(2008/11) November 2008

Hey, thanks alot. I will call the courier guy tomorrow, but not sure if he will pick up tomorrow or Sunday itself. Nevertheless, u just leave it with your helper yah. Mine and Milderina's.

Dun think you have to pay him, I will pay him over my end. Thanks!

<font color="ff0066"> Sunshine</font>,
Okies... noted. Will leave Milderina's &amp; your Bio-Oil wz my helper.
<font color="ff0066"> Fifi</font>,
I've been using the Ergo Carrier since my #1. I like it cos the BB's weight is spread over the shoulders, waist and hips.
This is unlike conventional carriers where the BB's weight is mainly on the shoulders. Maybe you wanna consider this.
I tried liao leh, but can't stretch the time for long.. haiz... its tiring every 1 hr feed once, totally can't leave him to do my things..

I'm hoping he'll be better as he grows lor.. Guess right now we onli can feed them whenever they wans lor.. Really envy those mummies whose babies are on schedule, drinking 2-3hrs once.. Cause I never knew when will his next feed be...
mummies asking abt washable breastpads... i'm using gerber ones, not fantastic but cos i dun really leak so i think they r good enuf... but when going out i think the disposable r better. so just use washable ones at hm more economical.

someone asked abt medela swing... i'm using it. it's definately a more affordable n good electric single pump. let me know wat else u wanna know.

finally can come in to read, though i'm pumping milk with 1hand n typing wif the other. mil is going hm next wed.. i think my challenge lai le...
mornin mummies,
my baby missed a nap yesterday at 8pm+ and we couldnt get her to sleep till 4am!! poor hubby was up all nite pacifying her. think she was over tired already. we agreed that cannot break her routine, if not i think she sorta gets confused and frustrated. next time must try to make her nap no matter wat.

i find e Avent nipple lotion quite good. can try..he gives you e signs that he is hungry every hour? if he is crying is it coz of something else? sometimes i also wonder if she's hungry or just tired..

i just got my Beco carrier! looks great, but i have yet to try it with baby in it so i really can't comment yet. my BIL also help me bot an Infantino "carrier sling", looks comfy and def more secure than the normal sarong sling. my baby has so many "modes of transport" now..hahah..will slowly try them.

wow you can pump with one hand?? steady, multi-task!!
<font color="0000ff">Bear,

U were saying the funnel of the medela pump comes in sizes, where did u get your size 33 from? Think mine is too small for me, tat's y my nipples hurt from all the pumping

Thanks for the infor
i'm using avent's washable pad &amp; pigeons disaposable pad.. so far prefer to use washable one.. dont feel itchy at all.. but have to change it when wet lor.. last night mine leak on my mattress. haa.. shld have put a towel under me...
Hi Haru, Dymples, I am also looking at washable ones as the pigeon disposable are making my nipples itchy..even though i keep changing it. My fren told me to buy Avent washable ones...but my hubby says he couln't find it....My fren says very good..so not sure...why don;t we try it out?

Michelle, misayeo, your babies are so cute!
blessed mum> yes, Avent's come in 3 pairs. so far i tink they are quite good.. can get it in metro oso.
afternoon mummies! i'm so happy i survived looking after my baby girl alone last night (2 more nights to go) as my hubby is away. Although she kept crying (which i suspected due to tummy ache) and drinking only about 50% of her usual (so i fed her every 1.5 - 2 hrs instead), i feel so happy whenever she falls asleep soundly next to me!

regarding bottle feeding and breast feeding, i agree that sometimes when i latch her on, she does not seem to suck as hard as before I introduce the bottle! i wonder if its because there's already alot of milk flow hence no need to suck so hard or she's getting used to the bottle (i'm using Advent)

anyway, is it okay to celebrate the baby first month, after the actual date? her full month is suppose to be 18 Dec but its a Thursday so we are contemplating if its ok to hold on 20/21 Dec because we havent made any plans for the party yet.

any suggestions or advice anyone?
the folks said bb full mth shld be done earlier instead of later wor.. better to check with the folks
JJmom, the largest size is 30mm. In btw in 27mm. u can get it from some of the shops like kiddy palace. My hb went down to AMK's one to buy. u better call them up and check before gg down cos he went to the Tampines one and they didn't have it. Otherwise u have to go to the sole distributor at Toh Guan (!) to get it. Hope it helps.

