(2008/11) November 2008

If might feel like moving as far away as possible .. but sometimes you will really appreciate it when you need them to take care of bb for u and u have some own time.

Though I really dun like to stay with my in-laws ... but sometimes really appreciate that someone is ard and I can go out for awhile.

Lynn & Joyce,
you havent register n join our fussy baby drinking club ah? Welcome in. Keke.

since ur PD already says its nothing, perhaps its the mucus at the nose there, its not phelgm (read from Singapore Baby & Clinic bb guide book).
Think he tried to scream all the way out .. thats y throat dun feel good and juz cough out only?

jo: My parents only come by to play with baby its me amd my maids who take care of baby..I depend on my maids to help me take care while i run some errand at times, so my parents dun live with me, dad never see so being very insensitive.very disappointed with his character, he is just not a righteous person he sees things on the surface.
Try not to take what your dad has said to heart and upset yourself le ... since u dun see him everyday ... juz let him talk talk and forget abt it.

My dad used to tell mi how good my cousins are in getting a job in the past bla bla and I shld follow them .. I juz nod my head and forget what he said liaoz.
my bb has been difficult.. keep wanting people to carry.. and mus walk one hor or else she'll cry.. Dun wan to lie down.. sit walker also a while then start whining.. and nothing can distract her for long! All the toys&stuffs that we got for her after jus a v short while she not interested and throw away and start whining..!! v pek chek dunoe wat to do wif her.. SB angry so i refuse to carry her for long today. Cry like mad and i forbid my mil to carry as well.. In e end giv her tutu and pat pat her on my bed so she fell asleep.. Haiz.. how.. Her attention span is so short.. Jus can't play on her own or guai guai watch tv.. Worry if she'll turn out to b hyperactive in futre? Am i worrying too much and too early? TOt at this stage they shd be self-entertaining themselves already..
sigh, mine same also. New toys, after 5mins, i can keep away liao, she not interested anymore. That's y i hv to think twice b4 buying toys. And i feel that she is entertained by pple rather than toys, that's y always wan carry, being wif her. i also wish that she could self-entertain for a while, even a short while, i'll b happy. but no lor.
hi mummies,
i had a good afternoon today..went to philips to service sterilizer and pump. unfortunately, they didnt had stock to do exchange on the spot, so gotta wait for couple of weeks. but they gave me a new plug for the sterilizer in e meantime, it seems to work a lil better but still not completely fixed. after that, went to centrepoint and bot stuff for baby from robinsons and mothercare. bot hat, soft shoes (was so in love with a particular design i bot 2 pairs in different sizes!!), wet wipes, clothes, e new pigeon feeding set etc..so happy with my buys. hehehe...

really hope e situation w ur maid gets settled soon. can imagine that this is the last thing you wanna deal with esp with 3 young children at home. stay strong and just remember whatever decisions u make, ur children comes first ya? dun feel bad..

Re: FM
i have a 1/3 used tin of Enfalac milk powder which i gave bb when she was only like 2 weeks old. never gave it to her since then, wondering if i should throw it away? remember you mummies mentioning that cannot keep for too long after opening. please advise..thanks!

my baby likes to sceam too, esp in the car. think she still can't understand that in the car we cannot carry her.hahah..anyway, one day she will just finally get it, i guess. =P but she very persistent lor, can cry from orchard all e way home for 20 mins w/o giving up.

think just gotta "hear in, hear out"..just know that you are doing ur best to be a good mummy. it will always be easy for others to comment coz they are just the "spectators" lor. i am used to people around me commenting already, just gotta filter the negative comments.
my bb also quite short attention span but she absolutely LOVES being outdoors. normally can't stay in rocker for very long. so my mum brings her downstairs quite often and she can sit downstairs and just fall asleep w/o any patting. sometimes at our own home, she will whine and get cranky and i just need to walk her around corridor outside and she will be quiet. but we are looking on the positive side and my mum says she is just a nature girl (coz she loves being outside where there are trees and lotsa breeze, the beach, etc) and just inquisitive. hahaha...
yah lor.. super waste money hor.. i shall restrain from now on..

precisely.. she wan people carry and walk walk then quiet.. but i dun wan tt to be a habit.. now she no wan to play on her own.. I try not to carry her too much.. she cry then let her cry for some time.. but my mil and hubby wil spoil market
On mon my hubby v hiong.. on leave and he drove my bb alone to changi airport gai gai.. Without her pacifier and water! Gosh.. i'll never leave house with her without her tutu lor
to add on to Peanut's... not only to quiet them down, but also how to teach them to self-entertain instead of someone-carry-me syndrome.
then wat is the outcome of ur hb's hiong outing?

