(2008/11) November 2008

hi mosh,

I had the same prob with my MIL too. and I was so upset that she was right in the end that I didnt hv enuf milk for my baby. But i try to tell myself that as long as bb is healthy and getting enuf, and am already trying my best, jus ignore all the other 'noise'. Must get yr hubby to be on yr side and not MIL's!

very painful to pump esp after latching for so long. and nothing much comes out too

hugs mosh.. dun be depressed..
how about telling your hubbie about your problems? maybe he could help you out? =) If ya hub is not solving ya problem then u must tell your MIL to stop giving negative comments that is making you so depress. If im you, that my MIL is too unreasonable i will voice it out loud. If not some aunties just wont understand how we feel de. Cus they always think they are right.
since your baby is 3weeks+, hv u decided if u are doing any celebration and/or giving out cakes? Am getting all sorts of different suggestions from parents and in-laws, both hubs and I are not sure what to do anymore, haha.
Hi all, hope all are well.

I had the following items for sale, if interested please pm me.

1) brand new nursing shawl still in its packaging - obuba brand
design : brick red gerber daisy
Please see this link for the design and original cost

Bought at 37 and letting go at $30.

2) 3 brand new milkbags (25bags per package) and 1 opened package with 24 bags - the first years brand


bought at 19.90 each pack, willing to let go at $56 for all

3) 2 brand new Mother mates hydrogel disc packs - for relieving sore nipples

bought at S$18.50 for a pack of 2 pcs (each pc for each breast), willing to let go at $13 each pack.

see this link for the usage of the hydrogel disc

4) brand new Avent soothing nipple cream still in its box, bought at 20.40, willing to let go at $15

dont force yourself too hard...if no supply...stop...use formula....must take care of yourself too else bb who take care....dont be too hard on the bf issues...though its always said to be good to have but it doesnt kill if u dun bf....anyway you have already given some...and its not as if you do not 1 2 bf...its just low supply...no point getting depression over this
alot of things to clear ho...think we really kiasu..buy so many things and ended up got to get rid of them..its so troublesome rite...
dun b depressed. Get ur hb to tell his mum not to make negative comments. She has no right to comment on yr supply lor. Everyone is different, some mummies dun get a single drop of milk. Cannot compare one.
re : bf
per understanding, to have more milk must drink lots of liquid. try drink 1 glass of water b4 and after bf..thats what my gynae n cousin who bf for 2yrs told me.

for me, i didnt start bf till abt 1wk later coz on medication. and also mix with formula. i pump/latch 1 to 2 times a day only, the rest on formula coz below pain and feeling weak so hubby ask me to take care of myself 1st...which i agree with him too...and so does MIL
mosh, dont be depressed. I'm like you, the first month is the darkest moment of my life. Nearly went into depression. Negative thoughts keep crossing my mind. Anyway, glad that it had passed. Now am happier. If you need a listening ear, can msn me. [email protected].
shop4stuffs, haha.. yahlor, initially very determined to bf but didnt know its such a tough , rough and traumatised journey for me.. now have no use for these items le. a bit sad but still okay lah. Fm is still good.
mosh, i heard even worst comments from my ils and had misunderstanding with my mom. I know how hurting their comments can be. Be brave and if you really wanted to bf, persevere and turn a deaf ear to all. At least in the end, whatever you decide, you had already tried your best. I did tried my best but things just doesnt go my way.
haa.. i oso dun knw why my ss is low.I consult LC and my boy latch on well too.Might b due to nt enff rest bah.But is ok lar.. as long as my boy gets some BM at every feed,and grow well... i just leave as it is like nw.

Just let it out and Talk to your hb.let him understand hw u feel & talk to his mum.You need his support nw.
Dun get stress over bf.Just feed wat u have.And at the meantime,try building up your ss.If nt,jus feed fm.

I guess chillipadi is talking abt the indoor neck floating swimming.

I understand how you feel....

I was in a very bad state for a while too.
Sometimes cried

I didnt engage a confinement lady and i had a c section so it was very tough for the first few weeks...scar painful,still have to bare the pain and feed baby, not enough sleep,looking horrible with the hormone changes, swelling after surgery, baby crying non stop...can go crazy!!
I ever even thought "was it a mistake having a baby"!! But when you think how can i think about things like that I got angry with myself even more.Cuz I love my baby so so much!!