Re: fenugreek
it is a safe herb to take. i did some research on it and it seems it is scientifically proven to increase milk production. for me, it def showed a great improvement.
heh... but i dun care for the chills. i m gonna take an extra pill later.. see if i can increase my milk further.

Michelle, ya i heard some ppl saying first mth must be done earlier. i will be doing it early too. but then again we can only do it on a wkend so dun worry abt it.

Re: confinement food
I m pretty lucky! my CL can really cook! i got wanton mee and ee-mee for breakfast!
<font color="119911">Bear</font>
Wow..your CL can really cook a variety of meal for breakfast!
For me, I just told my CL, i can just take bread with ham, tuna or any of the spread for breakfast (something i'm used to since pregnancy) , save her the trouble of cooking meesuan or anything. Of course, she's okay to take the easy way out.

<font color="0000ff">First Month Celebration</font>
I also heard it's better to hold earlier than later for the Chinese, unless you are a Christian which you don't mind to hold it later
thanks all for the advice. after checking with my parents and the older generation, seems that it's better to hold it earlier too! so will have to do it by the upcoming weekend! oh gosh! now it's rush rush to send invites and also order catering! anyone knows which dishes are nice for Neo Garden (highly recommended right?)

I hope i can still make it in time for the ordering of the cakes! :p

hubby is not in, so i gotta make all these decisions by myself! but i'm gonna depend on the feedback from this forum because u all are so helpful!
<font color="ff6000">bear</font>
My CL came on 25/11 and her last day should be 22/11(28 days). She was saying that 21/11 is "Dongzhi" and would like to go back in the afternoon. In this case, I don't mind that she leave on 21/11 half day but should I deduct a day's salary for 22/11?

<font color="ff6000">Breast Pads</font>
I'm currently using Pigeon's disposable ones and are quite all right. I've also bought Avent's washable ones and it's definitely much more cheaper to buy through Babycenter's Spree.
Redhill Mummies:
Anyone keen on the Beco. The lady has no shop but she says she can come to our house (for $10) to show us the carriers. No obligation to buy. If you all interested, should we try to arrange a time so that we can all see. It seems really good.
Yo! The courier guy has just sent the Bio-oil over, thanks so much!! Say thanks to ur dad too. Heheh..

U wanna PM me your Hp no. so that we can arrange how to pick up your oil?

Neo Garden
Their Curry chicken is very good.
Michelle, if u are looking at first mth cakes then shd be ok.. but if u getting those fanciful cake makers then they are full liao. i just managed to get an order in with Patisser. they said they are full liao.

Greengrape, ya i m very very lucky. she with me almost 2 wks liao i haven't had any repeated dishes for meals, save her soups. every meal the dishes are different, even for breakfast!

Nikki, i dun think its unreasonable to deduct a day's pay. aft all she asked to go back earlier. but if she treats u and ur bb well, then u might just wanna forget that one day. after all, u still facing her for a couple of weeks.

Ya i also looking for Neo garden's menu.. their normal menu no more liao. must order from their christmas one which is more ex. sigh.. burn big hole!
michelle i just splurged $1k on Neo Garden 2 meals, I don't think it's as nice, not too sure but I find the food, esp the rice like bullet rice after heating up for more than an hr...so if u eat the rice after an hr it's hard. Maybe u shld opt for noodles..

My 2nd time using them IMHO I find the first time nicer and this time round not as nice.
Hi bear, u mean Neo Garden cannot order normal menu anymore? when is ur event?

