(2008/11) November 2008

my gal also... super cranky these days.. always cry + screaming until inconsolable nothing could pacify her. I almost went crazy last nite and suddenly felt i dun wan this bb anymore.. Jus dunoe why she acts this way lately.. fever no more liao, teeth out liao so why she stil cranky.

Drool may not be teething. My daughter drool a lot since about 3 mths. The teeth came out at 5 mths. The really obvious teething sign to look out for IMO is swelling red gums. When the teeth are really coming out, the gums are really really red and really swelling.

Wakodo can be found at Isetan Scotts supermarket, Meidi-Ya @ Liang Court and Yamakawa Super @ Central.


I feed my DD gripe water twice a day, once in the afternoon just before she naps, and once at night just before she sleeps, each time 1 teaspoonful. You can add either into the milk or water, it makes the water sweet and thus more 'tasty' for babies who don't like to drink water.

Gripe water seems to calm babies and make them sleepy, I find that DD sleeps better after taking gripe, that's why I feed her gripe just before she sleeps, but I always make sure there is an interval of at least 6 hours between 2 feeds, just so that the last feed has already been digested and she won't be 'overdosed'.
think bbs sleeping habits will change now and then also... usually i will ignore the cries for at least 15 min and pray hard he will go back to sleep! As for the brown rice, yesterdy was the first time i did it.. I just heated up about 15ml of ebm (fm also can) and mixed with one tablespoon of brown rice, then mix till its quite smooth..... he seemed to enjoy it! altho cos it was my first time i was so excited i forgot to put a bib on him.. so had some mess to clear after! I gave him the brown rice just when he was 10 days short of 6 months... at about 1pm when he just awoke from nap and was in a good mood! Think as long as they not grumpy/sleepy/too hungry... it's a great time to try!

haha K does the same flipping thing at night sometimes ( a very recent thing) i also have to flip him back.. think they are just very amused with their new found talent! It's amazing my hubby sleeps peacefully through all the noise! ( or is he pretending) hahaha
Yah. The charts in the health booklet are based on FM babies. Rem I told you once that my gal was like underweight then I went to check WHO charts and it turns out she's actually average. My PD also said that "buddha babies" (i.e. those that are in the higher percentiles of our charts) have higher risk of obesity, weight and health problems later.
hey thanks! i will go read up more on that! but not sure if its a coincidence or wat... everytime its sunken and i rub oil on tummy he will feel better!

going to shower K now brb mummies!
*pat pat* Dunno how to console u, coz I also feel frustrated whenever my bb throw tantrum.
Maybe u need some time for yourself, relieve some stress. I'm gg for some retail therapy tonite. hee..

I din know sunken fontanelles may be a sign of dehydration! Thx for the link
Can update my girl's details:
Current Weight: 6.9kg
Length: 65cm
Last measured: 5mth 18days
EDD: 19/11
Re: Sleeping Habits
My daughter used to be able to sleep on her own (juz place her in the cot). But since teething, she varies between crying to sleep and sleeping on her own. So on good days, I juz give her her bolster, off the light and she will go to sleep on her own. On medium days, we give her the bolster and stay with her in the room. On bad days, its a lot of patting and humming or evening carrying and rocking. I know its mainly due to her teething so I'm not too stressed about training her again.
peanut- pls stay cool. it is part & pacel .I can undertstd hw frustated it is when cryin non stop w/o any reason.
yes i'm going out with fren for dinner tonight. And day before i actually took a half day off went back to my mummy's place bring my niece and nephew for icecream and took a nice afternoon nap. I feel like a lousy mum, others love to be with bb but i want time-out from her..
i admit i'm not a cool person.. after 6mths i'm stil as impatient as before. I really lose my cool last nite and got a bit rough with her.. Hubby went to her rescue...
i am also looking forward to letting H try the brown rice cereal this weekend. she has been looking so curious whenever I am eating so i do hope that she will enjoy having something to munch for herself!hahah..

