(2008/11) November 2008

happy: I use baby nail clipper which is sharp and very easy to cut...from kiddy palace has a cartoon on it.

Hives: Any mummies have hives can try clarityne for cold bcos it has anti histamine effect, works for me.
Anyone know how to cure face rash, especially around the mouth area which I think caused by milk stain? Its not red in colour & look like pimples but dun hv white head.
hubby has been trying to pacify baby to sleep since 8pm..she keep drifting to sleep and crying on and off..

wow! you goin shopping again? u bringin baby along? i am not sure if i am brave enough to bring baby out alone yet aft confinement.hahah..have to carry baby and diaper bag, not sure if i can handle..=P
<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>,
hehehe... me went to Vivo instead of Orchard. Din manage to get the Avent breast pads cos Mothercare dun hv. Tomolo when I go Orchard will find for it... if I can.
Cos my 2 older gals also going out wz me as the childcare is closed for teachers' training. *faintz*

<font color="ff0066"> Hives (Feng Mo)</font>
Can also try taking Zrytec. My gynae said it's safe for BF-ing mommies to take. It's an anti-histamine too.
hi mummies

im having this brown thick discharge which i do not know if its menses or discharge...

anyone still aching below (the stitch and the front part), dont know why, still got alittle littel blood on the stitch area i think...its been more than 1 mth liao....i still feel ache at the front part...like sng sng 1
Bluebear, ur elder son really looks like u. can see the similarity!

Re: breast pads
I nv seem to need it leh.. cos i m always pumping every 2-3hrly.. breasts nv had to leak.. still got loads of disposible ones...

Dymples, i also wanna go shopping...

Happy, thanks for the recommendation.. i nv heard of it before leh.. where to buy? dun ask my MIL to buy lah.. she doesn't know one.
hi mummies,
me just pump aft feeding baby one side. only managed to pump 40ml..got to tell myself goin to get the supply up. but it will be quite hard for me to pump aft feeding from tom as hubby gg back to work and i normally have to carry baby or pat her to sleep aft feeds. will see how i can squeeze that in..

are you lettin ur baby latch on too?
<font color="ff0066"> shop4stuffs</font>,
The brown discharge should be the leftover 'dried' blood from the lochia. Nothing to worry about unless it has a foul odour.
As for your sng-sng feeling... maybe you wanna check wz your gynae? Hv you gone for your 1-mth post delivery chk yet? My stitches not pain liaoz and this is my 3rd week.

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
hehehe... sure... we can always go shopping together. But you can or not? Me bo-chap lahz... tat's why confinement not upz already chiong go out liaoz.
hehehhe... so naughty hor.
Somemore this is my #3, so more experienced in handling BB outside alone. Not so kan cheong bah. *LOL*
<font color="ff0066"> rashes on my buttocks</font>
Anyone experiencing rashes on their buttocks? Tink I've been wearing the pads for too long liaoz - 3 weeks. Now kena rashes. *LOL*
It's so itchy tat I apply my BB's drapolene cream. Anyone got any tips on how to deal wz this? I buay tahan the itch liaoz. *help*
dymples: U using ordinary pads? I tried using ordinary pads and very painful and itchy so i continued to use the Kotex maternity loop pads and they are more comfortable and not itchy at all. I find normal pads quite plasticky.
Haru, i offer my nipples as a pacifier only.. usually he will latch on for 10-15mins. otherwise its all pumping for me. I do leak when he latches on.. but i nv get to leak all over the bed like wat some mummies here describe. As for pumping, usually mummies that latch on won't pump a lot out. 40ml is already quite gd.
ur bb is drinking more than that cos they are more efficient in draining our breasts.

Dymples, i dun think i have the guts to bring the bb out, even with my hb!!! u mother of 3 liao leh.. drop ur bb also not as kan cheong as me! wahahahaha... :p

my CL is making me drink some chicken boil with Martel soup.. even drinking that makes me dizzy although no more alcohol liao. i think i m not the type that can 'pu'. she already said i not very guai when comes to confinement. nv wear long pants and slippers. i told her she must be mad to make me do so!

I also suffering from itch but its at my vagina. always happens to me at the end of my periods cos i cannot tahan wearing pads for long. changing oft (even if pads are clean) also doesn't help. for me, only Whisper is not so itchy. all other brands make me itch even worse!
hello mummies!

Today bb has been naughty, refused to go to sleep so i hv been latching her on most of the time. She fell asleep and once i put her dw and swaddle her, she will be awake, and then start to stretch and struggle away from the swandle. It seems like she will want to suckle to sleep, and now dun really wan to take milk from bottle. Mummies, anyway to help her establish the habit of drinking from bottle? I am using pigeon bottle ... thanks thanks!

