(2008/11) November 2008

i have one problem with my boy. He must have v sufficient nap before his feed else he wld b super cranky, scream and refuse to drink.

Finally weekend again..been so busy at work hiaz.

My bb finally flipped today! Gosh, now that he knows, he keeps turning sideways in his cot. Cot getting too small for him. Glad I was ard to see him flip haa

Pamela: Wow! Salute u man..u mge to bring back your EBM

Haru, for books, I initially bought the First Foods (same as Bear i think) then recently just bought the 'Weaning' by Sara Lewis =) Very informative and comes with lots of recipes!

I can't wait to start too..but will hang on till 6 mths. Then all of us can share our recipes hee..I probably will start off with the organic brown rice cereal for baby too. Thinking of getting Healthy Times.
agreed that bb tends to fuss/drink lesser when they are sick. Hopefully he can back to himself soon. My gal too, as she has phlegm now, so sometimes she will vomit out her milk when burp...

Welcome back! Bought lots of cholcolates??
=> Fencing: you can buy the haenim playard to surround the playmat.. I bought 6 panels from a shop at chinatown. Can find at kiddypalace too. It is v. useful if u are taking care of bb alone and need to do some household chores..

=> Blender
Yes, u-like is a recommended brand. It can blend all sorts of things eg: ikan bilis, it can blend till powder form. It is very good cos ikan bilis has v.high calcium and we can add in porridge for them when they are older. Can bought from Isetan.

yes, bb at this age tends to be easily distracted by the surrounding when drinking milk. Sometimes my girl will cry when the teats go in and once we take out, she happily smile at us.. ** Faint right **

u didnt tell ur maid not to let ur boy sleep after 7pm? or she keh kiang?
Ooo thanks for the tip Joyce & Haru.
Will go check out the blender & fencing next weekend!! Darn tempted to buy the playmat.. it's so cute!! I also wanna roll around in it! LOL

Haru, i think the blender is to make mushy foods for the baby to eat when they start on their semisolids.

Chocolates there are delicious! S$8 for 11-14 pieces of handmade "fresh" chocolocate.

Bringing back EBM
ya very lucky.. the milk was still completely frozen after 14 hrs. Dry ice is super wonderful!!

Carcinogenic-free products
I am thinking of switching bb and my own shampoo!! superparonoid about cancer. Any brands to recommend? BTW did you know tt the stuff they use to dry clean your clothes also uses cancer-causing agents?
i'm also very tempted to buy the playmat. it's from SSW issit? with pooh and tigger..?
And yah, i also wan to get the fencing around the playmat. Could you keep me updated if you are able to find more about the fencing?

for the fencing, can we use it to 'fence' around a single bed mattress if placed on the floor? If it can, then can use for both the playmat and mattress. Kill 2 birds..
I do my last pump before I sleep at about 11.30pm (after feeding BB). By the time I finish is about 12mn. Then next feed 6am. Overall output for the day is less abit of coz (because when your breast is full, it produces less) but my daytime supply not affected. If you want, you can try to stretch and slowly drop the night feed. BUT YOU MAY GET MENSES ok. And if want to drop the night feed, stretch the interval at night slowly. Like start tryin 4am... then 4.30am... then 5am... then 5.30am... then 6am ur baby feed le = drop liaoz. But you monitor slowly... see how much ur supply affected coz mine is not much but I cannot guarentee for yours hor.

$5.50+$1+$0.30 = $6.6
Order has ALREADY been placed. Please be fair to me.
Yoyosan, Pamela

I also bot the LG Prime bumper playmat. But mine is Hello Kitty design. If you babes getting the play fence, count me in too. Tink maybe if buy more can get discount? Heheh...
karen: talk about self wean.. i think my bb is one of them.. he all the sudden refuse my breast.. he used to just only want to breastfeed and not formula (bottlefeed). recently just last week, he refuse my breast.. he only want the bottle. is that self-wean? when he is hungry, i offer him the breast.. he refused and will keep crying. when i make him the formula, he finished the whole bottle.. At least I have total breastfeed him for at least 5 mths.
yes u can. If u are getting 4 panels, then i think u need to place ur mattress against both wall so that n can use the 4 panels to blocked the rest. Otherwise, can consider getting 6 panels, think it should be enough to blocked a single mattress.

since ur last pump is ard 12am and the next one is 6am, has ur mensus come back? I am also pumping 6hourly now and my last pump was ard 11pm and the next one ard 5am.. I hope my mensus wont come back soon!
okie coz i add add also cant get 6.6 but 6.8.
$5.50+$1+$0.30 = $6.6

okie now i trf 6.6 incase its really not 6.6, pls let me know again ho..
u hv name/address of the shop in chinatown that sells the playard? how it looks like?

btw, regdg menses, i pump at 10pm and next abt 6am, it came back last month. sigh!
must be very torturous for you that night...must tell your maid next time dont 'kge kiang' else next time u wont b comfy leaving bb alone with her liao ah...