H doesnt cry when she wakes up, its just that she keeps flipping flat on her face that i have to keep checking on her and flip her back. its tiring when i have to do that like 30 times or more!!! and yes, my hubby also sleep thru e whole drama coz i think he knows mama gonna handle the situation. ha!
Morning ladies,

Thanks for all your concern, Vernise is ok now, she is playing like normal, phew wat a relief !

Dont feel lousy, every now and then its good to take time out, take a good rest. At times I will also lose my cool with bb and need to go out and walk walk, do some retail therapy, get some fresh air and will feel much better after tat.
peanut- same here.. I oso loose my cool esp #1 crying . I juz cant stay cool leh. so veri often.. i juz let her cry till she stop.. sometime it get so bad until she vomit.. then I felt guilty sigh.. then i blame myself . is gd tt u can take a short break ..hv some own breathing space.. it will be better for u n bb
<font color="aa00aa">peanut
don't be too hard on urself *sayang*
at times i find myself at that breaking point as well, but think of it this way.
BB have been with us barely a yr and as we are getting to know them, they are getting to know us too. And the only form of communication well, is sometimes something we've gotta work on.. On top of that, they are experiencing so many changes that they themselves do not understand..
Actually i'm just as impatient as you, but i learnt not to give myself too high expectations and it helps. Hope it'll help you too

We are all learning still.. *hugs* </font>
RE BB waking at nite

Vernise has been sleeping thru the nite from 830pm to 5-6am for abt a week liao then suddenly she keep waking up these 2 nites to drink milk. Dont know if its becos of that accident or she is hungry, haiz...
RE bb flipping

Vernise also flip and turn onto her tummy every time she woke up at nite, many times she keep fidgeting in bed until she got her leg hanging out between the bars of the cot!! So I always need to check on her every now and then at nite. Whenever I notice her fidgeting, usually I will try to ignore her at first till she starts crying, or on her tummy. A few times, she will play on her own quietly unless she wants milk or couldnt fall back to slp.
I tot drooling is one of soon teething/teething signs. Coz i read up that drooling helps to relieve gums. My gal nv drool much when she's 3 mth old. Only just recently, she start to lose appetite &amp; drool like waterpipe. But her tooth also hv not sprouted yet. Then if she cry at nite, I use wet cool cloth to rub gently on her gum, can see tat she feel much relieved. Or I give her pacifier. Last time she dun take. Onli becoz of teething soon, she start to take pacifier.
<font color="aa00aa">earl grey
Do you have a pic of the wakodo FM? cos i see that its available in HK, but there's like a variety..
do give urself a break. whenever i need timeout from my gal, i'll go out wif my frenz. it helps alot. i'm too a impatient person, esp my gal nw getting more playful. she start to drink very slow &amp; always stretch/look here &amp; there. And she also dun want to nap. can really get frustrating when i hv to force her to nap. o/w she'll start to be very cranky when she feel very tired.
dun be too harsh to your bb, they are still young. just take some time out for yourself. For me, is my #1 is driving me crazy.. He will still wake up n make noise at night whereas # 2 can sleep thru well.. Sometimes me too, also scold him in the midnight!

my hubby like ur hubby, also ask me to stop cause sees me so tiring
Yes its one of the signs but does not mean drool definitely = teething. Or I shld say, does not mean drool = teeth coming out within a short time. Many mothers will tell you that their babies drool for very long before we see the teeth actually coming out. There are other signs of drooling.

Similarly, does not mean wake for extra night feed = ready for solids. There are other signs and considerations as well. My daughter exhibit all the ready for solids signs at 4+ mths but we still wait till 6 mths before introducing solids coz its less risk for her. I have been tarhaning all the extra night feeds since then although my daughter actually slept through at about 3mths.
Hang in there. Motherhood is not easy. Takes lots of patience (which I also dun have). But when your daughter shows signs of love and affection towards you, you will feel that its all worth it.
thanks mums, feel slightly better aft venting out.. i always go home hoping she's a better gal and wil start drinking more milk. But so far not so yet..
I'm looking forward to my shanghai break with my own family coming jun.. not bringing the bb thou.. tink thou i get angry and frustrated with her lots of time, i'll sure cry on tt day..
I am from dec Thread, but my bb born early on 27 Nov hehe
Just kaypo on the milk powder..

