(2008/11) November 2008

gd morning mummies

Monday blue again.. i jus type finish one post & den got error.. mus retype again #^$*#%^@#%

Got sore throat & cough since last weekend.. today cough getting bad.. haiz.. heard bb oso cough a bit past few days... duno is kanna from me or other.. hopefully his one wont get serious -_-

weather is super hot recently.. come out of room immediately can feel the heat.. bring bb out.. he can jus doze off in the car cos of the aircon..

wah. quite a number of the bb got teeth liao oh.. we all can start hearing bb 1st teeth eruption now & then. hehe..

hehe.. ur monday joke...if i were the witness i guess i aready die of vomitting blood. haahaa..

Good. I also want to bring mine there or somewhere else to pray pray. U know there can get t yellow string to tie on bb?
i nv take string to tie for bb before leh.. i know bugis one got give "fu".. string type> i tot tis type only m'sia den got.. the old folks believe bb go temple walk walk is gd for them.. esp those fussy bb lor.. tell me let them listen to those "praying music" to soothe their temper.. occasionally.. my mil will play those song to let Trysten listen..
Peanut, Fifi:
Wow your bbs teething already? at 6mth?

I know dentinox for cradle cap is good...since PD prescribe it. but not sure abt gel for gums.

Hv you all started brushing their "teeth/gums" with the first teeth finger brush (bought via fifi's Bulk purchase)?
once a day?
I've been bit lazy with that.....
hi, any mummies know where I can buy those cheap cheap infant tops, button-kind one.. not from the top go in.. coz my baby got the tube so can't wear from the top, then at home only got few pcs of button tops.. somemore he diarrhoea often will stain his top and need to wash.

I check out pasar malam but mostly selling wear from top one, seldom see selling button-kind for infants. Appreciate if any of u see b4, cheap cheap. thanks.
enne> can go to bugis there get.. the shop opposite bugis temple (one corner).. they sell alot of bb stuffs like towels & hankies..

Chinatown Cheong Choon has.
aruond 4 per top...not button but the tie string type.
I think i bought abt 10 last time.
Mine all surfacing abit. Only the sharp tips are out. The 2 below confirm yes. The 2 above abit visable. The other 2 abit suspicious. Its quite messy there now.

The thermal suits outside sell about $60+ to $70+ if no sale. Sometimes got sale then price similar to BP but may not have size also. Sigh. So I take down your 3 choices ok.
Enne, I bought the infant button top from a shop at bedok. $10 for 4 pieces. Can mix and match top and bottom too. But try to get slightly bigger as bb outgrow them very fast.
hi happy,
just sent u e photos, did you receive them ?

are u still using ur pupsik often? i went to try it today at suntec city..its feels quite good as it helps to lighten the load of carrying baby. but hubby is wondering if its hard for me to put baby in on my own coz the salesgirl and hubby had to help me to get baby in the pouch.hahah..quite tempted to get it. i also tried the hotsling but seems e same leh, but so much more ex. thinkin of using the pupsik for short distance like gg downstairs and the beco for longer trips..

do take care of urself too ya?
those thermal swimwear.. is it of same thickness as those UV ones? i went to mothercare see those UV ones material v thin lei..
Fifi> what sizes does the liferacer swimwear for adult? i feel like bringing my baby down to swimming pool liao. yesterday we went downstairs for a walk, the pool looks so inviting!
I think you make a mistake. My bb is born in Nov 16. She just reached 5 month old. I think onli yours, chillipadi and Olwen's babies born in Oct.
Anyone knows the retail price of FP Jumperoo?
Between Jumperoo and Exersaucer, which one can 'last' longer? I mean can use longer.
My bb is bored.

Mummy is sleepy
I have sent my bb photo you you via "YouSendIt" with the title: Photo collage for Nov Bbies so that it will not take up too much space on your mail. You can just click on the link and download it. (The link will expired in 7 days)
Nini's 1st tooth erupted?? Congrats. I agree it is better to bring her to dietician cos milk is still baby's staple food for the 1st year.She will need the calcium for bones and teeth development. You can try Heinz rice cereal. It is w/o milk. You can just add the certeal to her formula and feed her with it.
snnowy, lilian
me giving her frisocream which already contains milk but i stil add milk to it since she's taking in so liiiitle milk liao.. try to inject as much milk as i can lor.. I'm jus so tired.. since she dislike milk from bottle so much, i feel like giving up and look at other alternatives in giving her calcium.. she not happy drinking milk we also not happy feeding her. Feeding shd be enjoyable but...
On other hand she not yet 6mths but already taking so much solid (since no wan milk).. i worry if her stomach can take it not.. But the pd i saw last fri say its ok..
Anyone can recommend dietician?? i wonder if they can advise on bbs.. tot dietician mostly work on adults..
Afternoon mummies,

sounds like ur nini is very cranky now. U know ppl always said that the first 3 years after bb has born is the toughest.. We parents can only feel more sengnang after they turn 3 yrs old..