Thanks alot..my friend say she bought 9.80 and i remember that avent bottle is not as expensive as NUK so thought she might 'bei pian' liao...she bought frm some bp in other portal

How much is the panel/fence?& how big huh?

Transfer done liao ho

I want to get new bolster for my boy, any brand to recommend? thought of 'babysafe" but like very hard ho..i want those abit soft 1 but wonder if it will make a good hug coz boy has been sleeping on this side so was thinking is a hard one or soft one is better. Soft one - he can lug around like a 'blanket'. Hard one - reduce suffocation but think rite now they know how to turn/hold their head liao so wont be suffocate la ho???????? any advice?

I bought kenwood...mini one...only $37.....
Haven yet. But we never know lor. At least my day pumps are also 5-6 hrs so hopefully my body thinks its a normal interval & not coz no need milk.

Sorry I type wrongly. Its $5.50+$0.80+$0.30=$6.60. Total is correct.
hey mummies,
had a good weekend? hubby and i brot baby to east coast today. actually we went there to stuff ourselves silly with satay, curry puff and duck porridge. baby was sooo happy when we strolled around e beach. took loads of photos..hahaha...

i see..i wanna delay my menses returning so i guess i should just stick to my twice nightly pump for now. normally my output is between 80-120ml each pump. so i am kinda thinking it good to do the twice nightly pump to add on to my day EBM. kinda paranoid about my ss decreasing esp since its not super abundant now already so any output is precious..

Re:playmat and fencing
Pam, do keep us posted if you are checking it out ya?
Dymples: I love Hello Kitty!!! where did you get e playmat?? =P *excited*

Re: flipping
my baby is so close to flipping..her hand just seems to be in e way and she gets so frustrated, haahhah..quite funny to watch her. i love it when i help her flip and she does the "mini pushups", so cute!!!
can i ask what thickness is ur playmat? just searched online around for the mat and found out its not cheap..but its soo cute, i want one! hahaha..even hubby agreed it looks pretty good in quality.
Fencing for playmat

ok I will be going Marina Sq Kiddy Palace on Tuesday.. will keep you guys posted on the price.

I think so far there are 4 mommies interested (dymples, haru, yoyosan & me) I doubt Kiddypalace has bulk discount so if anyone knows the chinatown place tt sells it, help us ask ok?

Yah I am sooo tempted to buy the SSW playmat. I prefer the Parklon designs but I think LG prime has better quality.

No leh nvr take pictures. all in my tummy leow! but it is superdelicious.. if you ever head up there must buy the Leonidas brand -- cheaper and better than godiva!

when I went back to work, there were a couple of days where I had a 5-6 hr gap. Next thing i knew, my menses returned. Sigh...

Smelly Fart & No Poo
My baby's fart is darn smelly! It used to be Ok but now it's super chow. She is on total BF. Any mommies hv the same problem?
Oh and she didnt poo yesterday at all. Is this normal?

Oh... You like Hello Kitty too? My whole kitchen is Hello Kitty. Heheh...

Anywayz... I got my playmat from an online store called Babejoy. They will b delivering to my house this Tuesday. According to seller, the thickness is only 11mm. But then... Her selling price is only $138.80 inclusive of handling fee. No extra chrgs for home delivery. Quite cheap yah.
Thks babe... For Chinatown tat store, let me call tomolo to chk. I'll also chk bb hyperstore at kaki bukit. Cheers...

Aiyohz... Me juz returned from Batam a few hours ago. Now feeling super "high" like tat. Too tired frm all the swimming, shopping n most important... Chasing after my 2 energizer bunnies. *LOL*
Pamela, Dymples:
The place in Chinatown is called Cheong Choon. You can google for the contact. I bought my Parklon bumper playmat from them.
Good morning mummies

My baby's fart is super smelly too, esp when she's constipated. She's on total BM but think it's what i ate that's affecting her poo and fart smell...

Milk Supply:
I was at the PD last week for my bb's jab and there was this caucasian mummy who had just delivered her baby a week ago. She went to express while waiting for her bb's turn and when she was done, she came out of the nursing room with 2 filled medela bottles of BM! Although i don't know how much the medela bottles can hold but to fill up 2 bottles after giving birth only a week ago is a great feat to me. I looked at her with envy because i remember i was struggling with expressing 20 - 40ml even after 1 month of giving birth
Gd mrning mummies

Milk Supply :
Waterbaby, I can understd hw you feel.I really envy mummies can express milk effortless n the amt is so much !
pamela: are you referring to cheong choon at chinatown? I visit their often as office near there, lady called Winnie. Let me know if u want her no. Its next to OG
So sad.. i so enthusiastic to order the B3000 pink jar but forgotten all about it becos of busy work!!! Now spree is over.. i wan to cry..
Morning Mummies,

I have transfered the $$ to you on Sat, kindly confirm.

