(2008/11) November 2008

Morning mummies!!

Haru: I introduced a 2nd feed of cereal to bb after 2 weeks
But during these 2 wks, I gradually increased fr 1 tblspn to 2 to 3 tblspn. Currently baby can take up to 4 tblespns of cereals for 2 feeds every day! I think he really enjoys solids :p

Kiki: For spinach, I use the U-like blender :p Feel that blending is still required so that easier for baby to swallow. But I would only 'tap' the blender a few times..so that the final texture is smooth but yet got abit of texture..

Dolphingal and kiki,
do you mean e normal strainer/sieve? i saw that pigeon also has the mini food sieve thingy..is that useful?

wow, good appetite!! om nom nom...hahah..

Just brought my BB to PD for checkup and her 3rd 6-in-1 today.

Please update the chart for me
Taken at: 6mths 8 days,
Weight: 6.9kg
Ht: 67cm

For solids, my PD asked me to start with cereal, then introduce other foods every 2-3 days, starting with egg yolk which she must have everyday (abit weird hor). Following that will be meat/fish & veggy. I thought usually is cereal -> veg/fruit -> meat/fish & egg yolk after 9 mths. But my PD says egg yolk is important for her development. Hmmm...
Egg yolk is OK. Egg white is no-no
I have colleagues who give egg yolk to their bbs everyday from 4th mth onwards. Shdnt b a problem.
The yolk is high in iron.
Re: Solids
I've started my son on carrot puree. This evening will be his 3rd meal. I will start him on fish porridge tomorrow if he show no signs of allergy to carrot.
I'll give brown rices cereal next, if he's ok with fish porridge.
I use small fire to cook in clay pot for abt an hr.

Egg, i tot is after 1 yr?
Hi Mummies,
today brought bb for the last 6 in 1 jab.. brave boy.. cry a while and stopped as daddy shaking the rattle.. haha..

Kiki: Please update for me:
Taken at 6mths 10 days:
Weight: 8.4kg
Ht: 69.4cm


At first I thought bb npt gaining weight, then PD said that 4mth he is 7.14kg instead of 8kg.. haha.. so it me who is so forgetful.. frighten the hell out of me.

Flipping: Any mummies bb here still not flipping yet? PD told me tat I must train bb to flip.. Next assessment that is 9mth if bb is still not flipping or crawling, he need to go for physiotherapy.. so serious?
but I ever read an article saying that each bb development growth is different.. so it says that between 6mths to 9mth bb will then flip and crawls.. hope is true.. hope bb faster flip.. am training him everyday to flip and on tummy.

Mummies who has started on porridge: What will u be adding in the porridge? I hope to try on him tomorrow.. PD gives a "green light"..

Fifi: Egg yolk? hard boil egg? then what u add, mix with what for the egg yolk?
Lynn(lin) -> sometimes she doesn't want me to cuddle/rock her to sleep and like ur bb, she wans me to pat her to sleep. so cute...hehe

Re: Solids
Gonna bring bb to her 5-in-1 jab soon, so gonna c what the PD. So far, i've intro rice cereal to her and she liked it..

Dearest 1st time mummies, in two days time, it's gonna be our 1st Mother's Day, it will be a very special day for us! too bad, im working in the afternoon so gonna celebrate before my work. anyways

Lynn(lin) -> dun worry, i heard gals mature faster than boys (ahem..) and yes, every baby's development's differ from other bbs. like my bb, she has yet to hold her own bottle, my cuz's bb at this month, can hold. I can only encourage her but can't force her.
Re: Egg Yolk
PD told me that MUST give everyday coz it contains the nutrients that BB needs for growth. But anyway, I consulted a trusted senior nurse and she say can intro cereal -> veg & fruits -> egg yolk. No need to even wait till 9 mths. So I guess this is what I will do.

* Tempt you all before I siam to feed my BB *
Tug Tunes... Tug got music de
egg yolk give everyday till bb how old?
(btw, received softbook today. thanks!)

can pm me the detailed feeding plan also?
btw, what brand apple u use?
today i try apple puree.. find the reddest apple i can get, eh... bb tasted 2 mouths, turn head away liao. Dun wan. It's a little sourish, i tried.

Mommies, silly qn: when u gers say feed 1tsp, 1tbsp... wat does it mean? Is this the measurement of the cereal b4 mixing wif liquid? or it's the after-mixture?
Hi mummies,

Just want to recommend my guidebook "First Foods: Expert advice and easy recipes by dietitians for parents of 6-24 month olds" by Anna Jacob, Pauline Chan, Samantha Thiessen, Janie Chua and Wong Yuefen. They are a group of local dietitians, so all the ingredients in their recipes can be found locally.