But it got better after time understanding the baby and starting to have my own routine;)

I am a foreigner here and I dont have my parents around so it is very hard to find my own time but I keep telling myself how blessed I am to have this baby and I can't miss a thing about his development, the time the baby is a BABY is really a short period compare to his whole life

I hope you feel better soon!!
I support you!!
Enne, hope your boy will get well soon. Please be strong. I'll keep your baby in my prayers. I hope you are resting enough. Please dont blame yourself, its not your fault. I had a friend whose baby had to go through a few ops due to twisted intestine now doing very well and happy (6 months now). Please think positive, k.
nope, only bath once a day.

i think mine even less than 1oz..=(

dun get upset ok? try to focus on ur baby now ok? all ur baby needs is ur TLC.

i am doing e celebrations at an outside venue as my home is too small to hold everyone.=P giving my guests mini cupcakes to bring home aft e celebrations.
mosh, dun get too upset. Try to ignore her comments ... one ear in, another ear out. There bound to be conflicts staying with in-laws. If you think u cant stand her, maybe go back ur mum's place for few days for a good rest.

I also cant stand my MIL whenever she is at home. Whenever I'm unhappy, I juz ignore her and avoid talking to her. That's the only way ... cos we cant talk back at them.
Mosh: Pls dun be depressed every problem can be solved, initially I also almost run into depression bcos cant sleep feed baby every nite it's my first BB and I am trying hard to adjust, now that Ihear mummies here dun set alarm clock just wait for baby to cry and some mummy even baby only wake up once at nite i feel more relived to hear and wont mind put B back into my room soon...

I think we all need to adjust our lives after baby is born, MILs can be nagy but they normally mean well like my MIL very naggy can repeat and repeat sometime quite pek chek but I know her gd intentions. So i dont blame her.

Older folks have old folk tales/tradition, we can accomodate if we can as much with them..

chilipadi: wow i see ur having a great time with bb, swimming thats so cool..i cant wait to bring my BB out to my baby pool area..i tink she will love it she loves the bath tub bathing time..always eye open o big...LOL

Where did u go for swmming?
I have delivered abt 1 1/2 months and started drinking coke and bubble tea, when can we actualy start on cold drinks?
heard we cant drink until about 80-100 days...i drank i glass of sprit on the full mth...hehe...to pamper myself...after that no more...think its no good for our womb...but think ang mo also drink la
shop4stuff: Hiyoh 100 days so long 40 days oredi find very long...hmmm..i just went to buy bubble tea but no ice...i stocked up on COKE too...very irresistable wor....
you are rite, its a huge adjustment for all of us. i am really happy with my first day alone at home with baby. mum only came for a while to help me w laundry and clean e floor. everything else i managed to handle alone today and really thank God that baby is doin so well today!!even managed to squeeze in a nap twice today for myself. now waitin for her to wake up for feed then will be my first time birthing her on my own. =P

hahah, actually my mum tempted me to have another slice of choc banana cake for tea just now. but i managed to resist!
I haven buy carrier or sling. So I just carry baby out lor.. That's why hubby have to go with me.. Then when eating just eat over him lor.. If got pram den I run out alone liao.. hehe..The baby Bjorn carrier can carry new born ma?? If can den I go buy liao..

If I pump I will pump after baby latched on. For me I feel that I always will have milk de. That is why I refuse to supplement with FM. Somemore baby suck more then will stimulate more milk too. In the day I will try to drink holicks eat oats too. But I don really pump. If you want to increase your milk supply can try pumping or latchin baby on every 2 hrs..

Usually i feed 1 side only. Cause got more than enough for him liao..

No need depress de.. At first my MIL also like tat. But I just continue let baby latch on more. Just ignore them, tell yourself you will have enough for baby de.
Does ur baby fall asleep at ur breast? I dun mind latching baby on, but he always falls asleep, so it's like not drinking at all.....
i used to drink cold water ALL e time too, even when preggie so its a huge adjustment initially not being allowed cold drinks after giving birth. now pretty much used to it and no craving liao. surprisingly i enjoy drinking hot drinks now. but i have e occasional sudden crave for cold water once in a while too..hahah..

