(2008/11) November 2008

Hi mummies,

Thanks for compliments..

I took this @ Yew Kuang Maternity Studio, just a small studio located at South bridge road shophouses. Package was $288 c/w a small album and one like 8R with frame photo. Total photos back is about 21 pieces, hubby also took some shots together. Quite enjoyable tho tiring!

Interested can call Yew Kuang - HP: 97608980

<font color="ff6000">Vel</font>
I didn't swim cos too shy la, tummy too big haha. Thought wanna sneak into the pool in the evening when the sky turns a little dark but always too lazy!

<font color="ff6000">alibaba</font>
It's good to have some privacy after delivery and 4 bedded may be a little noisy w neighbours &amp; guests around. Told my friends &amp; relatives betta visit me on bb's full month cos we would really be so tired to entertain them.

<font color="ff6000">baby23</font>
Will jus opt for 4 bedded 1st &amp; see how during admission. Usually I sleep like a log, haha!
<font color="0077aa">Jynnsan, your maternity shoot is really nice. Your tummy so nice, without stretch marks...envy.

Sigh...i kinda regret not taking fotos earlier coz my stretchmarks appear &amp; belly button pop when i hit 3rd trimester *cry* don't dare to go take liao...so ugly
Bear, i start to feel tt my hip joint become less "flexible". For e.g. at night when i try to turn i feel a slight pain (like old people like tt). What i do is i try some simple exercise to stretch my leg (those simple exercise, for e.g. i bring my leg upwards and downwards). I just do a bit like 5 sets only, can actually hear the "creack sound"!). I feel better after tt. Maybe when you are feeling better you can try. But dont over exert ya. Take care.
Hi gals,
just back fm my gynae wk34 checkup. Gained another 2.5 kg within 2wks, already 15kg to-date. Goodness, Im gog to hit 20kg soon.

Baby is growing well, approx 2.2kg. she was showing her fingers and getting ready to punch me..

Congrats to Olwen &amp; Kaya. Show us the pics soon.
JJmom, U can ask the photo studio to PhotoShop your stretchmarks away

My belly button oredi popped out when in 2nd trimester. Very obvious now.
In one of t delivery video Mrs Wong showed in class, one angmoh lady actually has no belly button! Her button is stretched until nothing left! I was so surprised to see that. Maybe i sua gu... heheheh
Congrats Olwen and Kaya on the arrival of your babies.

jus to share with everyone here that we will be having emma-jane this friday at 11am. pls pray for us. went for check up this morning and dr tan wants to have the baby out this wk as my blood pressure is getting high and i am swelling all over. he is afraid that i may have complications if we try and tong longer. this wk is my 36th wk. we are praying that baby will be big enuf and do not have to be warded in ICU. Right now I am still on hospital leave. will be seeing dr tan again on thursday and will be warded after that. wish us luck. will keep everyone updated...
hi chilipadi,
just rest well for the time being,try not to worry so much, baby can't wait to see daddy n mummy and the world. Just be happy that u r going to see ur little one soon. Pray that both of u will be fine, and hv a smooth delivery. God is always there to bless u n baby

oh dear... u take care and rest well... dun worry, your baby will be fine.. have a smooth delivery...


me sama sama...2.2kg in 2 weeks...total weight gain already >12kg and I have no water retention...meaning all fats which is worst!
chilipadi, take care... lotz of hugz..

Re:waterproof Mattress protector
I still have not decide whether to get one for baby cot, afraid it will be too hot cos not in aircon room but afraid of leakage leh. Mummies, any suggestions?
4 bedded really that noisy har? haiz.. bo bian, i already booked it, just got to 忍 the noise, somemore hubby wants to save $$ on hospital stay,so that he will buy more toys for baby esp fisher price one, really love it.

So fast u already got the admission letter? from dr wong? i havent got mine leh. So that means it doesn't matter which paediatrician the dr choose for us rite, as we are going to see other paediatrician nearby our hse?

haha, me too, peep into the rooms to take a look, when the cleaner is cleaning the room.

i already booked the 4 bedded room, hope i will get the renovated one at admission.
<font color="0000ff">chilipadi, don't worry, m sure your gynae knows what's best for u &amp; your bb. Rest well &amp; have a smooth delivery on thur
RE 4 bedded room at TMC

I heard TMC will upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded room FOC. Not sure if they still do it now
<font color="0000ff">Lilian, yah i know tat the photo studio can do photoshop to 'remove' the ugly stretchmarks but I m juz so sianz &amp; sad abt it to even go for maternity shoots liao

