(2008/11) November 2008

If u dun mind a couple dollar more ex....


I bought the Thermos at Isetan Scotts. During the private sale, the price was almost the same as the BP. In fact, if I consider postage, its the same price. You can go check out the department stores for it.
hi mummies, heres the cheong choon store at chinatown number 65323855.hope u gals got wat u want. im wondering if i shld get matress or playmat
Calling for Bear,
Can I check if you know how do we post article on wikipedia? Can't seem to do any posting for it lay.
<font color="ff0066"> Play Yard Fence</font>

Thks Shop4stuffs for Cheong Choon's number.

I calle them liaoz. For <font color="ff6000">6-panels</font>, it will costs <font color="ff6000">$210</font>. No discount for bulk purchase. Wah!! So ex leh.
hi mummies

how is everyone? long time nvr log in can nvr catch up with the post!


the haenim playyard i got from cheong choon last time. Free delivery somemore...but the price i see from Dymples' post increased a lot leh... think i bought for $168 or something... it is actually 4-panel so u have to share with someone. the shop will find someone to share with you. But 1 party will have to get the extra "door" while the other will get the extra "activity panel". I was lucky and got the extra activity panel.

Juz got back from PD giving my boy his 3rd pneumoccocal jab and 3rd 6-in-1 today together! Poor boy got 1 jab on each thigh... PD said at this age he shd be drinking 1015ml...hmmmm.,... i can only manage to give him 900 to 950ml per day as he zzzz a lot...already had to force him to wake up to drink milk... wonder how to squeeze in more milk for him.

happy, joyce

how are your kids? better from the cough/flu liao?


I juz finished watching this new TVB serial called The Sweetness in the Salt...nice nice leh.... starring Ma Jun Wei and Yang Yi. It is not shown in HK yet...for overseas only...go find it


u can also get it from departmental store esp when Taka having cardmember sale can get it at 20% + 10% discount....not that bad. dun fret!


u got ur blender liao? Which brand did u buy? I got the philips hand held blender range last time since #1...very handy and sturdy... u can check it out. http://www.consumer.philips.com/consumer/en/sg/consumer/cc/dp/_BLENDERS_SU_SG_CONSUMER_false/_CITRUS_PRESSES_SU_SG_CONSUMER_false/_HAND_BLENDERS_SU_SG_CONSUMER_true/_JUICE_EXTRACTORS_SU_SG_CONSUMER_false/_categoryid_JUICERS_AND_BLENDERS_CA_SG_CONSUMER/#;filterState=CITRUS_PRESSES_SU_SG_CONSUMER%3Dfalse%2CJUICE_EXTRACTORS_SU_SG_CONSUMER%3Dfalse%2CBLENDERS_SU_SG_CONSUMER%3Dfalse%2CHAND_BLENDERS_SU_SG_CONSUMER%3Dtrue%2C
hi kash,
are you back at work soon? wow, 1015ml sounds like alot leh! i wonder if my baby is even taking 700ml coz its so hard to latch her nowadays as she tends to get distracted easily. the best bet i have is when she feeds from bottle when i am at work coz i know she takes abotu 140ml each time then.
Afternoonz mummies ...

I forgot told maid ... and she dun notice how I take care bb de. My hb was at home tat time .. but he also didnt bother. Haiks.

ur whole kitchen is Hello Kitty??? Take photo give mi see can? I like Hello Kitty too.
recently, my boy really refused to drink milk at all. For today till now, he might have only drank 200ml of milk. He seems hungry ... coz fuss .. give him sleep dun sleep .. suppose he is hungry ... but make milk for him ... the bottle teat touches his lips only, he make noise liao. Juz now really got no choice but to feed him w rice cereals and he guai guai finished all.