I do full latch on and pump when on the other breast that emma doesn't suckle. I normally pump early in the morning as with enuf rest, the breast gets full easily.

Let down happens at different time wif different ppl. i normally use the lowest pressure when pumping so it doesn't hurt the breast. i noticed if i am stress or concern abt the amt of milk i am pumping, the milk pumped is very low. if i am relaxed n watching tv, the milk ss is more n let down is faster. some ppl take as long as 45 minutes to pump. it all depends on individual.

jus ignore ur mil. stress can cause depression n reduce milk supply. stay positive.

the baby swimming went to is the one that happy wrote. emma slept really well that nite after the swimming session.

cold water,
i drank it everyday. could not take the heat. mym mum did not say anything.
Sabre, I think i will try to cut after full month.

Cold drinks:
On and off I have been sipping a bit here and there, really find it very difficult to resist.

Full month celebration:
We are having buffet ordered from Eatz Cathering this Sat and cakes I ordered from Sweet moments.
<font color="119911">Mosh</font>
For my case, it is the CL that is making negative comment.
Whenever the baby cried, the CL keep saying to the baby "never eat enough is it?", made me feel so sad and wonder about it whenever i hear it.
But today, I got a Lactation Consultant in to correct my latching (During the session, in order to demostrate the correct method, the baby drink until refuse to open his mouth). Less than an hour after the consultant left, the baby cried,
The CL made such comments again, made me feel so sad and this time round, i'm 100% sure, the baby cannot be hungry in less than an hour.
hahah same here.. i only have craving when my hub drink cold drinks infront of me.. if not im fine. worst temp is COKE~!
your milk supply sounds really good, so fortunate
dun u get sore nipplies when u latch every hour? my nipples will hurt even from abrasion from my clothes

hv heard quite gd comments on sweetest moments from frens. am considering them too if am getting cakes to give away. their cupcakes look quite pretty hor

my place is too small to hv too many ppl over too, also looking into alternative venues.

u got a lactation consultant to come to your place? didnt know they provide such services. wld hv considered this if i had known earlier, now hv kinda given up already, haha.

mommies who are feeding bbs from the bottle,
do you know how much your baby is consuming at each feed? my bb's appetite seems to be increasing and seems to need more than 80ml at each feed and she is only 2 and half weeks old! is this normal?
greengrape, dunno ur CL is the same CL i use for my #1 leh.... she oso make the same remarks...

Mosh, pls be strong and dun stress urself... like greengrape.. when i was doing confinement for #1... my CL oso make alot of remarks... during feeding she will always come to my room and say "so long ah, bb still drinking"... then finish drinking liao, bb sleep less than an hr or so bb wake up... then she'll say "still hungry is it?" this make me feel as though i do not have enuff.... so i have to supplement with FM... in order to proof her wrong... i bought nursing tea from MIM and more milk plus to help increase my ss... i oso pump every 3 hrs... in the end i managed to pump more than enough for her... and my #1 was on total EBM till she 6mths old...
how much is the swimming ah for ONCE? and how long is the swimming? they say baby about how many months can swim?

yeah lor. thats why im considering also. but abit ex huh? they got this discount if ya a FBI member too!
Hi mummies,

Havent posted in a while. Today super tiring, baby kept refusing to sleep even though he was tired, and he will cry when we put him down in the cot. Luckily now he finally fell asleep.
And he kept refusing the bottle sigh, even though he was ok past few days. He is already more than 1 mth old, but seems like he still prefers to be latched on.

Mummies doing bottlefeedg, which brand bottles u all using? I am using Avent (teat 2), and my mum kept asking me if the hole too small, but I told her teat 2 is meant for 1 mth+ baby. Going to try the Tommy Tippee bottle tml and see how..

Amore: I also doing single side per feeding now... usu dont change coz he will be satisfied after 1 side and I m more sure he is getting the hindmilk.

Shop4stuffs: I usu bath bb between 10-11.30am. Usu before feed.

Fabbie: My full mth cakes, I ordered fr Sweetest Moments too
I find them not bad and packagin nice.
<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>,
I'm was using those Kotex Maternity adhesive pads. Only on Monday, I decided to try using the Laurier normal pads. Thkfully the drapolene seems to help the rash somewhat.

