(2008/11) November 2008


oh dear... so poor thing that whatever u eat is being controlled by your PILs. do u stay together with ur PIL? can eat out before going home so she wont be able to comment on what u eat?

Good Morning ladies!!

I am so happy today. my IT has decided that they will give us full internet access and now i can surf SMO. i am so thrilled!

I had 4 soon kueh this morning.......so full!

i have chosen Mt A cos from what i know for Mt A they actually clean the baby in the same room that u delivered and wait for u to get stitch up and then push u n the baby together to the room n nursery, while for TMC they clean up the baby in another room which i dun quite like. wkekeke....
good morning mamies..

TMC and Mt A is only 5 mins drive from each other. I had a colleague who had twins. They actually chose TMC but on the day of delivery, the gynae transferred them to Mt A instead as they were told that TMC did not have the facilities to handle their twins delivery. not sure abt now...
Oop... sorry.Read the posts and saw 'him'.
Think your mum nv tout of tat lar and jus let her feed the dog.

I am a TVB serial lover.But there is no rental of disc here.SO got to miss quite a no of nice show till i am back.

I have msn
PM u liao... Add me!

Potato chips become one of my must when i watch tv nw.Dun knw why hav craving for chips even since preggie.I can oso finish the whole big pack w/o eating lunch :p
mummies: i'm back. spent the morning re-doing a term loan agreement for my para-legal. i think he's really distracted by all his casual visitors

Vel: thank u, thank u. your suggestion is v good for stimulating breastmilk but dr loh told me for those prone to premature delivery, better not stimulate the breasts, will cause premature labour. so enne & the others who r so (can't remember who), pls only do this massage in the last week or so before due to deliver.

haru: oh, then spa haven's waxing shd be ok for u. much less pain than other one i tried before.

Blessed mum: mine quite definitely foam mattress. can't be latex for tt price. i've read before tt latex is better but at least twice tt price or more.

nikki: u r probably right cos he is a sharp little thing. u sure u want to leave her w maid at home? can your mum or MIL come over at least few hrs to supervise? i v wary of maids even before alibaba's story. tt's y i went all around searching for my old maid cos she is really good & trust-worthy. v hard to find nowadays.

fifi: wah u so fierce to your MIL. u resourceful mah, u even know how to get babymall 20% code.

fifi & bibi: u sure u want to go JB at this stage? i don't dare leh.

alibaba: i also want! somemore i so much fatter & heavier than u - need more rest :p. ah, tt is rubber band. my husband did tt to me ALL THE TIME. until this pregnancy. this morning he even drove me to work. so nice. must go buy beh bio.

alibaba, fifi, blessed mum: i second tt. citibank is really shitty bank. i just terminated one of my cards there. they take so long to transfer funds over from dbs to pay my bill then have the cheek to charge me penalty.

Heard Goo N not bad too. My office just did a bulk purchase, so I lompang 1 newborn and 1 small pack. All the gals love the ducky wipes dispenser so we ended up ordering 3 of those too.


Cody is so cute! I love corgis! But ended up getting a sheltie instead, haha, now my house is like a wild wild west with furballs rolling around. MIL will be staying with me during confinement, so i gotta send my poor doggie to my moms place to hide for 3 mths. MIL hates dogs
. But I had an agreement with my hubby b4 marriage that I will never give my dog away, so if his mom wants to stay with us in future, she has to tahan.
lovedogs: oh dear. but luckily your kash is clean & no rabies so it's more the pain than worry of any illness. poor tessa. hope she's ok now.

happy: the "him" is their doggy kash

kaya: sheltie so cute! mini lassie. u already bot diapers? i was thinking of getting the nepia motherhood fair offer 4 for $56 but decided not to in the end cos my MIL will surely make noise if i clutter her store-room w anymore things.
i am a die hard fan of mamy poko. kekeke.....i find that their diapers they wear le backside round round very cute n i love the pooh bears design. ekeke....
i am a die hard fan of mamy poko. kekeke.....i find that their diapers they wear le backside round round very cute n i love the pooh bears design. ekeke....
hi mummies,
u guys go to JB often? i have never dared to ventured in myself. normally hubby goes with his buddies. but i have never really went there with him alone. sua ku rite??

blessed mum and jojo,
agree with you guys. went home to parents plc for dinner last nite and dad actually double boiled lotus root w peanuts soup for me. i was secretly craving for it. felt so happy that dad actually took e time to even double boil soup for me. since he found out i preggie and if i go home for dinner he will double boil soup for me. so touched actually. brot some some of the leftover soup for tonite. =P daddy's soup made with love. but having said that, i thank God my MIL quite pampers me too. she will cook stuff that i crave if hubby tells her. hee...