Really dunnoe what to do with him.

yes soon...took another 2 weeks leave coz my #1 is delaying her start in CC for 1 more week.


ur kitchen is HK??? I wanna see too! my gal loves HK...during her 1st YO Birthday party, had a HK theme for her...
<font color="ff0066"> Jo, Kash</font>
heheheh... okies... will try to take pic. But my HK stuffs is mainly those smaller items like kitchen scissors, chopping board, plates, bowls, cups, mugs, toaster, cooking pots, curtain, Hand Towels, sauce bottles, containers, etc. So most of these are in the cupboard leh. *LOL*

Now in the process of turning my guest toilet into HK toilet too. Hengz my hub is supportive of this hobby of mine. But admit tat i've cut back alot cos it's really expensive hobby.

wow!! HK theme!!! must have been sooo cute!! i love sanrio characters and i intend to bring my princess to Sanrio Puroland in Japan when she is older, hahah..i loved it!! hope she will wil sanrio characters rather than Barbie, etc...i dun like Barbie,bleh..=P

my home not that bad..just have a few HK plush toys, pancake pan, shampoo dispenser, lingerie hanger, etc..hahah...mostly smaller items. fully agree that its an expensive hobby~! but so cute that its hard to resist.
v cham hor.. i also v paranoid.. always keeping track of how much she drinks.. v stressed one.. haiz..
Giving rice cereals when he doesn't drink is an option.. but try to giv once a day for the start.. Sometimes i do give a 2nd time when she really not drinking much but i try to give lesser.. i dun wan her to take too much solid at the beginning.
Did u try giving him while he sleeping?
I know tell PD they also can't do much but i wonder if this carries on mayb shd inform them? see what they say and alternatives they could offer..
Understand this is really frustrating.. Everyday, everyfeed i always worry she reject.. tts y when i work i feel happier..
same for me.. Feeding is the most frustrating
Nowsaday I feed halfway then when my gal fuss i'll pass her to my hb. He more patient, i'll simply lose my temper!
last time still can feed him in sleep mode. Now cannot le. He get angry and will open his eyes le.

nowadays is mi and my maid feed ... usually I pass to her when I give up half way thru ... last time she very patient w him .. now she also lost her patience le. My hb sometimes can be sitting right beside, facing his laptop and cant b bothered. Sometimes will come over and talk to bb and distract him.
peanut, jo:
I think shld not be too paranoid over how much they drink. As long as they are alert, active, poo enuff, pee enuff, the amt they drink is secondary. Furthermore, your babies are not really drinking that little. 120ml per kg is enuff already.

Starting solids may not improve the condition as it may reduce the amount of milk drank. However, in severe cases where the babies really reject milk drastically, some PDs may advice starting solids abit earlier.

To increase the amt they drink, you may want to feed less per feed at smaller intervals. My daughter likes to split her feeds into 2 smaller feeds. For e.g. she is due for a feed at 12pm, she will want to drink some at 12pm and some at 1pm. So we give her less each time lor. Next feed is normally about 3.5-4 hours from 12pm (i.e. the first of the 2 feeds).

On days when my baby is extra cranky and refuse to drink, my maid will sometimes bring her downstairs and feed her there. She will guai guai finish up all the milk whilst looking at scenary. Can try also.

I also noticed that some days she drinks every little but she will make up for it the next day or following day. So maybe monitor over a stretch and see what's the average before worrying.
for my home, we used braun handheld...chop until very fine...until the garlic can become macham cream man...but think end of life already...didnt see it on the market thats why bought kenwood...

just went to kiddy palace to buy the babysafe bolster...21 after less...really regret not buying at the babyfair at expo...hhh...think only 16 or 17...if only i realise earlier that i need to change boy bolster...hhh...hhh... and the extra bolster and pillow case also so expensive...anyone here got extra to sell me haha...

weighing scale
bought a digital weighing scale too...to weigh my boy.... going to weigh him after his bath later....so excited...

<font color="ff0000">Dymples</font>
really pei fu you....soon to be HK house liao la... when that really happens, i will invite tcs to go your house okie
to air on tv...1st HK house in singapore... hehe

<font color="ff0000">Bear</font>
guess snowy ask you coz u r the 'Master' ma hehe... if i didnt remember wrongly...