I find that hor, men.. either they are so damn brave, or they r ignorant. My hb also.. when bb was few wks old then, he just bring her out alone to coffeeshop to buy things... not thinkg that she would kick up a fuss anytime. Pei fu them.
My gal used to be like the bb u all have describe lo..but tat was like almost 3yrs ago.
Almost everynite we gt to drive out( Dou Feng) to quiet her and make her zzzz...
days was so tough tat time and make us go crazy!
Just bear with it,gd days are coming soon...

*lol* do buz? Cannt lar.Initally i tout easy to jus print print too but...it needs ALOT of time & patient to work out a complete gd quality set of cards! A set of 10cards,can spent half my day or more....
I DIY myself,can 'chin chai',but cannt sell bad quality cards mah,and somemore to mummies more worse.(Sorri no offend)
Cos ME as a woman and a mummy too,will expect to pay for the good service,quality and quantity.Want gd & cheap stuff!If no gd,I sure make a complain! *LOL*
Unless you dun mind my V slow delivery time! wakaka

It takes sometime for your boi to adapt to sch life.Even if your boi did not cry,you will sure feel sad and cry too!
For my gal,she adapted within 3days, w/o crying till date.Cos she feels lonely and wants playmate,and tat's why she loves and enjoy sch.
Just keep assuring him and telling him hw gd sch life is.Did you do any preparation by reading bks or bring him to the sch,b4 he attend?
Good morning mummies

I was talking to a colleague about her children yesterday when i started grumbling about how my baby likes to be carried a lot, especially while sleeping. She said to me that when i was pregnant, the baby was being carried in my tummy 24/7 for 10 months and they are used to being hugged tightly in the womb. So why should i, only 4 months after birth, demand that the baby becomes an independent creature? Somehow what she said made some sense to me and i didn't think my baby is such a difficult baby to look after anymore when i tried to see things from that angle. I had always been a little embarrassed that my baby is not the eat-sleep-eat baby like what my MIL said babies should be, now after talking to my colleague, i feel a lot better about my baby wanting to be close to the people around, want to be hugged and carried. Although i have to admit that it doesn't make it easy for the care-givers when a baby wants to be carried frequently cos they don't have the hands and time to do other things.

Not sure if this helps anyone with babies like mine feel better about the situation but i thought i'll just share it
Whoa, ur husband sure is really brave huh? Go out alone with bb gai gai without any water/pacifier/milk? I can't leave home with bb without a bag full of "tricks or treats". I sure must pack diapers,milk,toys(v.impt),pacifier
extremely impt).

My gal always demand attention when home but not really asking to be carried all the time but to talk and play with her. She needs to keep me/hubby within her sight lor, once cannot see will cry liao. I think my mil brings her gai gai very often, walk along corridor, go downstairs,etc so may soon be asked to be carried go walk walk soon....

My bb was fussing whole night yesterday. She closed her eyes but kept whinning. Like very irritated and frustrated. She's actually very tired but dun seems to go into deep slumber.. Ended up kept transferring her from bed to yaolan, yaolan to bed. Haiz, dun know what she wants lor. This morning woke up very early at 6 plus lor to play... So tired and sleepy now. Yawn!
yes my hubby's aunty ever commented that when the bb cry to be carried we shd immediately carry and cuddle instead of leaving her ther to cry in the attempt of "training" her.. cos this wil give the bb a sense of security which they need at this time. And also how long would bb required to be carried.. once they bigger u wan to carry them they also no wan liao.. so we shd treasure this period.. which sounds v true.. But then again if i'm a sahm i dun really mind.. But with my mil taking care of her + she bbsitting 1 toddler + she taking in another newborn soon!! I really worry she can't handle liao... tts y i try to train my bb a bit..
it started off when i ask hubby if bb got cry in car and in airport.. he say yah got cry a while.. Then i feel strange cos when she in stroller she normally quite guai cos if start to whine giv her tutu she'll quiet down.. So i ask him got bring tutu not.. and he say no lor.. -_- Aiyah my hubby bochap one.. he tinks wan to bring bb out then bring, no need all those barangs..
i dun really mind if she could stay put on bed, rocker or walker as long as someone in her sight.. but tts not enuf.. she wans to be carried!
This morning she sitting in walker.. then when saw me immediately open up her arms and look excited.. hahaaa.. see her like tt if no carry she like v cham.. so i carried a while and after put her back and get out from house i heard her cry liao -_-"
my hb always let my boi cry when i'm not around. Everytime when i reach hm my boi is still crying. he simply don know his needs. sometimes he only wan milk. but my boi still prefers daddy to mummy.
Morning mummies!

Peanut, haa my baby is like that too. Needs to 'carry him and walk' otherwise he will fuss! Cannot sit down. Faintz. So when go out for meals, it's really jia lat since he can't sit long in stroller.
Me and hb must take turns to eat.
But I must say now he is getting better lah as compared to when he was abt 2-3 mths, otherwise it's we are 'used' to his pattern haha. So jia you! Hopefully really a passing phase...My mum who is looking after him will like what Haru does, bring him downstairs walk walk talk to people and 'tire' him out so he will fall asleep faster later on.