4 soon kuehs??wow! are they mini ones? hmm...look time never eat soon kuehs.=P
i just registered for the Goo.N sample. but i could only choose one size so i chose S. hopefuly the mamy poko sample wil arrive in my mail box soon too. are you going to open the package to feel the diapers or only test on it on baby?
milderina, chilipadi
thanks. yah also heard Mt A service better, food nicer, carpark defintely better, and price cheaper.. yeap most likely Mt A liao
i prefer MtA to TMC too.. but becos my gynae is attached to TMC & has more priviliges. so in the end opt for TMC. i heard Mt A did renovation , price has increased abit. & is more exp than TMC wor. tat's wat i heard from the nurse asst. duno true anot.
not quite mini actually. hee hee... and now i am so bloated that i wan to puke.............my fault for eating so many soon kuehs...

actaully hor i dun really like the food leh, but a lot of ppl say the food very nice. my friend love to stay in Mt A cos she say the food is fantastic. kekekeke...
issit... aiyor.. then i better check further wor..

JB: i actually dun mind going as well once in a blue moon since sick and tired of Spore.. Can look for cheaper shopping and cheap food.. but my kiasi hubby dun dare to drive ther lei, scared wait car gena stolen.. -_-
thxs! will request for Goo. N samples as well.

what size diapers and how much should we stock up to prepare for delivery and at home?

Sure will keep u gals updated!

Tat's fast! Must avoid when they move and drill things.

I think for the 1st year, I'll bring the maid & bb to my sis's place with my niece and nephew being my spies! Then fetch them back in the evening.

I thought the ducky dispenser look cute also.
olwen> haha.. yaya lor.. mus buy bey bio! shitty bank. i hate their payment system. i rather go to AXS machine or send chq to settle their bill..
Luckily, I don't stay with PILs.
Initially, my hubby wanted this arrangement then I tell him why I can't cos I will sure quarrel with her if there are so many house rules.

Haha..Even my hubby shocked to see me finish 1 pack. Me 2.

Wow, I've not eaten soon kueh for long time. Mayb soon kueh for bfst tomolo

Re: JB
1 question, does anyone knows if s'poreans still need to fill in the white card when we go malaysia?

I will request for Goo.N samples and mamy poko.

What's for lunch today?
olwen, i'm bk =P went bk to mum's place yesterday morning, got bk rather late at night so nv come online.. I will be meeting kitty to collect my stuff this evening =D so excited..

bear, i like corgi.. sweet n adorable kind of breed.. guai also right

alibaba, i also have a jack russell, super playful n active.. here's his pic

Blessed Mum, Alibaba:
They finally called me yesterday & make me fill in another application form to email back to them. The lady said about 2 working days to approve. Lets see how lor...

If got logic can listen lah. If no logic de, then listen so much oso no use. My hubby trust my aunt more cos she is a mother of 4 kids and just gave birth to the 4th one last year. So he trust that my aunt's advice is more from experience and updated than those olden myths. Besides, he works in KKH so he has lots of other people to give him medical-based advice. In general, he just ask me to take everything in moderation. Those like milk he will enforce though.

Bibi say RM32.90 mah. NTUC selling MamyPoko newborn (52 pcs) at S$17.80 = $0.32 each. If RM32.90 (=S$13.82) is oso for 52 pcs, its definitely cheaper.

Mine is [email protected]

I'm not fierce lah. But I'm one of those stubborn people so very hard to control. Besides, she will try not to get on my nerves coz my hubby got bad temper and is even more stubborn than me. When she cannot get him to do things that she want, she know have to ask me to suay his decision. So dun scare me off better for her. Lolx.

Heehee... occupational hazard... learn to find out a lot of information from all sorts of sources. Lolx.

I dun think I will go JB. But if really cheaper there, then see who going, tonpang 1-2 pack to try lor.

Bulk purchase got discount ma?