Bear, my appt is on 5 Jan 09 too, at 1050 am. But would want to change it to the Sat so tt hubby no need take leave. You will be going on weekday?
I have been like going out for the past 3 days shopping and shopping lah.. haha.. Anyway, I notice my hip is bigger now, my old shorts all cannot wear lor.. Any idea if it will go back smaller ma??

cos he keep fussing at night lor.. so bo bian have to stay awake till 5am.. I sometimes don swaddle him cause its very warm. Unless the weather like today like that den I will swaddle him..

I wait for him to cry den i feed milk de.. Cause his feeding timings is all messed up.. So I also dunno when is he hungry..

I cut liao.. Cause sometimes his mittens keep falling out, den cut it short is better than wait he scratch himself.. I'm using baby nail clipper to cut for him. Try to cut while he is sleeping in the day ba.. Then he wont move as much, easier for u to cut..
anyone here had a c section, are you still wearing the band given by the hospital? My cut still feels sore and the cut is still thick, how well is your scar heeling?
Ru Yi Oil
How do you all use it ah? I rubbed it between my hands until warm, then applied by rubbing down my baby's stomach. But how much pressure do you all apply?

Do you all use slings or strollers when you bring baby out? I'm thinking of going to Vivo and carrying baby in the Baby Bjorn. But I wonder how I'm going to have my lunch with baby in the Bjorn. Anyone has more experience? I am thinking of eating over baby's head. Hee.
Avent Breastpads
Where else can I get these? Kiddy Palace? Strange that Mothercare doesn't sell these. Anywhere in Vivo I can get these?
wah.. for 1 month? so scary! i just call my gynea he told me to take painkillers. and told me usually will take baout 2 weeks to heal. i hope the painkillers do help me.

btw.. painkillers or panadol does it affects my breast feeding?

btw CC normally my baby wake up 3 to 4 hrs.. so i note down on my book. i did set alaram clock.. but no use. cus too tired to wake up. so my alarm clock is when my gal cry hahah

Oops i already cut my baby's gals nail. cus its too long and she seems to chip her nails liao. hehe and i use those normal nail clipper. but a brand new one. just for my girl

u drink more milo and drink more soup. that will helps abit. =) and eat more..
good morning!!!

i think bb bjorn carrier is better.

Breast pads:
I been using Pigeon disposable breast pads and think they are the best n ez. use n throw away. ekekke...

wow sei..........so nice breakfast eh? since day 12 i have been asking for half boiled eggs for breakfast cos been missing it n till now still have not get sick of it yet. before i always take mee sua which i got so sick of it.

already PMed u my contact.

ru yi oil is good but som babies might develope rashes when apply so have to stop til they are older. and when using must wrap up the tummy then will b really effective.
morning mummies,
me all alone at home now coz hubby back at work and mum wil only be coming over later. my last week of confinement!

really? gosh, i didnt know that. thanks for sharing the info with me. i've been so concerned that my milk supply is so little. and now that i am alone, even harder for me to pump after latching. hands full already..think i barely even have time to rest.

i have not tried my sling and carrier. only tried my stroller. but i think stroller i wil use only if i am gg to spacious malls coz its quite heavy.wil prob try my sling soon.
r u referring to the binder? my gynae did not use it for my 2nd delivery. but i bring along the binder i used for my 1st delivery and wear it on the 2nd day aft my c-sect. and i remove it aft i discharge fr hospital.

scar : mine is healing well.
fabbie: Ya one month..panadol safe for BF..nurse at hospital also told me if i run out of doc painkillers, panadol will do.

In future when bb sleep wih me i tink i will oso let bb cry then feed, otherwise I dont sleep setting alarm clock makes me more tired...
tri Angel,

thank you!
it is 6 weeks after delivery and I see some blood discharge.I don't know whether it is menses or discharge due to the C section...

eventualy how thin the scar will be?now its like a worm...
Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interupt. I am an Oct mummy.
I have 2 boxes of Medela washable breast pads for sale. Did not get to use them coz gave up breastfeeding since Day 1 ... Bought them for $20.50 each. Willing to sell them at $25, for 2 boxes. PM me if you are interested.
morning mummies, how is everyone?

brought my gals shopping over the weekend... wah it is really a challenge bringing infant out esp when we are bfing them.... need to search for nursing room when they hungry... and they can be hungry anytime hor! and the nursing rooms are so limited in SG!!!... was in taka and 4 mummies need to squeeze in the nursing room to feed the babies together!... in the process of feeding.. got mummies peep in and see still got space anot! is really a new experience as compared to my #1 where i bottle feed her...

