin loads of fun..can go kitchen and play with onions etc..haha. so i tot perhaps my bb will haf fun in the walker, not dat i want her to be play with onions lah..hehe.. so dats how my mum encourage me to get it too. see how lah..hehe
Just lowered cot this weekend and just put up the cot bumper too! ( about time!)

Scratching face
you mummies are rite... have to trim nails more often.. previously used to trim once a week only but think every 2 days need 2 trim already!

This is the 4th day baby K is taking HT brown rice cereal! He seems to love it! can eat 2 tablespoons now... Anyone tried both HT &amp; Happy bellies? care to share the difference? might wanna try diff brand after this box of HT finish... like babyzel said.. i also think good for them to try a variety!

Lilian &amp; mummy2nia
where did you guys buy the jumperoo from? currently i am renting the jumperoo and my bb loves it so much! can jump in there for 45 mins!! but so far have not seen it when i go shopping! feel like buying after my rental finish... or not sure if i should just rent something else? but have to say the jumperoo is real fun!

went for a walk @ botanics for the 1st time with hubby &amp; baby today.. guess that was the mothers day treat for me! hope all the mummies had a good mothers day too!
blustar (kiransmumzie)=>
Wat a relaxin Mother's day u had!!:)

Re: Jumperoo
i got it from Baby Fair at Taka last year wen i was still preg. I saw loads of kids kept goin towards the jumperoo display and they played with it. So i figured out dat since it attracted loads of kids, im sure my bb will love it so i bought it and nvr regret it. got it for $199.

I saw Toy R Us selling for $200 plus..not sure how much exactly. Im sure this jumperoo can last for quite sometime..very worth gettin it!!
hi mummies,
e weekend is over so soon!! sigh..

Re:cot bumper
used that from day one, but my baby can still reach to top of it and pull it down. =P it does help to prevent too much bumping around coz she can realy kick to all 4 corners of the cot several times before falling asleep. tonight is e first night i put her straight to her cot after bath and storytime when she is still wide awake. stood by e cot and watched her kicked and flipped around non stop for almost 20 mins before she finally fell asleep.phew!

tried giving baby cereal tis morn again. made only half tbsp but still can't finish yet. after that she still happily drank her milk, haha..will just give her some time to get used to it.made it less watery today but after a while it got a more watery again (coz of bb's saliva).

i am using happy bellies, it does mix quite well. have not tried HT, so can't really comment.=P
<font color="ff0066"> Cereal</font>
Unlike all the babies here, mine does not seem to like her cereals much. Frisocreme she does not even want. Happy Bellies, she will still take but not so much. But she loves those jar foods. Can finish 3/4 to 1 whole jar per meal. So far, I've given her Earth's Best, Gerber and Heinz.
Guess the jar foods got more taste then the cereals.

<font color="ff0066"> Blustar</font>
I got my jumperoo from the recent Baby Fair at Taka. I got the FP Rainforest. Depending on her mood, my bb can sit inside for 10-30 mins max only.

<font color="ff0066"> Blessed11</font>
This maid supposed to be ex-malaysia for 2-yrs. But she behaves more like a brand new maid. Haiz... I highly suspect tat she either lied about in Malaysia or else she did not work in the house there. My dad said there are instances where maids are employed to help out in those coffeeshops or provision shops instead of doing housework in Malaysia.

<font color="ff0066"> Babyzel, Mummy2nia</font>
Haiz... maids are all like tat lor. I feel like I've been throwing good money away all these while replacing and replacing maids. So now... I've decided to do away with them for good. Luckily I'm a SAHM, so guess I'll take care of the house and my gals on my own bah. hahahah... hope I can manage.

<font color="ff0066"> Mummy2nia</font>
I've thrown away the walker which I used for my #1 cos we were in Australia then and it's too heavy and bulky to lug back.
Gd morning! pumping away in sch.. just need to tahan one more day then i can go back to my old routine.

Thanks for all ur comments on the cot bumper. the thing is we don't put Z inside in the day. only when he is slping at night, then he is in there. he doesn't flip much but he has been smacking the FP cot mobile every morning when he wakes. that's why i haven't put the cot bumper. guess i wait for him to be more active then i will put it up. but hor, won't it be very warm cos wind is blocked by the bumper?