About the wakado brand, you may check out

I bought my shiseido skincare direct from japan thru this place last time..quite fast delivery to ur hse within 3-4 days..gg to buy the milk powder from there too after I stop TBF hee.

I emailed the sales person and they told me the popular brand that is up in their sales is Morinaga Powder Milk HAGUKUMI..

For Icreo, I think that's their top quality milk in Japan n hospitals n doctors use it...

Anyway you can check out the nutrition values on the site...let me know if there is any difference from the brands found here
stick some cute photos of Nini on your work desk

Yest me and hb dumped our girl at my mum's place after her checkup. We then went for shopping and nice meals. It has been sooo long since our last paktor and real chit-chat session.
Where u heading to later?? Me gg Raffles City
yah... my hubby always ask my gal "y ur mummy always scold and beat u but u see her stil so happy and like to dey her??" I hear liao heart warm warm..
Btw i dun beat her tt often lah.. much better than last time liao
ah?? me work whole day today ah.. i was saying the day b4 i brot my niece/nephew out for icecream.. Or u read wrongly, i also say jun going shanghai with my family
u said u gg with fren for dinner tonite mah..?
My eyes not tat bad ba, althou i have been making countless mistakes at work !! Arghh...
ur lil darling is just like mine!!hahaha..

i know how u feel coz my bb seems to be on a bottle strike now. she drinks only like 60ml each time when i am at work. seem to know that i will be coming home soon, so tahan until i go home then she will happily latch on. then again, on weekends, she also just as distracted even tho i BF her. oh well, i just tell myself its just a passing phase (i hope!)..
hi mummies,

Yesterday is a terrible shock! MIL actually found bed bugs on sofa. kill 3 of them... i read abt the net saymust throw away the sofa.. but it also say that the bugs might lay eggs elsewhere, so don solve the entire problem. i thought of getting a steam vaccum cleaner which the net say high temp can kill them.. any suggestion? will pest control also help? *sob sob.. worry abt bb..
morning mummies

Need some advice here....how do we achieve a smooth texture when we mix rice cereal with formula milk? I've been trying ways for a few days and kept getting lumps in the mix. Is there an approach to getting the right mix?
<font color="0000ff">Dymples</font>
Hee, tried that Bumbo method.. B was so thrilled but had a rude shock with the sudden gush of water fm my shower head, haha. Overall like the convenience but washing his bottom means I'll have to pull him up on my legs. It's a tight fit in there.
Thanks for sharing!

<font color="0000ff">chilipadi</font>
She is such a sweetie.. Tell her this balloon-auntie will give her some the next time we meet up!

<font color="0000ff">Yokoh</font>
Seems bb B has done well!! At least all these will give you the assurance hor?

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font>
Sorry to know about Blessie. Take care ya.. *patz*

<font color="0000ff">Happy</font>
Who is taking care of C while you work??
you didnt buy those protector (sorry i dont what is that called liao) around the cot? use that so no such issue but think must buy higher ones as mine was kinda low and now his leg over it so gotta change again
sleeping at nite
yes... now must check every now and then... cos a few times i found him with the hand and leg hanging out of the cot! any of you mummies lower the cot to the next lower level yet? think i shd do that soon cos k's hand can already hang over the cot!!

bb scratching his face!
any of you mummies still wear mittens for bb at nite? i stopped cos it suppossed to affect their motor skills rite? but then every morning he will wake up with a new scratch on the face... mostly the nose ( his nose now looks like a war zone!) and the scratches can be quite deep even after me cutting and filing his nails!! or is this a normal phase they have to go through? heart pain!

