(2008/11) November 2008

i just send the photos to you

oh dear,your wrist still aching after steroid jab? we are unlucky to hv wrist pain, but lucky to hv BM
i didnt take the jab, but try TCM before which doesn't work for me. my wrist sometimes will still ache a bit on and off,if i hold mouse or type too many hrs without rest, or carry heavy things. Try to rest ur wrist,don't agitate it,the pain will subside one...

same same, my baby also almost fall off the bed which is on the floor without bedframe, didnt know that she can flip more than once, hmm..dare not leave her alone next time...
baby flip:
Yesterday, I left baby on the playgym on the floor and I was right beside him, back facing .. helping my niece to setup her playgym. When I turn back to look at my boy, he has flipped twice and head almost knocking on the floor! And it was his first time where he flipped to his tummy and flip back face up again. Need to place his playgym on the playmat from now onwards.

Aircon at night:
Our room aircon is definitely switched ON every night but my boy still wakes up once (between 3-5am).
My hb also very gadget guy. First thing to do when back from work is on PC, read news, monitor stock mkt,msn,watch movies on PC,surf here and there. If not play his PS3 else surf net with his iphone in bed... Haiz. He's in IT line, staring at PC whole day, come back still can look at PC.

Luckily ur bb didn't fall off. So scary. I will put my bb in the cot if i need to be away, can't afford such mistakes. If she fell, i surely gana big time from MIL if she knows.

I am facing the same problem as u. My gal has been crying at night from around 1.30pm and fuss till 3 plus then sleep. I'm so tired and today didn't go work. So sian, when will they grow out of this? Now i got phobia during night time. Been like this for abt 4 days. I wonder if it's teething related. Her appetite for milk has decreased a lot and she no longer interested in drinking milk. Her thighs now not as firm as before liao. : (

luckily ur bb did not fall off..must had been a huge fright for u. cannot leave her on the bed liao... i got a fright 2 days back too...i left my boy on the bumbo (luckily bumbo was on the floor). I went to the washroom and heat up the milk. when i brought the milk over, i saw him on the floor on his tummy position! I looked at him and he can still smile at me! I din know bb can get out of bumbo chairs!


yah i get my hb to bathe bb everynite after work. basically once he is home, he handles bb 100% frmo changing diapers, feeding, showering, playing and putting bb to sleep while i bz expressing or handling my #1. He also computer freak lah... but he will only do it after bb zzz and he has washed all the bottles, keep all the toys etc. So we both end up zzz very late... like zombie. But i agree wif u it is impt to "train" hb to handle babycare from day 1.

Babyzel, bear,

sounds like my #1 when she was a bb....some nights she can zzzz from 10pm to 9am no prob...some nites, she will wake up once or twice crying like machiam some scary nitemare. juz had to pat her back to sleep... some nites, need to pat for 1 hr ah! but I nvr develop a habit of carrying her to pacify unless really really in desperate situation when everything fails. Luckily so far for my bb boy this time, he has slept thru since abt 7 weeks till now almost 6 mths. Easy job for my hb loh since he is the one handling bb at nite...basically nothing to handle! And nowadays for bb, we nvr on aircon for him. During my gal last time, we on aircon for her everynight. think it all depends on babies coz i have 2 and both different.

hiaz, talk abt our boobs hor..i also scared coz got harden skin on the portion where i used my thumb to press. wonder in future can get rid of it or not. Can I ask u whether u have a lot of wastage? I have a lot leh... no matter how hard I try to control, there are a lot of sprays outside the bottle.... i feel very sim tiah.... kenna my legs, hands, sofa, floor, and my remote controls!!!
u express directly to what bottle? I using avent...
<font color="ff0066"> Kash</font>
Yup yup. Need to "train" hub in babycare. Else most of them berry ego one. They deem tat housework n baby is for mommies to 'kao tim'. But no way lor. He's the daddy... so I feel tat he should get his act together. Not fair for mommy to do everything. Then later, if baby cry or reject them, easy for them to "push" baby back to us and find excuse like :"Baby dun want me. She's crying/looking for you."

