(2008/11) November 2008

morning ladies, havent login for a while but Im always reading the posts..moved too fast for me to catch up... heee

re :Dreams
Ya I do have weird dreams recently.. some even bloody
...weird lor...

su mei: thanks. i'm wondering whether it's the wild ginseng my husband made me take yesterday tt caused the nightmare
dowan to take it anymore. have never had such nightmares during either pregnancy before.
nice ah..but at least he's of a gd temper la..u got to treasure him as much..

relax ah..tell this dream out & it will be ok le..
Good morning Ladies!

can i c the horoscope thingy too? my email is [email protected]

i am having a minnie and we had decided to name her Claudia. Thankies please help mi to update.

huh? really? i am with Miss Shauna, but she is leaving in oct to overseas as her husband is going there to work for 5 yrs. i am so sad, after this dunno if i will carry on as i think she is the best le. i doubt she will chase kids out of the class when they are crying. she is always so patient with them. i like her so much thats y i kept letting charlene carry on with her classes.

wow u can eat so much for breakfast ah? ussually i just had 5 chwee kuey n i very full le. kekek...

i have dreams every night and its like 2 3 dreams 1 night one in the beginning. its so tiring and some so scarey too.... i think its normal. no worries....

i think pampers got 2 types 1 is premium n the other not so premium? kekekek... i not sure.
I think its normal for preggy women to have lots of weird dreams. I do too. I think its just the hormones + stress + worry that we all face. Relax and smile... it would be fine.
Morning ladies!
Wow, so many posts to catch up in a day

Can trouble you to update the table for me? I'm expecting a Mickey. Thanks.

Stay positive! I do get weird and scary dreams myself nowadays (actually, since the 2nd trimester kicks in). Monsters la... labour la... Don't worry about it. Am sure your 3 angels will be blessed and you will have a smooth delivery!

Hmmm.. another busy day for me. Gonna MIA for a while again. Catch up with you ladies again soon!
wtan: but anyway, once he starts school, less opportunity to watch, right? agreed tho, it's a bad habit & shd curb.

sigh, not only do i keep dreaming during this pregnancy, i remember the dream v clearly. & this nightmare is not something i want to remember at all.

Yen: oh yah, we forgot the pickles. but i think for cafe style buffet, they also charge extra for drinks. i know straits kitchen does.

mosh: do your dreams involve your baby? i haven't dreamt abt these babies until this morning. such a horrid dream.
Hi olwen, fifi, thanks. I guess i'm over sensitive lah. I think i'm over constipated that's why. Hehehe... I have taken some stool softener and see how its goes. I dont dare to anyhow go see gynae now. lagi get charged for constipation prob only. thanks for the concern.

Olwen, yup isnt she adorable. I miss her so much too. I still harbour the hope that i can keep another silk x poodle in the future. now family dont allow me to keep 3rd dog.

Fifi, i'm also in the same situation but facing pressure from my dad. He wanted me to give away my dogs saying why keep so many, so dirty. Quite angry with him. Anyway, i dont bother, there's no way i will give them away. They are my life. I also cannot stand people esp my colleagues telling me dogs not good for children, cause allergies and ask me to give them away .. I know their kind intention but i really feel like asking them to shut up. they just dont understand lor. dogs do not cause allergies. *signz*
oh, i shared with hb la..so i think i ate abt 1 chwee kuey & mainly on the carrot cake..lol..i went for the trial over the jun sch holidays since my JG lessons stopped..coz i wanted Mav to get use to the wkly routine so i actually arranged to "pack" his schedule over the wk in Jun holidays..so since Mav love music..i thot Kindermusik will be gd..it's actually this teacher last session coz she's getting married..so apparently Mav cry all the way la..but in JG the teachers will let him cry & tell us to let him face them so that while crying he can see wat the teachers are teaching but Kindermusik actually tell us to bring Mav out of class coz he's crying & she cant give story-telling to other kids leh..so no choice lo..i took Mav out of the class lo..then we stood outside to watch lo..that's why hb commented..maybe that's the diff betw JG & Kindermusik ba..JG say all kids are diff but even when they are crying, let them see wat the teachers are doing & they will also learn..
olwen, oh dear, that's a horrible dream. Dont think too much. Have you heard of this : re you shuo si, ye you shuo meng. Anyway, pray to make yourself feel better. I always do that if i had a horrible dream. have faith!
Morning ladies

Haven log in for awhile, so many posts & happenings to catch up on...