I find it helpful 'cos it explains all the whens, whats, hows, dos and don'ts, provides simple recipes when starting out and more interesting ones for later stage, a meal planner to follow, and answers to some FAQs.

I bought the book at Popular for $27.82 when I was still pregnant with DD, talk about KS!
Re : Brown Rice
Anyone use or heard before the brand "Moon Rabbit" brand. Think can get from most supermarkets like coldstorage or medical hall....those with SiSheng+Ginseng+Ikan Bilis...

Can some kind mummies kindly PM me coz i started work liao and hardly comes in here especially not during office hours and it really take so long for me to scroll the long list of posts here coz mummies too active here hehe

Thank thanks in advance

Re : Egg Yolk
If you refer to the guide i post earlier from KKH, it say 1/2 egg yolk at 6mths too....then 1 from 7 mths onwards....so should be safe as KKH specialise in children ma rite....

Egg white is to be taken only after 1years old

Re : Brown Rice Intake at when?
As per KKH guide, its at 7mths.... but some can/packing etc of brown rice, i think states 4mths...which i think is not based on best practice i.e. the old way. so probably which means now, 6mths... but i think im gonna introduce to him at 6mths+
Mummy2nia: Thanks for the encouragement!!
Lucky our bb don like us to cuddle and rock, otherwise our hands will break with their weights! haha...And guess what? just now I am patting bb to sleep, I turn him one side so he can hug his bolster.. He flip himself. Then I don try to help him, he flip again.. am smiling now.. but his hand got stuck.. so is it somehow he know how to learn to get his hand out?

Lilian: Thanks for the tips! I try that tomo with his porridge.

hi mummies,
anyone still using e side support pillow for baby during bedtime?this is the first night i am not using it coz baby shifts around so much that she ends up out of the side support pillow,ha..i think can just give her a bolster to hug?

wil be tryin e happy bellies tom for baby's lunch! after that gg for high tea with family to celebrate Mothers Day. My hubby bot me a new tee for tom coz baby and him both have a tee from same theme. hee...

me still eagerly waiting for my book to arrive..*tapping fingers*

cool, i will go look for it this weekend. coz i also realize i need to get another feeding set for my mum's place.

Re: cleaning of feeding eqpt
er..how should i go bout cleaning baby's feeding bowl/spoon, etc? Can I just use the bottle and veg cleaner (pigeon)?

my baby LOVES to flip alot when she is sleeping. she normally ends up sleeping on her belly. now i just let her be but flip her back on the back if i noticed she has been sleeping my belly for long time.=>
Hey Mummies

Check with you, any of your baby on their tummy do the motion of backward and forward??? you know, the movement as if doing xxxx Am very worried, dont know what is my boy doing ley. Aunt say hes training his kneels to crawl
Babyfoods- bought some fr chillipadi's spree..hoping my bb likes all the snacky stuff, plus keep him occupied in high chair when we are having meals!!

Haru: Ya..he good appetite :p hopefully is the same for all other solids that I will be instroducing him!

Lynn: Don't worry so much k! Each bb develops at his own pace. Your bb may be flipping before u know it and u wld be very busy and diaper changing will be very difficult *faintz*!!

shop4stuffs: hee ya also think quite normal leh, my baby also likes on his tummy and tries to push forward like pushups haa..

Kiki: Can help me update the chart too??
Weight: 7.7kg
Height: 68.5cm
Taken at 6 mths 5 days

Thankss :D
ya lo, like 1 2 move forward then 'go-stan" move backward again..so its like the head/body will move forward then backward then forward then backward lo.... yours too? i thought he mxxxxxxxx ley..ai yo
<font color="ff0066"> Triangel and Glad dolphine</font>
Sorry for the late reply. Nowadays I can only log into the forum late at night cos busy taking care of my gals during the day.

You can get Happy Bellies from an Organic shop at Forum Galleria, Orchard Road. Level Basement 1. It's next to Secret Recipe. I bot 1 can of Happy Bellies for $9+.

<font color="ff0066"> Shop4Stuffs</font>
Dun worry yah... bb is juz preparing to start his crawling stage. Me gal also nowadays will get on all 4 and start to rock back and forth. So funny. When they start crawling, at first most bb will go backwards. Later when they master the art, they will start crawling forward motion berry fast. hehehehe... get your cameras ready!

