(2008/11) November 2008

Gd morning!

Re: solids
I see so many of u getting excited abt feeding solids. I can't emphasize enough that babies DON'T need anything else but milk for the first 6 mths of their lives. If u are WILLING to put ur bbs at a higher risk of developing allergies, then of cos, by all means go ahead and feed solids. In the US, mothers are told to check with their PDs before starting solids, but over here, ppl seem to su ka su ka start when they feel like it. Honestly, i find it ironic that u guys are worried abt using products that contain trace amounts of carcinogens but still gg ahead to feed solids. Of cos there are some of u who have gotten the go-ahead from ur PDs (Happy and Lynn). If ur PDs say can, then go ahead cos some babies are able to take solids earlier or medically needed to start solids earlier. but if u haven't checked with ur PD or have check and PD says to wait, and u are gg ahead to feed cos u cannot wait then i really dunno what to say.

Haru, u mentioned that u placed a slice of papaya on ur gal's lip and she was licking it. I think she wasn't licking. that was tongue thrust reflex, i.e. using her tongue to PUSH foreign objects away. cos if she is ready for solids, she will be eating it, not licking.

Mosh, Peanut, poor u! just keep telling urselves, its just a phase.. hang in there!!
my hb also excited abt giving semi-solids. I juz keep shaking my head.
Anyway, he went ahead 2 buy a tin of frisocreme, juz to keep in the cupboard =_=
I think to him, and probably some mummies here, giving solids is another new development phase to look fwd to. It fun to witness baby trying new stuff.

mosh, peanut... my bro MSN me complaining my baby so noisy tis morning. Woke up 6+. Kept screaming and wanting to be carried. Refusing milk too.
I pity my mother. She look so worn out.
I feel very guilty to my baby and my mum lor. Am i thinking too much again?
yes, we thought abt it b4
Maid is not possible now coz no room in the hse for her.
Nanny is an option we can explore. (peanut, ur MIL want another rascal? hehehe :p)
InfantCare my mum disapprove.
my maid sleeps in the balcony ... my PIL sleeps in the other bedroom instead of their own master bedroom and its empty. Cant b asking maid to sleep in master bedroom too.

Asked my maid if she got fever or cough, she said got wind only ... and I saw 3 red scratch on her arms .. dunnoe what she did. Once she use coin to rub her side of tummy cos of constipation .. this time dunno issit use coin/finger to rub her arms to get rid of wind. Haha.

See you all later! Hehe.
u sure she feeling ok now? Of cos can join us lagi good..!! But if she not feeling good wait scared she no energy to look aft ur bb how
When she told mi she wanna go get medicine, I say you dun feel good, u sit down n rest. And jus now I tell her if she not okay .. jus tell mi .. I can dont go out de .. she say she ok. Juz now still wash toilet, mop floor leh ...
u siao si bo... my mil taking in another bb i already not v happy.. one more from u ah??!!! wahahaa.. wait i torture ur bb ah kekekee... pervert lei..

No lah u not thinking too much, if me i'll also feel v guilty.. but then no choice wat.. try not to tink that much lor..
hahaaa.. ok lah.. then u monitor her lor.. make sure her face not white like sheet .. Or mayb let her rest a bit 1st so later when she take over before u come out she'll feel more energize
Bear, I feel that the way u say is a bit harsh lei.. I'm also going to intro semi-solids to my boy about 2 weeks later, and judging from what I know, we should still offer baby most of his milk first before giving him cereal to try. Thus it won't affect his milk intake. And basically is just for him to taste and learn with just a few spoonful. However I agree that mummies should ask PD first before going ahead to feed baby. Cause my doc also gave me green light liao..But then for my #1 i only fed him semi-solids at 6 months...
my Mil also suka giv my bb rice cereals liao.. -_- If i'm going to tell her hav to ask PD she sure gave me the buey tahan look and of cos.. her fav phrase NO NEED ONE LAH!! Wat can i say.. sometimes i try not to giv too many comments, esp since i've already complained thru my hubby a # of time liao.. I jus make sure she using the cereals for 4mths old
balcony can sleep meh?
My parents' balcony is house to a gang of lizards!
Their hse already holding 6 adults and 1 baby (and a lizard family), no space liao

u tink i realli siao one meh?
Re: Bibs
I managed to place the order already.

