(2008/11) November 2008

hmm... I'm switching between Friso Gold & Friso Comfort. Her poopoo is hard when use Gold, soft and frequent when use Comfort.
CL tries to feed baby a lil water to ease her constipation. But she doesn't like plain water, spit it all out. Hahhaha...
Ya stitches is all gone by now.. ya doc got give you any cream to apply there? 6 weeks to see him is to check about duno what cancer thing lor.

MOst likey your baby wants to poo poo and trying to poo or pee. ^___^

haha yeah yeah. their face turn red is really cute! lolx

Btw baby is normal to drink 1 oz after 1 or 2 hrs after you gave them like 3 oz.. =)

For having problems in breastfeeding or others to learn can check out this web.
<font color="0000ff">Milderina</font>
OH great, then we cut cost. Heheh..

I stay at blk 638C, what about you?

<font color="0000ff">Dymples</font>
Can you PM me your home address, thanks.

Y are u giving Friso Comfort? Heard that Friso Comfort is for those bb who will vomit , if i m not wrong..
For me, i give my boy purely Friso gold.. and for water i told CL to give him after each feed.. so as to get him use to water and not reject.. Mayb u can monitor and c how..
i stil have a week to go for confinement. but since i hv no CL to start with, i am just starting to do more by myself and getting used to multi-tasking.=P dun worry, you will manage fine.

i am stil waiting for my nursing cover to arrive leh...supposed to be this afternoon.

Tks for the encourgement!!
Ya, hv to slowly tune in to care for bb myself.. Let us all Jiayou!!!
fifi, okay thanks....

haru, so u ordered from bebelove ah? just did some calculation... it's about the same price or maybe more ex if we order from US and ship it here... so might as well order from this SG site...
I'm still direct latching now.. But pumping once a day after he had latched on, that is for my hubby to feed him in the night de..

These few days he also tends to suckle a while den sleep, den 1 hr later wan to drink again! So I always do breast compression when he is drinking..You can try that also, just to wake baby up so he'll continue to suckle..

Don't worry about the amount pump out. The day before I start pumping after baby feed, I only got like 20ml lor, for both sides somemore. Then yesterday I pump still got 50 ml liao. Then today I pump, got 90ml liao!! hahahaa... Of course plus I've been eating oats and drinking horlicks these few days also... Don worry about ur baby drinking enough ma, cause they will drink when they are hungry de, if they are full then they wouldn't wan to drink liao... Just check the wet diapers and weight gain lor.. Must tell yourself you definitely have more than enough for baby de...

fabbie &amp; Blessed mum,
Oic... He is always pooing de lor.. Dunno is upset stomach or what, den always passing wind de.. See him so ke lian lor, cry till like that.. I don't change his diapers everytime he poo de, cause if like that I think 1 day I have to use 20 diapers liao..

Just want to vent something here....

My MIL is like so funny de lor.. Although she had 2 kids herself, but she seem like she know nothing about babies! Firstly baby was sleeping, den his mouth was open, so she say ask me to close his mouth, or else wait wind will go in. I was like,huh? Then like that have to stuff the nostrils also liao lor.. Then she will ask at night baby got make noise, kinda like she expecting baby is going to sleep through. Then when baby sleeping make a bit of noise, she will ask is anything wrong with him. Wa lao, sleep must be totally silent de ar??? Although I know she is concern la, but then she seem so inexperience about babies, wonder how would I be able to leave my son with her in the future lor..

By the way, pic of my son's sideburn, hehehehe...


Your bb very cute. Got very nice hair.

I saw the lady from www.bebelove.com.sg at the booth when i purchased my beco carrier. She a nice lady, can order from there, think cheaper.

Are their any mummies who have bb and dog in the house? How's ur dog's reaction twd bb? So far any problem like allergy, etc? My dog still at my fren's hse, i'm bringing him home soon against my parent-in laws' will. They very scare their precious grand-daug will "catch germ" from my dog. I miss my dog sooo much...
Thanks for ur encouragement! i really need to start pumping soon to stock up. like next sat i will be out for haircut, need to make sure have milk for hubby to feed her..=P

ur baby's sideburn is sooooo cool!!! is it coz daddy has it too?

Your Beco carrier arrive already? It's a bit hot if we use it at non-aircon plc. Wonder if my bb will suffer from heatstroke if i use it at Sentosa tmr. Think i better bring along the stroller.
anyway one got good intro where and what brand to buy a cream for itchness for aroela??? THanks thanks

For my #1, that time I still have 2 dogs, but now give to my relatives to take care liao.. Do introduce your baby to your dogs, but of course don let them have physical contact first la.. For my dogs, they are very curious about baby, but then they wouldn't dare to approach too much at first.. You have to make them feel like they are not forgotten also, or they will be jealous de.. Anyway what I read was that having a dog at home is good for building up baby's immune system too..