Also thank u for ur comments on thunderstorms. i guess Z is a light slper like me. a bit of sound only will wake up. sometimes i go in to check on him, he will also stir.. grrrr..

Dymples, u seem to have rotten luck with maids! how come replacing maids need money? thought u shd get 2 replacements free?
Good morning Nov thread mummies!
Hope everyone had a very happy Mothers' Day yesterday.

It's the start of celebrating Mothers' Day for some of us, especially the first time mummies

Motherhood can be tiring but it's one of the oldest and most meaningful career a woman can have.

My bb started Heinz rice cereal yesterday and he simply loves it.
<font color="0000ff">Bear</font>
My MSN account is gana virus so I had deleted it.

Z dun sleep same room as U? The thunderstorms were kinda scary indeed.
hi all.. sorry no chance came online yesterday to wish all a happy mummy day, happy belated mummy day!!! *better late than nvr k*

Mother day yesterday was like any usual day for me.. until I received a 'bomb' which really triggers my "tap".. thanks dear mummies for the kind words, I don't know what to say, 'thanks' really dun seems enuf to express how I feel. I really feel encouraged.

my naughty boy was so excited upon seeing the 'bomb' and in less than a min, the elmo book and the chn word book became 'his'. kekeke.

xie xie ni men. thanks for everything.
bluebear-I wanna ask u.. u know the feeding tube, any difference between 40cm and 50cm? Initially we get frm them is 40cm then HB say he saw it shd be 50cm, I din know coz I din realized, then when I ask vendor, they say normally provides 40cm unless hospital say 50cm. In the end we go back change all to 50cm coz we think long better than short??

And I realized the older the gets, the harder for us to do the insertion, he cried when he saw the green worm. haiz, coz will come out frm mouth if he cry, really heartache + headache, must hands fast do. Any advice??
Hello mummies,
Had a very difficult night last night. Emma was not well - fever, running nose and cough plus the onset of teething. She cld not sleep and kept waking up every half hour as her nose was blocked. Finally we decided to bring her to see doc and left for KK hospitak at 2am. When we got there her fever was 39 degrees and the nurses gave her panadol immediatly. Than we waited to see doc. after 45 mins we checked with nurse when wld be our time and they told us 2 hrs. No way were we going to wait 2 hrs, so we headed striaght for Mt A. By the time we saw the doc in Mt A it was 3.30am than waited for meds and finally reached home at 4.30am. Whole night had to carry her to sleep. This morning had to give her her meds and that was so traumatic cos' nurses told us cannot mix with milk as it wld spoil the stabalizer in the milk (not too sure wat that means.) Luckily now she is a happy camper although her fever is 39.2 degrees. Going to be a difficult day as well. Luckily both me and hubby are not working, day off in lieu of Vesak Day falling on Sat. Later we have to go maid agent to select new maid. wish me luck.

Thanks for listening to my long story.

hoped you like the book. When u feel discourage, go to that book as it will remind u how wonderful parents u and ur Hb are.
Chillipadi-what a nite for u.. when kids got fever, if still 'happy camper' than thank god hor.. I always worry if my #1 down with fever and looks restless. Hope Emma gets well soon!

Yeah thanks a lot, it touches me a lot.
mummy2nia, dymples...
i was also at the taka fair... somemore went for 2 days! alamak... duno y i didnt even see the jumperoo! maybe it was too crowded then i blur also! will check out toys r us since no more taka fair and next one is probably in aug! that's too far away!

chillipadi, hope baby emma gets well soon! hang in there! Good luck with the maid selection man!
Re: Feeding BB Solids
Wah seh. My BB is a fussy eater. Too liquid the cereal she dun like. So muz make thicker. But halfway thru feeding it gets more watery, then I need to remake. Then whilst feeding her, the cereal become colder oso dun like. Muz remake. But at least she likes the cereal. Nearly want to take the whole bowl coz she thinks I am feeding her too slowly. Pengz.

Re: Mothers' Day
No pressie from hubby (as usual... sigh). But he willingly ta pao black pepper crab for me for dinner yesterday and look after BB so that I can eat in peace.