going out with bb > i sarong sling my bb when we go out.. my #1 will be in the stroller... depends on what we eating.. for some.. i can eat while bb is in the sling... if not hubby will eat 1st... once he finish he'll carry bb while I eat...
Hi mommies,

I am a new Nov mummy to a mini who is almost 3 weeks old

Was hoping to get some breastfeeding tips from all the mummies who seem to hv been so successful at breastfeeding. My baby never seemed full even after latching for more than 20 mins (sometimes half an hour!) on one side, and she wld fall asleep on my breast. When I unlatch her, she would cry for more milk about 5 mins later and we hv had to supplement her with FM. I initially was able to pump out abt 30ml on the 5th day and then it dropped to almost nothing when my baby was admitted for jaundice. I stopped pumping after awhile cos was so discouraged by the few drops in the bottle after each pump
A few days ago I managed to pump almost 80ml and was so happy but it dropped to 30ml and now its almost nothing again

Does any mommy have any advice for this desperate mummy? ;p

Also, when do mummies normally pump? After each feed or in between feeds? Or when your breasts starts to leak?
hello mummies,

been a while since i log in. Emma is almost coming to 2 mths now.we more or less hv a routine for her. so far she has been very good. she feeds every 2 hours during the day n sleeps after evey feed except for the 7am feed. she will stay awake for abt 2hrs to play with daddy before he goes to work. she has 2 baths a day, once in morning and once at nite just before bedtime and that is at abt 8.30pm. last feed is abt 9pm and she is normally down by 10pm. she wakes up for her next feed between 2-3am which gives me plenty of rest. next feed is between 6-7am so i only wake up once at nite. i don't set alarm clock, just wait for her to make noise.

breast milk supply
so far it has been good. from the books, milk ss will regulate with baby's consumption. when i pump, i get abt 100ml. i realize that when pumping, need to wait for let down if not will never get 100ml. let down happens about 15-20 mins into pumping. timing differs with individual. oso when let down happens, it's usually the hind milk which is thick milk n can keep baby fuller longer.

emma has since put on 1.4kg n grew 8cm in length. pd is happy for her progress.

baby swimming
on sunday, we bought her to the baby swimming thingy at harbourfront and she enjoyed it. a bit scared at the beginning but after 10 mins, relexed n enjoyed it. we signed up a package so she has another 4 sessions to go.

nails cutting
i had to cut emma's nails twice in the 1st month. asked my mum 1st n she said ok cos' her nails are growing very fast.i now once every 10 days or so i hace to cut or she will have scratches everywhere.
me also 6wks aft c-sect. my 2nd bb girl was born on 27 oct. U?
i dun have anymore discharge now..
my gynae is very skillfull and the stitch is nicely done. so mine is like a very thin line and was given Lanakcliod-E cream to apply on the scar to prevent the growth of new "thick skin". dunno what thats called.. heehee
so happy, my baby managed to sleep on her own just now! i put her down when her eyes still open and pat pat abit then i left the room. when i came back she's asleep!=D so proud of her..

welcome! i know how you feel, my baby is now also 3 weeks+ and my milk supply doesnt seem to increase. but my baby normally latch for bout 15-25 mins on one side only and she seems satisfied. but when i try to continue to pump, its really like a few drops or 20ml only. (my most was 100ml when I gave her FM so both breasts were pretty full) but i am taking heart that she is pooping and and she has quite alot of soiled nappies everyday.

wah, so fast leh..almost 2 months already! do you normally pump after a feed or in between? i am now only doing single sided feeding so that she can get all hind milk as well. any tips? are you also feeding EBM or total latch?
thanks. but there is a foul smell. sticky one, thats why tot it might not be the menses but is discharge. b4 delviery, did a check to see if V got infection but no ley...wonder why like this lo... im suppose to go c gynae next week but its to do a pap smear ley..got follow up 1 meh?

normally stitch pain gone in 2 to 3 wks. for me got infection at the last 2 stitches lo...mayb coz of that, thats why still pain..hhh...but the front sticth no pain liao then..but now like pain comes back...duno is it coz of the discharge that infect the front stitch wound.. did you apply any antiseptic lotion on sticth wound? or just use water to wash?

think maybe i bring forward the visit to the gynae...coz bb see pd on that day so arrange both same day....

re : rash
as for your rash, think its best you change your pad more often lo...if not alot..then try not to use pad, let it air abit lo....
Not MIL is massage lady.It was recommended by my massage lady previously.You can get it at those malay tradtional store.Just tell them Minyak Telon and they know.It popular oil used on baby.