Sigh...mayb will take bb photos &amp; next time when we have another bb then take family photos bah
i ask the nurse there when make the booking,she said yes, they still practise it if running out of 4 bedded rooms.
mosh, re mattress protector. I think it is better to get one since leakage may spoil the mattress ... I bought mine at kiddy palace at 20 plus.
baby23> i tink will be noisy. but since u decided on tat , jus keep ur finger cross, hoping tat ur neighbours are considerate enough

mosh> wat i know for TMC. they have limited no. of 4 bedden. Hence, when 4 bedden are full, they will auto upgrade to 2 bedden FOC. but definately not FOC for 1 bedden. heehee
<font color="0000ff">Mosh, heard now TMC may not auto upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded room FOC liao coz they have more 4 bedded now coz they juz reno unless they really don't have enough bah.</font>
jjmom, ya now that they have upgraded their rooms, not sure if they still practice it leh.

My SIL got free upgrade when she deliver last yr

Krystel, yalor I also afraid of leakage but then hor dont noe if it will be too hot leh...
Re Stroller

Went to see some combi stroller the other day. urban walker seems not bad but then it is not as compact and abit heavier than the rest of the combi model as well... hmm... still considering,

my hubby prefer more compact and lighter ones but now have to wait for him to be back from reservist then decide, haiz, another 2 more weeks
Yes, Dr Wong gave me a letter. Not a formal letter (like a memo) and ask me to keep in my handbag in case I'm going to deliver(during non-office hrs). I didn't put in my handbag yet :p. Maybe she will give u on your next visit? Any1 with Dr Wong, got the letter as well?

Yes, unless u want to stick with the PD assigned after that.
Me 2, I've booked 4 bedder.

my hubby also going reservist next week for 2.5wks.
Just back from my check up. Baby at wk36+ is 2.7-2.8kg. Gynae as usual does not appear concerned over my frequent BH, etc. But she did double check that my BP is ok coz I told her about my bad feet swelling the other day.

All the best. Your baby will be fine I'm sure. 36 weeks quite good le.

Most of us got 1 kind or another. If you can afford to wait (i'm cannot remember your EDD), my advice is to join one of the babymall sprees and buy the one from there. 2 pack at US6.99 (before 20% discount and shipping) is much cheaper than elsewhere. Even if you use for a while and then dun like it, its not wasting that much money.
<font color="0000ff">alibaba, mosh, i heard TMC new 4 bedder is vy nicely done, bigger than the new 2 bedder. Heard the new 2 bedder is a bit small. But i dunno, heard it from others only =P</font>
ya, i heard too...more 4 bedded at tmc. yes, new 2 bedded is small but nicely done up. i was admitted in end mar and got the free upgrade to new 2 bedded room.

anyway, i booked 4 bedded also. if too noisy, i will ask for upgrade to 2 bedded.
Chillipadi, will pray for u. in the meantime, pls rest ya?

Jynnsan, Yew Kwang was my AD PG! heh... nicely done!

Krystel, eh i m a carrier of the Marfan gene, which is we dun produce enough elastin for our cartilage and connective tissues. since young i have lotsa probs with my joints.. but with the preg it is worse cos during preg, the hormone relaxin is released to 'relax' and loosen ur joints for delivery. two wks back while i was at yoga, i already noticed that my hips were making a lot of 'noise' when i did my stretches. even the instructor told me to do it in a diff way lor, so not as to dislocate my hip joints (happened before). anyway it happens rather frequently for me. i "dislocated" my wrists, elbows, knees, hips and shoulders before.
<font color="0000ff">Bear,
wah...your condition sounds serious, better take extra care esp now tat we r getting much heavier in our 3rd trimester @_o''

Sigh...my problem is with my legs &amp; feets, think they have problem supporting my heavy upper body liao. They hurt quite bad even when i only walk a little nia
The joints at my feets also make a 'crack' sound when i stretch them.</font>
Hi ladies..

Tis morning went for my check up. already dilate 3cm. so will pop anytime. But will onli admit on Wed to deliver my princess

alibaba-I also had free upgrade to 2room last year ler, hopefully this time round also got.. coz 4room really quite noisy ler.

hui-wah u r the next!!! even b4 Chillipadi... congrats and do rest well during this time too!
hello mummies. How's monday?

Kaya, congratz and rest well. Thanks for sharing your birth story. I sure you bb now is growing very well. Take care ya.

Chillipadi, god bless. Now you are in your 36+, i'm sure emma jane is healthy enough. Dont worry too much. Just pray for a smooth delivery.