I learned my lesson the hard way with #1. After tat, my hub also learned to help out. I will always "thk" him for helping me. Say wat a good job he is doing. hehehehe... Now, my #2 and #3 bonding is very good with him. But he knows tat becos he was not there for #1, she is not so close to him. He "missed" the bonding period. Everything #1 will auto look for me. But cos he looked after #2 alot, she on the other hand will look for daddy. hahahahah...

my case very strange leh...hb always pretty close to #1, got bathe her and also pat her to sleep, feed her when she was a bb... there was a period where hb kenna flu, so i pat her to zzz for about 1 week. That was perhaps when she was 9 to 10 mths...after that hor, she refuses to let hb pat her to zzz every nite...will scream and cry until i appear
it is really strange as hb had been patting her to zzzz for mths prior to that. Nowadays, she also doesn't want my hb unless hb plays until crazy wif her. Eg in the morning, if hb is the one who drives her to my mum's place, she can cry all the way keep insisting "mummy drive mummy drive!" so i dunno what went wrong there. It is good that ur hb help out... impt leh else we will go crazy.
Yes, agreed that bb is so much easier than #1. My #1 never sleep through till she is past 1 years old. Every night need to wake up for latching. If I'm lucky, it once per night, unlucky, it can be 4 times a night.

Now bb sleep through the night at 6 weeks old. Last feed at 9pm and ko till next morning 6.30am. Latch for 10mins and she continue to sleep till 9am. If not, I will wake her up cos her nap is 1pm - 5pm in the afternoon.

For both #1 &amp;#2, we dun switch on the aircon, just fan and they are used to it.
Of course SIL knows because she was sitting beside her baby. In fact, she also helped to feed (faint right). I'm worried for her bb as she has hemangioma (a benign tumor under the eyes) and is currently on steriod. It is understand that she needs to be on steriod till at least 18 months or longer. And they can't be bothered to know that bb on steriod has very very low immune system. Steriod's side effect also leads to puffy face, but they think otherwise. they think bb is chubby because of their way of taking care of her and feeding her everything.

For once, I'm actually glad that my bb is not close to my mil otherwise she will be the 1 eating all the junk food. I keep on telling her that table food can only be introduced to bb after 1 years old due to their inmature kidney can't break down high salt. In the end, she cooked bb's porridge with minced meat and salt. Haiz what to do?? They have their own thinking.
<font color="ff0066"> Kash</font>
Tat's so strange. But then again... could be a natural child's instinct tat mommy is more important to them for survival then daddy. hehehheh...

<font color="ff0066"> Snnowy</font>
Wow! YOu so lucky tat bb is sleeping thru. Till now my #3 will still wake for night feedings. Even afternoon naps are scattered. About 30-mins to max of 1-hour only. Really hard to get things done in this short span of time.

OMG! Your SIL's thinking is so weird. Dun tell me she does not bring her bb to PD and get their advise? Feeding their bb such junk food before bb's system can handle it will lead to more harm then good. I really pray tat their bb will be fine. Else the consequences will not be pretty. Yes yes... better dun let your MIL handle your bb siah.

These old people thinking's really not updated. Tat time when my mom tried to help me take care of #1, she wanted to feed her nonsense too. Imagine she wanna give my bb eggs, chocolate and even ice cream at juz 6-mths. Then at 9-mths she wanted to feed bb minced chicken/pork porridge with marmite. Almost quarrel till "fan-lian" wz her at tat time. So I brought her to PD when bb have check-up and get the doctor to tell her directly the do's and don'ts. After tat she's better liaoz.
My hb too in the IT industry. Everyday look at pc at work not enuff, come home still face pc every night till sleep. If he fell asleep ard 10plus and woke up, he will continue to sit in front of his laptop again immediately till he tired and get back to sleep again.

Abt baby first toothpaste, when do we start using it and how to use?

My MIL also used to cook for my niece and add soya sauce into her porridge. Her special 'healthy' soya sauce bought from KL and she says it is different from SG one... add more also never mind one. Once I was ard, my niece was guai guai eating her porridge .. and my MIL went to test the porridge and find it tasteless and go add one tbsp soya sauce into one bowl of porridge. In my heart, I was like "wah liew, she eating okay ... why go add soya sauce. Not as if she refuse to eat, then you go add soya sauce to make it more tasty" Sometime ago, I tried to tell MIL that bb and children food dun add salt or soya sauce de ... not good for them. And she keep quiet.

pat bb to sleep:
Do you mummies tend to pat the baby to sleep everytime or leave the baby on the bed and let baby fall asleep on their own? MIL n hb said I have developed a bad habit for Lucas in patting him to sleep everytime. But I dont think he will fall asleep on his own one leh.
hi mummies,

my gal's eyes seem like a bit misalignment, where one eye look at the left object and the other eye didn't move to the left exactly as the other, sometimes her eyes like 斗鸡眼, are yours also the same too? PD said it will align correctly when she turn 6 months old, but she is going to 6months soon,still having the same problem leh,how?
i always pat my baby to sleep at night, but during daytimes, when she is too tired, she will fall sleep herself while sitting with support.

wah,your SIL n MIL is risky the little one leh, xiao lar. better ask ur hb advise them of the risk
Mildy, must be careful with baby k. you must take ji feng san to calm yourself down.
Jo n Babyzel, most singaporean man are like tat i guess...
Ya got to pat my baby to sleep. If not, he will keep figeting and thumping his legs. If I ignore him, he will definitely cry when he is tired of getting my attention to pat him.
baby23 ya my boy has the same prob. Pd say wait till 6mths too. if nt they will hav to patch his eyes... to train each eye to focus.
hello mummies,
workimg from home today but the stupid internet connection keeps dropping damn irritated.

our babies turned 6 mths today. Big milestone... Emma is very small size I am sure ur baby is much bigger than her.