I think you post Z's month wrongly in the fb. Our bb not 5 month old right?
Gd morning!

Pamela, thanks! so no hassle at all? ur cooler box was how heavy? is there a limit for hand carried luggage? i thought it was gonna be very heavy. I was supposed to go to Cairns next mth but till now i haven't gotten the final approval. Trip might be postponed till Jul/Aug. My co has this bad habit of only approving trips the wk before we are supposed to fly!

Re: blender
I read from some where it where ever possible, try to mash carbo rich food (sweet potato etc) rather than blend it. Supposedly, mashing will help keep the necessary nutrients and enzymes intact so u won't get a starchy paste while blending won't..

Haru, u are not the only one.. going back to 4hrly pumping is killing me too! finally fell sick today with a cold. i can hardly function at work and honestly my work standard is dropping. That's why i m trying to tahan for 6 mths.. aft that i can drop one pump at night.
by then bb on solids, they won't need as much milk as before. The book i m reading is called First Foods by Anna Jacob, Pauline Chan, Samantha Thiessen, Janie Chua & Wong Yuefen. this book is more of a local context. I got another book written in the US called First Meals by Annabel Karmel.

Waterbaby, hahah that's why caucasians' boobs are so much bigger than ours!!!
i tink Bear meant 5th month

Playmat is softer. ABC u need to 'assemble' them while playmat u juz roll/fold
I remember some say t ABC mats contains some kind of toxic. I can't be sure

If the BP response is gd, i'm sure t organiser will do the BP again. Don cry!
Snnowy, ya Lilian is right.. its the 5th month i.e. turning 4 mths onwards.
i.e. when he was borned, it was the first mth. aft 4 wks he was in his 2nd mths. get it?
Hmm, that sounds more like a nursing strike actually. Usually babies won't self-wean until more than a year old.

Baby's smelly farts/poo
Mine too!

Baby's private area
Hmm, speaking of which, my girl's private area smells... normal. Fishy. Shouldn't it be odourless?
Ya, i can only envy the milk supply. Where on earth did they get the milk from after one week post delivery?? I also want to go there and get!!

someone told me boob size is irrelevant to milk ss but i seriously think that person was trying to console me! hahahaha i really think big boobs = more milk!
<font color="ff0066"> Blessed11</font>
The ABC paymat is harder and comes in many pieces which you need to fix up. Whilst the the bumper playmat is softer in comparison and it comes in 1 big piece. I've used the ABC mat before and I feel tat the bumper playmat provides more cushion. Yup. I also agree tat the bumper paymat is more ex. Actually, both types of mat are suitable for bb's. Juz up to personal preference. HTH's.

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>
Oh.. thks for the advise. In tat case, I'll use the blender for veggies only. So far, my 2 older gals, I never give starchy foods leh. Until they were old enough to chew. heheheh... But for #3, I may experiment wz a wider variety. heheheh...

Ok... I'm going out liaoz. Sending #1 to school and then go makan. Chat later...
Pamela: I read somewhere as long as bb is on full breastmilk, its ok even if he doesn't poo for a few days. Personally, my bb max 2 days without poo. SO far its been like this...not more than that. Maybe you can monitor further? Is there a fix cycle like mine? or watch for signs like feeling difficulty trying to poo, or cant drink much cos havent poo etc etc.
hi dymples,
i cant access the website. will try again in a day or two..let me know how ur LG playmat works out ya??

my bb's fart is pretty smelly too! and she loves to fart while i am changing her, cheeky!!

i know how you feel. yesterday i was nursing baby in nursing room and i saw a mummy with 2 filled medela bottles of EBM after she pumped. so envious!! but then i tell myself i have no shortage now so just gotta quit comparing.if not i will get depressed..

Bear &amp; gladglad,
thanks! will go check out e books.

ya, i also tell myself will drop one night pump when baby is on semi solids, but i think i will still get paranoid about ss dropping then and end up dragging myself out of bed to "milk" myself..hahah..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mommies - I am from the Sept 08 thread. Want to check if anyone is keen on a Fisher Price 3-in-1 rocker swing cos I got it for my son and he doesn't quite use it (cannot sit still, too hyperactive!) and it is taking up space in his room. Its hardly used and almost brand new. Original price is >$200, but am okie to let go for $90.

Details at:

Pls PM me if keen
glad: thanks for the link..lucky i ask otherwise wait get wrong book..this one more localised which is better than foreign ones.

Dymples: thanks...finally know the difference. thanks
Hahaha i try not to compare too cos think will get low self esteem after a while :p But i can't help but envy...

My bb's like yours, like to fart AT me whenever i'm changing her. Wonder what makes babies fart so much...food we eat? I have tried to avoid wind inducing food and still my bb farts like there's no tomorrow!
