(2008/11) November 2008

yeah lor. didnt expect that so fast she can flip so many times le. *faint*

btw, my elder girl's eyes also like tat, but her is not constantly de, its like when she is day dreaming or when she looked far sometimes will ahve. i brought her to eye specialist and she has squints. need to do eye surgery to correct it if we wan when she is 4 yrs old.

i think they learn something new everyday.

wakakaka........your bb must have been laughing at your expression.
*pass you 1 bottle of jing feng san*

yeah really can scare the hell out of mi.

my girl also 6kg plus nias. think cos i also not very big size myself.

aiyo my girls also leh, but i remember in the beginning hor my younger one hor scare of cold de, a bit cold nias will sneeze that type, now hor she can sleep in rompers only and aircon kicks off her blankie n still sweat sometimes....

Snnowy, Kash,
ya, i also find that #2 is so much easier to handle than #1. #1 didn't sleep through the night till he is ard 8, 9 mths old whereas #2 sleep throught the night at ard 6 weeks :)

Kash & bf mummies,
haiz, my boobs have so many bruises and harden skin.. sometimes i will use hand to massage hard to get rid of some blocks and also will use hot tower to massage. Thus all these have leads to harden skins and bruises.. No more nice boobs liao!

u got mail..
huh, i think my no 1 easier cos she slept through at 2 months but no 2 till now still haven sleep through ..........
Ya bb learn something new everyday and we got something new to buy everyday! Hehe!
Recently i've been spreeing at the BP thread. Yday just ordered the playmat. Finally persuaded hb to buy for bb. : )
thx mummies.. I'm proud of him definitely, that he had been strong to fight till now.. but yet can't help feeling sad that.. 'chi shi fu' yet he is not blessed with this 'fu', most importantly worried abt his health, growth, developments.

Mildy-I missed ur 'bugs'.. any to spray at me??
miss mi? or pocket itchy? kekek... yeah lor been so bz with work this few days. BUT! I am BACK! wakakkaka...

hahah.. yeah lor, the playmat is good de lor. higher recommended. its ex, but worth every cent of it.
he will chase up very soon, dun worry. You just have to believe in him.

miss my "bugs" hor? wakakak.... i miss your "spray". wakakak.....
<font color="ff0066"> Joyce</font>
Oh dear... Maybe can put some moisturiser? If scared bb dun like the smell when BF-ing, can try those without fragrance?

<font color="ff0066"> Mildy</font>
hahahah... yes yes. My 3 gals are like tat too. All of them will kick off their blankets and complain hot. Then in the room, my gals and me all complaining hot and perspiring away. Even the air-con temp at 23 degrees still feel hot. Except poor daddy who is wrapped un in layers cos he's cold. *lolz*

<font color="ff0066"> Gal Dolphine</font>
Yah lah. Comes to housework, I also need to nag and nag at my hub. Even then he can "nua" and "too"... by the time the job gets done, the cows come home liaoz. *faintz*

same same leh. my hub also needs to be nag.. haiz.. i try not to nag coz no good but sometimes just cant help it. haiz..
u push abit then he move abit.. haha..then when i ask him to bath our son, then he said no need to bath.haha..
Dont worry so much. Little L is slightly weaker now. Hence, his development is slower BUT he will soon catch up with our babies! By that time, you will SWEAT chasing him ard!

Mi 2. I need to lean over the side of the cot ... get close to baby w my right arm on his legs and patting him w my right hand and holding his hands w left arms. He always wanna hold something n feel secure so that he can sleep ... so sometimes let him hold my hands. I will let go once he fall asleep.

Yes, my hb too has an iphone. Last Sunday, we went orchard .. I was initially in the mood to shop .. then half way thru .. he was saying how come cant get internet connection .. I started to get pissed off ... why cant go out, walk together and see things. Then Lucas tired but cldnt sleep and start to fuss. I got fed up n decided to go home after 1hr!
Hi Dymples,

yes i have that fisher price chair....but he doesnt like to sit in it for long. tried putting him in that rocker chair and laptop next to him while I sterilize....cant even last 5min. sigh.
he's a fussy baby.
am from e dec08 thread.
recall someone posted on letting go pampers active size M.
still available? pls PM me. thks!!
Aiyoh why you all massage boobs till bruise. When got block, you need to massage move massage move massage move. Then won't have bruise.

You want to be sprayed ah..... *psssssst psssssst*. And that was.... not baygon..... it was..... shopping inducing water! Haha.. evil hor me.
yah i'm surprised as well.. but as i say i suspect their scale mayb overstated. doc say ok to feed her more solid cos going 6th mth liao.. therefore twice a day is ok. then i'll reduce her daily 5feeds to 3feeds.. less wartime i hope.
Yap her rashes red and scaly.. but doc say its allergy lei.. so i'm not taking chance,. b=not giving her anything except rice cereal for time being
Hello mummies, finally got time to log in...

