(2008/11) November 2008

<font color="ff6000">Olwen</font>
Congrats! So curious to see your triplets pics! Take good care &amp; hope to see u back in the thread soon!
hmm..i am not sure about washing e bumper in machine..any mummies can advise? i am now waiting patiently at home for mine to arrive this afternoon.=>

dun let tis bring ur mood down ok? most impt is that baby and mummy are both healthy and doing well.

CONGRATS!!! so happy for you! you made it!!
guess what? i called baby kingdom tis morn again to ask about e mattress and this time e lady explained that there is actually 2 types of mattress that we can upgrade to: spring or safety mattress. the spring one is the one where we have to top up min $120. that was e one that the guy told me last time i called. kaoz! but coz e mattress and cot coming today, i wil have no choice but to bring back e mattress tom myself to change to the safety mattress, top is about $25, i think. the silly guy never give me accurate info e last time lor..if i wld have requested it then, saves me a trip e way to ubi tom. sianz..
Olwen, CONGRATS!!!

dreamyjo, thx for updating us

bibi, my gal ard same weight as ur boy. 33W2D at 1.9kg. Dr Koh did say a bit small size.
Jenn, cheer up ok..*hugs* I guess sometimes we do hope to experience the natural birth but diff circumstances may not allow it..i got 2 friends, both original plan is thru natural birth but she has fever on that day so in the end gynae advised her to go thru c-sect; the other one is that the umbilical cord is ard the bb's neck so also c-sect. But what matters is bb n mummy are safe!

Olwen: Congrats!!
Strange... Dr Koh told me it's ok. Baby growing well. Nvr mind lar, i have already put on 14kg with stretch marks all over my body. I don't wish to put on extra weight liao...

I'm having stretch mark around my tummy, bum, waist and thigh.

Gong xi gong xi.. Finally... No more pain and suffering... Now got to rest well.. Must jin pu. And take care of you babies.
<font color="ff0000">Jen, Babyzel</font>

Dun feel sad okay? As long as baby comes out healthy, it's okay however he/she comes out right? I feel baby and Mummy's health is top priority. Chin up, at least u going to see your little darlings real soon!!
No, did not see Dr Woo for my 1st bb. Was with another gynae at paragoon.

Bibi &amp; Brocoli,
My appetite is so so only. I dun eat much. Dunno why 2nd bb is big.

My husband's aunt makes beansprout pillow for sale but currently, her worker left so i'm not sure if she still got time to make and sell. She selling around $12 each if i'm not wrong but got to confirm availability.
Hi alibaba and greengrape...I have not started drinking the coconut...my mum told me but i dun know where to buy the green husky too...one mum in this thread says she buys from NTUC is it?
Thanks Brocoli, Nikki, Bibi, Dreamyjo, Haru, Glad gal, Sunshinekid... I'm feeling much better now and accepting the fact that I need to go thru C-section.. Anyway, for the sake of BB everything is worth it =) Now gonna wait for the C-section date to be confirmed n I will be seeing my gal real soon =D

Congrats to Olwen and am waiting to see ya BBs pics... Meanwhile rest well =)

Congrats to Olwen! U did a gd job! can't wait to see their photos!

Jenn, going through c-sec doesn't make u less a mother! cheer up! like i said, follow wat ur gynae recommend ya? will keep praying for ur bb gal to turn!

Blessedmum, Mildy, i finally had my first coconut today! i m NEVER gonna drink it again!!! it stinks and it made me so nauseated. if bb comes out more bloody then so be it. he is def washable!!

Haru, think that guy trying to con u into buying the more ex mattress.. heh.. nvm.. hope u are happy with the cot! my hb lost the receipt from babykingdom! kaozzz.. next time i tell he will lose the bb!!

I finally started washing my bb stuff.. oops.. i think i need four washes just to clear the clothes.. hahaha in the end not enough bamboo to hang them up!