WaterBaby: Have the same thoughts as you too! When my bb is very demanding, I will console myself that this is the only period he will want to be carried, when he grows older, he may not want our hugs/carry! But of coz now, also cannot spoil them lah.

My bb has been sleeping thru since 3rd mth and would wake up at 7am. But yesterday he suddenly woke up for milk at 5am. Wonder if this is another sign he is getting ready for solids??
Wat ur colleague said veri true.. Thx for sharing

Ya! Me and hb have to take turn to eat. Even at home hor, someone has to accompany my gal while t rest makan first.
I tink most bbs r like tat, cannot sit still...

Nini know how to reach out her hands to carry ah? Clever gal. My gal still learning tis part.

T tin of enfalac cannot use liao.. Opened too long.
My bb too, for the past few nites kept whinning, toss and turn, wake up every hr to cry abit, also woke up at 6+ today and refuse to slp ...zzzzz...she fell aslp at 830am and slept till now , haiz...Y cant she slp at nite...

My bb also have been screaming her head off for the past one week. Read from the net that they just discovered their vocal and just want to "test it out" so they will scream for a few weeks before they stop lor. She also scream till she cough, I will give her some water to drink .
Seems like my bb not only one.. Jus that i read from somewher ard 5mth bb will self-entertain themselves so parents could finally hav some time to do their stuffs.. but doesn't seem like the case lor.. So wonder if my bb is too hyper

I always like to compare Nini with my sis bb who;s 1.5mth older.. she v guai.. can lie down and play on her own.. tutu take in take out.. i watch with envy.. why can't mine be like her..
And also i feel like i'm v bad.. often feel frustrated with Nini but loves my sis's daughter.. feel excited whenever i go back my mum's place to see her..
Thanks for sharing. It is indeed very true lor. Some of my frenz also tell me must cherish the time now cos once they can be independent, they dont even want u to carry or cuddle them. They rather be with frenz when they are older.

I also read from the net abt carry bb when they cry. Think there are 2 school of tots. One is cry it out (CIO) and the other is to respond immediately to their needs. Guess depends on which school of tots u believe in bah. For me I dont really believe in CIO, I cannot tahan.
RE Friso

Ya think Friso is thicker. My bb will fuss when she drink friso and will stop drinking half-way, so I switch back to enfalac. Also tried Nan HA but her poo poo very watery so stop liao.
Re. Friso
last nite a lady called and say they would like to send me sample of Friso stage2 to try (900ml is that the small can??) I told her me giving enfalac and heard Friso v sweet wor people say baby once accustom to such sweet stuffs will not like bland stuffs in future.. She immediately say we're wrong, similac is the sweetest whahaa... pushing blame
this book is by Spore writer? Cos i find those ang mo ones v difficult one.. alwasy more complicated with a lot of ingredients involved.. i wan something simple to cook but nice to eat... ehhee... lazy mum hor..
according to Bear, this book is more local context
Yalor, those angmoh books sometimes t ingredients cannot find here one
Lilian, haa yah sometimes me and hb feel sorry for ourselves when we are outside eating with baby and cannot really have a proper leisurely meal. Hiazz wat to do :p

Peanut, haa mine is opposite. My hb will bochap, while usu I wait a few minutes before carying baby. Cannot stand him crying so long leh, somemore he cry at the top of his lungs kind.

Food processor/blender: Maybe going Tangs to buy later. Mummies, what brand do you all have ah? So far heard of Braun/Phillips...any reviews??
If I buy that, still have to get the Pigeon Baby Food Maker? That one is more 'manual' kind rite...
Yah lilian, thats for bb above 6mths.. But need to change to stage 2 so soon mei? Our enfalac A+ can giv until 1yr.. Ever read before some mommies got problem switching their bbs to the next stage cos they reject..
I received the Friso stage 2 during my confinement period. Ha ha, they so kan chiong, so early gave me the medium tin sample liao.
come to tink of it.. last time our milk powder wher got stages one.. jus simply milk powder without AHA,DHA,AAA watever.. I wonder even got bb milk powder last time not or we drink the same powder as adults.. wahhaaa....
New Sprees & BP

Spree #1: Drugstore
If interested, please PM me & I will reply with terms and conditions. Deadline to PM me your interest is this Thursday 26 March 2009 9pm.

BP #2: Liferacer Swimsuits (Thermal kind, UV kind, wetsuit with no UV kind & adult kind)
Stock will arrive in April. If interested, please PM me & I will reply with the designs, prices and terms and condition. Deadline to PM me your interest is this Thursday 26 March 2009 9pm.