i also feel my gal is bored with those toys and interested to get her a excersaucer too. But may want to rent one to try soon.. But rental per month is almost $50, so thinking whether to rent or to get one and sold it after she has outgrow. Did u ever consider rent one?
hv u tried introducing Friso milk powder to her (after introducing frisocream which she likes?). Maybe she now likes the Frisocream milk instead of Enfalac? She no longer takes feed in sleepmode?

There's Heinz Organic rice cereals (fortified with Iron) which can also add milk to it.
ya i tink renting is expensive and not really worth. If it is like $30 i will rent lor.
I'm considering of buying, but yet to do market research on price and models.

Understand. How abt ikan bilis powder? or soup from ikan bilis mixed with porridge?
If ur PD say ok, then shd be fine lor. Cheer up.
I know.. Monday very the blue.. Me too
i'm thinking of trying soymilk?? i dunoe.. does it hav a milk taste? if not mayb stil got chance she may take it.. then on other solids like cereal or puree than i add formula milk.. haiz..
She v smart one.. i ever tried diluting the milk with >100ml water + only 1 scoop of FM but she stil rejects!!! But plain water she loves it -_-
long long time ago ever tried friso sample on her but she also no wan.. Anyway Jo also tried that liao.. and it also din work for her bb.. These days sleepfeed no longer work.. she wakes up and refuse..

i wan to start introduce porridge when she hits 6mth.. another 2 more weeks to go. Thou pd say ok but i stil feel unbelievable to giv bb this age so much solids in place of milk.. thou he's a senior Pd.. i dunoe if i shd jus go for 2nd opinion..
think is good if u can go for a second opinion from another PD so that u wil be more fangxin. If PD said ok to go for porridge, then ikan bilis powder is one of the food that has high calcium like lilian mentioned.

ya, i also feel the rental is not cheap.. and have to crack my head now. If u have done ur research, do share with me ok.. tnks in advance. cause hardly had time to do research now
earlier on i gav once in the morning with ard 4feeds of milk a day.. after she getting more and more cranky i change to morning once and evening once with 3 feeds of milk (sleepfeed). these days when she even reject sleepfeed, we've to resort to cereals almost al feeds.. u say cham or not cham or not.
Ur nini got her first tooth liao ah? Must be very cute. Just came back from the PD's and saw another 6 mths old bb, 2 days older than my Rachelle. He already got 2 nice teeth on his lower jaw. Very cute when he smiles. His ah ma said they just erupted like overnight and he wasn't fussing or anything. I guess Rachelle should be teething soon ba cos she rejects milk and kept biting on her fingers. Just asked PD on semi solids, he say can gradually increase the no of intakes(cereals) per day and slowly intro porridge. I asked got like time line like wat mth is gd for cereal and when intro porridge. He said as long as bb keep wanting more and able to take then can intro gradually.

Hmm..i dun really like my pupsik leh cos i find it difficult to put my bb in and take her out. I'm using size 2 which is the right size leh but somehow diff to use for cradle style. Maybe i can try the other styles(upright) when Rachelle is slightly bigger.

Alibaba, Lilian,
Think just try to avoid going to smokey area where there are lots of joss sticks/joss paper burning.

Ikan bilis powder can be purchased or home made? How to prepare huh?
problem is nini even take solid also gets cranky sometimes so i dont tink she wan more. But we try to make her finish the serving. Ony good ting is her weight is stil considered good, if she's underweight tink i'll faint or get nervous breakdown from worrying over her feeding issue. Hope her weight doesn't drop due to her poor appetite..
my kayla's weight no increase for t past month lor. Me worried too. She got drink milk, althou fussy, but still managed to feed her like 130ml 5times a day. She getting skinnier everyday

Mummies who bought exersaucer
Pls share with us your 'market research'. Brand, Models, price, where cheaper etc
I think if u are feeding her cereal almost every feed then maybe u can seek for 2nd opinion since she is less than 6 mths. As mummies, we really got so much things to worry about!
My gal weighs 7.05kg at 5 mths and 7.82 kg at 6 mths. Think her weight gain is normal. She's been rejecting milk recently, if not for the introduction of cereal think she will lose weight lor. And she's still taking 125ml every 3 hrs. Most times she will still have around 30ml of BM unfinished.
ya.. today also no mood at all to work.. keep thinking abt her problem.

when is her nex doc appt? if she losing weight then better tell pd. u start on solid oredi?
Heya ladies.. working from home the next two wks cos my hb is away on reservist and it will be me bao-ing everything at night!

