(2008/11) November 2008

HAppy, so how many pictures u need ah? and also hw many months old?? Issac don't really look that different leh.. still so botak.. :p

Jo:!!! haha.. my room also no toilet..

Dymples, Peanut: My HB also anti social.. that why I have to skip the gathering too.. Hougang very far.. Hb driving.. I don have license.. at least in the west.. i can take taxi myself.. I also would love bb to socialise w other bb..

Dymples: have to use the lub, cause starting when i haven come menses, very dry.. after doing it, i feel painful lei.. i have to quietly suffered in pain loi.. then after several times, i finally tell my husband that he is hurting me.. then we use lub.. until when my menses come back. maybe u explain to him why, i think he will be reasonable one..

bb first food: I heard from my mother that banana cannot give so many times will cause phelgm and cough.. is that true?

MIL: cannot stand her loi.. every time bb is sleeping she can make alot of sounds like dropping the pot or closing the cupboard too loud.. or even when to see him, and in front of him say "baby sleeps alr".. no brain lei.. wake him up, then say bb don want to sleep.. can run away.. she only do this when my HB not ard loi.. everytime i tell my HB, he will say his mom, but seems useless cause she do it again if he not ard.. just now also like that talk very loudly when bb is asleep.. i fed up, i told her off, and say if she wakes him up, she will need to pat him back to bed.. brainless.. sometimes like to ask stupid question like today got rain anot? if i say no, then she ask why outside floor wet wet? wu liao u know.. so what if rain? urrggghh....
hi mummies,
ha ha, hubby came for "walk-in" yesterday without "appt". so funny coz he has been really busy with work and had to wake up early tis morn but i asked him he not sleepy meh, he said he horny all awake liao. =P

we also use KY especially for initial part coz can be a lil dry down there. but i miss those days when we didnt had to use protection, heh..

my hubby likes tp joke w bb that mama's boobies is on loan to her for milk milk for bout a yr. aft that, papa take back. wahaha!

mayb coz of Zach teething thats why he's waking up at odd hours?
Heya.. thanks for ur concern ladies.. always feel very loved in this thread!

I almost passed out at the sinseh becos he made me hang my neck using a sandbag. within 2 mins i broke out into cold sweat and told him i m gg to pass out.. when he released me from the contraception i almost blacked out lor. he and his assistant had to help me to a bed, got me warm water.. he remarked that my body very weak and i m anaemic. gave me some tonic to drink which is safe for breastfeeding.. he said i carry Z too much hence strained my upper back.. did cupping on my back so i got all the unslightly marks there.. have to go back on sun..

Happy, Jo and Fifi, our guys don't have the same motherly instinct like us. Although my hb doesn't play games, he only gets home at 10pm.. dun even get to see Z.

Alamak, all the sex talk... no wonder all our bbs are sucking their toes! u guys so much action in the bedroom!
<font color="ff0066"> Karen, Lynn, Peanut</font>
hahahhaha.. tats a good idea! Eunuch cum anti-social club juz for hub's like ours. *LOLz*

Then they can all gather in one place and each sit in a sofa and 'nua'. hahahhaha

<font color="ff0066"> Peanut</font>
Cannot go Chilipadi's place cos I stay CCK... too far for me to drive to Hougang. I also not familiar wz East side leh. Scared get lost.

Tat time Hog's breath can meet cos it's a weekday so it's ok for me to meet you gals on my own. But for May 1st, it's PH leh.
I cannot leave my older gals with my hub alone... cos daddy cannot control them. Sure end up screaming and yelling the house down without Mommy the discipliarian. hehehehe...
<font color="ff0066"> Lynn</font>
Hhmmm... tat's a good idea too. But I will need to find a time when he's in a good mood to "drop" hints about this. *hiaks-hiaks*

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
OMG! Tat's so dangreous. Luckily you neber pass out. Take more tonics and Iron tablets. Ask you mom to cook those Ginseng chicken soup, black chicken soup, or "shi chuan da pu" soup. All these are good to "bu sheng". But remember not to mix chinese tonics wz western medication yah.

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>
hahahah... my hub also... whenever he sees me BF-ing bb, he will tell bb :"Daddy also want some boobies, can share share or not?" *LOLz*
Bear> oh dear! ur sinseh sounds scary! healing or breaking? hahhaha....

Dymples> yaya, i also hear that ppl from Cirebon or Banyuwangi is VERY famous for blackmagic. My ex maid was from there!!! and i found hairs bound with some dirty cloth in her clothes! Yucks!

