(2008/11) November 2008


Sorry to intrude. But can anyone who has given birth at TMC advise me on the charges? I will like to go for single bedded room but worried that it may be too expensive.

Thank you

sabre and cc, thanks for the advice and info! i tried to apply more cream but it is quite dificult to clean off... but i suppose it is ok, since the crean is for protective purpose?

I also apply ruyi oil to bb after shower. wipe it in your palm till warm and place your palm on bb stomach.

Michelle, if bb spits a small amount of milk after or bet feed i think it is still fine. But shd consult PD if bb has excessive spitting associlated with poor weight gain. I read from a booklet by Singapore Baby & Child Clinic: Recurrent vomiting of more than half the milk feed, more than 2-3 times a day, is not normal and shd be seen by Doctor.
My bb was so comfortable in the Beco carrier. She was sleeping so soundly. It was rainy and cool in Sentosa yday so the carrier wasn't that warm to carry. I'm sure going to use it often cos at at certain places stroller is definitely not that convenient. i use my stroller at underwater world, damn crowd and so many steps, so difficult to move around with the pram.

My doggie is coming 4 yrs but sometimes he still behave like a puppy, very playful. I used to let him roam the whole hse so now with baby, he's definitely going to remain free to walk around as well.Maybe i jus have to keep a lookout and teach him not to get too close to bb.

There's a spore retailer for Beco Carrier. I bought it from her. Think if u buy more she can give u better discount. Mine's a Beco Butterfly. Usual is $210, i got it at a discount, $190 as i bought 2. You may contact Ashley@91824444, she's the sole distributor in spore.
Ru Yi Oil :
I find it useful cos it brings comfort to the tummy. My bb will stop whatever she doing and remain really still when i apply the oil on her. She loves it!
<font color="ff6000">Michelle</font>
I'm planning to do the full month buffet on 20/12 for relatives and close friends. As for HB's and my colleagues, we'll send full month packages. CC has mentioned Melrose and I saw that their combos are quite good as well. Now torn between Patridge Pear for their uniqueness and Melrose for their value combos.
ak you all mummies ah.. your below still pain? it normally takes how many days or weeks to heal? Mine is going to 2weeks liao.. below is still so pain. =( i see for myself below.. everything looks fine! no lumps or anything leh. sighz.. it really pain till very xin ku... so hard for me to do things too.
fabbie, my there not pain anymore. it takes abt a few days (prob abt a week) for the pain to go away for me... if it persists, mabe you shd see doctor to check?
thats so good to know!! how old is ur baby now? can you see the baby when in the carrier? coz my baby is quite small size.. ya, coz my stroller is super heavy and bulky i can only use it at certain places. so other than that i will have to use the Beco or the sling carrier.

no more pain for me liao..is urs a sharp pain or just "bruised" kinda feeling?
Hi mummies!

The pain sometimes comes and goes for me. I actually had some pus so went to see GP and took antibiotics and put some cream, so it's still feels like not fully healed yet.
<font color="ff6000">Avent ISIS IQ UNO</font>
Hi mummies, like to check if anyone using this Avent Single Electric Breast Pump? Like to get some feedback, thxs!

She's 7 weeks old. Can see her head but still a bit low in the carrier even when i use the infant insert. If ur baby is totally hidden in the carrier even after adjusting the length, i suggest u use it slightly later when she grows up more.

IS yours natural birth? My wound heals really fast. After 3-4 day already not pain. U may want to consult ur gynae to be safe. Just call and ask.

I usually bathe my bb around 9.30am. 30 mins or 1 hr after her feed, if not she'll be so hungry and she will scream, wail and kick so hard that it'll be difficult to bathe her.
<font color="ff0066"> Sabre</font>,
Wah... your BB sounds so easy to take care leh. Lucky you! hehehe...

<font color="ff0066"> alibaba &amp; blessedmum</font>,
Thks for the feedback on washable breast pads. Ok... will go and get a pair to try out.

<font color="ff0066"> BB's 1st mth</font>,
Oh dear... I'm celebrating BB Janessa's 1st mth on the 20th Dec but her actual 'man yue' is on 17th Dec. Haiz... can't change to any earlier date cos too late to re-arrange the cakes and caterer. Somemore the function room is not avail on the weekend b4.

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
Wow!! You so lucky to hv such a good CL tat can cook well.
tink at the end of the confinement, you'll need to 'bao' big red pkt for her liaoz.

<font color="ff0066"> Babyzel</font>,
Oic... yah. If your doggie used to running around the house then cannot put doggie in play-pen. But will be good to train doggie that BB is 'fragile' so must b careful when around BB.