Hui, we r expecting a bb girl, can pls help me to update the chart, thanks
milderina, fifi, wtan, favoured: thanks. just tt the ending part keeps running in my mind, where they handed him to me on a blood-stained pillow. some more, he's such a cute baby
Olwen, I used to have vy bad dreams in my 1st trimester too. Not to worry too much, I think it mayb due to our discomfort position while sleeping too. Relax & stay happy & positive
that time when i was having #1, we thot of this name to name him & told him abt it..that night we dreamt that we lost him..just lost him duno hw come also..then i woke up so scared & we gathered that maybe he dun like that name..so we didnt use that name lo..was a bloody dream i had too..i got to find time to chk out the few hr daily cc 1st..bcoz i m gg to send him there..hee..
Eh who got the Citibank manager's contact? I called the hotline to check my application status... it says "your application has been cancelled". Bleh.
wtan, milderina,

i went for kindermusik trial once... found it tiring for me as i had to lift my gal up and down etc... no stamina! hahaha...but it was fun. The only thing that stops me from signing up is because i have to travel alllllll the way to tanglin mall for a 45 mins class... sianz leh... dun mind if it is nearer in east area...


how is JG? i got a free trial but only applicable for weekday so I have not try it out... ur boy doesn't like to socialise? or? is he better now?


GUG ok lah...coz it is 1.5hrs so still ok to make an effort to travel there and home. and it is mainly for my gal to have fun. I honestly find she is too young to be attentive. she seems to be enjoying herself in her own whole with the teachers. sometimes, even walk to other parents and smile and touch their faces *pengz*!! I signed up for shichida for Oct intake as some frens also signed up together. However, their services suck so badly that i am so pissed off with them. They lost my application form... then with horrible handling...guess they are too popular now. they can't guarantee my slot of Oct even...say only will tell me by sept... horrible attitude...


ur dog doesn't look like a silky terrier...looks like poodle mixed? Is she the one who passed on?

Re : buffet - merchant court is good as the location is good
hahahaha... or i guess more centralised for everyone, will cityhall be a good location? but i dunno what buffet they have there though...
dreamyjo: thanks for the concern. how was the waxing too? who did it for u? i think dogs help to alleviate our stress. i was super stressed at work during my first pregnancy but i never had bad dreams cos every weekend i wld go to my mother's house & cuddle my boy. this time round, so many anxieties & ppl keep feeding me funny things too.
dreamyjo, as long as we are more hygienic in handling bb and their stuffs, it should be fine. I also ignore my parents or pil who ask us to give away my dog. My hb's fren kept 6 maltese at home with a 2yrs old daughter and a newborn ... her children are doing fine. I will send my dog for grooming to cut her fur short before delivery cos her fur is always flying ard the house.
Ok ladies,
Called some places yesterday that are mentioned on the list Bear gave,
-Merchant court is ex they are having some shanghai buffet with the usual buffet so they are charging $58++.
-Orchard hotel still available buffet at $46++
Discount with uob, citibank, amex, ocbc 15% discount
-Royal plaza on scotts carousel, not available for next friday they are full.
-Rendezvous Hotel, offering international spread
$40++ uob offer 4 + 1.

Only ask these few. Any other options?
Do you guys like Sichuan food? if ok i can check out sichuan dou hua at UOB plaza at raffles place.
wtan: tt's a horrid dream too. maybe i shd think of anor name. but i've been calling him by tt name since the beginning, i think the dream is more linked to the ginseng than anything else.

fifi: told u they r shitty bank, right? can the hotline officer not sort it out for u?
alibaba: i tried to pamper myself more this pregnancy. make myself feel like queen otherwise tough leh, always got mood swings. I think i'm turning into shopaholic soon haha using retail therapy for my mood swings. before preggie, i seldom go facial, mani or even bw. normally diy one to save money.
Out of curiosity, you got an EM but you not staying there now, why? sorry, i'm so direct. If you not comfortable need not answer me one.
I wanted to upgrade to EM after my current flat turns 5 yrs. still have 1.5 yrs to go. Must be patient.