Oh ya something happened to me today. i think its sciatica cos now i can't walk at all! each time i step down on my left leg, an excruciating pain will shoot from my hip. i was literally crying from the pain. no idea where it came from although i felt a twinge here and there last night. I spent the whole day resting. can't even get up to get a drink without crying!!
Couldnt sleep...zzz hiaz..been waking up at 5am everyday for an hr.

Bear, oh no, hope u feel better and can walk w/o the pain tml! hnvt heard of sciatica before?

Oh and me havent started washing, but me &amp; hb finally packed all the stuff nicely into the drawers! And got the BabySafe latex mattress too from KiddyPalace, 1 more set of bumper and all the miscel stuff.
Also same question as Nikki &amp; Haru, wonder if it can be machine washed?! or no need...

Also packed my hospital bag (tho havent put in the admission letter).

I finally feel alittle bit more prepared :p
morning! yes, i am really happy w the cot.hubby also ordered some wall decal to decorate our baby's corner. did it together till past midnite yesterday to complete it. will drive down to Ubi later to change the mattress. => now just hv to go get extra st of bumper and the extra sheets and stuff for the cot.

*clap clap*!! well done with e laundry. u feel a load off ur chest once you have done it right?hehehe..

packed more of the stuff into hospital bag, reality really sinking in that will be delivering in just a couple of weeks!!
Take care. If really really pain, do go to your gynae and insist that he needs to tell you what's wrong and help you through it. Insist that you need to know and need help.

Wah. I better go ensure my bag is properly packed. I packed halfway only. I dun have to bring any admission letter though.

Kash, Bluebear:
Our drugstore stuff are in Singapore but was still at the airport when I checked. I will be arranging delivery later today when it can be released. If you want to get your stuff first, can come in the evening but shipping costs may have to wait till tmr coz later got friends over, I won't be able to count properly. But I trust that you 2 will pay me de.

Re: Babymall Spree
Expected arrival in Singapore is tomorrow. Collection tentatively next Saturday (18 Oct) 11am-1pm. Will confirm when I check all the stuff.
sorry mummies,
can i find out what kind of waterproof sheets will u be using cot the cot? I have one waterproof pad for cot mattress, but sure if i will still need the blue sheets from the pharmacy since we are using cloth diapers initially. wil it be uncomfortable for baby?
In the first place, the pumps from US are not even supposed to be shipped out of US. Its meant for US residents. So by right, we are not even supposed to be buying. Then, there is always a by left.
re : waterproof sheet
I went to kiddy earlier to look at the waterproof sheet, they have 2 types. 1 is like those pillow/mattress protector (very cheap but sforgot how much) with a layer of waterproof sheet below. Then the other like a piece of cloth only with a layer of waterproof sheet below (think 18).

im considering between the normal foam mattress (49) with babysafe with pores mattress(130) coz think in the past people all used this type rite. and the shop assistant also say alot ppl use this type. I asked whats the diff and she say foam is warmer. so i asked her if put this then add the waterproof sheet and another bedsheet cover, isnt it hotter. she say not really as long as you use 100% bedsheet cover.

thought they say use pores type is to prevent from suffocation and if put waterproof sheet, no ventilation too what so why buy pores mattress if 1 2 use waterproof sheet????? blurr

Aunt say put a few more cloth diaper below bottoms and/or head can liao. Im also wondering those disposable (hospital like) waterproof sheet warm or not too.....
Congrats. Promoted to a mummies of 4 kids with 2 pregnancy. Post bb pictures when you have time.

Take care. I also experience that in my week 30 but the pain went away after 1 day.
Olwen: Congrats...Whee!

Brocoli: I was at the clinic at around 3.30pm... Went to do my doppler scan at TC Chang's clinic. Anyway, my next appt on 17. How about you?

Minkybear: Don't worry, drink more milk to boost the weight? Hope it helps...

Counting down everyone!!!
hi mummies,
hope u all had good weekend. me had a busy weekend, with e cot arriving, doing up e walls and organizing the baby's corner in our home. went down to baby kingdom to change e mattress just now too. bot a few more toys, clothes and other stuff for baby too.e past months my credit card really work hard,hahah..

wishing you all an easy week ahead!!
Hi mommies!