Not difficult to go lah. But now preggy maybe dun go better. Dun tire yourself.
haha. i oso 1st time mtb leh. duno how much to stock up too! haha.. but u need to trial & error diapers for ur bb. cos brand & size might differ for different bb. btw i tot diapers will be provided in hospital after delivery. tink we need to stock up for home use bah...
hee.. i oso tink the ducky dispenser cute!

peanut> many scare of gg to JB due to the stolen rate of cars.. hhee.. so best is take public transport in JB lor.. i oso v long nv go in JB liao. but if were to buy stuff.. seems like pretty hard to carry back leh.. haiz..
jenn>> the pic remind me of my porkchop!! Jack russell is hyperactive & clever by nature! my porkchop can even climb fence. if i wan a dog, i wont opt for jack russell. i like terrier.. i saw other had miniature terrier. sooo cute & gaui. else i will like golden retriever! but too big too keep for HDB flat. hee..

no worri. my hubby is more anxious than me..planning to take leave to clean up the house.. cant stand it. alot of dust..

I have almost brand new Medela Swing Pump for Sale at $220 (lightly used for 1mth). Pump comes with receipt and warranty!

Interested, Pls PM/ SMS me at 98397101. Thanks!
Gd morning ladies.. me overslpt again.. sigh.. heng nobody in the whole wk.

Minkybear, Straits Kitchen fully booked ah.. then how? wanna try Merchant COurt? heard not too bad also.

Cody says lotsa thanks for all the compliments! His blog is mr-fussy-pot-pants.blogspot.com! Kaya, my MIL also hinted to us to give our dog away.. heng my hb told her, kids grow up liao can abandon u but dogs will always be loyal to u. that shut her up completely.

Olwen, erm hopefully my kid will inherit some animal loving genes from me.. my 2 nieces are petrified by animals.. even my 2 docile guinea pigs they also scared.

Fifi, hope u get ur citibank card quickly! then we can have our own sprees!! heehee..

My turn to grumble abt my MIL again.. i dunno why she affects me that much.. think i m hormonal.. ended up with me crying over dinner.. i usually get angry over wat she says, not cry over them... she kept insinuating that i complain abt the amt of food she gave me previously so yesterday she made me take back food for 4 ppl. then when i told her dun need so much cos my mum would cook for wed and thurs, she immed say next time she will cook more so that we can eat for the rest of the wk too. Then when i got back i realised that she anyhow copied my mum's cooking! she just hear wat my hb says and then mix her style of cooking with wat she thinks my mum cooked.. ended up it was horrible..

Hurt my back this morning while lunging to prevent Cody eating something off the floor. urgh!

Oh ya, i dreamt that my bb is a gal! 2nd time i dream abt it liao! sigh.. i think really gal.. and that my body is trying to tell me something. can already imagine wat my MIL was say when she knows the gender...
Jenn, ur JRT is sooo cute.. this is a puppy photo? they are very very smart.. my cousin has one and he is super active.. when its dinner time, he will jump up and down for his food.. machiam bouncing like that.

They dun shed a lot right?

oh dear....sayang sayang, not worth to cry over your MIL. is it possible to not take her food? the way i read it its like u guys "owe" her everytime when u eat her cooking... do u go over to your MIL everyday?


wow! that's lucky...i think best is lesser contact to prevent any unhappiness hor esp we now preggie very emotional...


your jack russell is so cute! is he still a puppy?


i stopped TVB for few mths...soon to continue again.. love to watch them since i was 7 yrs old leh... that's how i learn cantonese! hahaha... plan to watch and watch during confinement :p I havent' receive your PM leh...will add when I receive it


agree with olwen that sheltie is so cute! do u have a pic of ur doggie to share?
so nice ur office got bulk purchase... no one in the office wanna share with me leh


i opened and felt the Goo.N. Will let my gal try the L size soon


thanks! will add u!


welcome. think u shd stock up perhaps 2 packs of NB... then can stock up more S. But suggest u dun stock up too many now as you are not sure what brand ur bb suits at the moment.


luckily she still loves kash... everyday calling "kash-ie! kash-ie" even when she goes home coz we have doggie soft toys and lots of kash photos ard in the house
bear,kash, yup~ my JRT is still a puppy, 10 mths old now.. tat pic was when he was ard 4 mths, lost my hp, so only have his younger pics =P mine is super duper active and attention seeking de.. mine not very interested in food, rather interested in playing only.. hahaz~ sheding ah, in fact JRT shed all yr round wor, maybe coz his is short fur so not obvious till we start vaccuming and mopping the floor =D
me too! e container for the wet wipes is so cute eh?

re: soon kueh
where to get yummy soon kuehs??? i like those skin soft soft one..

i actually feel a lil wanton mee (again!) for lunch today..hehehe..

ur JR is sooo adorable!! is he still a pup??