Thanks again for all ur concern.. I have always been borderline anaemic.. no matter what I eat, i still kena.. i really wonder why cos i eat everything.. sigh... And partly why i almost passed out was becos the neck harnass cut off blood to the brain. coupled with me being anaemic, the effect of feeling dizzy was amplified lor..

And guess wat? Z isn't teething. he has hard gums, whitish things appearing and drop in appetite BUT these 'teeth' are erupting at the wrong position. It is at the canine tooth position rather than the front incisor. Checked with my fren who is a dentist and she said it is most likely Bohn's Nodules.

Z is really getting hard to handle.. Just fed him milk and he fell aslp.. woke up 10mins ago and want me to carry. carry only stop crying.. put down only cry.. so i left him crying in the cot. i think it is time to make him learn to soothe himself to slp.. cannot everytime need me or my hb to carry him to slp. my back also so jialat.. sigh...
we normally place baby on our bed and pat her to sleep. then we transfer her to her own cot.not easy now coz she keeps wanting to flip so gotta lie beside her to pat and "stop" her from flipping so that she can fall asleep. but for past 3 nights, i actually nursed her to sleep coz she was so hard to feed before her bath time. dunno is it too warm or what..she just refused to latch on and kept whining..

wow, you can resist ur hubby? he must be one hot daddy since he is a fitness buff!! =P

i think its from carrying and bathing my baby. coz always using same hand and i think somehow her weight on my hand caused my vains to be somewhat twisted. even simple things like tying my hair or removing a bottle cap can be so painful..sob sob..

can u lower ur cot mattress? i saw my baby's hand reaching for the cot side one morning so we have lowered the cot mattress.

i dun dare to leave bb on playmat coz she flips instantly! so far the only i dare to leave her is in the rocker and i buckle her in. if i need to bath, i will buckle her in rocker and put her outside bathroom where i can see her.

my baby has been waking up a few times at night. not sure why? but sometimes i just let her latch and she will fall asleep after that. then i also dun have to pump,kekeke..=P

Re: hubby
i think i am truly blessed coz my hubby LOVES to spend time with bb. he loves bathing her so if he can make it home in time for her bath, we will both bath her. and hubby is always more than happy to help me to entertain baby, etc.

Re: feeding
my mum told me that bb has not been finishing her milk recently. wonder why?...
Hi mummies..

Finally TGIF! But tml have to work..go Ubin..zzz..hopefully wont be too hot.

Mildy: Pls be careful. Don't be like me 3 days ago when baby fell down from bed :X Like you, didnt realise he can flip so fast liao!! Got a shock of my life when he fell face down on the floor, ouch! Lucky now ok liao.

Minkybear: I always tot cot is very safe liao..gosh can fall fr the cot too?! I think need to lower it esp when they can pull themselves up to a sitting position.

Jo: Ya my mum and I will pat baby to sleep if he starts fussing. I think that's fine leh, at least better than carrying him which will 'spoil' them even more!

Babyzel: Me ordered the playmat too! Getting it tml..so excited.

Fifi: Just emailed you and trsfr. Pls chk!

Just now baby kept fussing even after pat/feed. Usu he not like that. That I on the air-con and finally he is sleeping!! So hot these few days...
Hi bear,
Hope you are feeling better today!

Thanks for the info.Goggle and understand what tat liao.
I saw the whitish appearing on the gums too.Tout is milk strain ley and keep cleaning it.Now i know why my boi is cranky and drop in appetite too! I had hard time making him slp for 2 days!
Re: Collage photos
Pls drop a post here and let me know if you have sent the photo.
So i am not possible to scan thru one by one.

Photo collage for Nov thread babies( At birth and 3mths)

Send to this email:
happy_22feb AT yahoo.com.sg

Pls State Nick, baby's name and DOB!

Closing date: 24th April

Photo received:
I also latch her when she cries at night. about 2-3 times everynight. Sometimes latch liao will sleep but sometimes it can't soothe her. Haiz.. got to tahan and pray she can sleep thru soon. Actually latching on also save me from pumping. : )
My bb also can't finish her milk recently. Been almost a week.

Must be very excited and fun ya. Hope our bbs will love it!
the college photo can i join too? I didn join the nov thread when i am pregnant, am i qualified? just join when bb is 2 mth old?

karen: at least u can scold ur maid.. my this one is MIL, still need to give face cause living under the same roof..