His daddy don have sideburn la, but hair about the same... hahaha...

You're SAHM or?? After my confinement gonna go dye my hair too.. But bringing baby along, as I just won't feel at ease leaving him at home..
hello all mummies! thank u for the warm welcome!

my birth story is relatively simple, i delivered my baby at 40weeks + 1 day via elective C-section because even at week 39, my cervix was not yet open and I did not have any contractions at all! We were asked if we wanted to induce, but after some feedback from friends on the process of inducing and also the cost, we decided to go for C-section, if nothing happens between Week 39-40!

On 18th Nov morning, we checked into NUH and at 1038, my baby girl was born weighing 3290g and at 52cm!

During the whole c-section, it was a very smooth process as everyone in the operating theatre was very friendly and their main goal was to make it a "pain-free" experience! which i felt that they succeeded as i didn't feel too awful!

Later on, my gynae was telling me that lucky i chose a c-section because my baby's head was still very high! in fact, in the operating theatre, my husband could see the amount of force and pressure the doctor applied on my tummy, just to try and push her out! in the end, her head still needed to use forceps although it was c-section! poor girl, have a huge bump on her head now!

overall, after a 3 night stay at NUH Ward 96 ( i realised that i'm the only mummy that delivered at NUH), my total bill was only about 5K for the operation, plus my baby nursery charges and my stay! and it was very worthwile, as we only top up 2k cash after 3k CPF deduction! so i highly recommend NUH as a choice for delivery!

hope i'm not too long winded! will post other msgs soon!

1 week old Kayley
Just curious. Anyone interested in buying a 2nd hand Metro Bag PIS Advanced 2008 (US set)which has been used occasionally for 5 weeks? No warranty. But can only let go in about 2-3 weeks time.
I stay at Redhill. If you need it fast, order yourself or collect from me. If you can wait 2-3 weeks, can also wait for drugstore stuff to arrive. I will order asap de.
I'm using Friso Comfort bcos.... blurr daddy didn't realise there is Friso Gold. Haha.. We didn't notice that Comfort is for vomiting, colicky &amp; constipating babies.
Anyway, since my girl constipated when given Friso Gold, we will switch betw Gold and Comfort for the time being and monitor.

Halo Michelle, no la, u not longwinded. My girl, Kayla is one day younger than your girl Kayley
Mummies wana ask you all..
Today is my 11th day after giving birth and my below there still pain.. is this normal?
i am getting my parcel later this evening. i think all carriers more or less quite warm..let me know how it works for you tom okie?

nope, me not SAHM (dun mind to be one for a while tho!!). so u bringin baby to salon? too much chemical smells isnt it? so your hubby wil feed baby EBM when u busy at salon?

ur baby looks sooo sweet!!! its good that you had a good experience. =>

anyone knows where i can get a nice looking, reasonably priced and not too exp thermal bag? looking for one to store chilled EBM when hubby is out with baby without me. =P
fabbie: my stitch wasnt pain at all was backside that was pain...like ache for almost a mth. Sit in car oso pain, better now.
ya lor..most prob..cos i'm still not convinced that my MIL can handle.. I still thinking how to feed him while I'm at the salon leh.. cos now mostly he is drinking every hr.. If by the time he can stretch to 2 hrs or so den I can use the time to do my hair... hehe
i estimate i wil be away from baby for at least 3 hours as colouring can take a while, plus i need to cut my hair. i think prepare 2-3 feeds just in case? my baby is drinking every 2-3 hours..sometimes even slightly longer!

Re: nursing breast pads
any mummies using washable ones? am using pigeon ones but i realize i use up one box really quickly!! wondering if i should try getting some washable ones as well for home use especially..
Hi guys!

Re: Lochia
Thanks for telling me the duration.. its quite annoying cos i m sensitive to pads and i can go half a day without any discharge. then at night come a bit.. my down there super itchy even though i change pads regularly. so frustrating!

Happy, i m on fenugreek. It helps me! Actually i was abt to tell u guys that something scary happened to me. I having me taking fenugreek for a wk and it has def helped my ss. but i m sensitive to it, as in it gives me loose stools, so i slowly increase my intake. last night i took one pill at 10pm, and woke up at 2.30am with chills! i shivered for a whole hr cos my boobs were so engorged that i can't even lift my arms. managed to express abt 110ml! i was also feverish the whole day.

