(2008/11) November 2008

Ya, no point keep giving milk since she fuss, it will onli make her more angry. Btw, what is your serving size of cereal?

Cool down. It will definitely be busy for you in the next 2 weeks.

You also like me, if I see my MIL handle my bb, I got a lot of disagreement. But I will never tell her off out of respect. Like what chillipadi said, they think they have brought up our hubbies in ther own traditional method and stick to it. Though I agreed that she is experience, the only thing I cant stand it feeding bb with hight salt/sugar content stuff. She loves to give my toddler tibites/cracker/ice-cream etc which make me very angry. I agreed can give but not too frequent mah.
snnowy: hiyoh..why MIL like dat, babies should taste all things natural and not subjectc them to salt and stuff at such tender age...why she dun understand...tell her next time grow up a lot of chance to eat salted food and presevatives, bcos outside and packaged food all contains those...
i got a triple fun exersaucer n he enjoy playing in it.

u can bring kayla over n try before buying. i'm at hm most of the time.
Good Morning!
The forum nowadays keep gg into maintenance mode. Cannot post.

My gal is currently 6.5kg at 5mths.
Nope, no solid for her yet. Her nxt appt 2wks later. See wat t PD say then lor.

Bear, cool down... Agree with Jo, ur MIL probably is inexperienced. Try to explain to her the difference in Z's cry.
Even me hor can't tell if my gal is hungry or wat. I only know she's sleepy when she rubs her eyes.
morning mummies
Me working from home today. Reading all the post, I must be quite lucky that I don;t have feeding problems. The only problem is that emma is still very small despite drinking and eating alot. She is very tiny for a 6mthd old baby. It made me realize that all babies are different and hit milestones at different time. No pt comparing.

Pls tell ur MIL not to feed all these high sugar/salt content food. The baby's kidneys and liver are still very young and cannot process all these. Now they may not see the problems but when the child grows up, they might have other problems like obesity, heart problems. It's always the long term effect rather than short term. Tell her to give food that have natural sugar like fuit juices. Again all have to be given in moderation.

Maybe u shld check with PD on ur current situation. Sometimes babies get tired of the same taste and wld like to try something else. If she is rejecting the formula, maybe you try different brands till you find one she likes. With meg, we had alot of problems wif formula, she refuse to drink. We kept changing until we found one that she likes and the problem was easier to handle.

My cousin passed me her exersaucer. Found it really good. We leave it at my mum's cos' emma is there all the time. She likes it and try's to pull out the toys on it.

Potty Training
Over the wkend, I started potty training with emma. Just put her on the potty to let her have the feeling. Now must try and catch her when she is trying to poo so that she can poo in the potty. We were quite successful with meg that's why we want to start now with emma. Only start when the baby's back is strong and able to sit for a few seconds, mummy have to hold baby while she is sitting.
Where u bought it from and how much huh?
Maybe coming Sunday go over can?

2nd hand is another option lor, cos i may need two sets. One at my mum place where kayla is at most of t time and another one at home. Siong rite? Everything muz comes in pair!
i brought a 2nd hand one @ $220. Sunday can... but not too late, i got exam on mon.

maybe u can get both saucer n jumperoo... since u need 2 set
gd mrnin everyone . it was a wet wet day .. hw nice if I can zz longer.. hee

btw.. any mummies keen to get breast milk bag.. I've bought too many & I will be stoppin soon.
wah... stil got 2.5yrs to go before can relak.. gosh.. hope at least she speaks faster so we can know wat she actually wans..

yah man -_- Mils all like tt.. last time when Nini jus discharged, whenever she cry mil wil say she hungry and giv her milk.. really overfeeding.. until i got phobia whenever hear her cry or she wakes up cos mil wil giv her milk.. But now she no wan milk liao lor.. I highly suspect its due to overfeeding tt she starts hating milk!!!

yah she 3May then 6mth, another 2weeks. If this milk strike continue another week i'll seek another PD's advise..

me earlier on gave 3 tablespoon with ard 90ml of water/milk. But mayb tts making her a bit too full so now i giv 2 tablespoon with ~70ml of milk.
Tok abt it man.. my Mil always giv junk food to the 1yr old she bbsit, crackers everything.. I swear when my gal gets bigger, i'm going to stop her from doing tt to her.. will buy those bb tidbits instead.
Gd morning...

Z is still not drinking.. from 8pm till this morning only 130ml... didn't finish his night feed.. not drinking his breakfast also. may be i will have to try spoonfeeding..