Has anyone ordered the baby favors from Partridgepear.com ?

Just spoken to the lady, she seemed very accomdating and friendly!
hi cc, thank u for the feedback! i saw their choices of the food... seems like nothing fantastic, but perhaps the taste is good? still quite confuse now!

anyone has other caterers to recommend?
Michelle: IMHO, the food is average tasting. Really nothing fantastic, my order included sushi platter but I could tell the sushi was likely to be from like those they bought outside, wssn't great either...

I saw there was one caterer I tink is Continental the menu looks superb...i saw on brochure they sent to my hse, too bad mine oredei over or i wld have tried them..

I tink maybe can try other cuisine, I find caterer normal cuisine always taste the same.
<font color="ff6000">bear</font>
Thxs for the advice. CL is not bad and will see how it goes.

<font color="ff6000">Michelle</font>
I'm also looking out for full month cakes and caterer for buffet. Was initially keen on Patridge Pear and thought that the baby favors were unique instead of the usual cakes and tarts. Discussed with HB and we realised that the gift box is really small(12 x 9 x 14cm) and thought that it's not too presentable. My colleagues have used Choz.

I also read quite good reviews on Neo Garden or maybe some mummies can give us advice on full month packages and caterers.
hey mummies,
do you normally let your baby nap after their feed and some play time? i noticed its quite hard to me to get my baby to sleep during e day but i know she needs her sleep lei..sometimes she cries while i try to pat her to sleep until its like 2 hours later then i end up feedin her again..really hope it will be better after first month.
Hi mummies!

So happy finally got some personal time to myself today..:p went for facial hee, after more than a mth.

Michelle: Wow..not bad you mge to handle bb alone! Hb going overseas next week but have asked my mum to come and stay overnite coz me still not confident of handling bb at night. I am pretty Ok handling him alone in daytime but night time sometimes really need 2 pairs of hands man...

Fifi: Hmm went to the beco website..dont mind seeing the carriers though still not sure if SIL is still passing me hers. Wkdays ok for me!

Haru, usu after feed, will let baby nap a while! But if his eyes big big, then hb and I will talk and play with him for a while..
hi fifi,
u got a mail.. i ve sent in my order and payment for the Dec Drugstore Spree. pls check and reply me via email. thanks..

hi mummies,
RE: Breastpads
i'm also looking at getting washable breasts pads. any recommendations?
I find Medela ones gd, absorbent, thick enuff and not itchy.

Yes, can be earlier but not later.

I used Melrose and it's great, for $10 i get a large 6 inche cake, 4 ang kus, 4 glutinous rice and 4 eggs! Best deal.
harU: mY bb VERY hard to sleep in the day she cries quite a bit, I just bought the jing bo compoound from eu yan sang to calm her...first day on her today, she cried less after taking it.
hi mummies,
only managed to log in now, cause been out shopping today!!! hehee..

I will test him first by putting my finger next to his mouth, if he wants to drink milk den he will open his mouth big big.. I noticed that he don really cry a lot. He just shout, grumble a lot.. he only seem to cry very hard when pooing.. So kelian lor.. Even my hubby say he cry until very jialat..

My baby now about 2 weeks plus, almost the whole day he is sleeping de.. He will only wake up 2-3 times in the day and after bath also.. But only around 15mins like that.. Then he will want to latch on again and sleep liao lor.. If he is awake den I'll talk to him lor, or else sometimes I just leave him alone, den he'll lie down there quietly look around. But night time if he is awake I won't talk to him la, just leave him lyin there. If he is full and dry diaper, he will just doze off himself..