<font color="ff0066"> Fabbie</font>,
My bottom after 1-week not pain liaoz. In fact, when I discharged from hospital on Day 3, can walk from the ward to the car without much pain liaoz. It's only e area around my backside that is sore... but this is due to swelling during the delivery process. If your wound still pain, it's better to chk wz your gynae in case there is infection.
me too! also want my baby to sleep more but sometimes it can be a real challenge putting her to sleep. and when i do, she tends to wake up easily (even when she yawns, she will suddenly cry). hope that she will grow out of this phase soon. they say that babies are generally easier after their 1st month..=P

i have the Avent Isis Uno. not bad so far, altho i have not used it alo as i am doing latching most of e time. =>

i see! ya, i will prob use e sling carrier first until she is a little bigger so that she doesnt "disappear" in e Beco carrier!haha..

for those whose babies tend to feed every hour, does that mean that they dun really get to nap then? coz by the time the finish feed, almost time for next feed?
Hello mummies!

Full-month Celebration
Yup, heard that we can celebrate early but no later. I will be having a the celebration on 13th instead of 14th Dec.

Seems like all are BF, me no...
sabre: Yes, booklet says can clear phglem as well. I find it quite good.

karen: ru yi oil, my babylikes it keeps quiet everytime nanny applies for her. I personally love the smell of it and i still use it now, I also use it now to reduce the 'wind' in my tummy.
i tried using ru yi oil but baby still fusses. everytime i put her down when she falls asleep she always wakes up crying again within 5 mins..have to spend long time to pat her to sleep again and then she'll wake again..very tiring. dunno why she wakes up so easily..sigh..end up she like never really sleep. >.<
Haru: Ru Yi Oil my MIL told me has 2 types one for adults one for baby, adults one is stronger, I told her Spore ostly sell one type only, so I am not sure if your baby using the stronger type one...Maybe apply only one drop rub on your palm and apply. Sometimes too hot for them.
ya mine natural birth.. im wondering is it i walk too much or sit too much thats why my wound is still pain.. Yes i heard alot of people told me 1 week or less than 1week the pain will go. but mine still not =( maybe i should call my gynea and ask ba. sighz.. thanks
Haru, did you use the bean bag for your bb? She wakes up easily mabe she is scared or insecure... Could she still be hungry if she wakes up every one hr? Cos there is a period my bb also like this, then i found out it is bec i did not feed her enuf...

ya i like ru yi yu too. Cos it works for me to reduce wind so i thot it shd help bb too ...

Ya Babyzel, i try bathe bb after feed now. Sometimes she still cries ... so during the 1 hr before shower you will just play with bb or let bb sleeps?
ru yi oil
how often can we put on baby's tummy? i see it ranges from after bath, to after changing baby's diapers...?

Mummies! happy hols!

it's a long weekend, but i'm not feeling it, i guess everyday is like the weekend now! but actually it feels more like "imprisonment"! can't wait for next weekend, when both baby and I are "set free" officially! otherwise, i'm only restricted to visits to my downstairs NTUC Fairprice! hee! hee!
hopefully they will change lor.. Yesterday night i only slept at 5plus. N somemore is bcause i headache then ask hubby to handle him..

my son drinks almost every 1 hr.. So usually after feeds he is sleeping de.. I don't think he drink a lot each time, although i have more than enough milk for him.. I suppose everything is ok ba. Weigh him tat day, and he's 3.8kg liao.. Put on 800 grams.. hehe..

Are you swaddling your baby??
End up my MIL wans to have buffet for baby full month.. And I just realised its next weekend, n i haven order the cakes yet!!!!
Hello mummies!

Re: ru yi you
Lucky u all.. my bb is allergic to it.. applied liao got two red patches on his torso. i monitored the amt my CL applied.. just one drop on her hands and she rubbed it on her palms before applying.

Fabbie, could it be internally there is an infection? if pain until so jialat, go and see ur gynae. for me, its when i pass motion (more like loose stools) i have a pain traveling all the way up to my uterus area. gonna ask my gynae abt it..

Krystel, when are u gg back for ur appt? i will be there on 5th Jan, 10.30am.

BF-ing mummies, ur bbs might be having a growth spurt. they occur at 7-10days, 6wks, 8 wks etc.. during this period of time, they need more milk therefore nurse more frequently. dun give up ya? my boy just finished his first growth spurt! he was drinking 100ml of EBM and still it wasn't enough for him.. need another 30ml of FM before he can drift off to slp. then he will wake up in 3 hrs for the next feed! today is better liao.. back to his usual 80ml of EBM and slping 3 hrs.
hi cyn, i was taught to use a nose saline n dripped into bb's nose to soften the mucus, n use a bulb syringe to suck it out. my mom would use a tissue paper , rolled it, stuck into bb's nose n try to dig it out
mornin mummies,
just fed, changed and put my baby to sleep. catchin up here while eating my breakfast.=P

oh dear, how come you only slept at 5am? as its quite a cold day, i swaddled her just now and she is still sleeping, so far so good!!

order ur cakes soon oh!

nope, i never use e bean pillow. will see how she fares with the swaddle..thanks for your advice.=> the thing is my baby wakes up suddenly like within a few mins after putting her to sleep so she is not hungry, more like she frustrated she can't get herself back to sleep.

me too!! actually is confinement 28 days counting from day of baby's birth? i am not sure also coz i have no CL so rules are not really strict for me. my parents even let me go tanglin mall to walk walk when i brot baby to see PD.hee..