Olwen, cheer up! Today is a nice and cool day.

i heard the buffet at sichuan dou hua at UOB plaza is very very good! also, it is near MRT
very good location! sheltered from MRT all the way too in case raining! :p

how come citibank like that? what card did u apply? I was pissed with them recently also with my smiles points. they transferred my esso smiles points to my citibank card without informing me. when i called them, they asked me to call esso hotline. when i called esso mobile hotline, they asked me to call citibank. I was ding dong here and there several times! and citibank officer gave me wrong information too!
milderina: thanks. sigh.

minkybear: sichuan dou hua is nice, do they have a la carte buffet? i remember they have discount for uob card. other options wld be fifi's suggestion. wow, merchant court is so expensive. can we don't go there?
dreamyjo: thanks. i've been praying so hard ever since i tested positive. received so many trials & tribulations during the 1st trimester & made it thru them. i really hope God is not so unkind to take them away from me now during such a late stage

normally i was told if u have a bad dream, just say it out and share with someone.. then the dream will NOT become true
so dun worry, u have told us...
Kash that is also a buffet, only it is ala carte so yes we will get to be served. the only thing is we cant seat together in one table probably 2 because i think nw we hav abt 20 ppl right?
If ok with you guys i will call to check
olwen, oh, its painful. i had forgotten the pain factor. Or is it because now preggie, skin more sensitive. during the process, i feel like quitting the waxing. so scare i go into pre-term contraction. but manage to pull it through.
Anyway, cant see the after effect, tummy block my view of the end-product. But feeling so clean and hygenic now. Love the smooth silky feeling below. the waxer name is joey same name as me. keke. however i still prefer the strip esprit i went to in capital tower previously. too bad it close down le.
Olwen, we cant stop people from talking and giving you what they think is correct. You just have to gauge yourself. Dont believe everything people say. Its maybe hearsay and has no logic at all. Have faith. You a christian right, you should know who to look for right and hold on to that faith.
Dont weigh yourself down with too many unnecessary anxieties.

Hey is it jo or fifi whose il ask to give away maltese? Hehehe.. i think i made a mistake. Jo, the msg is for you. yup, will keep the house clean. Will be having a maid. Maid be coming end of this month. I had been keeping my dogs fur short for easier maintenance since preggy. so paiseh to put up their pics not so cute with short short fur.
dreamyjo: joey? tt is a new girl, i never met her there before. eh, there is a spa esprit in my office bldg? i'm so suaku, i donno all these things.

Yen: oh so cute! thanks for the pix. i wonder... karin ann, do her kids look like this? did u guys notice her surname? but i'm too pai seh to ask, donno if she will consider it rude. shd appoint peanut to ask. she's v brave & bold.

thanks for calling
I am fine with the place...in fact, looking forward to it and drooling as I tried their outlet in grand plaza parkroyal hotel before (not the buffet thou) and they are yummy!!


cheer up ok
the baby pic posted by Yen is soooooo cute!
Olwen, dont think too much laa..
You probably went to sleep on a full stomach thats why they weird dreams.
if you feel uneasy just pray u will feel better. god will help you. that always work for me when in doubt pray haha...

no prob abt the work just scare we dont have a place to go next fri then we will have to go some coffeeshop to tabao then picnic some where! lol! that will be a funnie sight!
Jo, me & my sis each have a maltese at home. My niece who is now 2yrs old, grow up with the 2 dogs & get along vy well with them
gd morning ladies>
i'm at home now, waiting for mac breakfast delivery to come. hee.. feed my bb nice nice, later mus cooperate with me for DS later hahaha!

i sent the horoscope email to u liao =)

no problem la. it's i've rent out my EM lor... hehe.. gotta save up $$ from rental $$ for renovation. Else EM super exp.. cannot afford... am now staying with my in law 5 room flat. hehe..

tink u're too stressed up la.. i oso had bad dreams for my preggie.. say out will not happen as wat some oldies said. ev ting will be fine de ok!
Morning ladies!

My 2 poodle mix silky nt similar to yours... hehe
This is the onli one pic of my 3 doggies sitting together

Is so diff to take the photos of them being togther.. esp the black one.He gt 'zi bi zhen'!