Chillipadi, Z is on TEBM. no choice there... no milk powder for him...

Jo, Peanut, Snnowy, Lilian, Glad_gal, my MIL used to be a bb sitter. Like i said before, all the bbs she took care of were formula bbs. if cannot finish, throw.. however since i bf, we told her cannot anyhow use the bottle to shut him up but she still does it, except this time she can't throw the milk away so she keeps forcing him to finish his milk. take the bottle in and out of his mouth. AGGHHH!!!!!!!!!

Snnowy, i think no matter wat u say to ur MIL, she won't understand one... might as well save ur energy can just concentrate on making sure ur gals are not poisoned!
morning mummies,

Brought organic rice cereal for my gal to try for the first time, and was so surprised that she really love eating it and didnt hv enough of it till i hv to prepare the second time. She will turns 6mths in 3wks.

just wondered are u also a fussy drinker while u are a baby? maybe nini inherited your gene...

glad gal,
there are a few brands of exersaucer/jumperoo at paragon first few years, i let my gal try it last week and she love the evenflo exersaucer as compare to other brand. btw what kind of mat did u brought,how is it? i'm thinking of getting the parklon one.
see if Z struggle/cry when u spoonfeed lor.. if he doesn't then i tink its ok to do it.. Like mine she screamed when spoonfeed or use syringe one.. so its considered as forcefeed and i no wan to do tt to her..
hi mummies,
just coming in quickly for a post coz super busy at work. my baby has not been very interested in milk lately too. either latch short while only or dont finish the bottle..preferring to chew on her fingers..
to avoid wastage why dun u giv him lesser to start off with(since his appetite not great lately).. then u wont feel so heartpain lor.. Mayb he really not tt hungry lately. At least his intake stil much better than Nini and some other bbs here.

Potty Training
How old u started potty training Meg?=)

Mommies who started Solid for bb, are the poos of bb the same as bf bb?I mean we know that bf bb poos are still watery & lumpy. Just wan to find out how the poo will be like when u started your bb on solid.

My boy starting to love the jumperoo. I got it from a fren.Apparently there seems to be a rental service where u can rent the jumperoo for a certain fee. like 2wks - $24 something like that.

wat playmat did u buy?LG or parklon? =)
me waiting for my mat to arrive. =)

Any mummies brought ur bb to public pool for swim?
I brought my son on sunday,intially he was quite fearful but after sometime he get the hang of it. me will be bringing him there again later if the weather is good. =)
Peanut, funny thing is when we show Z the bottle, he will open his mouth but he refuses to suck.. i can hold the bottle for 30mins and he won't suck at all... just chew on the teat. grrrr... his breakfast still left 150ml.. frustrating man!!!
Hello mummies! Good morning!

Some good news to share and some worries to pour out...

I managed to get a job! Shd be a happy thing since I have not been working for the past few months. When i applied for the job, i was quite tired abt taking care of bb and i just hope to "find myself back". I think i was also feeling a bit blue then abt lost income. However, now with job, I am facing with child care issue. I am a bit angry with myself for going ahead to apply for a job. Like i told my hubby, it is natural for me to go back to work if all along i have a job. However, I am like not doing the right thing if i apply for a job even though i know there wld be child care issue. I love my bb, but somehow i also feel i shd have some time for myself, or doing something for myself.

MIL has offered to take care of the bb. However, i don't know if she can handle it alone. She feels tired easily and has been complaining of wrist pain. And sometimes, she will get frustrated when bb fuss. Thought of getting a maid but maid also got its own set of problems ...We did consider infant care but bu fang xin put bb there at such a young age...

Mummies, some of you may have gone through the same issue before, can give me some advice?

Peanut, hope your bb feeding problem get well soon. But i think she is of quite a good weight lei. Maybe some bb drink much lesser than the others. Get a second PD's opinion is good.

Bear, your MIL like quite problematic. It is very frustrating if she takes every crying as hints of hungry. But old people are like that. In the past, whenever my bb cried, MIL wil ask,"She hungry ah?". If she doesn't sleep, she will say,"She not full enuf issit?". Try tell your MIL not do keep feeding your bb, cos i feel at any interval if they feed bb they will drink a bit, but that doesn't mean that they did not drink enuf from the previous feeding session.
dolphine gal
I started potty training meg when she was 6 mths

i hv frens who send baby to infant care n the child turned out ok. for me, my mum is helping me but we hv a maid. no doubt there will be maid issues but it's a matter of seeting expectations n boundaries. weight the pros n cons of the 2 options than u decide.
Hello mummies,

Got few questions here need advices

Can someone teach me how to begin feeding baby with solid food? Any method?

