(2008/11) November 2008

Morning mummies!

Fifi: hee yah, better pack the bag soon! If anything, all my friends just say can 'grab and go' haa..

Haru: Wow, looks like you have a productive wkend doing up bb's room too! :p Can't wait for my wall decal to come!

Nikki, I see..think I will just handwash then! Like wat u said, might go out of shape. But I will have to put my bumper in, coz my mattress alittle on the narrow side so need to fill up the gap. :/ Hope I got the correct size mattress man..

Kaya, congrats & thks for sharing your story! Hope you have a fast recovery!

TriAngel, yup seeing Dr Woo at TB clinic. Next appt this coming Sat!

Hi favoured, yah better bug your clinic/gynae if got spotting again. Take care and hope it's nothing of concern!

Congrats Kaya!
Take care and rest well.Try nt to walk too much.

I am still catching the old show lar. The 'tang xin feng pao part 2'.
Think i can onli watch those new one during my confinement liao.Think it would be better too.. then i can rent the whole series instead of chasing the girl for the new disc. Haaa

there is a new serial now showing in HK starring ROger Kwok... he is the baddie... i was told it is very good... it is called "Yu Ti Tong Xing"...'walking with your enemy'. I also finished watching the Lou JIa Liang "when a dog falls in love with a cat" liao.... so so but his acting is worth watching....
morning ladies,

Wow, another graduate! congrats Kaya!

I have brown spotting for weeks liao. Gynae says as long as no contractions or pain, shld be ok. But u better let your gynae check to see if there are any infections or bleeding due to other reasons.
I will compute the shipping later. Didn't have time to do it yesterday. Will let you know. I stay at Redhill.

I feel that crocs are prone to escalator accidents as there are holes in the front which the escalator can grip onto. Furthermore, the "non-slip" grip makes the shoe "grip" onto the escalator. When my cousin wears crocs, I will always have carry her when we go on escalators. Very troublesome considering she's already 4 years old and so active.
The lady told me tat show too.She asked me to wait and will reserve the whole series for me.

But now i have difficulty catching up the old shows coz my gal keep 'fighting' TV with me.I can onli watch when she is taking her nap or night time.Almost everyday i watched till 3am.. panda eyes now.keke
gd morning mummies

notin fantastic weekend for me. hb tis morn went reservist.. last night helped him to pack his bag & as well as my hospital bag.. still have few more items to go.. haa..still haven pack in gg home outfit & nursing bras(haven buy one yet also)

Kash> i bot the Pureen maternity pad from kiddy palance. it's so big pack & consist of 20 of them.. i only packed 10 pcs to hospital plus 2 pcs of night use softy. izzit enough ah?
tinking to use the shorter one when go home. else duno how to walk with soooo long pc of pad. kaka.. i guess it will be too long & "overflow" from my panty... cos i usually wear low waist panty wor..

nikki> yes, have booked a room. my gynae has free upgrade from 4bedden to 2 bedden. So i'm sticking to it... if sway sway kanna 4 bedden, i will opt for 1 bedden during admission!

jenn> Yah, ev ting for bb seek. watever ting u did is worth it! most importantly safety come 1st
stay happy! so we're expecting to see ur minnie soon too! keep us posted on ur C-sect date.

bear> how come lidat? do u have any pain killer for that? are u feeling better today?

Olwen/Kaya> CONGRATS on smooth delivery! do post some bbs pic for us to see!! *excited*

favoured> tot spotting it's a show sign for labour.. do monitor carefully. take care.
Evil happy huh ! lure me to spree again!! omg~ the elmo driver is sooo cute!! :p tot i told ur i wanna wash hand til during ML den spree.. notti! uhmmm... let me consider 1st
Wah... early morning u said i evil *sob sob*
The moment i saw the spree... i tout of you ley.Must be touch mah...wakaka
Later u miss the spree again,u said i bo tell u.

Those toys good buy ley... dun tink liao.Grab fast!Can save almost 50% retail price.wakaka
Glad_glad & Mosh: Thanks for the advice. Will continue to monitor and keeping my fingers crossed that everything is ok since I am not experiencing any contractions/pain/discomfort.

Hmmm... have yet to pack my hospital bag nor wash bb clothings yet... think i have to get my lazy bum to do some work soon! :p
Congrats Kaya,
Your prince arrived almost 1 month early. Press the panic button on us liao.
Remember not to use squat toilet or carry any heavy thing for the next 6 month as the wound take time to heal.

Take care and monitor your situation.

10 pcs for hospital shd be enuff... coz the heaviest will be first few days to a week max loh... it depends on you as I change quite often even when it is not full...i lazy to take it out, i juz pack the entire packet into hospital bag...hiak hiak... remaining juz bring home...


yeah me too max is 1 to 2 episodes per nite after my gal sleeps.. i still have to wait for my hb to finish watching news then i can watch...hiaz...then plus i have to work the next day so i can't afford to watch till too late
thats why i wanna wait till confinement where CL will look after baby for me... i juz need to sleep and eat and watch.. :p
I had 1 bout of bleeding 2 weeks ago, and after that, I will have brown stains on and off. I notice I will have that when I walk or stand too much, and when I carry my girl who is about 13 kg. But if I lie down all day, I will not have that.

