(2008/11) November 2008

peanut: my paralegal boy also watches labixiaoxing but until now i still have no idea what the show is abt. but he said the boy in the show is v notti & quite "se"

punggol really far leh. & also not so many good schools as serangoon & toa payoh. ahem.

kash: oh, my thyroid doctor makes me test every 2 mths. i also donno y. all i know is v ex & my bank's insurance co still haven't inform me whether they will pay for it. more than a mth since i submitted my claim.

my monster was ok w my poodle. but after poodle pass away, he became more distant from dogs. cats lagi no need to say. sigh. i really have to train these 3 better. some more my mother was so heart broken when he died tt she swears she will never have a dog again. so difficult to get any exposure to them. haha, i will invite myself & my kids to come play w your kash, bear's cody & jenn's JRT in future

i went to the hdb website.. but understand the LRT station will be right in front of the building.. but stil.. not v interested in that place lor. but if i dun go for this application, once my increment come in Aug v likely both me and hubby joint income will hit $8k ceiling liao.
did u mummies manage to register at mamy poko site..? the site asks for a lot of personal info then after tat no email confirmation to activate account..quite annoying..
My JRT looks cute only, he's a devil de.. lol~ but all e same we still love him.. hahaz~ Owen, my MIL ask me not to carry him since i preggy just in case he accidentally kick me.. so nowadays nv really carry him liao, not fun hor..

peanut, i took the punggol damai grove flat.. though far but that e area that will be developed for new families.. but gonna wait till 2012..
yah i admit its a cartoon of not v good influence on kids.. cos my nephew last time watched and impersonate his action hahaaa.. but adults watch for a laugh when nottin much to do is fine...
waahh... this thread move very fast wor.

Haha.. thanks for your compliments. Ya lor, now my storerm very packed liao. But since my colleagues order, I lompang lor. Heard Nepia not bad too, but only NTUC and Mediya has, if not gotta order online frm supplier. $56 very worth it for 4 packs.

If you keen, next time we can do bulk purchase for Goo N together
. One of my colleagues opened her XL and try, her daughter has sensitive skin, but so far so gd, no probs

Here's a pic of my sheltie

No discount le, but if $60 and above they got free delivery for Goo N.

Wow, so many to read, man.

I think the ang ku kueh for boys are sharp and for girls are flat. Boy has glutinous rice? I have no idea wor. Yes, I'm trying to register mamypoko website but alot of info needed. Mayb I will try again later.

Haha..Hmm, mayb should note down the ttl plates of wantan mee eaten during pregnancy. I long for sweet, sour and abit spicy food. Wantan mee is one of them. I realise I like minced meat noodles with mushroom and lots of vinegar + tomato sauce w/o chilli too.

Is this the one u mean?
Chinese a-la-carte buffet @ Park Royal is not bad. Nearest MRT is Farrer Park.

Jo, Carol and Fifi
I've added u to my msn. I'm also using web msn.

Going MIA for a while..Busy.
olwen> ur back liao! ya porkchop is JRT oso..

peanut> go to the actual place & check out? ur finding how big flat?
kaya, beautiful sheltie! v nice fur. mus be not easy to maintain bah?

all have so beautiful dogs!! tempting to even want to have one in future wor!!
Have u tried Novotel Clarke Quay(The Square Cafe)? They are back to Asian Flavours International Buffet on 18th. Price at $45++ per person. I can get 20% discount that works out to be bout $40 Nett per person. Or any mummies tried this buffet before?
olwen, la bi xiao xing show is really cute.

Jenn, cannot carry dogs? The moment I reached home, my dog will follow mi to where I leave my bag and wait beside for me to carry her. So everyday, I will jus carry her for awhile when I reached home. She very "te" one.

I took Punggol Coralinus. Should be moving in next yr. Already thinking if there are good schools ard there.
hi Jenn, why cannot carry your JRT??...So poor thing! He must be wondering why mummy dont carry me le...hee...

One of my silky gal will sometimes jump on my stomach. So always kanna scolding from daddy, just have to be more careful and watch out for their action lor. ^^
Jenn: during my first pregnancy, my mum told my dad to look after me after my amnio. my stoopid father watch tv until didn't notice tt my boy jumped onto my stomach & step step step. lucky nothing happened to my monster. tt's y i say my monster is v hardy, even after tt, went mountain climbing in nz, also nothing happened. but then... i was young. anyway, your MIL is right. better to be safe than sorry. what is his name? who does he live w now?

bladers: yah, the email confirmation takes forever. better wait till tomoro then check your email again.

peanut: why har? what does the boy in the show do tt is so cheeky?

kaya: but it is YOUR store-rm, so u can pack it, mah. i don't dare to pack my MIL's store-room too much cos her daughter's kid's things r there too. mini lassie so cute!

alibaba: u love to eat pork chop, is it?
sekali some evil person take your pork chop as a real pork chop, choi choi choi.
Jo, carol... my JRT very active and accident prone de, so will suddenly kick or knock into me.. think he is too fast for me to react.. lol~ my hubby carry den i sayang him lor =P he will move vigously when being carried too, so dun wanna him to fall also
olwen, his name is bobby~ hahaz~ the name came when my hubby dreamt of a golden retriver by this name so when we bought JRT, we naturally named him bobby =D he is staying with us ah.. my mother in law loves n accompanied him the most..
actually we dun mind 2 bedrooms but can only get condo or resale for that, new hdb not eligible. If new flat, then 4 room is more than enuf.
i bought my soon kueh from Bedok interchange. yummy!

when i c your punggol freeze i thought its some drink until i realised u all talking abt punggol breeze.