Sabre, MILs are like that one.. wat to do? my MIL followed my hb up and down the house cos bb's shirt nv tuck in...
Where did you get ur Fenugreek? I bought mine at GNC last time cos it was my bday month, got discount, hehe.. Now cant find anyone whose bday falls in Dec and is a GNC VIP member leh.

Ur baby is v sweet!
why not u try to drink more soup? and milo? and not taking fenugreek. to see hows your supply? =)

1 month?! o_O mine got pokey feeling sighz.. sit also pain..
I think using washable ones is a good idea. I would like to know if others are using too. Yah, me too, using up a lot of the disposable ones.

Yah, mine took almost a mine for it to completely finish. Damn frustrating I know. I hate wasting all the pads. Sometimes, I go for days without, and then when I finally decide to do away with the pads, it comes again.

Bear, Karen: Guess my discharge is similar to yours, quite light, although only my fifth day.

Breast Pain
Both my breasts are in pain. Any idea why? Don't think is engorgement, cause i'm not leaking any milk, nor manage to squeeze out any at all.
hi lilian! kayla is a sweet name too, we were contemplating between kayla and kayley and we settled for the later

hi sabre! i wonder if our babies have similar personalities too? is urs a boy or gal?

hi haru! thanks! at first (before being a mummy, i always thought that all babies look the same! only after giving birth, then i learnt to appreciate their uniqueness!)

mummies, do u think my combination of feeding is ok? i'm feeding my baby, formula at her last night feed (so that she will sleep longer) and the EBM from morning till lunch and then I latch her on in the afternoon for about 2-3 feeds, before feeding her EBM again at night.

Is this okay for baby?
Re: Washable Breastpads
Yes I am using these. Using the Medela ones. In total, I have only used 3 pairs of disposables so far.
Bear, me also going back for review in Jan 09. Was supposed to do a one week review becos there is bruises around my wound. But since it is not painful anymore i did not go.

re Lochia, i am still having it. Seems to get lesser for the past 2 days but today suddenly got more again ...

Michelle, if baby has been taking in milk and full i think it shd be okay... for me, i try to latch baby on most of the time. However, when supply is low, i will still do some latch on and then supplement with FM. Hope this is fine.

How are your coping with confinement? I am so sick of the food! Eatin same thing again and again.
ya, just when i think that its over i go without pad and its comes again. but very light flow, so now i just use liner.

i guess there is no right or wrong for the feeding. most impt is that you are comfortable with the choice of feeding and ur baby is gaining weight, and bowel movements are healthy.=>

wow, really so effective ya? I am tryin not to take fenugreek first unless absolute necessary. but i just ordered a trial pack of the nursing tea from MIM, will see how that goes when it arrives. hope it doesnt taste too bad too!!

is the Medela ones comfortable?

anyone tried e Avent washable breastpads?
<font color="ff0066"> Amore</font>,
Thks for the tip on breast compression. Will try this out tonight. Hope it works for me... getting sleep deprived liaoz. Currently me running on my "reserved batt" liaoz. *LOL*

<font color="ff0066"> Sunshine</font>,
LOL... both our #3 seems berry similar leh.
I certainly hope tat her feeding pattern will be established soon. Last night things were better. Hub gave bb FM for the 11.30pm feed. She woke up at 1.30am, I direct latched her... managed to make her suckle 1 and half sides. Then MIRACLE..!! She slept till 4.30am. Direct latch her again... 2nd MIRACLE!! She slept till 7am. Then hub gave her FM again and she slept till 10am. hehehehh... Hope this will carry on siah.

<font color="ff0066"> Milderina / Sunshine</font>,
For the Bio-Oil... dun purposely send courier to my place lah. If you want... I can arrange to meet you in town like Orchard or Raffles City? See what you prefer bah.

<font color="ff0066"> Cutiemum</font>,
The Gucci sales nothing much leh. All the goods all snapped up on the first day liaoz. My mum only managed to get a big tote bag for my SIL x'mas gift. Berry cheap - $300+ only. But I managed to buy a pair of loafers from Ferragamo for $200+ only. *cheap-cheap*

<font color="ff0066"> Sabre</font>,
Dun worry yah... my own Mom also like tat when I had my 1st gal. Keep rocking and shaking my gal when she carry... push stroller also anyhow push, never see where she's going, etc. Worse still, she can even feed my gal porridge + egg when my only 6-mths. *faintz* But after many many arguments and discussions, now she's better liaoz. Basically she leaves me to care for my gals 'My Way'. Not so much interference liaoz.

Wah seh... I like your BB's hair especially his sideburns leh. So handsome!