<font color="ff0000">Jo</font>
Maybe you need to wait for him to be in fairyland 1st lo..i.e. wait for him to be sound sound asleep then give him ..try try la ho

i just went to stock up my similac stage 2 powder haha...ks...
my bb shd be around 7kg ba.. in tt case she shd be drinking ard 840ml but definitely she's not taking tt amt.. if she can hit 700ml i already v satisfied liao loh..
This morning, feel that my boy left eye seems abit puffy till evening but not red or anything and its time for his 6-in-1 jab so brought him to PD in the evening.

He is near 5mths old, weighing 7.26kg. PD says his weight is okay. Told PD abt him not willing to drink milk and his like for cereals. PD says can give him milk cereals twice a day.
I bought a can of Similac last evening and used abt 18 scoops. I like to sell it @ $25 (I bought it @ $39.50 from Guardian) ... anyone interested? Cos PD recommend mi to give Friso to my boy so wanna sell Similac away.

Pls PM mi.
Hi mommies...

I'm feeling really scared, frustrated and super worried now. Remember me telling you all tat my maid got lump growing below her neck? Got a kind mommy (also on this forum) posted in another thread tat her maid had same thing and it turned out to be TB related.

So I raised this subject wz the doctor tonight at the maid's 2nd review. It turns out this is a highly likely scenario. So tomolo gotta bring the maid to SATA for chest X-Ray and Ultrasound (costs about $100+). Then wait for results which will take about 2-days. He said if it's TB, then the maid would already hv been in the infectious stage about 2-weeks prior to the lump coming out. I'm so so worried now for my children especially my 4-mth bb. The treatment for TB is a long drawn process over a course of 6-mths or longer and involves lots of medications. I really dunno wat to do now... feel so lost and helpless. Scared for my childrens health... then worried about the $$$ portion. Imagine if the whole family gotta go for X-Ray, blood test, and medications? Will cost a bomb! Haiz....... on top of tat... should I send my maid back straightaway if confirmed it's TB? Cos if send her back, like so cruel cos dunno is she able to get proper medical care or not.
sad to hear that. Hopefully ur maid has medically alright... means ur family members are all safe. Wld e best soln now is to make sure u all get far away from ur maid? Dun let her do the cooking for all of u and dun let her touch any of ur 3 gals. Wld that be the best precaution to take now?
Dymples are u online? Can u come onto MSN? got things to share with u.

Transmission rate of TB is 22% for close intense contact. Plus ur kids have been vaccinated with BCG. this gives them a protection of more than 80% but u shd still get them tested. The bad news is that this vaccination don't give the same protection for adults. If ur maid hasn't be coughing, there is no transmission at all.

Don't fret yet.
Mommies with maids,

I would advise you all get them tested for TB. This is because TB is prevalent in countries like Indon and Phil.

There's <font color="ff0000">2</font> types of TB - <font color="0000ff">Latent</font> (aka Dormant) and <font color="ff0000">Active</font>.

Then for active TB, this is further broken down into 2 parts - (1) Infection <u>inside</u> the lungs (2) Infection <u>outside</u> the lungs.

<u><font color="0000ff">Diagnosing LATENT TB in the lungs</font></u>
A tuberculin skin test will show whether you have latent TB. The test also will show if you have ever had a TB infection. See an illustration of a tuberculin skin test.

QuantiFERON-TB Gold is a blood test that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help detect latent TB.3 It can help diagnose TB when results from a tuberculin skin test are uncertain. The test can also tell if a person who has had a BCG vaccination has a TB infection. It requires only one visit to the doctor or clinic, instead of two visits as required for the tuberculin skin test.

<u><font color="ff0000">Symptoms of active TB in the lungs</font></u>
Symptoms of active TB in the lungs begin gradually and develop over a period of weeks or months. You may have one or two mild symptoms and not even know that you have the disease.