HB: today cant stand him.. yesterday night bb couldnt sleep well.. don know why.. and he woke up like every 3 hours.. 11pm, 1am, 4am, 7am.. uggghh.. sooo tired.. i didn wake HB up cause today he will have to work overtime.. then when i let maid to care for bb at 9am and went back to bed.. my HB make a idiotic remarks " u realie can sleep!!" so angry.. i say him he slept all the way through and i am like waking up interval.. he can still tell me he didn sleep well, cause bb's cry disturb him.. but i heard him snore loi.. @#!%$
happy: can i join the photo collage too? i've just joined the forum too..sigh..i know such a late comer..baby 5 months then join...hehe...
hey mummies: so busy at work the whole week, chasing bad debts, bad debts &amp; more bad debts. looks like highly unlikely big boss will ask me again to transfer. plus my MIL quietly went for anor pacemaker op by herself &amp; gave all of us a big scare. these last 3 weeks have been quite unsettling &amp; stressful.

happy: i sent u the pix already. sorry if it's confusing hor. i got no 3 in 1 pix of newborn so sent u 3 separate pix.

enne: gambate! just read abt your difficult week. but looks like everything is ok now?

lilian, minkybear, guru Bear: take care of babies &amp; yourselves ok?

sorry if i missed anybody out. blur &amp; tired.

Hi lynn,
Yes sure. Just send to me!

You have been a regular in our thrend since joined!

Hi mummy2nia,
Welcome to our thrend!

I am sorry! Guess most of the mummies here will not feel comfort to adding yours now.Most of us here are regular and had met up few times during the gathering.Knowing each other pretty well.
Do come in and chat more with us. I add yours the next time round,ok!
good morning young mummies
here's my joke of the day. long time since i posted one.

ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?

WITNESS: No, I just lie there.

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?

WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?


ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?

WITNESS: I forget.

ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?

ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?

WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'

ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?

WITNESS: My name is Susan!

ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo?

WITNESS: We both do.




WITNESS: Yes, voodoo.

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-one-year-old, how old is he?

WITNESS: Uh, he's twenty-one.

ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?


ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?

WITNESS: Uh.... I was gett'in laid!

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?

WITNESS: You're kidding me, right!?

ATTORNEY: She had three children, is that correct?


ATTORNEY: How many were boys?


ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?

WITNESS: Are you kidding me? Your Honor, I think I need a different
Can I get a new attorney?

ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?

WITNESS: By death.

ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?

WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it?

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?

WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.

ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?


ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition
notice, which I sent to your attorney?

WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead

WITNESS: All my autopsies are performed on dead people. Would you like
to rephrase that?
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?

WITNESS: Huh....are you qualified to ask that question?

ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?


ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?

WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.

ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?

WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an
autopsy on him!

ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep,
he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

--- And the best for last: ---

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a


ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?


ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?


ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began

the autopsy?


ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?

WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.

ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?

WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing
My gal's 1st tooth erupted as well.. i hope thats the reason for her serious grouchiness lately. And her drinking is getting worst. Practically din drink milk yesterday, keep rejecting.. In the end we've to giv her more feeds of cereals and i've to add milk in it thou the cereals itself already contain milk.. trying to inject more milk into her.. haiz.. i hope its really due to the teething period. Just bot dentinox to be applied on gums.. anyone heard if this is a good brand?? understand cannot apply too much as its numbing effect may affect their swollowing.. then how much is enough and not excessive??

forgot to reply u.. i giv her enfalac..
and anyone can recommend me any dietician? If her rejection continues i may wan to ask for a recommended diet for her jus to ensure she's stil taking in enough nuitrition.
Sianz... -_-
yap.. Jo's lucas is the 1st one and mine is the second.. Coincidentally both our bbs are born fussy drinker.. but seems like mine is getting more serious now.
Yah my gal also extra grouchy lately. Coz of the teeth. Hers seems like both top and bottom erupted. Sometimes reject milk, need lots of attention, dun sleep properly, etc. I'm a zombie liaoz.

I never use any gel leh. Dentinox good mah?

You gal's tooth fully out le mah? Mine is only the tips of the teeth. 2 below, 2 above. Actually, another 2 below oso look suspicious liaoz.
Re: Cloth Books

Final Call. Those who want to place orders, please do it before 12nn today. Those who have yet to place pay me, please pay.

I will be going overseas this Friday - next Tuesday. Hence, I need to place the order first.

Re: Liferacer Swimwear

Anyone still keen? The offer is quite good.
wow.. ur gal even faster!! u mean 2 above 2 below all coming out??!!! Mine below 2 jus surfacing ony.. Dentinox: i ever read from another thread this is quite recommended. But jus wan to check if any mommies from this forum can giv feedbacks as well. i'm worried cos she practically reject all milk feeds.. sometimes even solid food she also cranky..

Thermal suit (Size 1):
1st choice - Thermal Suit #LR327 Pink
2nd choice - Thermal Suit #329 Dark Pink
3rd choice - Thermal Suit #325 Pink
actually for these thermal suits how much it costs outside? The above i choose range from 42-44bucks
And also size 1 for 0-12mths - the cutting is actually stil bigger rite?