Sleeping in aircon
we normally don't sleep in aircom but the past few nights were so hot and unbearable we had to switch it on. When emma is too cold, she will wake up and cry but if she is kept cosy, she will sleep thru' the night. Last night she slept from 9.30pm and only woke up at 6am this morning for milk.

the older generation of MILs tend to feed baby everything. Don't really blame them cos' they use the same method to raise their children and there is no problems, so they don't see the damage done. Just have to tell them nicely. No point getting mad and "shang he qi" at home. my 2 cents worth

Comparing of babies
My sis baby boy is 3 mths older than emma, but i am quite lucky my mum don't compare except that she says how come emma drink so much but still so small unlike kor kor. I am not affected cos' I oso say the same. I have many sisters and one brother and we always tell my mum cannot compare b'cos each kid is born differently. They have their plus and minus pts which gives them their individularity. Old ppl will defininately compare, just don't bother

My Hb oso the same, he will watch TV and surf his iphone at the same time. Good thing is that he will help me to settle the kids like making sure meg drinks her milk and helping me when I give emma her night bath. Every morning he will change emma's diaper while I get ready for work.
oh your boy also same,tot only mine..lets waiting to see their eyes align correct at 6 months.

my gal also always thumping her feet whenever i carry or pat her to sleep,so cute ya.
you can bring ur kids to my place if you want, no problems. Don't have to worry that the noise will disturb my neighbours cos' I have no neighbours at all. If you want, can give u directions. Invite is open to everyone.
there is this very good TMC sinseh at upper paya lebar road. My hubby had problems with his arm a few weeks back went to sinseh at chinatown but did not help at all. my mum told him to go try the one at upper paya lebar road and viola, after 2 sessions his arm was ok. But must warn the queue very long one. The 1st time he went, there were 40 ppl in front of him so he refuse to wait, than 2nd time he went 15 ppl were in front of him. Good thing abt this sinseh is he speaks english too so my hubby like cos' can understand... hahaha If u interested, I get the contact for you.
i hv to carry my gal to zzz. Admit i had spoiled her. If i pat her, she tinks i playing wif her. Eventually will cry to be carried to zzz.

Chilipadi, snnowy:
our bbs are 6 mths today! Chilipadi, my bb also small size. Petite, that wat's PD says in a nice way. She has not reached 2x her birth wt yet. Worried but pd says no need to. Wat's ur gal wt n ht?

when he comes back home, he'll help shower, feed and carry bb to zzz. Cos i told him that after facing bb for the whole day, i need some time-out. Very exhausting.
Chilipadi, whats with our hb and their iphone... so fun ah? :p

Baby23, Issac quite funny when Pd was telling us that he need to be patched if his eye still like that he was listening attentively and even make "ah ah" noises as if he knw what the PD was talking abt haa.. quite funny i thought. so Pd told him since he knw wat we talking about he should focus properly he "ah" again haha...
hi mummies!

Abt Husbands:
yah mine plays computer games or watch shows to de-stress. how nice. for me to watch 1 movie, gotta break into 3 parts.

Patting bb to sleep:
I do that once in a while..sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. while patting i gotta lean over and press his legs down otherwise he will keep moving his legs and that keeps him awake.

otherwise my sure way of gettign him to sleep is thru suckling. i think i hv mentioned here before....i would like to cut this habit...but so far not very successful.

with all the advice from mummies and books and internet, still cant do it.

BB gigling n laughing:
My bb has been doing that lots recently and its really cute. heart really melts!!

but then he doesnt like to talk much recently.....not like when he first found his vioce...he loves to coo coo coo then.
dunno if anything's wrong....?
fruche, there is nothing wrong with your bb mine was the same when he found his voice he was always chatty, even chat with his soft toys n cot mobile! now adays he seem to have mellow quite abit. only interested in his toes. I guess it is just the different phrases of their growing up. no worries!
My gal was crying with her eyes closed. Maybe she's having nightmares hor.. Then i pat pat her she still cry but never open her eyes. In the end i lifted up her clothes and apply ru yi oil. She awoke and then i succeeded in making her sleep after tat. And she is sleeping next to the windows. Will have to do some rearranging this weekend.
Envy u that ur boi can sleep thru the night!