I dun quite like nepia as i tried tat for my no 1 n it leaked leh. dunno y.
<font color="0000ff">u ladies are soo fast in this thread..i hardly have chance to catch up..**pant-pant**</font>

i dun think it might help leh..lol..got to bear with it de..just hope this round not that much of sag..

ah..nice leh..can also help to "hands-on" on ur bb..nice ah..m sure they will enjoyed themselves..maybe ur sis will complain that the kids are not doing homework but caring ur bb..lol..

icic..nice of that too..at least both kids will be together too..so u intend to bring in the maid by when?maybe a half day cc to start with..i think u better start early..coz we tried to intro my #1 to wkend playgroup ah..he can cry from start to end of lesson..even one of us with him leh also can cry till non-stop..dun want to be in class..sigh...

i meant my mum is feeding my #1 potota chips..lol..not me..keke..oh, ur IL are v nice leh..esp FIL will peel lychee for u ah..nice..

aiyo..be careful leh..yest night my son fell off the bed while sleeping coz he has this tenancy to turn ard..heng we sleep on the thick mattress on the floor w/o bedframes..so heartaching when i saw that..aa...dun b too stress over the gender la..for me is i wont tell my IL or SILs anymore..will tell them aft i give birth then let them know..i know my MIL has been trying to catch if boy or girl that day when she's looking at me..but i dun care one..

i think my prob is with FIL..coz he's a real MCP whc i cant stand..my hb always joked that we cant stay together in the same cave..will outburst the house..lol..
Yen, Fifi: the park royal one looks nice leh. &amp; farrer park station - i can take direct train home
works out to $32 each only, based on weekday pricing &amp; $36 based on weekend pricing.
peanut> dun lidat leh.. i am alibaba. not babaali. hahaha.. 4rm is gd enough. cos nowadays 5rm &amp; 4rm no much diff... small house easier to take care of! hee.. 4rm get more rebates for utilities &amp; other misc bills.

olwen> porkchop bye bye le.. go to heaven liao.. my fil told us he sudden death..
ok can forget about royal plaza on scotts.. damn exp..

i so long nver go for dinner buffet cos nowadays so exp. only one i went to lately was amara hotel one.. but the spread is quite pathetic..
Eh next time you go TTSH call me for lunch lah. I work near there.

Not virgo... I'm a Leo. Hahha. That shld explain why I am stubborn.

Its the old "New Park Hotel". Next to Mustafa there.

I got confirmation email from them leh. To activate the account de.

Yes that's the one. But I dunno wad they mean by UOB cardmembers enjoy an exclusive 20%. Exclusive means wad in this case?
olwen: thanks..so I am not the only one...like ask pte info then no acc activation...i thot scam LOL...

fifi: how long did u wait..? It feels like it doesnt work...i request for resend for activation code but still no response....
Jenn: ah, even his name i like. my boss in sbs also called bobby

peanut: wa rau, this kind of show confirm cannot let my monster watch.

milderina: wahahaha! i also thot what on earth is punggol freeze.
ya, the Park Royal seems like a good deal. Dunno if they consider Friday weekday.

hopefully the kids will have fun w the bb!
alibaba: awwww, so sad. RIP little pork chop. but is your husband malaysian? the way u say it, sounds like your in laws v far away.

Fifi: ah, i'm going again in 2 weeks time for check up. but tt time will be v difficult to go for lunch cos i always have to wait forever for my hopeless doctor. really really can't stand ttsh &amp; dr loh must go send me there of all places!

peanut: i'm a capricorn. level headed. who is the one checking the horoscopes? i lost track already.
the punggol freeze sounds very yummy hor??? i am thinking like a lemon orange kinda of drink. somemore i staying in punggol so almost wanted to ask where i can get that drink. wakakkaa.....

think The Link or something in shangri la the buffet quite good? haven tried yet, hope to try it someday.
so envy all of u having msn. my bank block out blogs, block out drugstore.com, block out msn, youtube, yahoo messenger. one day, i am sure they will block out SMH too.
olwen> both pil are sporean. only tat both of them dun stay together. jia jia you ben nan nian de jing...

it's me checking out on the horoscope tingy! will email to ur when i found it. hee..
olwenlim-my office blocked a lot too.. some web messengers also blocked, friendster also.. maybe u can try using iloveim.com , koolim.com or imo.im ?? HOPE DUN BLOCK SMH else sian at work liao.. kekeke.
nikki: even if considered weekend, still cheaper than straits cafe. but the prices i calculated is w uob discount. i have uob. who else got uob card? i remember somebody yesterday mentioned, either haru or alibaba.

milderina: wahahaha! alamak, better not laugh too much, sekali go into premature labour.
alibaba: eh, confusing. nvm, i don't ask anymore.

enne: yah lor. some more i have such naggy towkay neo, no reprieve except SMH.