I'm not having any party or buffet for baby's full month, becos both me n hubby find that baby still young anyway so we're going to leave it to his 1st birthday and make it a big bash. Just going to give out cakes and going for a simple lunch with my friends.. So I guess date is not a problem to me, since i'm planning to do it on 20th sat too...
Hi Nikki, when will u be celebrating ur baby's first month? I decided to order from partridge pear (PP) as their momentos can be kept and we thought of giving each guest a set for keepsake. As for the traditional stuff, during our first month party, MIL will make the red eggs and the glutinous rice and we will buy the ang ku kweh and also order a full month cake! I spoke to the lady at PP and she mentioned that we can mix and match, just order from a package and those items that we don't want, for e.g., red eggs, then just exchange with another and just top up the difference in price! since it's quite flexible, we thought of customizing our baby's first month flavor.

i'm still having a headache regarding the buffet! maybe shld just order some x'mas menu so that can treat as early x'mas party also right?

Hi Glad gal, i'm sure u will be able to cope! sometimes these stuff just come naturally I guess! but i guess extra help will also be helful! perhaps before bedtime, u can prepare everything first so that when feeding/changing diapers time then won't be "luan"
Bear, you are really lucky got to eat different dishes. And Wan tan mee too! I have been eating same dishes most of the time... usually meat cook with rice wine.

Haru, usually i will let baby sleep after each feed. Cos after about 1 hour of suckling i m already feeling very tired.. if her eyes still wide open, then very hard for me to put her back to sleep.. sometimes it might be because she wants to poo, or she does not have enuf. If she poo, then she will demand to be fed again. Mabe hungry. Other mummies, is you bb like this too?

cc, can let me hv the contact for Melrose? Very worth it! Thanks!
hi mummies, what do your apply if baby develop nappy rash? I used Mustela Vitamin barrier cream but starts to see red patch at bb's buttock. Think it is nappy rash...

And what time do your normally bath you bb? Before feed or after feed? I read from book tt we shdn't bathe bb at least 30 mins after feed. However, if i bath her before her feed, she keeps wailing cos she is hungry ...

wow, ur baby sounds so easy! duno is it coz today and yesterday have visitors my baby refused to sleep esp in evening. her eyes just big big after feed (altho she fell asleep durin feed)..

whats jing bo compound?
think u can try airing baby's buttocks. Apply more nappy cream, no nid save de...

I normally bath after feed, around 10 mins after ba..

mayb cos my boy still young ba, heard baby grows while sleeping, so i wan him to slp more!!! my case is opp from u. my visitors can never catch him open his eyes de, den when they leave he will wake up.. Guess my boy is shy, haha

By the way, how much should baby weight gain by 2 weeks ar??
kreystel: sure u can visit their site http://www.melrose.com.sg I got the traditional pack, box is big contents inside even bigger, really worth every dollar.

Sabre: Sorry it's call Bo Ying Compound (bao ying dan), to soothe crying baby. also can be used for flu, cough, fever etc
hi sabre, wow! ur baby seems easy... as for my Kayley, her sleeping patterns is still not established yet... sometimes sleep the whole day, sometimes awake and play by herself but recently she seems to be having stomach pain... i can hear alot of gas in her tummy and then after awhile she will start sobbing and then move on to screaming... if like that, do i need to take her to doctor? is it normal to have "gaseous" sound for babies?

then again after she pass motion, she will be very hungry.... so i feed her again (less than 2 hrs) but then she will "merlion"/vomit alot of milk out.. is this normal again? sigh... whenever she pukes and have tummy ache, i feel so helpless!
can be use for clearing mucus and pheglm too??

no lah, he's not easy.. he will fuss a lot during sleep de.. den have to pat him or carry him again.. and nowadays he will cry till no voice de lor.. I'm thinking maybe stomach wind also, cos he always explodes his poo poo out.. I usually just put ruyi oil on him after bath only.. I will just try to calm him everytime he cry by latchin him on, cos don wan him to take in more wind.. Sometimes his stomach do have growling sounds also..

You're latching her on or feeding EBM??

Guess we can only try to burp them more and apply ruyi oil on them ba.. Don feel so stress out ok? Cause they're still young now, things will get better when they grow up..We can't be perfect mom de, just learn as u go along lor.. If you're worried can always get your PD to check on her..