Re: breast pads
i am tryin to go without breast pads since tis morn as i noticed i dun leak alot unless during feeding or baby has not fed for quite awhile. quite tired of wearing and changin breast pads all day. so i just put a pc of tissue on e other side when feedin just now in case it leaks. will get the Medela washable pads soon. seems like my disposables are running out soo quickly!
Good morning mummies!!

Havent logged in for many days. Celebrated bb's full month party on sat, so tiring. Was having abit of fever yesterday and breast pain!! First time I experienced breast pain due to engorgement, really painful. Thankfully I still have the pain killer from gynea from the hospital which I can take and it helps on my fever and the breast pain.

bb fussed till 3am last night, crying so fiercely, so heartpain, dont know whats wrong. Maybe its colic. I am watching my diet so see what is causing bb's colic, hope it will help, if not really lack of sleep.
I read a book and I find it true. Babies always feel the need to be carried. To 'trick' them, you have to wait until they're in deep sleep (where their limps are limp) then you can put them down to sleep on their own. That's about 20 minutes after they're fallen asleep. If you put them down when they're in REM, no use.
Doyou mummies set alarm clocks every 3 hrs to feed baby in the middle of the night or do you wait for baby to cry and wake up to feed..? Please advise
<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>,
My BB is feeding is very irratic. Sometimes I seem to be feeding her every hourly. That is... she wakes up, I'll feed her for abt 25-mins each breast.
Total time taken for both breasts is about 50-mins. BB will fall asleep during the feeding. 45-mins later she'll wake up to feed again.

<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>,
Nope I dun set alarm clock. Cos my LC and PD teach me tat if BB is sleeping, dun wake them to feed cos will become bad habit. Let BB wake by themselve, then feed.
This is called feeding on demand. So tat's what I do. So far the past 3-nights, BB has been good girl. Wake up abt 3-4 hourly for feedings.

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
Thks for the info on growth spurts. Maybe this explains why my BB's feeding seems to be so irratic. *scratch head*
dymples: So u wait for Baby to cry then feed? Or make some noises then feed? I am afraid to oversleep and never feed.
Good Morning,

I also didn't logged in for many days. Now busy thinking abt my boy name. So tired.. My boy cried almost every night from 12 midnight till 4am. Now super sleepy..

These few days, i'm having itchy rashes almost everywhere from tummy, thigh, toes, hands. Tried many different method to stop e itch but did not work. i tried using calamine lotion,rice wine n bathing oil from sentitive skin. I think better got to the doc tml. I wondering whether i can go to e normal GP.
Hi Mummies
a wet public hol today.

I'm unable to log on several days cos my mum who is helping me with confinement sprained her back, then my hubby is out of town also..

<font color="0000ff">jynnsan</font>
According to my grandma, can only cut bb's nails after full mth. I cut once already cos it's really long. Let yr bb wear mittens to prevent scratching face.

<font color="0000ff">cc</font>
I do set alarm in the nite but I find it's not accurate at all, cos my bb doesn't follow timing one haha.

I use 2 pairs of Avent washable ones and 2 pairs of Pureen washables. Avent is absorbent and soft. Just change wet ones frequently. Going out, I use Tollyjoy disposables, quality so so, think Pigeon is better choice.

Your bb sleeping pattern and behaviour sounds so much like my #1. Getting her to sleep is really such a chore and I can only nurse her till her diff off. The moments I put her down on cot = Wail!!! i really carried her to sleep thill she is 9 months old. those were the horrible days.

Watched a show on small baby, big pro. Remember Mrs Wong was actually saying that bb was kept awake due to hunger. (#1 was a fully latch on bb till I delivered) So you may want to try giving bb ebm like 50-70ml during the day and latch her on at night and monitor the situation. I'm doing that for #2 and she sleep for 3 hrly before waking for next feed and sleep again after her feed.