Common symptoms include:

* A cough with thick, cloudy, and sometimes bloody mucus from the lungs (sputum) for more than 2 weeks.
* Fever, chills, and night sweats.
* Fatigue and weakness.
* Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss.
* Shortness of breath and chest pain.

<u><font color="ff0000">Symptoms of an active TB infection outside the lungs</font></u>
Symptoms of TB outside the lungs (extrapulmonary TB) vary widely depending on which area of the body is infected.
For example, <font color="ff0000">back pain</font> can be a symptom of TB in the spine, or your <font color="ff0000">neck may get swollen neck when lymph nodes in the neck are infected</font>.
did pd mention y the change from similac to friso?

tis friso lady called me 2nite. was saying tat friso's composition closest to bm. but frm my interpretation, i see it tat friso has less oil components and not as creamy (cos our bm is so). but advg is it is easier to digest. so would like 2 noe y ur pd recommend it.
just being ks, try not to keep ur kids in close proximity to her first? till the result is out. it might not b serious but prevention better than cure.
if i were you, i will keep my kids away from her or i will put her up at the agency first. Think you just have to pay them 1 day few 10s of dollars... if you are concerned about her, you can continue to giver her medical care, just that you have to be concerned over your family too so staying away from her is the best for now. Else seek advice from the doctor or pd
Hmm, your bb n mine is so different. My boi is also drinking BM but he poos everyday and is a few times a day. Almost every diaper got poos and it's like that since day 1.
Did the doctor give you any advise? Maybe you shd try to do everything yourself first, just keep your kids away from her.
Thanks for the link. I asked you cos I feel that you are so learnt in almost every thing/topic here.

Sometime, when I read about your posting in the thread about certain medical thingy/medicine/condition, you are about to give it in a professional view with citation and reference. I'm so impressed. You are just simply like a walking dictionary man
Yes, understand how you feel and I'm also like that. Find it hard to keep track of her intake so now I on total Latching, I dun want to waste my time pumping and in the end, give it to my cats. I just latch on demand.

My friends whose bb just turned 1 month old also had the same problem and she commented that it seems like all previously latched on bb had the same problem??? I dun know as my #1 was TBF latch on bb and she is more than happy to take my breast lay.
PD says Similac not much taste compared to Friso. Maybe thats y my boy doesnt like. And Similac is more of the heaty type that will cause constipation.
I will monitor for 1wk then update u all.

Now on Friso:
Last night 9pm feed, he drank 100ml then dun wan le. I also dun force him. He woke up at 1am and cry so badly. I dun expect him be hungry de .. but hb ask mi issit he hungry so I went to make milk for him. He hungrily drank 100ml and stopped le. This morning 7am, he drank 60ml and dun wan le.

He is on Frisocrem - rice-based milk cereal ... hope when he drinks Friso milk .. he find the taste familiar and will slowly finish it all.
yoyosan: My friend PD said her baby must take 'dophin' brand (sorry cant remmeber the brand name but dolphin on the tin), as it tastes like BM and bb wont reject milk...so its almost flavourless. Similac and friso sweeter.
Dolphin brand is Mamil gold (Dumex)

Jo, when i told me PD my gal dun like milk and her FM is Enfalac, PD say normally babies dun reject Enfalac de.
On wkends when my gal is home with us, my mum and mil will always call to check on her. Their first qn is - 她有没有喝奶?
LOL Her pattern everybody knows
Hi Mommies,

Thks for all the advises. Yup... I'm definately keeping my gals away frm the maid. Thk goodness all these time, the maid has not handled bb cos I will settle everything myself.

Now I've also stopped her from handling anything in the kitchen. But the doc said now take precautions also too late cos if she does hv TB, then the maid would hv been infectious 2-weeks prior to the lump appearing. On a brighter note, the maid has not displayed other symptoms like fever, chills, lethargy, or coughing.

Haiz... Now at SATA. Waiting for the maid to finish her ultrasound. Sianz... Earliest can get back results is 2-3 days.

peanut &amp; lilian,
for our babies, whatever type of FM also no use de.

you also brought Janessa along?