Minkybear> glad to hear that Issac is ok.
HI MUMMIES~!!!! *wave* hard at everyone...

really been ages since i had e time to really sit down n start typing in the thread =P have been busy with new job and fetching my gal to n fro infant care.. lucky thing is my gal loves being there... surprising she sleeps even longer there in the noon then she was at home.. hahahaz~ prob coz she got accompany n lots of attention there.. whew~ for work, it's so hectic and I'm trying to get back e working momentum as it has been 1yr plus since my last job...
<font color="ff0066"> Amooks</font>
Eeekks!! Tat's so scary leh. Thus, when I was choosing a new maid, I sieved out those from Cirebon &amp; Bangyuwangi, straightaway reject. Dun care they got experience or not. I dun wanna take the chance cos I heard their black magic can be very scary type. My new maid is from Cilacap, Central Java so should be ok bah. But I was advised by some mommies to chk her belongings and under her bed now and then juz in case.

<font color="ff0066"> Jenn</font>
Hi there! Wow!! You really are one busy mommy. Not easy yah. Jia-you...!! Glad to hear also tat your gal is doing well at infantcare. hehehhee
i never dare to try cupping coz it looks so painful!! do try to rest as much as u can. maybe you can get a family member to help look after Zach for a while so that you can get some quality rest.

my hubby is planning to bring me to some TCM place in jurong east tis sat too. my wrist has been hurting so much and somehow my vains/tendons always feels twisted causing my wrist to have a crackling feeling whenever i move my thumb/hand in certain way. hv already taken a jab previously from orthopaedic. if it doesnt get better after seeing TCM, wil return to see specialist.ouch!

hahah, i guess our hubby thinks that its their "property" when actually its ours!! but i told hubby he can have it for so many years, while bb can have it for a year or so.

Re:BF-ing til when
can't recall which mummy asked..but anyway i intend to BF for as long as poss. just a few weeks to 6 months mark. after that it wil be a bonus to go on. and after a year if i can still go on, it will be a real treat for baby!

Re: bb sleeping
recently my baby likes to turn to her side to sleep too. was quite paranoid about it at first and kept turning her to lie on on back. but hubby convinced me to leave her alone coz she is prob more comfy that way. coz she tends to perspire easily on her neck..
Peanut, Dymples,
ya, find a good time to talk to him abt lubricants. Oh ya, i remember durex got different types of lubricants like hot and dunno wat.. i used that too last time. Can add spice! If u are free, can drop by Watson to take a look. Actually my hubby quite ok for me using lubricants lei.. Maybe we have been using it for sometimes so he get used to it liao.

i hv the same thought as u! also afraid that so long no action, like not doing my job as a wife. But we did spend some couple moments like go for a meal and midnight show recently.

hehe.. i send to your another email add.. have resend liao.

Long time no see.. Glad to hear that ur bb has adapt well in the infant care. Is it expensive top put her in infant care?

if walk in w/o appt need to wait long or not? haha
RE: BB sleeping
my gal also like to sleep side way and tummy down. Normally we will put her lie down when sleep, then during midnight, she will auto turn to either side way or tummy down. Initially i also paranoid, but after observing for a few nights, feel that is ok. And we dun place any toys/pillow etc in it, except a blanket.
TCM: I ever sprain my ankle and went to a sinseh.. haha.. don know why i felt like been molested.. the sinseh ask me to strip down my pants,say must massage my thighs there.. near the butt.. feel funny how come ankle can link to thighs there.. tell me the vein connected there.. anyway, feel also torture cause he used this realli hot towel to put on my thighs say blood circulation wor.. end up i go home felt like been bashed up and felt been molested.. the next day my ankle swelled like pig leg loi. end up i go see specialist. doc give me pills for swelling ask me to lift up my leg n use cold compression. within end of the day, my swelling disappeared.. the moral of my story is I don reallie believe in TCM after this incident though i heard great stories la.. kian can already don gei kian.. like me..

BF: reali envy u mummies still persistent.. i have alr stopped bf when bb reacg 5mth.. cause i feel my work rather stress, end up milk very little even i keep on the fenugreek pills. end up bb fed up of sucking prefer the FM.. Mummies who still bf.. hang in there.. kowtow!

Cranky bb: My bb super cranky.. i feel he throwing temper.. if he didn get his way, he screamed and screamed.. worst till my flesh and blood mother keep telling pp my son damn naughty, say i don know how to teach my son.. say pp daughter so good and quiet.. ask me to learn from my cousin say when her bb scream, she don go to her.. let her cry until she sleeps. is that the correct way? sounds very cruel lei.
Looks like your health has suffered after delivery. Got to take more tonics and nurse back to good health. Luckily u never fainted else like so scary. Please take gd care!

You sound like expert in that area loh. Lol!