Peanut... stay cool! every mummy needs time out! don't think there is a mummy out there who doesn't need it! cheer up!
I've been using warm water to mix with formula so far. That means before pouring in the formula milk, put in some cool water into the cereal first? How much cool water to put in?
Was surfing the net in the room and MIL is feeding my 2yrs old niece porridge in the living room. I went to the kitchen to have my lunch and found her feeding porridge to my bb!!! I only started to feed her abit of cereal this few days and she feed her porridge that is mixed with fish and dunno what else!!! Angry!! Arrggg...
Aden'sMummy &amp; Merydith,

That Wakodo on Japan Club's website is the follow-on Gun Gun for 9 mths &amp; above. The one for 0-9 mths is Hi Hi as follows:


Actually, if other brands are available locally too, I would want to feed DD with Meiji, 'cos the level of DHA is 100mg per 100g of milk powder, which is the highest among all Jap FM (Wakodo is 80mg/100g, Morinaga is 70mg/100g, and Icreo doesn't contain DHA at all).

I have a list of Jap FM nutrition list downloaded from a Hong Kong parenting website, where they did a special report on Jap FM and translated the complete nutrition list into traditional Chinese. I don't understand most of the nutrients listed there, but I understand 'DHA' and that is also the nutrient that differs most among all brands. Interested mummies can PM me for the list 'cos I can't upload it.


I am interested in the Japan Club FM too 'cos their Wakodo Gun Gun is much cheaper than Singapore, here selling at $42 for a 850g tin. However, the shipping for 4 tins of milk powder should be costly too, so if the total cost is close to S$168, I think there's no point for the hassle then.
Hi mummies,
hardly catch up with the posts.Welcome to new mummies!

Finally somtime to log in.Though working half day,but was so busy alrdy.Busy with housechores and taking care of bb.Hardly had time for myself these days.Mayb nt get use to the rountine yet.:p

Can update for me. Brought C for 3rd jab tis morning.Thanks
Wt 8kg, H: 68.5cm at 6months.

My dad looking aft for me while i go to work.But i work half day nia.

Sorry to heard about the loss.

*hugz hugz*
Guess you jus too tired and need some time to yourself lar.

Re: solid food
I have started solid for 2wks.My boi seems to enjoy and will demand for more.Have started apple,pear and today carrot.
PD asked me to go easy with the 'yellow' vege.Not to giv too much.Else bb might be abit yellowish.
Hehe, mine is 'agar-ration'.. I will add a little cool water to wet the cereal into thick paste. Then mix FM minus off that amount of water. I'll usually 'feel' the consistency first before adding more water.
<font color="aa00aa">Kiki
Please help me to update as well.
Last taken weight : 5.5mths
Weight : 6.23kg
Height : 65cm
Thanks !
icic... my gal display most of teething signs even though the tooth has not sprouted out yet. but i think i'll prefer her tooth to come out later coz no need to take additional care of her tooth. Of coz still hv to clean her gum.

Re: Semi solid food
Most parents prefer to give bb semi-solid foods when they turn 6 mths coz want the digestive systems to be mature 1st, even though display ready signs.

I start giving cereal when she turn 5 mths. So far she's ok. Unless she reject, i'll stop giving.

hehe... soli.. me is the blur one.. not yet say wher to go for dinner lei.. we always last min b4 leave office then ponder wher to makan

ya it shd be jus a phase for ur bb cos she stil not too used on bottle i gues. but its jus amazing.. after so little milk they shd be hungry enough but they stil wan to fuss!!

yes too hot.. i also found out tt.. but sometimes e more u beat, the smoother it'll get, try tt out also.

my gal dun really hav scratches on her face and most time she target at eyes esp when tired.. sometimes v hard until like going to dig e eyeballs out like tt

did u tell her b4 no porridge yet? If not mayb she tot bb start rice cereal then can take some porridge liao. Jus tell her nicely &amp; she shd listen to u. But if u told her before than she v sneaky lor.. if me sure angry also.

u stil like to giv me lots of peanuts hor.. keke..
yes i'm tired.. thou she sleeps with mil during weekdays, these days early morning feed like e 5/6am one she also get cranky and cry.. then i'll wake up and try to take over the feeding..