Long time no see.I just returned from TMC.
Delivered my baby on Friday 9th October at 35wks, baby boy was abt 2.5kg.

Had no choice but to deliver early as I had Serious Pre-eclampsia, so had an immediate elective cesarean done on the day I went for a simple gynae checkup. (We were shocked when our gynae said, you must take the baby out today or tommorow!)No natural birth as any delay may cause complications.

He's in intensive care unit now due to premature lungs and a mild lung infection. But Dr said that he should be fine after 5 days.

Wish to share my Birth Story with mummies here.

-Was wheeled into operation theatre at 6.30pm
Spinal Block and drip administered (can't do epidural as we need the Analgesia to take effect immediately)
-Felt an ant bite sensation on my spine, a little "suan" feeling as needle entered, but still bearable, after which I lost all sensation in my lower body.
-Started shivering due to spinal block, was given sedatives through drip to reduce shivering, made me drowsy, but still aware.
-I can feel Dr Chan tugging at my tummy, it's not painful, just a weird sensation
-Baby is born at 6.50pm. I was amazed at the speed.They placed him in my arms and we managed to cuddle him for a while before they took him for measurements.
-Dr Chan stitches me up
- Left the op theatre at 7.20pm.
-Back to room to rest, was told to try to wiggle my legs, able to regain sensation of lower body by next morning.

Jiayou mummies! Wishing you all the joy upon the arrival of your babies, soon!

Congrates! cant wait to see your little precious! take care!

Jenn, don't be upset sometimes things can change unexpectedly. stay positive!
hi everybody, been MIA for a while..
Just to update.. Me opting for c-sect, had consulted 'shifu' for good dates/time based on me and HB's ba zhi, but who knows later baby will choose own timing? keke, will confirm the date/time on my next checkup liao.

olwen-great to know u and bbs are fine, got time post pics for us hor..

kaya-CONGRATS too
and wishing ur baby speedy recovery! Yours is considered half-body c-sect??
Any mummies consolidating list for those mummies who are opting for c-sect dates/time? So can see any of us going to be 'neighbours' at the hospital? Else I can volunteer since I am one of those mummies going for c-sect! But someone gonna teach me how to make the table lo.. heee..
Morning all mummies..

Jennm cheer up..wat matters most is bb is healthy.. ok.. *hug*

Olwen &amp; Kaya, CONGRATS!

Bear, hope u are feeling better now.. its never easy with this big balloon.. i felt those pains too whenever i want to get off my bed but i think its less severe than yours.. do check with your gynae ya.. its the weight that cause my pain.. need to give my legs some time to warm up and withstand the load.. but its still painful.. Endure endure..

Nikki, your bb growing well.. chubby one..
Thanks Enne, Vel for your well wishes.

Yes, mine is considered half body C-sect. Since I had no feeling in my lower body, really 0% painless during op. Haha... just that now 4 days aft op, stiches abit suan, but bearable, so walking like old lady.

Olwen also pop liao? Congrats on your multiple little treasures!
Morning everyone....

Olwen: CONGRATS on the birth of your 3 previous jewels! Have as much rest as you can ya? Take lots of tonic to 'pu' your body. Looking forward to seeing ur bb pics

Kaya: CONGRATS to you too! Pray that your bb will have a speedy recovery. Even though he's premature, he is of good weight
Thanks for sharing your birth story... sure is a quick delivery within a matter of a few hours!

Bear: Are you feeling better now? Poor gal.. must have been a painful weekend for you. Do consult your gynae if it doesn't go away... (though risking him telling you "it's normal" again....) and like what Fifi mentioned, insists that he explains to you and tell you what's wrong. Even if it really 'is normal;.. you have the right to know. Jia you gal!

Jenn: Cheer up and don't be sad ok? So long as bb is healthy, everything that you go through will be worth it. Look on the bright side, at least your delivery will be much more predictable and you can be more prepared. Jia you!