Wah u want 1 kid only and u still so garang to choose that period for action!! Be careful....

I never even bother to ask my hubby cos i know he sure dun want to go for the gathering. He also very shy and anti social.. So for 1st may, i also can't make it.
my gal has found her playmate. She's also born 17 Oct. *excited &amp; wave*
Scarly they sleeping next to each other in the ward.
snnowy, peanut,
Re: rotavirus. Hmm.. previously i was told to go b4 bb turns 6mths. Not 24Weeks. And they gave me that appointment. That's why very pissed wif them. So yest, they told me.. she is over 24Weeks liao (tho less than 6mths), take at my own risk. DUH!
Hiyo mummies

Today long day at work zzzz.

Wow...so happening topic today hee..have been so tired ever after giving birth so not that interested liao. So poor hubby...LOL

Haru: Wow..gd to hear fellow mummies intending to bf till as long as poss! I also want to but sometimes feel tired. So can't wait for bb to hit 6 mths. 9 more days!! Woohoo

Bear: Gosh your sinseh sounds 'crazy'...anyway hope your r feeling better now!!

Hb: Ohh so my hb is not the only one 'obsessed' with playing PC games ah. Hiaz..had quite a few quarrels with him over it. I have to remind him never to let baby face PC if he is carrying him. Feel it is not gd for bb to be exposed!!

Fifi: Will trsfr the $$ to you tml k..email you once done.

Happy: Sent the photo!

Gathering: Gee...so anyone going w/o hb?? Think hb also not that keen but he will go lah if I ask him heee :p
Y during confinement u never 'jin pu' ar... U sound quite weak after delivery. Maybe try another one and eat more tonic...

Accident do happen mah... then nini will have a companion 'nana' hahaha

glad gal, jo, fifi, happy,
Haha same here. Sometimes hb said too tired also nvr play with my boi... Everyday, pc - games, variety shows, magic the gathering, etc....
Your MIL is just like my maid. Make so much noise. I told her (luckily it's my maid; so I can tell her off) that her job is only doing the housework and since it's only doing that, it's considered easy since I don't wash toilets/clean floor every day. So she quite free. For that, I expect her to spend more time and be more careful in whatever she does, when baby is sleeping, so that there is minimal noise. My maid ah, she has butterfly fingers some more.
Morning mummies!

Glad that everything is ok for you. Guess your MIL also regretted what she said.

Oh dear, hope you are alright. I think your anaemic is due to breastfeeding. Iremembered that you mentioned that you are back to pre-preggy weight, thus your body had taken energy from other places (cos no more fats liao) to make milk. Eat more, eat more. For me, I still got stubborn fats to go.

Understand how frustrated it is, especially when bb is a light sleeper. For my #1, I even unplugged the phone wire when she was sleeping. If she did not have enough sleep, there goes my night liao.

You were just talking abt no sex life then coincidently both your hubby acted. They read the forum is it??? Wahahaha

Alamak, paiseh so long never logged into my fb, din even realised you sent me a message. Yes, I'm using photoscape for the collage.
Gd Morning too
It's Friday! Yipee!!!

My hb dun play pc game or PSP, but he likes staring at TV. When he feed or burp bb, his eyes still glued on the TV
Ya, I think it because of the new setting, mine also hangs while unloading then I got to re-start the pc all over again. Unless I go back to my mum hse.
I can't even go FB>. seee.

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I had a big shock when I dined with my MIL 2 nights ago. She was feeding my SIL's 8 months old bb with table food. giving a bit of meat, chicken, duck, fish and finally cereal prawn (almost fainted). Then she still comment to me, "see, how clever she is, she csn sit in the high chair and eat everything I fed her, the cereal prawn is spicy but she still eat the same"

Alamak, I was thinking lucky not my bb, but anyway, she love comparing my bb with my SIL's bb who is 3 months older, always said my bb very difficult to burp, cry very loud, dun want her to carry etc. Of course my bb react that way, cos we only bring her back once a week, whereas she is the primary 24 hours care giver to my sil bb mah.
morning ladies,

Re Hubby

Ya my hubby too, like to surf web and play with his Nokia phone, play with bb only 10 mins then pass to his parents liao
if not he just put her on his lap and continue to surf the web ..sigh...

RE Bedroom action

One word - DRY!
Staying with my inlaw, no attached bedroom, bb in the same room... where got mood leh!


My bb also wake up very often these days. Dont know if its becos its warm. She also starts her screaming again. Scream on top of her voice when she wants something. Then my MIL will say, dont let her scream too much, as if I can zip up her mouth and dont let her scream lor -_- fedup!!