Both of u so lucky or should i say u all trained ur hb so well that they volunteer with the bb chores too.
My hb cannot calm down my bb one. The more my hb sang to her the more she cry. If she hears my voice then she keep quiet. So my hb always push bb to me and say bb prefers me. My hb dun know how to "kua seh" so always do wrong thing when in fact bb wants something else. He just dun have the mother instinct lah...

Jo, minky
If i use PC too long i will get headache. They still can face it every day for long hrs and still enjoying... it's a guy's thing *shake head*

My bb turned 6 mths yday. One day older than Emma.
oh by the way put baby in cot also dangerous, bb nearly fell off cot cause he was flipping to his sides and his legs hook the side of the cot n almost going over it. there is no where safe must keep eye on them 24/7 :p
Yes, the first time i hear my gal laugh, my eyes turned wet!
Like wat Minky mentioned, no need to worry la. My gal 'resumed' her talking recently nia. She stopped for a few wks.

Mine haven't reach 5mths lei....
fruche, nothing wrong. like minkybear says, jus phase. mine also.. kept quiet 4 a period after cooing phase. Now back to being noisy again. but she onli loves to make noise in the nite when daddy's back. daddy's gal.

Enne, it does seem fast yah. but on one hand i was like "wah.. 6 mths liao". On the other hand, i was like.. onli 6 months??!! Baby L 5 mths today also. Fast yah.
Sometimes reading the milestones the nov babies all had been thru.. i WONDER IF my baby is slow? although yeah he can flip, talk baby language, play.. but duno why got a tugging feeling inside me, am so worried for his developments, especially 'mobile'ly.. worried coz he might be weaker.

That's why I didn't really join in the chats too, just on and off but am silently reading, glad to see all bbs growing up well, really hope one day can bring my little one meet all the nov babies.
hi minkybear,

yes my bb also very very interested in his toes. he tried to suck them too!! but he can only manage to suck his socks if he's wearing them.

i'm always worried abt legs/hands getting stuck in between the side of cot so i put bumpers.
not the usual type...the mesh type for ventilation purposes.

my bb seems to like baby einstein. we can buy ourselves 20mins when we let him watch....we let him watch lying down on bed though with the lap top in front. abit worried that his eyesight will get affected. but he cant really sit up yet. any advice??
hahaha, issac so cute and i think he is very alert towards sound on his surounding, smart boy. my gal will always stare at new faces for long without blinking her eye,guess most baby did that too ya.
Just read ur posting on ur episode with MIL. My daughter also behaves the same way when I come home from work. Se becomes whiney and needy. My mum says exactly the same thing that she is ok the whole day but when mummy comes home, she acts up. It's just natural than your son wants you as he is sick and unwell.

Don't let your MIL words doubt ur abilities as a mummy or even 2nds thots on baby L. I strongly believe that God did not give you baby L if he did not think that u can do a good job. Babies are a blessing from god whether healthy or not. It may be hard in the beginning but the rewards will come later when you have 2 beautiful kids who will love you and take care of you. Sow ur seeds now and reap ur rewards later.

This is what I do when I get to my mum's place every evening, I will go talk, hug and kiss meg 1st and than I explain to her that I need to tend to mei mei now. so she is more understanding and les whiney. My hubby will tuck her in but once i finishing with mei mei, i will go to her room and say my good nites to her. I always tell her sweet dreams and that I will meet her in our dreams tonite. On Sunday mornings, i will bring her to Kumon and after that it's mummy and megan time. We will shop around for abt half an hour than head home. That half an hour actually helps and reassures her. so now she is not so whiney and needy. Maybe, you can find some alone time with number 1 so that he feels wanted. I know caring for Baby L takes a lot of time but maybe spend 30 mins with number 1 so that he feels wanted.

As for MIL, she was just fustrated. There will be many more episodes so just need to hang in there and close an eye and ear. Whatever it is, never doubt urselves or regret having baby L. he is your blessing from god. Feel privileged that god had chosen u guys as his parents cos' he knows that you and hubby are the best ppl to care for him.

take care and I will pray to god to give you and hb strength and love.
Emma is abt 6kg and 59cm long. Birth weight 2.6 and height 45cm. seeing PD next wk so will see wat she says. my mum thinks she has "worms - kam che" in her tummy. Drink so much oso donno go where. But my SIL who is her godma reckons she has hight metabolic rate as she is very active
Enne, dont worry about development take things one step at a time i think baby L is doing just fine.
His healthy is still most important now.