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
I'm not using the side support pillow for Bb J liaoz. Now only using her buckwheat pillow to place on her chest. For Bb's feeding equipment, I juz wash with normal detergent. But must take care to wash with lots of water. Before use, I will rinse again with hot water juz in case at night got lizards or "ka-ka" crawl over cos I keep it in the cupboard.
huh...chillipadi got spree ah....ai ya...see la i missed again...everytime i come in, usually didnt scroll too far back coz too posts...
sad sad...ended up always gotta pay more outside
mummies, night updates...

Updated Baby Brandon, baby Alyssa, Baby Yu-Qi and Baby Greg

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1"><font face="'Verdana'"> Nov Mummy &amp; Baby List </font></font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>S/N</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Baby Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Birthday</TD><TD>Current Age</TD><TD>Last Weighed</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Height</TD><TD>Drink </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Yokoh</TD><TD>Braedon</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>02/10/2008</TD><TD>7 mths 6 days</TD><TD>7 mths 2 days</TD><TD>7.70 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>EBM + Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Olwenlim</TD><TD>Gerard</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>10/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 29 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.40 </TD><TD>63.0 </TD><TD>Half EBM + Half Friso + 5 spoons of rice cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Rachel</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.30 </TD><TD>63.0 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.10 </TD><TD>63.0 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD>Rachelle</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>16/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 23 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.82 </TD><TD>66.0 </TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Yoyosan</TD><TD>Charlene</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 22 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.40 </TD><TD>63.0 </TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>chilipadi</TD><TD>Emma-Jane</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 22 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.00 </TD><TD>65.0 </TD><TD>EBM &amp; 240 ml similac every nite </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Jenn </TD><TD>Felicia </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>21/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 18 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.50 </TD><TD>70.0 </TD><TD>Mamil gold 2 + 1 feed of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>vincy </TD><TD>vera </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>22/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.40 </TD><TD>62.0 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Kash</TD><TD>Euan</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>25/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 14 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.25 </TD><TD>66.0 </TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>amore </TD><TD>Cheyenne </TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 13 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.70 </TD><TD>64.0 </TD><TD>BF+EBM+semi solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Glad_gal</TD><TD>Greg</TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 12 days</TD><TD>6 mths 5 days</TD><TD>7.70 </TD><TD>68.5 </TD><TD>BF &amp; EBM/FM at night </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Jo</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 12 days</TD><TD>6 mths</TD><TD>7.60 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>3 FM feeds + 2 solid food meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>tri_Angel</TD><TD>Trella</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 12 days</TD><TD>6 mths 2 days</TD><TD>9.50 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Liv</TD><TD>Ethan </TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>28/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 11 days</TD><TD>6 mths</TD><TD>7.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD>Mamil Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>DMK</TD><TD>I-Ho</TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>28/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 11 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.60 </TD><TD>69.8 </TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Lynn</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 10 days</TD><TD>6 mths 10 days</TD><TD>8.40 </TD><TD>69.4 </TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Yen</TD><TD>Jalen</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 10 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.20 </TD><TD>63.0 </TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>KiKi</TD><TD>Qi Huan</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 10 days</TD><TD>5 mths</TD><TD>7.20 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>EBM + Sem-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>JessLee</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>26/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 10 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.80 </TD><TD>64.0 </TD><TD>EBM + Nestle Nan 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Zeal Mummy </TD><TD>Joan </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>30/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 9 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.50 </TD><TD>66.0 </TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Fifi</TD><TD>Alyssa</TD><TD></TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 8 days</TD><TD>6 mths 8 days</TD><TD>6.90 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>wtan</TD><TD>Broderick</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 8 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>shop4stuffs </TD><TD>Ace</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>02/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 6 days</TD><TD>5 mths 20 days</TD><TD>8.30 </TD><TD>68.0 </TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Peanut</TD><TD>Asta </TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 5 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.80 </TD><TD>66.0 </TD><TD>Enfalac + 2 solid meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Karen</TD><TD>Jowenda</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 5 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>happydays</TD><TD>Caden</TD><TD></TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 4 days</TD><TD>6 mths 3 days</TD><TD>8.00 </TD><TD>68.5 </TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Jeanne</TD><TD>Eva</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 4 days</TD><TD>6 mths</TD><TD>7.35 </TD><TD></TD><TD>Nestle Nan Pro 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>JJ_Zou</TD><TD>Givan</TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>05/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 3 