Any mummy experienced slight spotting? Been noticing some slight brown spotting over the weekend. Not sure if this is a cause for concern? Am not feeling any contractions (actually, till now i dunno how contractions feel like) nor any discomfort apart from the fact that bb is moving ALOT. Anyone has similar experience b4? Not sure if it warrants me calling my gynae since I'm already having an appt this Sat....
oops... realised that i've made an embarrassing typo error... sorry Olwen.. i mean 3 PRECIOUS jewels.. not previous... paiseh... *knocks herself on the head* must be the early effects of monday blues...
<font color="ff6000">haru, glad</font>
But at the moment we are adjusting the cot's height higher so won't be putting the bumper 1st. I'm jus thinking bumper is a little like quilt so should be washable but afraid that it will go out of shape unless send for drycleaning.

<font color="ff6000">Blessedmum</font>
I got my green husk coconut fm Giant Tampines yesterday. You can try there.

<font color="ff6000">jenn</font>
Glad that you are feeling betta!

<font color="ff6000">kaya</font>
Congrats on your new born!

<font color="ff6000">Vel</font>
Haha ya gynae also commented bb chubby! But me &amp; HB not chubby. I'm not eating exceptionally a lot so was rather suprised.. Yr EDD is 1 week before me, are you gg on leave a week's earlier?
Good morning mummies!

Congratulations to Olwen and her triplets!

And also congrats to Kaya too. Glad to know that both you and ur bb are fine. Have a speedy recovery!
No idea coz I believe that crocs are dangerous for kids. Too many accidents even with real crocs.

I think you shld go to your gynae. My gynae although everything also say "its common", always tell me that any bleeding or regular pain, go to the hospital. Spotting is a form of bleeding lor.
Olwen, Kaya,

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Rest well now during confinement and I am sure your babies will be fine


thanks for ordering.... can u please email me the shipping amount? I think i will transfer to you first. Where do you stay? Maybe this sat can I arrange to drive over to collect from you?


hey, what TVB serial are you watching now? me watching "The 7th Day"... me trying not to start on the mooncake serial first...wanna tong till confinement then start watching as I heard it is super duper good.... once start cannot stop leh....


yes it is bactorban (or something)... today will be the last day we apply. my hb actually started washing her sclap yday liao... thank goodness she is ok....


oh dear... r ok? better today? did u see a doctor to find out what is wrong? poor thing....


crocs no good ah? I juz bought a pair for my gal during isetan sale leh....


Actually i heard that there is a chinese med called "shi san tai bao"...shd start drinking during 3rd trimester to help baby turn... i took 1 time during my 1st preg as my mum made for me. This preg i din bother as my bb's head down since 24th week.. however, i am not sure whether it will help you make the baby's head turn at such a late stage...juz suggesting that you may consider consulting chinese sin sei?
Hi Mummies,

i'm selling away my Medela PIS-Shoulder Bag that purchased on 1/7/08 from First Few Year (paragon) at $530. Warranty till 1/10/09. Reason to sell, and when the babies arrived in end Sept 08, decided to stop breast feeding completely after a few days.

For more info, please email me at [email protected] or sms 93664880

I will also be giving away my - :
-breast milk storage bags (75pcs)
-a pair of 30mm medela breast pump funnels
-disposable breast pads 6 boxes
Fifi: I just called up my gynae's clinic... the nurse asked me to monitor coz i only have slight spotting after I shower.. then it goes away after that. This happened for both sat night and last night. She said if have continuous spotting or if it returns again after i shower today and doesn't go away, then I should call the clinic again. My gynae also like yours and Bear's... her common answer to my questions is "this is common" or "this is normal"...

Morning ladies...

Congrats to Dey, Olwen and Kaya.

Gynae visit was last friday, bb is 1.95kg @ 34wk4d. Still small and his head is down but not engaged yet. Estimated to be 2.5kg when delivered. Gynae says is due to genes for his size...and I won't be delivering these 2 wks. :D

hospital bag,
Finally, got my hospital bag ready.