My MIL also like to compare my bb to my SIL's bb who is 2 yrs old. Always say jie jie very guai one, say my bb notti, cry loud loud, bad tempered..etc, sianz...
Morning all!

Lilian,High 5! my hb does the same when he is with baby glue to tv. it is his way of destress he say. think all the hb can form their own club already. tsk tsk...
So your girl still have UTI? when is her scan due?
Yes, my HB does the same too, play games both on PC and PSP, surfing, watch tv but he also does read books. TYPICAL guy!
* High 5 back
Dunno lei, she nvr do another round of urine test after her hospital discharge. KKH nvr asked. Wonder y the procedure is different huh?
Her scan is 3 wks later
Mosh, Enne, Lilian, i guess all man r the same ba... read books, surf web, watch tv, play games, disturb girls... haaa...

Lilian, i wonder why different dont tell me because girls and boys are treated differently for the same symptom. weird.
gd morning mummies ! TGIF~~

joke : jus read an interesting email
Parents always find it awkward answering their young ones over the birth/sex question. However, these days with the novelty &amp; ingenuity of computer language, the task is more pleasant &amp; amusingly more so . . .

A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born?'
The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo.
Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe.
We sneaked into a secluded room, where your other agreed to a download From my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that
Neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, Nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:

Scroll down...You'll love this

'You got Male!'
joyce> me got complaint about mil before la.. but now start work less time face to face mah. so no much complaint lor.. hehe.. if i stay at home, maybe will be different story. lolz.

happy> pics sent liao ^_^
Good morning...ladies
super bz. Have not been posting for very long.

1) Mamy poko (M size and abv) on sale from Giant @ $19.99 for this weekend. Refer to yesterday's Straits Times last page of main section

2) NTUC fairprice baby products (baby detergent/diapers
(Petpet, Nepia, Pampers, Fiti, etc)/baby wipes(J&amp;J, Tollyjoy) etc. Refer to yesterday's Straits Times main section pg A33.
<font color="ff0066"> Alibaba</font>
Tats was a good joke. hahahahahah... TGIF...!!!

<font color="ff0066"> Snnowy</font>
OMG!!! Your MIL is crazy or wat! Sorry... dun mean to say her... but it's shocking wat she feed the bb. Does your SIL know about this? Oh dear... the poor bb. She may be able to eat the food. But dun know whether her immature digestive system is able to process all tat junk! aarrgghh...

<font color="ff0066"> hubby</font>
Luckily my hub does not like those PC games. He's also not into soccer. *Thk GOD* But then... he like to swim... jog... go gym. In other words... a fitness buff. Then he comes back from work, he will kiss kiss bb and sayang her. Ever since my #2, I have him in charged of bathing bb. So now, ever since bb was born, he will bathe her at night. hehehhe... But things were like tat at first when had #1. I did everything - houework &amp; babycare. Somemore I was in Melbourne at tat time and could not turn to anyone for help. Till I nearly go insane cos was superly depressed by the state of things. Then I started lashing out at him. He see already was scared. So from then on, he started taking an active role in parenting. Now he's a much better daddy when when we first started out. It's was a long hard road, but certainly well worth the effort and loads of communication.
Good Morning eVERYONE!!!

Today my gal gave mi the shock of my life. i placed her in the middle of my bed n i went out to take something in the living room, it is less then 2 to 3 mins and when i come back i saw her dangling at the bed side, head n 1 hand n half upper body already out of the bed and rocking there le, 1 more rock n down she go. i hurry run to her and faster pick her up. i thank god that she bo drop off the bed man. i was so shock! i didnt realised that she already noe how to flip so many times herself already. oh my........i better leave her in her cot in future. i wont know wat to do if she fell off the bed seah.....
Luckily u put her in the middle of the bed in the first place.

To mums whose babies woke up often at night:
My friend taught me to on air-con so as to keep baby cool, to allow baby to sleep through the night. I try it for the first night: baby woke up twice 3am &amp; 5am. the next night: he woke up once at 2am. Yesterday he also woke up once at 4am. Ke, ke... more beauty sleep for me but my this month electricity bill will definitely shoot up!!
Mummies good morning!

Re: Collage photos
Pls drop a post here and let me know if you have sent the photo.
So i am not possible to scan thru one by one.

Photo collage for Nov thread babies( At birth and 3mths)

Send to this email:
happy_22feb AT yahoo.com.sg

Pls State Nick, baby's name and DOB!

Closing date: 24th April

Photo received:

* Let me know if i miss anyone*
Milderina-Yeah, I already cleared my last year AL, all my SCL and already used up some of my AL.. think in the end still nid to take no paid leave coz every week nid to take leave go checkup wor.