I had got the heinz/gerber and eys brown rice si shen powder, do not know how to start, can any mummies who had experience advice me?

Is there any symptons to show us when baby is teething?

My baby refuse to flip, does weight play a role in slowing down his movement?

yah same lor.. if she's not crying, she'll bite or play with the teat til the milk flow out from both sides of the mouth. Me not that patient as u! 30mins! If she play with the teat, i'll lose patience within 5mins and go make rice cereal for her liao.. cos i know she wont drink!
Yest her milk intake for whole day barely 100ml (not taking into acct those i add into cereal). bet no one can break her record liao.
i guess ur gal also a small drinker. my baby only drink 130ml per feed, she will fuss too if i let her drink more then that. over feed her,she will end up vomit out some milk. so don't worry as far as your gal weight is average. but drinking 100ml a day is far too less, maybe u can let her try other brand of milk. my gal don't like enfalac,she takes very long time to finish, but when give her friso,she can finish it very fast.

i'm also facing the same problem as u last time about who looking after the baby while we go to work. After lots of quarrel with HB,we finally decided to get a maid to look after the baby,and mil will keep an eye of her. Maid also can help to do hse work at night while we are home, so that we will hv more time with baby at night.
If sending baby to nanny or infant care centre, we won't know how they treat or taking care of our baby. infant care cost also higher than getting a maid. and we still hv to do hse work after work,which will be very tiring.
Ask urself,can u stay with maid in the same hse? if yes,u may consider hiring a maid...
Re: Cloth Books

Order has been placed yesterday. Will update again when I get the books.

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>Item Description</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD> Sub-total (SGD) </TD><TD> Subtotal </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alibaba</TD><TD>Things That Go, My First Opposites Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tammy</TD><TD>Squishy Turtle</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 12.00 </TD><TD> SGD 39.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Get Dressed with Elmo</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 13.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cookies colour caper </TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 13.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jowinbaby</TD><TD>Old MacDonald's Farm: A Counting Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> SGD 37.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Where's Elmo, A Peek A Boo Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glad</TD><TD>Happy All Around</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> SGD 64.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Clifford: It's great to be little</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Where's Elmo, A Peek A Boo Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowger</TD><TD>Old MacDonald's Farm: A Counting Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> SGD 69.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Where's Elmo, A Peek A Boo Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cookies Colour Capers</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 13.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Clifford the Big Red Dog</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilian</TD><TD>Clifford: It's great to be little</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> SGD 64.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Where's Elmo, A Peek A Boo Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Happy All Around</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CutieBB99</TD><TD>Old MacDonald's Farm: A Counting Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>EmeraldBride</TD><TD>Around Town Sounds</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> SGD 41.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Where's Elmo, A Peek A Boo Book</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 18.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yoyosan</TD><TD>My First Mother Goose Rhymes </TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 13.50 </TD><TD> SGD 36.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Happy All Around</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby23</TD><TD>Clifford: It's great to be little</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>Happy All Around</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD><TD> SGD 23.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

I will also update on postage costs when I get the books.

Those who have yet to pay me for the books, please do so. Otherwise, I reserve the right to sell off your books.
wat u mean his bf stil left 150ml? per feed u normally giv him more than 150ml?? try to lessen it 1st.. when his appetitie starts picking up then increase gradually again
Me also ony make the most 90ml for her now in case she no wan and hav to throw away.
me too! still waiting for e book!!

if u are able to manage one person's income, perhaps u can consider part time instead?
i faxed my order to the distributor.
They say they sent out my book long time liao! They're chking with Singpost. ARGH! Wat if Singpost lost my mail? I pay for nothing?

u juz ordered rite? Wait for another wk bah. If no recv then beta call them
Re: Collage photos
Pls drop a post here and let me know if you have sent the photo.
So i am not possible to scan thru one by one.

Photo collage for Nov thread babies( At birth and 3mths)

Send to this email:
happy_22feb AT yahoo.com.sg

Pls State Nick, baby's name and DOB!

Closing date: 24th April

Photo received:
haru (you gt mail)
Olwen (you gt mail)
Jynnsan (you gt mail)
Fruche ( pending for newborn pic)
Hi mummies,
Din manage to log in for the busy 2 days.
There are sooo many posts tat i cant catch up with.