<font color="ff0066"> Dreamyjo</font>
I also bot the Obuba Brick Red nursing wrap. I find it super useful. Now looking to purchase the cream colour one as well.

<font color="ff0066"> shop4stuffs</font>,
Oh dear... it sounds like your stitch may be infected. Cos even if it's discharge, there is no foul smell... prob a slight dried blood mixed wz normal discharge type of smell. Pls do make an appt to see your Gynae asap yah. Cos if it's really infected, you'll need antibiotics to clear it.

<font color="ff0066"> Avent Washable Breasts Pads</font>,
I juz bot mine from Taka. It's $18.70 for 3-pairs. Going to try them tonight. hehehhe...

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
hehhe... no worries lah... after bringing BB out a couple of times, you'll also be able to manage on your own liaoz. The only thing I dun like about bringing BB out is lugging the diaper bag. After 4-years interval... I keep forgetting to pack the smaller items like face towel, my nipple cream, extra change of clothes, etc... *LOL*
After baby turns one mth, they can start. Trial session is $28. Since it's the 1st time for baby, they advise not more than 20 mins. After the subsequent sessions, it depends on baby. Some babies can stay longet up to 30 mins.
Cold drinks
I started after 1 month. Could not resist. Coke was the best!

I find the bjorn really useful. Only challenge is how to eat while wearing baby.

You don't find the obuba wrap warm? Was thinking of getting It but afraid it will be too warm.

Avent nursing pads
Will get mine tomorrow. Find the disposable ones expensive since I change them every day.
December Drugstore Spree

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>Item Description</TD><TD> Unit Price (USD) </TD><TD> Unit Price (SGD) </TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD> Sub-total (USD) </TD><TD> Sub-total (SGD) </TD><TD> Total </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amore</TD><TD>First Teeth A Natural Enzyme Baby Toothpaste</TD><TD> USD 4.49 </TD><TD> SGD 7.09 </TD><TD>2</TD><TD> USD 8.98 </TD><TD> SGD 14.19 </TD><TD> SGD 31.54 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Spiffies Toothwipes Towlettes, Natural Grape Flavor</TD><TD> USD 5.49 </TD><TD> SGD 8.67 </TD><TD>2</TD><TD> USD 10.98 </TD><TD> SGD 17.35 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gin78</TD><TD>Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags </TD><TD> USD 6.49 </TD><TD> SGD 10.25 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD> USD 6.49 </TD><TD> SGD 10.25 </TD><TD> SGD 17.35 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Medela SoftFit Breast Shields 2ea (Standard size, 24mm)</TD><TD> USD 11.99 </TD><TD> SGD 18.94 </TD><TD>0</TD><TD> USD - </TD><TD> SGD - </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>First Teeth A Natural Enzyme Baby Toothpaste </TD><TD> USD 4.49 </TD><TD> SGD 7.09 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD> USD 4.49 </TD><TD> SGD 7.09 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>triAngel</TD><TD>Medela Valves &amp; Membranes 2 sets</TD><TD> USD 5.99 </TD><TD> SGD 9.46 </TD><TD>0</TD><TD> USD - </TD><TD> SGD - </TD><TD> SGD 11.04 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Medela Membranes 6 ea</TD><TD> USD 5.99 </TD><TD> SGD 9.46 </TD><TD>0</TD><TD> USD - </TD><TD> SGD - </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Medela Breastshield 1 ea</TD><TD> USD 6.99 </TD><TD> SGD 11.04 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD> USD 6.99 </TD><TD> SGD 11.04 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glad_Gal</TD><TD>Medela Valves &amp; Membranes </TD><TD> USD 5.99 </TD><TD> SGD 9.46 </TD><TD>0</TD><TD> USD - </TD><TD> SGD - </TD><TD> SGD 20.51 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags </TD><TD> USD 6.49 </TD><TD> SGD 10.25 </TD><TD>2</TD><TD> USD 12.98 </TD><TD> SGD 20.51 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blessed Mum</TD><TD>Desitin Diaper Rash Ointment, Creamy, Fresh Scent (4oz)</TD><TD> USD 5.79 </TD><TD> SGD 9.15 </TD><TD>2</TD><TD> USD 11.58 </TD><TD> SGD 18.30 </TD><TD> SGD 57.91 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>California Baby Calendula Cream (2oz)</TD><TD> USD 12.09 </TD><TD> SGD 19.10 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD> USD 12.09 </TD><TD> SGD 19.10 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags</TD><TD> USD 6.49 </TD><TD> SGD 10.25 </TD><TD>2</TD><TD> USD 12.98 </TD><TD> SGD 20.51 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebear</TD><TD>Medela Breastshield 1 ea</TD><TD> USD 6.99 </TD><TD> SGD 11.04 </TD><TD>2</TD><TD> USD 13.98 </TD><TD> SGD 22.09 </TD><TD> SGD 22.09 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub 6 oz (170 g)</TD><TD> USD 3.49 </TD><TD> SGD 5.51 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD> USD 3.49 </TD><TD> SGD 5.51 </TD><TD> SGD 5.51 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamyjo</TD><TD>Desitin Creamy</TD><TD> USD 5.79 </TD><TD> SGD 9.15 </TD><TD>5</TD><TD> USD 28.95 </TD><TD> SGD 45.74 </TD><TD> SGD 45.74 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