My gynae also said "it's okay, as long as no contractions or fresh blood", but I cant help feeling worried. Anyway, will have to walk like an old Ah Ma from now onwards, heeheh...

Will see gynae again this Friday.

Oh yes, thanks to everyone who gave me the contacts for the beansprout pillow.
Glad girl,
i c. his asst Grace is very friendly hor. my appt this evening. dunno whether we hv chance to bump into each other or not.

happy & kash,
me, too. tvb_hk & korean series show fans. will catch 'tang xin feng pao part 2' during my CL. heehee..

any 2nd time mummies, prepare gift exchange for the elder kid and coming baby?

not planning to take leave..may have to work till birth liao...cos my stupid dept lah..temp havnt come in yet.. so many things to take care of.. but will be visiting gynae this fri...see what she got to say..

cool! another TVB fan
heehee... i heard Jia Yoou Yue Yuan is even better than Tang Xin Feng Pao leh... can't wait to watch. I watched Tang Xin Feng Pao during my confinement last year as well :p

btw, gift exchange? I only bought a new toy for my gal... will bring it to hospital and tell her that this is a gift from her baby brother...is that correct?
Congrats to new mummies and hi to mums-to-be here. I'm also a Nov Mummy, not so busy with works nowadays so finally can actively surf :D

Is it too late if I join now?
EDD: 09 Nov 2008
TMC, Dr Jocelyn Wong
Congrats to Olwen & Kaya for your newborns!

Hi mummies,
Was down with flu and sore throat these few days, feeling terrible.

Bb weighs @ 2.3kg @ Wk34, gynae said this is ok

Recently i found that my tummy tends to get harden up very frequently, very worried tat it is a sign for labour wo...

congrats kaya....enjoy your motherhood journey and wishing you a speedy recovery...guess we are all so anxious too!
Welcome kiki!

triAngel, yup Grace is friendly :p hee guess not much chance of bumping into each other!

jynnsan, wow! Nice pix!
My tummy hardens up sometimes too but after a while then it's ok. hopefully won't go into labour so soon man!
hi mummies,

Thanks for ya encouragement and support =D Any mummies who have went thru c section before can give me a better pic of it?? I heard that the nurse will help to put on e support belt after e operation, so the belt can we choose to use ours instead?? Or theirs is better? hahaz~ i so blur now..

no wonder u watched till 3am!!!! i think cannot stop right? thats why i dun dare to start leh... i am on leave friday and next monday, will send my gal to my mum's place...maybe i will start...hiak hiak...aiyoh...i can't wait to feast my eyes on raymond lam and bosco wong!!! hahahahaha *drooling*
Congrats Olwen and Kaya!

Kiki, welcome!

Bear, you must take good care ya.

Jynnsan, photo really nice. I also have this hardening feeling at times. Get really tired after walking for some times.

Have been really busy with shopping over the weekends. Managed to settle cot and bedding. Phew.

Btw, went for the Mt Alvernia maternity tour. They are having renovation and hopefully can finish soon. Otherwise it is rather noisy at times ...
<font color="ff6000">alibaba</font>
I find that the 4 bedded renovated rooms better than the 2 bedded non-renovated ones. It's much nicer.

<font color="ff6000">jynnsan</font>
Nice pic! Where did u take yr pic?

<font color="ff6000">Vel</font>
Huh, work till birth? Then have to standby anytime.. I'm starting to feel real tired. Thought gonna take 1 week before EDD.

<font color="ff6000">Kiki</font>
Welcome, I'm w Dr Wong too!
ya, i heard that too. me also cant wait to watch. heehee.

yes, u r right. but I bot 2 toys instead. 1 for my elder girl and 1 for bb sister.
Hello mummies!

Kayatoastz, congrats!! what's your boy's name? Mildy is supposed to do the updated list... she spreeing again ah.

Enne, u choose ur date liao ah... i think some of the mummies have chosen their C-sec dates. Maggie is on 23rd Oct, think Peanut is trying to finalise it on 3rd Nov but still not confirmed. Dreamyjo also confirmed her date liao but can't rem when.

Happy, thanks for the link! i love F&amp;P toys.. have been trying to get some for my bb...

Fifi, i agree with u on crocs. that's why i nv wear them. there was an article last yr abt ppl wearing crocs and getting their foot caught on escalators in S'pore. Internationally, 2 other cases were reported. if u guys are looking for orthopedic shoes then i would recommend Birkis.

Jynnsan, nice pix!