I send my gal to kindermusik trial once too.I dun realli like the way the teacher teach.Dun seen to be able to calm down kids in the class.
I oso find the location v far for me.. so decide nt to sign up too.

Thanks for the feedback for GUG.
I hear shichida had long waiting list nw after the tv show and many of my fren told me the stuff attitude is bad too.
I am doing home based pratice for my gal daily.So want to send her to class once i am back.
While waiting for slot,wan to send her to GUG/JG and explore her to class activities.

Think is normal to hav bad dream lar.Just dun tink abt it.I will have bloody,weird dreams v often too.I jus treat it as a 'show' to me.. hehe
later i post my nephew pic for u gers see. he is super cute & handsome. mus search if hb's lappie have tis pic anot.. see liao. hope we all got cute cute bb oso..
haru, glad_gal,
hee... hi5! we shall organise a separate outing with those interested in teochew porridge!

dun tink can go JB in the near future.. my bro car not enough to seat whole family and my kiasi hubby will not wan to go..

dreams are opposite.. tsk tsk.. i also had horrible dreams b4.. even scream and jumped up from the bed lei
olwen, jus dun think too much in the day.

happy, your dogs are so cute. Are they waiting for food? All sit there so guai, looks like waiting for something ...
u shd go for the JG free trial lo..it's similiar to GUG but i think maybe diff themes ba..basiscally a billigual playgroup (Eng/Chi) for 2 hrs..dun think it's abt socialising la..but maybe kids may hv diff fear on such classes lo..so got to get them used to it..also i think he has been alone with my mum for too long liao...so not v used to classes ba..my mum say she's old la..also my MIL also a housewife & not doing anything (but she's not really on gd health - in long run medication for anti-anxiety) & also SIL not preggy yet..so my mum feel that MIL can help out for #2 lo..sian hor..aiya..my mum isnt easy to get along with one..heng i dun hv a bro..coz i also pity daughter-in-law..lol..i think for location to meet up, City Hall is v accessible..but seems like majority prefer buffets..so unless we try Suntec's buffet lo..i m ok even for Cafe Cartel just abv City Hall MRT..most impt is accessible & centralised..hee..

for ur case, dun think the dream is linked to names la..for mine is before we sleep, we told him we will name him that name then get the nightmare..worse thing is my hb also dreamt abt similar dream leh..scary hor..u dun think so much la..ok..relax & breathe..think u r too stressed up at work liao..press on, tmrw is Friday!
I called Citibank. They said that my documents submitted le and being processed. So the application is reflected as "cancelled". But its not the same cancelled that we think. So dumb. I told them that they are confusing the customer.

Then I also tell them that on their web when i apply, it says "Same Day Collection (within 24 hours)". But its a week already. So if they cannot deliver wad is stated, dun state it that way. Lolx.
hey i called sichuan dou hua and made tentative booking.. If wan to cancel later also no problem.. but chinese rest normally those round table so shd be 2 rounds for 20 paxs. $38.80++
Alibaba: wow you so clever. rent it out for reno $. Why didnt i think of it. I had to borrow reno $ for my flat. how much you bought your em? where is the location? can reveal? Thanks in advance.

olwen, is it? i didnt know. I find her very rough leh. she do things chop chop unlike the previous waxer in strip esprit. slow and steady and calming. There is a strip esprit within fitness first previously. but they had since closed down last year.

wow, so many buffet places. I didnt realise. I seldom eat buffet. Only knows seoul garden, sizzler , coca, and long long time ago, 'all you can eat' pizza buffet. Too bad, alot of things i cannot eat, very bo hua for me plus shy lah. You gals enjoy lah.
No prob. This baby is my wall paper for my office computer. Super cute.

U may want to get some cute cute babies pics so that u can see daily. We may see our babies smiling when we delivered. So excited to see how my bb looks like, esp for 1st time MTB. LOL. 4 more mths to go. Jia you!

The Square Cafe at Novotel Clarke Quay is $45++. I'm able to get 20% discount which works out to be about $40 Nett.

Stay positive ya! God bring you to it and will bring you through it.

So cutee..

Keep forgetting to ask u gals, have any of you feel that your hair has been dropping more than before?