Why muz your hubby pay for his new home? Dun allow that lah. You will need the $$ for your BB's education next time mah.

Glad you like the "bomb". Whenever you feel down, juz dig it up and remember that there is this bunch of us always there supporting you.
dymples: Ya sounds like she worked in those type of coffee shops or some shops..and not home..anyway if maids say wanna go back these type of maids are condemned oredi...if u find replacement, do ensure that the referrer (maid agency ppl) are reliable and can make gd recommendations.

bear: I also wanna put bumper cot but then scared warm the wind cannot penetrate..baby room oredi v. warm the whole day.

fifi: My HB said my FIL asked him to 'help out'. Not sure what it meant. However, I find it unnecessary to finance him since my BIL is working and he trades shares! (so rich!) and super ngiao.
Good Morning!!!

I also start putting the cot bumper day 1 when bb is born. but its more useful now la after bb start flipping here there and every where, last time is just for nice nais. lolx....

aiyo y nowadays all the maid like tat huh, horrible and terrible.

i will ask the BIL to go fly kite and stop bothering my hubby! he wans to get his own house is his own business, we have a family to feed, where got time to feed him to!!! i hear liaos very hot abt your case, dunno y. this kinda of ppl is super buey zi dong.

huh? must wait 2 hours? i thougt kk for babies got priorities especially when they got fever?
Happy Belated Mom day to all!

Chilipadi, glad Emma is better nw. hope she get well soon.
Enne, glad you n baby L like the "bomb", remember we are always here for you.

Today going to start cereal for my boy. Hope he like it. he is finally 6mths! time pass so fast.
hi mummies!

really outdated w the posts. sorry to any mummies who asked me something &amp; i don't reply!

snnowy: my tummy same as yours lah, just tt i'm better at hiding mine
i like qweii too! can i exchange luke or gerard for her? just kidding!

chillipadi, dymples: aiyoh, both of u so poor thing. i agree maids nowadays r so sub-standard. stupid, will make u vomit blood. clever, get up to mischief. i also lost so much sleep last week cos of my 2. u 2 must take care of yourself too after losing so much sleep. my 1st 2 maids (during kai's time) were so good. cld look after him, cook, clean, wash clothes BY HAND too. &amp; they don't try to buy handphone or sms secretly. grrrr... did i tell u all tt my mum found rachel happily eating tissue cos my younger maid was busy sms'ing?

kiki: thanks so much for the hard work updating. when do we next update u on the table? i went polyclinic w my 3 on thur &amp; they've all grown so much! luke has now overtaken the other 2 in height. temperature taking thing was such a nuisance.

just wanted to add something which was weighing on my mind for some time. maybe some of us like to speak our mind. of cos venting abt MIL &amp; maids is no big deal since they're not abt to come in here &amp; read our comments. but if we say things abt other ppl especially those who also have young children, do bear in mind tt they may come in &amp; chance upon it too. &amp; it's not so nice if a family already in grief sees things which add to their sorrow. sorry if i'm being a bit lor soh here but i hope everybody gets what i mean.

The queue was super long last nite with at least 50 other kids in front of us. our queue number was 508 while the docs were only seeing queue number 454. good thing we went to Mt A if not we wld not have been home by 4.30 this morning...

I share your frustrations. This is the 3rd big boo boo that my maid made. 1st was having handphone without permission. got found out by me by accident cos' i woke up to pump milk at 5am and found her chatting on the phone. confiscated the handphone but than 3 wks ago, found her with another handphone. she asked my mum's neighbour maid to buy for her. Oso kena found out by accident cos' I woke up early to bathe and pump cos' needed to bring emma for her jabs. When she had the handphone, she was so distracted and the chores were all in a mess. The last straw was the man turning up at my place. Spoke to agent and he advised me to change so later going to slect. she doesn't know that i am sending her off.

u need to tell ur hb that you guys also need to save for rainy days especially ur kids are still young. cannot guarantee that BIL will help you guys out in times of need. Have to think for your own family as well. If you cannot talk to him than write him a note. That's what I do if I find that I cannot broach a certain subject with my HB. It's easier to say how you feel in writing as sometimes words that come out from our mouth may sound different and the other party gets offended.