Veggies - 5
1. Shop4stuff
2. JJMom
3. Maria
4. Snnowy
5. Olwen

Sunshine - 6
1. Babyzel
2. Babyzel
3. Milderina
4. Fifi
5. Peanut
6. Yoyosan

Bless This Mess - 4
1. Alibaba
2. Yoyosan
3. Joyce
4. Favoured

Gem from heaven - 4
1. Babyzel
2. Mildy
3. Fifi
4. Bear

Happy Child - 6
1. Bear
2. Peanut
3. Alibaba
4. Bibi
5. Happy
6. Favoured

Price: $5.50 per bib
Postage: $0.80 for 1, $1 for 2
Envelope cost: $0.30

Posting is done by the shop and the cost is stated by them.

Bibs are made in china.

Please pm me your address if you have not. I will reply tonight to let you know my bank account number. If you already have it, go ahead and transfer.
whahaa.. i know u joking abt getting my mil to look aft one lah.. Anyway even if u serious i dun tink my mil wil wan to take in another one.
My fav phrase is siao si bo.. so dun get offended lah.. like my hubby he not happy whenever i say him siao.. wahahaa..
by RIGHT, cannot .. by LEFT, can loh. Haha.
My fren's maid ... she wants to sleep in the balcony from the first day she came in.
I think ur MIL will consider taking in loh. haha. Then both bb gals shall lie beside one another .. and maybe only then they see one another and willing to drink milk eh.
come on... i sound offended meh? cheh... Rem olwen always say we two cheeky cheeky?
Today is friday, i can't wait to go off man!
I also always say my hb siao
Wah... drink milk session! Recently Alyssa drink milk oso fussy. Need warm to a certain temp then she want. Sigh.

But these few days she did increase her feed (although fuss). So I shall not complain.
Can get all your babies together a form a "dun want milk milk' bb club. Hahaha

Later your mil lie 3 babies together on the mattress, make 1 big bowl of rice cereal and 1 mouth each (like the older day, 你一口,我一口)Wahahah

Yes, I agree it is best not to introduce solid so soon. i intend to start even later than 6 months like 9-10 months onward. I remembered my #1 was gaining weight constantly untill we started solid at 6 month and her weight actually become stagnent. So for #2, I will wait cos my sis(senior nurse) tell me milk is baby staple food till 1 yrs old.
hi mummies,
i have been so busy with work and baby that i have no time to log in here.

how are u doing? hope u are coping well and ur maid will be fine.

re: milk intake
just increased bb's milk to 140ml per feed yesterday. she managed to finish..=>

hi Bear,
thanks, i am also planning to put off giving her solids till 6 months. my parents were planning to give her when she is 5 months. but i think i will just tell them to hold it off for one more month.
No lah. She fuss even before her feed increase. And the increase is she ownself want de. Drink le not enuff so we give extra.

But I read somewhere as not to intro too late too (max is about 8 mths) as that will affect their ability to chewing, etc.
hello mummies,

my no.3 is also borned in nov 2008. Have an older boy (2005) and girl (2006). I do read this thread occasionally too though never posted here.

on the topic of introducing semi-solid... below is an article.


semi solid should not be introduced too early.. especially if baby is not ready (eg. tongue thrust reflex still there, cant sit and support head firmly yet etc).

on allergy, guess moderation is required here... maybe dun be overly agressive in introducing new food

On delaying introduction of semi-solid/solid till after 8mth, hmm just do know that chewing is important for oral muscle development which is in term important for speech development. In fact, a friend told me that shichida in one of his book even states that a delay in semi solid _may_ cause speech delay.

guess we just need to strike a balance...
I sent PM to most of you with my bank account. Some haven send yet coz I reached my limit of 10 PM in an hour. Din even know got this limit. Lolx.
poohy: great article there..thanks so much i tink 6 mths is a good guide and not beyond 7 mths. :p whatever it is we shld ask PD for advice which i wld do at the end of this mth when bb goes for 2nd dose rota. (5 mths baby).
Lilian, hahah tell ur hb he has his whole life feeding ur gal solids! for me i really dun wanna rush through stages if i can.. like them enjoy being themselves. tell him for their own gd lor.