Re: bb not drinking
My boy also doing the same as u guys.. usually he takes 900-960ml.. this two-three days only took 600-750ml. have to find ways and means to feed him. MIL's pattern is to push the bottle into his mouth as long as he cries, regardless if he is hungry or not! quite frustrating cos this causes bottle adversion. sigh...

Lilian, i got the evenflo exersaucer.. i think u need to go down a take a look cos there are many types, each with diff types of toys. Mildy got the Leapfrog one.

Happy, ya i also dunno anything abt Bohn's Nodules until my dentist fren told me. she said the dentists also dunno if this irritates the bb so much that they refused to feed. oh well.
Peanut: you started her on solids when he was around 5mths plus right? should be ok.....
from what i know altho recommended isat 6mths but there are exceptions.

Isnt it good that Nini likes solids?? sorry perhaps I din read the thread in details....i tot we all should aim for our bbs to like solids.
your prob is nini likes solid so much that she doesnt want milk at all issit?

if her weight is dropping better ask doctor how....maybe change another PD....??
no she not say super like solid lei.. cos sometimes she take halfway then cranky liao..
Its lilian's gal who having weight loss.. my gal weigh ~7.8kg at 5.5mths, stil consider good i guess

no point pushing teat into their mouth.. they no wan means no wan.. wil only make them cry even more -_-"
Cant give frisocrem rice-based cereals for all feeds bah. If she also refuse spoonfeed, go get those feeding cups (spout teat) w three holes and let her try.
For my case, we realised he jus dont like to suck. Sometimes only when he juz woke up and its time for milk, he wld probably suck 1/3 - 1/4 of milk on his own then must spoonfeed le. He will also expects us to play 'The Wheel on the Bus' VCD for him every feed.

I cant attend the gathering at ur hse on labour's day. My hb needs to work tat day and I cant travel so far.
Fruche, what sign are u talking abt? rejecting milk? I don't think so. probably the bb is just being fussy.

Peanut, not I who push the teat in one hor.. I keep telling her to wait until he starts fussing then feed but everytime he cries only she will stuff the bottle in his mouth. I told her he got different cries.. one for hunger and the other for slping. to her, bb cries means hungry.. no wonder he started to hate feeding time. she is at my place for the next 2 wks cos i got no energy to send him to her place. just today i heard him whimpering only the milk bottle magically appeared! Z got so mad he only drank 10ml and refused the rest. i explain to her that he not hungry, her standard reply was, " but he crying mah!" piangzzzz...
Cool down .. cool down. Elder pple are like dat ... has ur MIL been taking care of babies all these while? If not, she probably dont know how to handle Z at all cos lack of experience.
Morning mummies!

Gosh was having probs posting in wkend and yest...

Peanut/Fifi: Wow..so fast your bb's teeth appeared! Not yet 6 mths rite...

Peanut: Gosh looks like your bb is a hard one to handle! I read b4 that even though after 6 mths when we introduce solids, milk still remains a big part of bb's diet till they hit 1 yr, so I think is also gd that you consult either 2nd opinion from another PD on whether she is getting enough nutrition. But luckily her weight seems pretty ok. Cheer up k!

Lilian/Joyce: My colleag told me b4 she saw the FP jumperoo selling at Toyrus at $239, however I think forum always have many mummies selling 2ndhand. She got a 2ndhand one at $165...so you may wanna consider.But her baby didnt like it after a while so now she is thinking of re-selling it haha :p

Exersaucer/Jumperoo: Me also thinking of letting baby try it coz seems quite fun. But though rent is not cheap either, I think will still go with renting coz space consideration is an option as well! If becomes white elephant, i really do not know what to do with it man...

Babyzel: Got my mat! :p but baby still getting used to it..I am trying to get her to practise sitting on it while reading to her or playing with toys.
Btw, ikan bilis powder, can be blended using the U-like blender. I saw the demonstrator doing it when I went Isetan, very finely blended!

Bear: Ya elders are like that one...when my bb cries, confirm the first thing my parents/in-laws will ask is: is he hungry?? But luckily they at least will wait for my reply before they prepare milk.

Thanks. I want adult liferacer swimwear.

1st choice - #743B Size M,
2nd choice - #739 size M,
3rd choice - #744 Size M

I shall transfer the $$ for the 1st choice to you right? (cos different price)