<font color="ff0066"> Babyzel</font>,
I have an Maltese at home. So far doggie is taking it quite ok wz BB. But then again... doggie is inside her playpen most afternoons when BB is out in the hall cos the dog tends to be over excited... boh painz... doggie still puppy leh. Only 1yr and 3mths old. So still berry playful.

<font color="ff0066"> Fabbie</font>,
My stitches not pain anymore. I only feel slightly sore at the area near my buttocks. This is becos my labia and inner right side of my cervix becme swollen and subsequently had blood clot due to hard pushing.

<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
Oh dear... your experience really sounds scary leh. Are u better now? Is it becos of a side effect due to the Fenugreek?

<font color="ff0066"> Breastpads</font>,
I'm also looking at getting washable breasts pads. Anyone got any recommendations?

<font color="ff0066"> Fifi</font>,
How much were your breastspads from Medela? Is it absorbent? How often you need to change? I'm scared the washable ones are not as absorbent as the disposable ones leh.

<font color="ff0066"> Michelle</font>,
Your feeding combi is ok cos you're still giving BB your BM about 80% of the time bah. But then... you seem to be bottle feeding her most of the time either via FM or EBM. I'm only concerned tat BB will hv nipple confusion or else BB may find sucking on the bottle nipple easier and thus reject the breasts later on cos suckling at Mommy's nipple requires more work.

<font color="ff0066"> Green Grape</font>,
Could the breasts pain be due to block ducts? Tat's why you're unable to express out any BM? I tink it will be good to chk wz your gynae and an LC on this.
Hi gals, has anyone of u gone back to ur gyne 6wks after delivery for post-natal pap smear? I was wondering if we can do it with any GP or must go back to gyne..? Anyone? Thanks

cc: Thanks for the name of the cream! but cant buy it over counter, nids presciption. so I think we'll go back to PD for cream if the rash doesnt go away by next week. Hope it goes away tho..

Bear: My Lochia still on-going leh.. now already 1month and 6days. tis week starting to go on and off.. Also dunno when will end siah..
<font color="0000ff">Dymples</font>
Regarding the Bio-Oil, I hope to use it as soon as possible on my gal, as I find it really helps in her scars. Dun think I will be going to RAffles City or Orchard any soon, I still have 10 days more to end of confinement.

U just PM me your address bah. I really dun mind paying for courier. Thanks!
so good!!! dunno why my son very weird weird de.. In the day he tends to feed every 1 hr, only sometimes 2 hr. Then in the night will be 2-3hrs feed once.. Not that no milk lor, but let him suck till I sore liao!! Going to buy the nipple cream tml...

Mine is a boy boy..

Anyway think its fine the way u arrange ur feeds. As long as baby is growing well then should be ok liao ar..

maybe u should go and ask is it normal a not like that?? Seem kinda scary sia...

My mom still nvm, at least I can tell her straight. But then MIL, I don wan to be sayin anything that might offend her. Cause I know my tone will be very harsh. Then tell hubby but he also not home everytime to say her.. Haiz.. Only can keep quiet and close one eye lor..

Any mummies, baby drinking every hr too??? Wondering how to stretch his feeding time.. I tried everythin to make him drink more, and prevent him from falling asleep at my breast, but then he still wakes up every hr to drink in the day..
Re: Washable breastpads
Yeah they are quite good. Change when wet lor. Depends on how much I leak de. I feel they are ok and coz its cloth, they dun irritate the skin. Disposable de maybe a bit more absorbant but I change when wet anyway so not that much diff. Anyway, I save $$.

My lochia still going on but not heavy. On and off also like zeal's.
<font color="ff0066"> Mummy</font>,
I usually go back to my gynae to get the pap smear done.

<font color="ff0066"> Sunshine</font>,
No worries babe. Have PM you my home address liaoz.
hehehhe.. my confinement officially ends on 16Dec, but I'm already going out liaoz. Tomorrow I even gotta attend my gals childcare year end concert... then going for buffet dinner. *LOL* Me taking things super easy this 3rd time round.

<font color="ff0066"> Sabre</font>,
Tats true... it's more tricky dealing wz MIL compared to own mom. As for stretching feeding time... I will take my time before I latch her on lor. Try all sorts of distractions loke giving her water... change diapers... rock her... carry her... sing to her... etc. Sometimes all these works (but can only manage to delay about 15-mins to 30-mins only). Other times... she will be bawling super loudly and angrily till I also give in. *faintz*

Sounds so familiar. My boy also like that, not tat i have no milk lor. I can see my milk spraying all over his face when I unlatch him, but he always tends to fall asleep at my breasts after 10mins or so, thus he has to wake up v often to nurse.

Any tips? I am really lost.