Re: Collage
Pls let me know if i miss out anyone who had sent me the photos.
I cant possible to check all my spam mails. Thanks!

Re: exesaucer
I got an 2nd hand exersaucer too. Is the smartstep entertainer.Realli worth getting tis,my boy can sit for more an half an hr!He loved it so much! Keep pulling and playing with the activities.
Baby23: I got the Parklon Yellow Bear mat! At $119. So far my boy is quite ok on it..he will roll ard on it and play with his toys there. But he can't lie for too long haa..

I think I will rent the exersaucer to try out first :p b4 deciding if shld buy!

Jynnsan: I started solids using HT brown rice cereal. Mix 1 tblsppon with some BM till watery, then feed baby with it, as per the instructions on it. Now into his 2nd wk, i will make it lumpier (less BM) so that he can get used to the texture! Initially he was not very used to feeding from spoon (prepare for the mess!) but now getting better! From this sun onwards, will try him on puree veg, maybe carrot/spniach
Hi Mummies

Long time neber post, then got the maintenance thingy, sigh.

Started solids for a week+ liao, i went to see PD when Jaydon is 5mths and she ask me why i haven't start him on solid??? I told her i thought must wait for 6mths and her reply was " no diff lah, last time our parents start solid after the 4th mth". So i left the clinic and head straight to NTUC n in my enthusiasm, i bought almost one of everything that Jaydon can eat. a bit siao ;)

Jaydon has tried nestle rice and brown rice cereal, apple and pear puree and so far he will take 2 tbsp either for lunch or dinner. Milk wise reduce but now he needs to wake up twice each nite to drink milk and he poos 2 to 3 times everyday after he started solid. He use to poo once on alternate day. I must say i have a fun time making puree, intend to make once a week. Highly recommend the brown pear, taste creamy and fragrant (not so sweet) after steaming and blending, Jaydon loves it. Will start him on carrot and pumpkin later tis week.

I have been taking care of him alone for one week and the experience turned out to be better than expected bc my mum used to make so many remarks on how i look after Jaydon and i must admit, it makes me frustrated and zap a lot of my energy.

Gathering: Want to go but got to give it a miss, my hb coming back on 30apr.
Peanut, i tried spoonfeeding.. leaked everywhere.. all my ebm go onto the bib instead. heart pain leh... Then i have my MIL hovering around me, commenting this and that.. super duper frustrating.

Then my stupid maid last night told me she has been getting bitten by something at night.. this morning we checked, it was bedbugs!!!!!!!!!!!! i asked her how long has she been bitten she said one mth! KAOZ.. asked her why she nv told me she said she scared. Now i m so scared the infestation has spread to other rooms!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya, like what chillipadi said, older generation think that they feed bb with everything and they still grow up fine. In fact, I stopped after tellng her for 2 times. Think I better zip my mouth before she flared up. What more, nobody is on the same frequency with me.

How to concentrate making sure my gals are not poison by all these??? Guess I just have to lessen the times I visit her lor. Salute to those who live with PIL
Wow Nini's still weight 7+kg despite milk intake less than 100ml?? I have read that some bb started off being a heavy drinker than slow down a lot due to the reserve. Maybe your bb is the case?
leaked everywher cos ur hands buay zun or he playing and spit out? If he's not reacting negatively to it (means not struggling or crying) then y dun u try syringe, less messy.. But if he cries then i suggest u dun do it liao cos it'll b considered as forcefeeding.
her milk strike started last week. Before that thou she fusses i can stil managed to sleepfeed her so at least a day fed 600ml..

Bear, *Pat PAt* *hugs* don knw wat to say... think you really poor thing..
by the way y nt try giving Z pacifier or teether to play with? then at least he wouldnt play with your bottle teats. anyway my boy wil also play with the teats when drinking so we hav to gently hold his hand to let him drink if nt he will get milk all over his face. if nt we will let him play for a while then make he resume drinking his milk. when he wasnt drinking that time from the bottle i resort to using syring he seem to like it better, bt after a while he also stop drinking cause he knw kena trick. haa...

Lilian, i bring my boy to Burmese temple to pray to the budha. they chant and tie yellow thread on him. the temple i visit is at Ah Hood road near blastier.

Happy, i havent send you the photo will send to you soon.

By the way did you guys get my email? the closing date was yesterday bt i only receive less then 8 emails from you all... can you all give me the requested item by this friday? thanks!

Haru, i havent lower the cot. will do that soon i hope nw he can flip and turn like a clock on his tummy v funny haa...