* More to come. Stay tuned *
hahaha! U know wat? My mum say last time my dad drink those condense milk one! Yes, 红十字gu ni
I also not sure whether to switch to stage 2 at 6mths. I also heard cannot anyhow switch FM brand, muz switch slowly.
Enfalac stage 2 starts from 6mths onwards

According to the Enfalac sales lady, stage 2 has more carbo and less fats than stage 1 cos bb need more energy when they start to crawl and more active after 6mths. But Stage 1 has more nutrients tats Y more exp than stage 2. So stage 1 can continue till 1 yr too, it really depends if u want to change bah.

Re: Screaming
Sigh in the end still had to bring him to the PD cos he coughed the whole night and developed a fever!!! MIL immed said, "see i knew he not feeling well yesterday already!" AS IF lor. one sneeze already she will say he is sick. PD gave him antibiotics, fever meds and cough syrup, she kept asking why bb so small need so many meds? kept asking me to feed water aft the meds cos it will make him cough more etc. end up i just gave him one syringe full of water to rinse the taste off. also found out that my FIL is sick too but refused to see GP. He only wants to see TMC doc.. sigh... i, myself also dun feel gd.. not sure if i passed it to Z or vice versa.

Peanut, dun compare lah.. love ur Nini for the person she is.

Re: First Foods
Yes, it's written by a team of ppl locally. I find the recipes quite simple. It really depends on u.. cos for ppl who likes cooking, it might be too simple. but def it has familiar ingredients!
hey mummies> MIA for a few days... i have finally caught up with all the posts after reading the whole morning.. lolz

dimples> sorry to hear about ur maid issue. it's indeed worrying & costly.. my maid recently has tis ear infection. & after review from gp it dint seem to recover & was told better to see specialist for this... cos they saw white/black particles which look like fungus.. 1st ting came to my mind "is this contagious!!" to my relief, it's not. heng.. else i'll be oso v headache..
& last week my mil fell down & sprained her leg.. haiz.. left bb to a "bai ka" to take care for few hours while i took leave to bring maid to see a chinese sin seh (specialise in ear problem) spent 18bucks nia.. he said it's jus swollen..& it's common... sound not serious.. hopefully will recover soon. or else i will go gar gar too.. plus i gotta work.. cant be keep taking leave to settle MAID's problem... btw toking about the TB test, aint the test done before the maid came SG?? i tot they suppose to do a medical check up!

peanut/jo & the rest>
*sorry* i didnt make it last friday gathering.. i was too busy...

i wan i wan the swimsuit Thermal kind....

Haven't been posting for a while coz busy with transitioning back to work and putting bb at infantcare. Yesterday was his first day at the centre.. stayed with him on and off for about 4 hours in total. He seems to be coping much better than me though he doesn't nap much in the new environment. Ended up he slept for about 11 hours straight last night and is still napping now since 10.45am. Suddenly feel so so guilty having to send him to the centre and end up he lose so much sleep (he usually naps about 5-6 hours in the day) and seems so tired by the time we are home

Bear - Sorry to hear about Zach. Hope he's feeling better now. My boy also starting to scream and yell quite a bit though he doesn't really do it at night. Don't worry about it.. Zach is on BM and BM babies generally have a better immune system. Even if they fall ill they usually recover fast so am sure he will get well soon
you should get more rest yourself too.

First Foods book - mummies who are not sure if they will like the book can try borrowing it from NLB first. I personally like the recipes in there coz they are rather simple to prepare. NOt much hassle involved and yes, it is written in the local context so i find more applicable.

Pooing - think some mummies were concerned about frequency of poo. Well, my boy's longest record was going without poo for 10 days!!! Just as we made the appt to bring him in to see PD.. he pooed a few hours before that. According to my PD, so long as baby is still feeding well and does't seem to be in distress or uncomfy, don't have to worry too much. Constipation is defined as the passing of hard stools and not the infrequency of stools. Esp since BM is more easily digested and baby could be absorbing nutrients well so not 'leftover' to make stools. Apparently, the longest record seen by her is a baby who went w/o pooing for a month... *eyes wide open*

Pumping at work - not as difficult as i originally envisaged. Just that the setting up of the pump and the washing of the parts takes up some time. All in all spent about 20-30mins for each pump.

Baby cubes /Blender - any mummies know which BP has this? Can't seem to find it. Also, one of my friends recommended the brand u-like for blender. Any mommies tried it b4? is it good?

my boy too has poo inconsistency.. now usually he poo once ev 5days.. his longest was 7-8days.. haa.. at 1st i freaked out & seek advise from many pple... mostly said it's normal especially for BM babies..due to BM is easy to absorb.. even PD said it's normal.. so i aready nv care much as long poo poo is not hard... as long he is happy/ playful & growing well.. still i am keep record of when is his POO POO day.. haha.. his fart is smelly though like the other babies.. how come ah??