The items with quantity 0 are out-of-stock.
<font color="ff0066"> Karen</font>,
If using in air-con still ok. But if use in open air area then it is kinda warm. But then again... cos BF-ing bb can take a while, I would prefer to do it in air-con comfort. hehhehe...
Haru, now my bb also refuses to sleep when i put her down in cot, even though she fell asleep while i latch her on... dunno why... is your girl getting better with falling asleep by herself?

Bb's behaviour really hard to predict. Hope things will get better soon.
Krsytel, ya i will be going on 5th. i prefer wkdays so that i dun have to wait long.

Mildy, ya i got gd breakfast. pity i can have the chilli i want.. like green chilli.. hahaha.. she only allows me to have chillipadi with soy sauce.

Hi Happywifey, i give EBM so i pump min 8x a day.. i would say if u wanna have lotsa milk (if u don't latch) then u have to keep pumping. even if nothing comes out from your nipples, u still shd pump abt 2-5 mins. also, massaging ur boobs before u pump helps u to achieve a faster letdown. for me my letdown is almost instantaneous if i do my massage properly or else within 2 mins. don't give up ya?

Haru, ya cos ur boobs are more used to being emptied by ur bb hence when u use a pump, u can't empty it well.. also i realised u need to get use to the pump, like trying different angles, squeezing and kneedling ur boobs while pumping.

Amore, Happy, ooh i see.. from massage lady ah.. hard to get the oil? i dunno if i need to standby a bottle. i dun have a massage lady leh. my tummy is flat 5 days aft i gave birth. couldn't be bothered to get a ML. Amore, where did u get the oil from? how much does it cost?

Lilian, the funnel MUST cover ur whole areola. meaning ur whole nipple is inside the funnel.
its not breast shields, its part of the pump itself.

Mosh, oh dear... MILs are nv easy to tackle. even though i can say ignore her, i myself can't do it. i get very worked up when i hear my MIL/CL saying that drinking my EBM is not enough. dun give up on pumping. my ss only hit 100-120ml at day 14. try fenugreek, it works for me. also u gotta pump 3 hrly at least.. cannot skip a pump.

Dymples, haha.. i need to be more relax abt bb.. i think i kena a bit of post natal blues.. today i keep crying for no reason. look at bb slping also teared. sigh.. i very morose today... hb also noticed. think its the combination of lack of slp and me giving stress over my ss. although now i can meet his needs abt 90% of the time, i still feel guilty when i have to give a bottle of FM here and there. sigh...
thanks for the info! will ask my hub whether to try it anot when my gal turns to 1 month hehe thanks!
haru, glad_gal, ya my gal oso satisfied after feeding from a single side.... so did not switch side...

glad_gal, my gal oso did not really like bottle feeding... then i changed the teat to pigeon teat, which is softer compared to avent teat. Pigeon wide neck teats can fit into avent bottles... u can try and see if ur bb drink better...

Bear, last time there was a bp here for the oil. dat time i bought 2 bots. then after dat i asked my colleague who is an Indonesian to help get from me. it's about $2/bot..