Sabre, I wasn't targetting u. Moreover, u said ur PD gave u the go-ahead, so pls do. I m saying in general, a lot of mummies are worrying over the J&J hoo ha, but willing to take the risk of giving their bbs allergies by introducing solids early, which to me is a big irony. Those who actually read the J&J article, did u notice that the report doesn't tell u anything abt sampling methodology? i.e. they took 2 samples of J&J products. nv say take 2 only or 100 samples of 2 different products. this is very important cos of sampling error. And like i said, i m very direct one. I just say things as it is. i m not malicious, cos i feel that its better to share info and show everything in perspective rather than just worry abt sensational news all the time when there are other things more immediate to worry abt..

Peanut, well i dunno wat to say abt ur MIL lah.. i know wat I WILL say to my MIL if its was me. but then again, i dun live with her and u do.
and then again, i am the type who say my mind else my head will explode!! kekeke...

Snnowy, best ask ur PD when's the best time to introduce.
i dunno what's the side effects of introducing so late..

actually u can start by reading up.. i got 2 books to read, and also got my baby cubes. i got everything except the food and the blender. may be it will help u by teaching u wat to intro first, how to prepare it etc.
its rather fun really..

Poohy, exactly.. i m a hypersensitive person. u dunno how much torture i m in when my nose gets 100% block..its like u are underwater all the time. plus swollen eyes, itchy skin etc. that's why i feel very strongly of not introducing solids until the PD says so.

Jus wan to share with you that i bought a comprehensive hospital plan for my baby. WIth less than $0.70 a day, the hospitalisation bill will be taken care of =)
Solids/ blessed11
Why not beyond 7 months? I really think we should follow baby's solid readiness rather than reading the age. As Kellymom stated clearly in their website, that they should be able to sit up without support, not thrush out their tongues, etc. then they're ready. Furthermore, for as long as until 2 years ago, baby can totally rely on breastmilk for nutrition and only eat solid food for added texture and to practise motor skills.
I read somewhere also that cannot delay too long as it affects their chewing development.

Anyway, its not sit up without support. Its sit up with some support & head does not flop without support. Minor difference here.

The part about the tongue thrust reflex is important too. I dun think total BM is for 2 years. That's too long. Anyway, do check with your PD.
Re: mike intake
My boi has been weird and refuse to finish his milk.Normally,he can finish 170ml but these days,cant even finish 100ml at almost every feed.Hopefully,he can return to his normal self when he is fully recovered from his flu.

Re: solid
I will strongly and prefer not to intro solid tooo early unless,your baby is really ready and with PD advices.
If possible,i will try to delay till when he turns at least 5.5mths old.

I do read tat cannt delay for too long. It affects their abilities to chew and development.
I think bottomline is try to delay till 6 mths then check with PD. Once BB is ready and PD give go ahead, dun delay too much after that.
Hi Mommies,

I am back from Belgium. Managed to bring back all my EBM successfully!!! YayYayYay

Dang-- i also want the bibs! Fifi, count me in for the next BP oki?

Mantoubear/ Travelling & Expressing
You are heading to Indonesia right -- how many days? Then it is a shorter flight or less than 3 days then so should be easier. But if you want to bring back your EBM, you need 3 important things when you are in Indon: Freezer, dry ice, and stryofoam/cooler box. Follow the instructions on the link i posted last time and I have this brilliant article from Bluebear that I can share with you if you want. If you hv any questions, call me. I will guide you along best I can =)

Thanks so much for the article it was really good and came in superhandy!!!!