I dun set alarm clock neither. I was told that if bb is not hungry, they can sleep past their feeding time. Even for day time, i will also wait till they cry for feed if she miss her feeding
<font color="0000ff">Bibi</font>
Sorry to hear abt yr rashes, ya better see a Dr for early treatment. Hope it gets better soon ya. Take care.
<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>,
I'll wait till BB cry then feed. Dun worry about oversleeping thru BB's feed. If they are hungry, they'll wake up to feed and they'll cry so loudly sure can wake up then.
heheheh... If BB not hungry, they will sleep right thru. Dun worry if they miss a feed or two. In fact, some babies are able to sleep thru the night (i.e from 12 midnight till 6am).
I'm hoping my BB will be like tat lor.

<font color="ff0066"> Snnowy</font>,
I also do the same as you. Feed BB on demand. That is... I feed only when BB crys and is hungry. I dun have any timetable to follow. Juz follow BB's cues lor.
<font color="ff0066"> Bibi</font>,
Could your rashes be due to 'Feng Mo' (Hives)? It's good to see doctor. If it's Hives, doc will juz prescribe some anti-histamines to reduce the itch.
<font color="ff0000">Bibi</font>
I think quite a few of us are experiencing this rashes/feng mo ... including myself. I feel itchy all over the boy for all my 3 post-deliveries, dun know why. The GP will only prescribe antihistamine tabs for me. They will tell you it's hormonal changes. I take Piritons, which is a flu medicine, v safe for breastfeeding.. but it makes one drowsy.

If it really persists, do try and see Eu Ren Sang. Their medicine help me alot..
hi mummies,
my family ordering KFC today for lunch and choc banana cake to celebrate my mum's bday. and my parents gave green light to eat KFC!kekeke..

my baby quite "auto" esp at nite. almost exactly every 3 hours she wil wake up for feed.

is the Avent washable pads comfy? i am thinkin between Avent and Medela washable pads..

i swaddled her just now again after feed. she cried for a while, and only woke up again once so far after i put her down. will continue to monitor if the swaddling works for her! helps that e weather is nice and cool today.=>
<font color="0000ff">Sunshinekid</font>
Sorry to hear that U also experiencing the rashes. Is yours better already? Take care ya.

<font color="0000ff">haru</font>
Avent washable breastpads are comfortable, absorbent and soft, it's recommended by my friend who is bf her bb. She passed me two pairs which she didn't get to use. I think it comes in a box of 3pairs with a laundry bag and cost around $18+ in Kiddy Palace.
Bluebear, need your advice...are you using the nail cutter or scissor? I noted that bb fingernail is kind of long, we have to put on mitten at all time to make sure that he dun scratch himself, but am afraid that we do not know the technique and hurt him. How do you cut? When he is asleep?
<font color="0000ff">jynnsan</font>
I used a pair of bb scissors from Pigeon. I try to let my bb wear mittens most of the time except bathing. Just trim a little bit when he's asleep or he's been fed EBM by my mum. Remember to switch on the room lights ya cos if too dark, we can't see properly then may hurt bb ya.
<font color="ff0066"> Jynnsan</font>,
I bot the Nuk BB nail cutter but find it not sharp leh. Had probs cutting BB's nail wz it. In the end, I use the normal adult nail clipper to cut BB's nails when BB is sleeping.

<font color="ff0066"> Haru, Bluebear</font>,
I'll be going to Orchard again today. Tink I will get the Avent washable pads to try out.
Too bad I missed getting it during the Taka addtl 10% off sale.
Hi mummies!
Long time din log in and chat.Hope everyone is fine.Been busy going out getting xmas gifts and pampering myself over the weekend.Finalli everything is done!

My doggies are Ok with my baby.When he cried,one of them will get excited and run to me,like telling me to carry him.He was like a bodyguard to my bb too.He always sleep under his cot or place tat is nt out of sight to him.
Till nw,i din lock my dogs.I let them roam freely around the hse.As long as they dun disturb the bb,i am fine with it.

You might wana try a popular malay oil,called Minyak Telon.Was recommended by my previous ML.It is gd and nt so strong like ru yi you.Both my gal and my boy are using it nw.The smell is nice too.U can get it at those tradtional malay store or ask your ML to help u buy.

Re: Cut nails
My mum said can onli cut after full mth.I used a normal small nail cutter.Just try cutting little bit when he is sleeping or drinking milk.

Re: feng mo
I oso hav feng mo aorund my neck on &amp; off.I used rice wine to clean it twice a day.And it gets better now.

dymples: wow thats gd to hear...after nanny go back i shld try let bb sleep with me again bcos last time i put alarm clock and wake up every 3 hr!! Then Hubby and I like zombie next morning, i remember once my grandma told me if baby don't cry for milk dont bother feed them cos wait habitual. Good good...will wait for her loud cry..hehe..then i can sleep.

I didn't know we could skip 1-2 feeds...such a relieve to hear, otherwise i darn stress abt her 3 hrly feeds.