Bear, i'm not going for c-sect lah. Haha.. and i havent set a date yet. Just that i hope to induce after 38 weeks, which is anytime after 22 oct if bb dont pop by then.

Jynnsan, nice pic. You look good even preggy. I look like an old hag now and reluctant to take any pictures at all.

Just came back from checkup. BP went up but still ok. If BP went up again, may be a sign of pre-eclampsia. Hopefully it will not happen. Today is 36w+5d and dr check my cervix as i had been having stronger and longer menstrual cramps at night and feeling something wanted to poke through an opening. According to her, its contactions and its a good sign since i want an early labour. My cervix is currently 1cm dilated. She also stretches it a little. She told me that if i see brown/blood discharges, do not be alarm as its due to the stretching. If my cervix is 1cm dilated, does it mean i'm going to labour soon? How soon, anyone knows? Gynae never say much and i forget to ask. She only ask me to go back 1 week later. As i'm typing this, i'm having strong but bearable menstrual pain leh.
i haven chosen and also dunoe who is good lei.. basically sad to say i din bother to check out.. will ask Dr Wong to recommend.. e ones she recommends shd not be too bad

congrats olwen! doubt she'll be coming into this forum that soon, mus be busy with the bbs for quite a while before settles down.

ur bb havent turn ah.. ok lah no need so sad.. this type of bbs r said to be more clever lei.

Went for my gynae checkup last sat.. bb 35weeks weigh ~2.4kg.. her growing starts slowing down liao.. doc say since i'm having csec can now eat watever i like, no need control cos last time she was growing like rocket

Hubby jus flew to US on sun... sianz.. leave me alone again.. v depressing.. later manning a cocktail reception at shangri-la, got nice food to eat hehee...
hui, congrats leh! You are next. Really excited for you. Your girl follow her brother, cant wait to be delivered at 37 weeks.
HI Chillipadi

Do you have Pre-eclampsia? I had that for my 1st baby, had v v bad swelling at my feet. So I went thru C-section at 36weeks 6 days. Baby was 2.33kg, but he was very healthy, though light weight, so he was able to discharge with me after 4 days' stay.

Dun worry, ur baby will be fine. It's best to bring baby out early, and fatten her up after that! Now my boy is so fat, no one wld have guessed he was so tiny at birth
hui, good luck! you are early in delivering as well?


In my last preg, i was 1cm dilated during my check up on a thursday if i recalled correctly...then sat nite, contractions at 5 min interval so admitted hospital and delivered on sun morning...so it could be a few days.... i hope u can tong until after 37 weeks...but if u are already having contractions, u better monitor, time and see whether the intensity increase. if increase until 5 mins interval, better rush to delivery ward... did u gynae put u on CTG monitoring?
Bear, then you better take care and be careful always. Don't worry also because i am sure things will be fine. Just rest when you need it.
dreamyjo-You too take very very good care.. anytime too also rite?

peanut00-when ur c-sect?? what's ur cravings now?? eat wad u wan!!

Sunshinekid-I also went thru c-sect due to low placenta for my first kid ard 36-37weeks and he's around 2.5kg, small but healthy.. but I hope this time round can carry for longer so can grow bigger but ultimately healthy most impt la hor.. hee..
JJmom, the trick is to keep moving ur joints. dun let them stiffen. the more u move the better it is. so try to do basic rotational exercise while sitting down. cracking of joints is apparently due to nitrogen air in ur blood. wahahah.. i not too sure abt this, haven't been researching.

Hui, congrats in advance. do give us a sms when u pop hor! take care! your Jovial must be so excited to see his lil' sis.

Dreamyjo, oops sorry! i just rem that u said u shd be delivering in Oct.. assumed its C-sec! u better start timing ur contraction pains. if they are getting closer then u better call ur gynae. as for dilation, it just means u are ready to go into labour... how soon u pop is another matter. some ppl dilate 1cm per hr while others dilate faster. depends on indiv. now u better time ur contraction pains.

Poor Peanut.. want us to jio u out? but hor we all so huge liao.. hahahah.. when's ur C-sec?
Kash, no leh. Cos my contractions normally occur at night and early morning and i never time them. Just notice that they are getting more stronger and long. I never notice the interval cos i'm still sleepy. I will monitor again. Hopefully my bb will only decide to pop next week lah. My cot havent even arrive yet. Oh dear.

I think im having contraction now too. but i quite confused not sure how to time. Nope she never put me on CTG. Dont know leh, gynae doesnt seem to be anxious about it. Anyway, i will monitor and see how. If contractions getting bad, i will call the clinic tomorrow and ask again. I will turn 37 weeks this wednesday.