My PD said start at 6 mths.. so gonna hang in there first. But can't wait!! am shopping arnd for the blender thingy already -- Other than Kenwood, anyone has any recommednations!?

Parklon/LG Playmat
I recall there were some mommies who bought it-- can I ask if you know where to buy the fencing that can surround the mat? I wanna use it as a playpen =)
I know you are saying it in general la, so conclusion is, ASK PD BEFORE ANYTHING!!! Don't happy happy then feed baby semi-solid, hahha... Most importantly must read up more about it too... Anyway babies grow up very fast, so before u know it, they're 6months liao!! Hahaha...

I read somewhere they were recommending a U-Like blender...But I haven't got the time to go see it...
Morning all...

Fifi-thanks for organising the spree...

Feeling crappish today...supposed to head to gym with the gals, but not feeling well. Want to pack my room which looks like a tornado just went thru it, but feel so sluggish. Sigh.

How was the KTV last night? Sorry couldn't make it.=( Peanut's right, mothers are so prone to making last min cancellation, haha.

bought this baby food maker thingy from the baby fair...so excited bout using it...now waiting for baby to grow up a little more...
Re: Bibs
Please be reminded to pay. Have received payment from Bear, Happy, Joyce, Favoured, Maria.

Bear & Favoured:
Din know there was a 30c envelope cost by the shop so the amt I got you 2 to pay me is abit short. You can either transfer to me or I can count into next spree.
h mummies,
its e weekend!! yawn..i can really feel e night pumping taking a toll on me. i seem to always be in a daze. i guess my sleep has become short duration of sleep like 2 hours..wake up pump..2 hours, wake up to latch, etc..so not had straight 6 hours sleep or more for a loooong time. am contemplating reducing to 1 night pump but afraid the ss wil be affected. now i am puming once at 12am and once at 330am. (baby last feed normally around 830pm and wakes up for first feed at 6 or 7am)

hi Bear,
can i ask whats e book u are reading? would love to get some reading materials to find out more bout how to go about into semi solids when she is ready. whats the baby cubes?? =P

you did it!!! way to go, babe!

Re: blender
is it mainly to blend and puree stuff like carrot, pear, etc?? what else can we use it for?
oh ya, noticed my baby doesnt seem to be very interested in taking milk since yesterday. cried after latchin on a while..let her rest a while, tried again and she cried..she is happier just us carrying her walking around..oh dear...
I mean total weaning - total baby-led weaning. I don't mean the introduction of solid. I think we can introduce solids at 6 months onwards. But total weaning, that's a different story. This is about self-weaning.

I read here that baby must be able to sit up without support not with some support.
Yesterday gathering was fun but a DISASTER when I got back home!

All the while, I do not let my boy sleep after 7pm. And yesterday after I went out at 5pm, he slept till 6plus. And after his 7pm feed, maid let him sleep from 8-10+pm. FAINTZ. And he woke up at 10+pm, refuse to drink his milk for an hr .. cant even spoonfeed him as he spit all out. Think he only drank like 70ml in total? Then he slept at 12am and woke up at 4plus and finish like 90ml and refuse liao. Never force him to drink le coz mummy wants to sleep. Haha. Then next feed in the morning 9am.

Why I so 'pai mia'???

I manage to squeeze into & button up my fav. jeans today. Hooray!

its $8.40 for the 4oz Avent Bottle. coz i still have one unopened one in the box. ha...you need one? now i only use the 4oz bottle to pump, coz using the bigger bottle for her bottle feed.

my hubby and i also try not to let baby nap after 6pm. so that she can tahan until her feed around 830pm, bath then bedtime.

actually i am already starting to think how i should do it when hubby and i have a good friend's wedding to attend in september. coz she has this bedtime routine already and i dun wanna mess it up. once we tried to bring her to grandma's place after her bath thinkin she would fall asleep..turned out a total disaster, she was screaming non stop until my hubby brot her home then she finally fell asleep.