Thanks gals for ur concern. On Sat night aft posting, my hips gave a very loud crack when i bent forward while sitting on the bed. then i woke up on Sun, i can walk again but cannot bend forward without the pain occuring. it is def much much better than Sat when i couldn't even walk. Sigh.. I dun think i will talk to my gynae lah.. he will def say "NORMAL". that time i told him i wanted to see an osteopath for my back, he asked me why i wanna waste money for? all these pains are part and parcel of pregnancy. bleah.. now the pain is still there esp if i bend lor. otherwise i m ok... thanks for ur concern again!
my tummy never soften right from the start.. my mum always said that bb is very naughty. sometimes have to talk and talk to him b4 he let me sleep in peace..

nikki, ya lor. bobian. Im also super tired.. legs so painful sometimes.. if can, i would like to take a week leave too.. shall see what my superior about the temp and my covering officer.

u still swim? when is ur next appt? havnt got the chance to c u at all though we are staying 'together' hahahaha

Kiki, welcome.. me too..Dr Wong..
kash> i guess if really need anytin more, will jus get my hb to go home &amp; get. hehe..

jynnsan> nice pic u have

nikki> it's not the matter of nice anot wor. i tink 4 bedden will more be noisier than 2 bedden leh..

What a nice weather to slp today... Yawnz... still gotta work..

Jus now i met my HR manager in pantry, i finally asked her about ML. she still so blur tell me tat the 4 mth ML shld start jan 09.. fainted... i told her govt will legislate from 27 oct.. den she said if govt imply den i will get it lor. she still ask me to check with her later before i pop~...#%#$&amp;%^@$# it's oct aready leh. &amp; my EDD nov..
good afternoon ladies, hope u gals enjoy ur lunch

GONGRATS Olwen and kaya for ur new born baby. Do rest well during ur ML.

hi krystel and kiki,
A BIG WELCOME to u. Kiki,i'm also with Dr Wong from ACJ

Yen,peanut,sumei, nikki and the rest who is with Dr Wong, which paediatrician that u gals choose? Don't know which one is better leh.. wah,seem like so many of us is under her in nov,hope she will not be exhausted if we all pop at almost the same day or time..
hmm..after visited the rooms, i realised 4 bedded is better then 2 bedded, coz 4 bedded one are spacios,can see farer. whereas 2 bedded room quite small. Yes the renovated room is very nice, like hotel..hee
yap. i heard 4 bedden is more spacious. better than 2 bedden. but if say all other 3 neighbours got full of visitors. isnt it too noisy?? how to rest ah? imagine 4 batches of visitors come.. For 2 bedden, we only left with another 1 side of visitors. But still depending of heng sway lor. scurly ur neighbour got alot of visitors, then make no differences. lolz..

Bear-Haven't confirm with gynae, need to confirm with him next week first in black and white.


happy-haha I got the drum!


re:toys frm elder kid to baby
I looking for a pull-along train, anyone know where got sell??

Jenn-the binder need to purchase from hospital if u don't have lo.. I can't find mine for my first preg one, need to go search.
Enne.. haha.. i oso gt the drum liao.Getting the musical ball tis time.

wat is pull along train? The thomas the train?
The gogo bag is wat i gt on behalf for her didi.

The gynec will put the binder for u after stitching but must paid for it lar.

Ya,4 bedded is more spacious then 2 bedded at TMC.But realli very nosiy.I was warded to 4 bedded when i had spotting n contraction for my #1.Stayed there for 1 night and requested for an upgrade to 2 bedded.Cos too many visitors and noisy.Machiam like holding party there.
Actually on little kids its quite cute if you choose the correct colour. And the non-slip is useful for wet places like the market or if we go to the beach. But the danger of the escalator, etc makes it not worth it. Unless you want to bring it along (like at the beach wear the crocs, after playing change to another pair of shoes). But quite troublesome.

Your 27 Oct date from where de. I tot I said 31 Oct? Lolx.

Re: Post-natal massage
My colleague came back from her maternity today. She figure very nice now wor. I may switch to her massage lady instead of sticking to Mona. More ex but the effects really good. When I saw here 1 mth after her delivery, she already almost pre-preggy figure liao.
jo_yeo> u can joined those croc shoe BP.. i recently jus bot one pair for my hb...

baby23> actually i dun quite like croc shoe.. haa.. but still i have 1 pair.. jus to match my hb.. i tink guys look alright with it. my pairs are now in cabinet collecting dusts. haha... sometimes hb will take it out &amp; "force" me to wear it.. faint..
i duno leh. read it somewhere! but shui bian la.. i told the HR Legislate end tis mth mah. heee.. no diff :p

nice picture.

I got my admission letter. Saw the pd is Dr Keoy Soo Shin. Actually I wanted baby to see Dr Ong Eng Keow but since I heard his waiting time is very long so intend nevermind. Anyway, I wanted to switch to a PD nearby my house after baby is discharged.

TMC renovated rooms,
I peep @ the 4 bedded last fri when I was there for gynae visit.
The 4 bedded is more spacious whereas 2 bedded more crampy.
Just happen to see that the door is opened.
I saw the renovated 1 bedded, deluxe room and suites during the hospital tour. Really nice.

4 bedded really noisy? I'm still undecided which room to choose although I've booked 4 bedder...Headache...Scare alone but also scare noisy...Haiz.
My cousin just delivered last mth in TMC and she found 2 bedded also noisy as her neighbour's husband stay on and talk to his wife till quite late and she's unable to rest.
Anyway, she say she will be disturbed by nurses coming to take your blood pressure, breast feeding baby etc.