My scar is healing well but if i will to use force,i can feel slight pain.I am putting on a silicone pad given by gyenc to prevent the growth of thick skin, tink known as keloids.

welcome!We face the almost face problem.
My baby is almost 5 wks old.But my ss nv increase but dropped.I latch on most of the time but my baby will nv get full after each feeed.He will cry for milk after 15mins.So after each latch,i need to supp with FM to make him fuller and sleep longer so that i can have more rest too.
Initially i can pump up to 80ml but nw ss seems to drop.When i try pumping these days,i get onli 50ml max.

mine 30 Oct.
so nice your scar...mine quite thick, very worried..
it was heeling well the first 2 weeks and on the 2nd week check up i also got the cream and applied every day after shower and changed the bandage every day. But now its a bit reddish and feel very sore??
did this happen to you??
when you say your scar is thin how thin??like spagetti??haha...
sorry its my first experience so i am very curious....
bear, the oil happydays talked abt i have extra... u want? can pass u 1 bottle... 1 bottle can last quite long...

mummies who tbf, i currently doing single side per feeding now... anyone doing this oso? coz i noticed most of the mummies in the nursing room doing 2 sides feeding.. they'll change side in a feeding...

happywifey, i'm doing total latching so i seldom pump... but if i pump, i usually pump after feeding to empty the breast.. and if my mum help me bottle feed the bb, I'll oso pump... so to let the baby know it's bb drinking time...

shop4stuffs, at the moment we do not have fix time to bath my gal... we normally bath her ard 8+/9am.. when she wake up... we normally bathe her b4 her feed... coz we dun want her to throw out her feed while bathing...
chillipadi, wah u so fast bring bb to swimming already? sign her up for course somemore... i thot they can only start to swim at ard 6 mths+? this is wat i read from aqua ducks website last time...
how do u choose t size of breastshield for t pump?
It need to cover t entire aerola or ...?

angelR, i remove tummy binder a few days after discharge. Cannot stand it coz too hot with it on!
me went for a nap, got woken up by baby. pat her back to sleep and then....ate a slice of choc banana cake! aiyo..jialat..dunno what kind of confinement i am doing also..hahah..

me normally bath her aft her late afternoon feed.

me!! doin single side feeding too. but aft feeding, when i try to empty the same side nothing much left..how bout you?
re : bf
you gals lie down to bf? its so much easier to lie down....and you can sleep after finish feeding...so shiok..but too bad...i got low supply and i stopped after few weeks...somemore im not on full bf...lousy mum...so wasted my money for buying the pump...my advise to mummies is to buy pump after delivery better
think still will be in time...coz you can still latch on while waiting for the pump...somemore not cheap...i got medela....so now got to get rid or it...so troublesome....in fact, think alot of stuff like white elephant...some things others use, you might not be using as different way of handling bb....hhh...
late afternoon is consider your night shower is it? so u bath in morning too?

my mng bath time not fixed 1...wait for me to wake up 1st coz dun 1 to let maid bath bb herself...1 2 jaga for the time being 1st.....at night also not fixed time 1...wonder if its ok...will bb b confused?
tri Angel,

i see...
then mine seems bad...
i have a 6 weeks check up tomorrow so i will ask doc...
when did your first menses come after delivery??
Hi chillipadi,
how long do you pump if let-down happens only after 15-20 mins? My boobs will start to hurt after only 10 mins, which is also when nothing much comes out already, so I stop. Shd I continue pumping even tho nothing comes out?

Thanks haru!

Sounds like you are doing good and your baby is happy! I wouldnt worry too much if I were u. My fren jus latched on demand, never even owned a pump, and her baby (now 2 yrs old) was happy and full.

wow, we do seem to hv the same prob! wonder if we are doing anything wrong..? my bb suckles quite well, but I just dun seem to be producing enuf
Hi Karen, u can get the Avent breast pads at Metro. I bought at Metro Causewaypoint. I never use at all would like to let go but i think u might need it quite urgent. Where u stay by the way?
haru, if i pump out after feed, the side which I last use can pump out about 1 oz to 2 oz... the 1 not used can pump out abt 4 to 5 oz... and I'm lopsided... right side can pump out more than the left abt 0.5x...

karen, robinson sell avent breast pads oso.. think maybe john little oso....

happywifey, maybe u too stressed?.. try and relax... and pump more frequently... like every 2 hrs or so...

Hi ladies

Very depressed nowadays, I may be going into depression
Lots of things happening here, my milk supply not good, only 20ml after 15-20mins pump on both breast. My MIL is not supportive, kept saying I dont have milk or BB dont like my milk

Lots of differences in opinions with my MIL, so upset, I wanted to shift out of here... now my csect wound got infection and I got stiff neck for days liao, so painful... haiz, many other things to complain.. sorry, have to vent out here....