Fruche,his cot have bumper bt he still will hook over... quite dangerous.

baby23, ya he v sensitive to sound been like tat since he was born.n ya they like to stare, always tell him it is rude to stare... he still will do it lor.. stare until the neck will stretch out haa..
Hi Enne,

Dun worry too much...few years down the road, you'll be telling people how your little baby is achieving so much and how you were still so worried initially...it always happen this way!

thks for the response mummies!

Happy: have sent you 1pic. the other newborn one maybe tmr. thks.
wah.. chilipadi,snnowy &amp; Yoyosan, bb so fast 6mth.

the sinseh is good?i would like to give it a try coz i twisted my wrist while taking care of my boy.still havent recovered,i tried a few sinseh but still no gd..haiz... can pm me the add tks ya!!

haiz.. i think most hubby the same.. only play with bb when it comes to taking care then all kind of excuses... my hub also glue his eyes to tv when burping or feeding my boy.haiz..guess we just have to accept this fact.
<font color="ff0066"> Sleeping in Air Con</font>
I've been sleeping in air con since I was a young child. So when my babies were born, all also gotta sleep in air con room with me. NO air con = no sleep for me. My gals including #3 are so air-con trained tat even nowadays in the afternoons gotta switch on the air con for them. All them scared of hot. Once little bit hot only... all of them including bb Janessa will be sweating buckets. hahahahah... So unglam hor.

<font color="ff0066"> Enne</font>
Dun worry yah. Each babies develope at their own pace. So dun compare. As long as bb is doing well, eating well can liaoz. Cheer up yah... baby L is doing fantastic!

<font color="ff0066"> mildy &amp; minky</font>
Luckily both your babies din fall off. Thank goodness. Tink your heart also almost dropped siah. Yes.. agree. Cannot put bb on the bed or cot unattended anymore. Juz now I put Janessa on her playmat. Then I go into my room to get some things and go pee. NExt thing I know, when I come out, she already rolled off her playmat. She was about 1m away from her mat. I got a shocked tat she can roll so fast!

<font color="ff0066"> Chillipadi</font>
Thks for the offer. But most prob I won't go for the outing lah. Not nice to leave hub alone at home especially on a PH leh. *wink* Else he tink I abandon him. Sometimes I feel I got 4 kids instead of 3. hahahah

<font color="ff0066"> Fruche</font>
How about using those rocker chair? My bb has those Fisher Price ones. It reclines at about 45 degrees. Janessa also cannot sit upright without support yet. So I will put in tat when she watched her DVD or when I'm feeding her. By putting bb on a 45 degree angle, you will slowly build up their back strength.
Every mothers in this world have endless worries about their children. Not only u.
Baby L is special. Not tat he is sick, but bcos he's such a strong fighter. In fact he has already achieved a lot. U shd be very proud of him.
Like wat peanut said, ALL aunties here loves him a lot
I echo wat chilipadi wrote... God gave Baby L to u and hb bcoz he knows u guys will take good care of him.
baby23, minkybear
tts wat they call "lazyeye". it can be solved if treated young.. yes they will stick a patch at the "ok" eye so the lazy one will "work more"
tks Chilipadi!!

i agree with u.hub is also consider as one of our kid.my hub also.must ask him then he will move if not,nothing is done...haiz.
this am bb went for her last dose of 6in1 and rota. weighing 7.8kg and 66cm at 5.5mths. kind of shocked at her weight, dunoe whether their scale accurate not cos my house scale ony ~7.3. Anyway weight is stil ok for a baby who hates milk!! these 3 days she getting worst and i got really worried. then today PD say its ok, say some babies once start solid, milk intake can even become 0!!! i can't really believe it but then again this doc v senior so at least i felt a little bit better aft hearing tt.. But i'll stil try at least 3feeds of milk with mayb 2x solids now.

She lately also gena quite a bit of rashes ard her mouth, tot its due to her upcoming teething but doc say its allergy.. So suspect it could be heinz purees tt i gave her. definitely hope its not e rice ceereal. wil stop al purees and ony giving her rice cereal for nex 1 week to confirm

Emma guzzles milk. Envy. Mine must beg and beg to drink milk. Sometimes got give the mummy face, sometimes simply bochap totally.

what milk u gave nini? With her intake, she has very good weight. So PD okie wif giving nini 2x solids per day? Did he say anything abt the reduction in milk? (sorri so kpo, cos taking nini as a reference for my fusspot).

The rashes ard mouth? Issit red and scaly? Mine also has. PD says it's because of the protein in the saliva. Just got to clean her more often.