Jo: u also watch the cartoon? but u have no little boy at home, nvm. my monster will learn bad things in no time. like my MIL always says, good habits take 3 years to learn, bad habits take 3 days.
wow mummies,
did not pop for bout an hour only so many posts already!!!

i think the name is very unique!

no leh, e registration on the mamy poko website was quite easy.

ur sheltie is sucha beauty!! all e mummies here have really nice doggies!!!!

wah, bedok..thats nice the other end of the island for me. hahah... bedok chwee kueh is good too!!!
keke.. doesnt matter! my co oso block alot of webbie too! if oso block SMH, den really sianz!!

me too! fans for crayon xiao xing cartoon.. have few sets of series at home.. lolx.. cannot show tis to young kids cos they will definately follow! wahha...
I got it within 10 mins.

Friday shld be weekend. But muz ensure the 20% is off the whole bill and not specific to the cardholder. Some buffet restaurants very cheater bug nowadays. If whole bill no prob. If not, so far I know Olwen &amp; me have UOB card.

The Link is supposed to be very good. But very ex. I heard is more than $60 per pax.

Try www.ebuddy.com. My office block MSN too. External emails also blocked. But ebuddy escape. Heehee.
Hi guys.. so hard to catch up!

Olwen, welcome back.. i tot wat happened to u...

Kaya, that's a very nice sheltie!

Gd gd, i can see that u gals are doing ur homework and deciding where u wanna go for dinner! hahaah... I went to The Line recently.. its $68++ but UOB got 15% discount.

Me talking to Minkybear on MSN.. she is actually calling up the places as u guys are talking.. :p may be she will update later.. she quite busy.

Re: doggies
I def can't carry my corgi! he is abt 13-15kg.. too heavy for me right now.. some more he so short so i gotta bend down to carry him.
hw come u get to go to Bedok Interchange? the carrot cake is nice there too..yummy..

ya..i do agree..they learn things so fast that u cant stop them..esp now my mum is almost letting my boy watch tv the whole day so tat she can cook etc..sigh..headache..
Jenn, wow your JRT sounds quite active. My maltese, Blessie only know how to go pee and poo in living room, sometimes refused to eat .. so have to sit beside her and "hong" her to eat ... and always wanna pple carry her.

I dunno much abt buffets. In the past, go for buffets, eat one round ... cannot eat le.

olwen, my mum used to babysit two bros, from newborn for 10yrs. So last time join them for the cartoon show. Lucky they only learn how to sing tat "da xiang" song ... and not those funny actions.

Wah ... $60+ ah? Quite ex eh.

Hope all mummies can continue to log in to SMH forum forever!
fifi: no way lah. i tried your ebuddy. also blocked. don't forget i am working in v ngeow jap bank

don't say msn. even drugstore.com also blocked. &amp; they give such stupid reason some more "the website u tried to access is blocked for the following reason: drug abuse". cheh.

i remember either haru or alibaba also has uob card.

Bear: wah, 13 kg! tt's like my son at 4 yrs old.

wtan: reminds me of my MIL
my mother always complaining tt the tv watching habit was inculcated by my MIL &amp; she can't cure him of it now.
ya the chwee kuey n soon kuey stores is next to each other.

i am capricorn too. which year capricorn are u? i am 1979. kekek...

cos i send my daughter to my aunt's place in chai chee every morning then i ta bao le then go work.

ya, maybe before i deliver will ask hubby treat mi there for dinner. have a big feast before the confinement starts. kekeke....

add mi in msn too. my email is [email protected]. but i only able to add u all in tonight cos my office blocked msn.

hahahhaa...me typo and blur liao... dunno why i tot it was punggol freeze! hahahaa... oh, the bedok interchange soon kueh is famous. i like the chwee kueh next to it...


aiyoh...ur sheltie is soooooo cute! feel like hugging her!! cannot tahan! hahahahaa...


ur corgi is very heavy leh!! 13kg! mine only 5.5kg...


i added liao...


i using web version ...seems like got problem adding people leh...


think choose a location u really like else long term u will regret leh...


oh pai seh i din know u have thyroid..is it due to stress? must remember to take care leh...

milderina: i PM u
shhhh hor.

lovedogs: your kash same weight as my poodle leh. oh yah, dr loh discovered i have hyper thyroid during this pregnancy. it's controlled by medicine. thanks.