days</TD><TD>6 mths</TD><TD>8.40 </TD><TD>66.5 </TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Sha Sha</TD><TD>Jayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 2 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TEBM &amp; Dumex Mamil Gold (1x Nite feed) </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Carol Neo/Raygal</TD><TD>Jadon</TD><TD></TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 0 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.00 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>EBM &amp; S26 Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>fruche </TD><TD>Jonas </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 0 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.40 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>90% breastfeeding + 10%S26 </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Cutiemum </TD><TD>Jaden </TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 30 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco 1 (changing to Similac) </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Brocoli</TD><TD>Jaydon </TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>6 mths 1 days</TD><TD>5 mths 28 days</TD><TD>8.30 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>similac + 2 meals of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>alibaba</TD><TD>Trysten</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 29 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.00 </TD><TD>64.0 </TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Baby23</TD><TD>ziyee</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 29 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.80 </TD><TD>65.0 </TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>minkybear</TD><TD>Issac</TD><TD></TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 28 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.65 </TD><TD>64.0 </TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Goat's Milk </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>karen choomama</TD><TD>Kieran </TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 28 days</TD><TD>5 mths 23 days</TD><TD>9.17 </TD><TD>64.0 </TD><TD>BM &amp; Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>joyce_7580</TD><TD>Yu-Qi</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 28 days</TD><TD>5 mths 28 days</TD><TD>6.67 </TD><TD>65.5 </TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>annkarin72</TD><TD>Shaun</TD><TD></TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 27 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.50 </TD><TD>68.0 </TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Haru</TD><TD>Heidi </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 26 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.6</TD><TD>63.0 </TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>Sheryl</TD><TD>Kiran</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 26 days</TD><TD>5 mths 10 days</TD><TD>8.50 </TD><TD>69.0 </TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>Claudia</TD><TD></TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 25 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.40 </TD><TD>62.5 </TD><TD>Similac + 1 feed of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>Hugomum</TD><TD>Hugo</TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 25 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.90 </TD><TD>65.0 </TD><TD>FM Enfalac A+ + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>bluebear</TD><TD>Asiel</TD><TD></TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 24 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Partial BF </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Aden's Mummy</TD><TD>Aden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 23 days</TD><TD>5.5 mths</TD><TD>6.23 </TD><TD>65.0 </TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>sunshinekid </TD><TD>Gavin </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 23 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.40 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>Snnowy</TD><TD>Quinnlyn</TD><TD></TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 23 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>5.50 </TD><TD>61.0 </TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>Cookieoreo </TD><TD>Brian </TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 22 days</TD><TD>5.5 mths</TD><TD>9.40 </TD><TD>68.0 </TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>Dymples</TD><TD>Janessa </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 22 days</TD><TD>5 mths 20 days</TD><TD>7.20 </TD><TD>67.0 </TD><TD>TBF + 1 Feed Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>Enne</TD><TD>Leighton</TD><TD>01/12/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 22 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>Sabre</TD><TD>Tyler</TD><TD></TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 21 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>51</TD><TD>Blessed Mum</TD><TD>Evangeline Lee</TD><TD>03/12/2008</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 20 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>150ml Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>52</TD><TD>Lilian</TD><TD>Kayla</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 20 days</TD><TD>5 mths 18 days</TD><TD>6.90 </TD><TD>65.0 </TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>53</TD><TD>rainbowcandybaby</TD><TD>Jalen Eden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>23/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 16 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.10 </TD><TD>69.0 </TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>54</TD><TD>Earl Grey </TD><TD>Phoebe </TD><TD>29/11/2008</TD><TD>23/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 16 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.20 </TD><TD>66.0 </TD><TD>Wakodo + Friso Comfort &amp; Frisocrem </TD></TR><TR><TD>55</TD><TD>Gal.dolphin</TD><TD>Sky</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 15 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>56</TD><TD>Bear</TD><TD>Zachary</TD><TD>28/11/2008</TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 15 days</TD><TD>3 mths 3 wks</TD><TD>7.30 </TD><TD>62.0 </TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>57</TD><TD>Mosh</TD><TD>Vernise</TD><TD>30/11/2008</TD><TD>28/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 11 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.00 </TD><TD>64.0 </TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>58</TD><TD>Bibi</TD><TD>Kayan </TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>30/11/2008</TD><TD>5 mths 9 days</TD><TD>5 mths 5 days</TD><TD>9.50 </TD><TD>65.0 </TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hmm...yeah the list seems getting longer and longer... maybe I'll just collect mummies' updates and post it on periodical basis (bi-weekly, monthly) in future ba

What do you think mummies? Will once per month do?
<font face="monotype corsiva"><font size="+2"><font color="ff0066"> To All The Wonderful Mommies Here........</font></font></font>

Thanks Dymples! Feel so loved!

I'm using organic royal gala apple, steam and puree it. Dunno is it 心理作用 or not, I find that organic apple quite fragrant and doesn't have the sourish taste at all leh.

Haru - cleaning of equipment:
I ks, use bottle cleaner clean and sterilise it hee hee

Can PM me your email address? So that I can email you gals the feeding schedule? Hee lazy to PM one by one...
hi yoyosan,
did u steam the apple before giving to bb?
my boy loves apples! i stopped giving coz he was sick and got lots of phlegm.haiz

yes. the normal sieve i used. I'm nt sure abt the pigeon one. Haru, wah.. ur hub so sweet.. *envy*

where u get those tug tunes?!!! so lovely!can share?

where is this forum galleria?Is it Forum the shopping mall?pls advise. will the price be cheaper than the spree?hehe..coz i got from another fren as she got it at $10 and I'm running out soon.if cheaper then i'll go there to buy as there are ready stocks. =)can pm me the addy if possible?thanks!
thanks Dymples. u are so sweet!!

happy mother's days to all the mummies here! have a great family gathering with bb!!! =)
Not forgetting to stay pretty always! =P
Happy mother's day to all the mummies here!

kiki, ya think once a mth updates is good... if not u very chuan
maybe 1st of the mth or somethin? wat u all think?

Haru, yeah i just use the pigeon veg cleaner to wash, then before using rinse with hot water again! Have fun feeding princess H today!!
Today hubby going to go in bathtub with BB K.... some bonding time for them... It's mother's day but looks like daddy got the treat! Mummy just stand by outside the bathtub holding the towel... hahaha
I juz use the pigeon bottle and veg cleaner to wash lor. Cannot sterilise mah.

Yes its normal. They are getting aware of what they can do with their hands and legs. They start by kicking, then moving backwards, then maybe abit forward by kicking, then getting on all 4 and then crawling.

My hubby's webstore. If you want, I can PM you the site.
Fifi, Haru,
If you are using pigeon feeding bowl,their design n material are suitable for sterlising.

haha, i also forced my hb to do that every week. Some swimming practise for my boy also. i usually put him on neck float in case my hb didn't hold him well. he enjoys it.
Gal Dolphine,
Yes yes. Heheh.... It's at Forum the Shopping Mall. Sorry yah... I remember it as Forum Galleria (the old name). The shop is located at Basement 1. Next to the eatery, Secret Recipe. The Happy Bellies is definately below $10. I remember I bot mine about $9.60. HTH's.
Kiki..once a month better for u. actually i want to tell you my bb update but one thing, damn paiseh, give u more work and another thing, she has yet to go for her 6 month jab, wait i scared gif u wrong info too.. :p
Lynn (lin)- no worries, he's learning to flip! yeay! at first the hand got stuck, then after a while, he will definitely learn to flip by himself and lift his head with both hands on the bed..cute right. so right now, you just encourage him and clap your hands when he's successful..dats wat i do to my bb. now waiting for her to sit down by herself..still not strong enuff..hehe
MUMMIES!! would like to ask for ur opinions..is it okie to get walker for our bbs? heard dat it may slow down the process of walking for the first time but then last time my mum said i used walker and learnt to walk very fast. it's good to put bbs in walker cos they will find it enjoyable too..wat do u think?
mummy2nia: online articles all says walker impeded walker, my MIL and neighbour auntie says use it and baby can walk faster...i tink e are quite different from westerners...so i let my baby walk with it and she loves it..makes her legs stronger too.
thx 4 the info on measurement.

hmm.. organic royal gala apples... royal gala easy find. but organic ones... can get at cold storage or ntuc, u reckon?

got. got steam, then scoop out then sieve. she gave the yucky look, then after that turn away liao. Sigh.. dun tell me i hv to intro 15 times b4 she gets the hang of the taste. oh dearie...
Giant having sale on "Bright Starts Bounce Bounce Baby"... some sort like an exersaucer, i think. UP $149. Now $89.90. From 8-11 May. (Cheaper version from FP, Leapfrog and the likes).
Mummies, how 2 stop bf-ing?
Intending to stop soon. Boobies machines need to rest.

I am currently pumping exclusively (no latch-on) 3x daily.
Qn: How can i stop pumping? I tried to reduce the pumping volume but suffered from engorgement and blocked ducts for the next round. No choice then got to do a full pump again. Don't intend to take the medication which can stop breastmilk straightaway. Can share your experience and advice? Thanks!
Hi mummies,

Did not come in here to inform u guys on the BP I am organising. Jus that when the BP thread got posted, the orders came in and was busy checking and tabulating the orders. BP will close on 13 May.

Bear, Kash, glad_glad, thanks for ur orders n support :p

Thanks Lilian for posting the thread