Re: diapers
actually i also clueless what size and how many packet to prepare at home. think i can start keeping an eye out for baby wet wipes already. feel tempted to try to order the ducky dispenser.heheheh..

u can register on e website: http://www.mamypokoclub.com/
Wah Citibank juz called me. Really shitty. Try to force me to give them a fixed line phone. They wanted me to give them office phone, I say cannot. They ask me for office mainline instead, I say not possible too. Hello, I'm working in a gov agency lor. Think wad... mainline got time to answer bank sales call meh. Then ask me for hse phone. I told them dun have... nowadays its common not to have hse phone wad... everyone use handphone... bleh

Then want to add on 2 other cards for me. I say I'm dun need so many cards. Then she keep insisting that its 3 years free waiver plus a lot of benefits, etc. Bleh... cannot understand that I dun need so many cards ah...
bear> i feel tat ur mil is abit of attention seeker type?? when initially i start paktok with my hb, she actually complaint to hb tat he got gf forget about mummy liao. cos usually he will call her up when she is not at home & always will offer to fetch her. when got me liao, no more aready! lolx. she know hb is always busy at work, she will call hb up & ask v minor qns.. fainted..
Thanks ladies for listening to me grumble.. i know its a minor matter.. some other ladies have it worse than me.. esp those staying tog.. initially we were supposed to stay with PILs but aft a lot of discussions we told them better not.. since then, his mum always says this to my face "i shd have a gal.. boys all so useless one" hear liao also blood boil.

Alibaba, i think my MIL is worse than u.. she will call my hb when to ask him why nv come and see her. cos hb has a photocopier at her place so he pops by at least 2-3x a wk. but she not in.. then wkends would call him and give him the guilt trip, like why nv come home etc... when my maternal granny passed away 2 yrs back, my hb didn't go back for 10 days cos we were so tired and we tried to be there for my mum who was very badly affected. she called my hb up and scolded him say 10 days nv see him, wat kind of son is he? come on lor, it wasn't that he didn't wanna visit.. can't she see that we genuinely have things to do?

Fifi, they so inefficient ah! lucky u nv sign on more cards. more cards means more headache!
Morning, oops afternoon mummies

Soo many posts once again.
Bear/Jenn, cute pix!! My hubby loves dogs but I am not so into them and I also fear the cleaning up!

Bear, cheer up ok, mabbe your MIL also cranky at times.. I am quite thankful my MIL is quite 'sui2 he2'. We don't stay with them and she don't demand hubby to go visit frequently. But I guess she is also busy looking after my little niece. :p

Yesterday popped by Robinson to check out price of the Medela PIS. Woah $700+?!! Soo exp..any of you gotten it yet? Read so many reviews so far and this seems to be the best brand. For TMC mummies, are you all thinking of renting instead? Not sure if that is better, scarly not suitable in the end...:x

Diapers, think I will just get a 1-2 packs of Nepiar and MamyPoko in the NB size hee before seeing which brand is gd for bb.

Lunch time!! Hee all the talk abt food always make me so hungry...
hehee... see... thats y i prefer a galgal.. dun wan to deal with MIL/DIL issues in future man.. hahahaa..

yeap i think its due to hormones.. sometimes i also get pissed off easily over some small things, or shd i say.. actually nottin at all wahhaa.. i'm jus simply being guai lan. Thats y i long to move out lor, it shd help to improve the relationships..

And dun giv urself too much pressure over the gender. Having a gal can be really nice and fun
Lunch: i tabao pasta fiesta - beef spaggetti + garlic bread.. ate until so full but satisfied
Better dun hav indigestion later...
peanut, ur lunch sounds nice n full wor..
i just bought 2 popiahs.. wahh~ so addicted to the stall's popiah that i ate like the 4th roll this week =P
alibaba and bear,
i always think MIL should never use the "pity me" strategy..me think once a guy is married, his wife should be respected the MIL should just get used that she is not the only woman in his life anymore. i think making a guy choose between his wife and mum is the most childish thing to do. anyway, hope you all will be able to work out a good relationship with ur MILs. sometimes like u mentioned, just need a lil TLC.hahah.. my MIL is actually a sweet lady who doesnt demand much. when i asked her recently if she would like us to stay over for e weekend to company her she said "no need lah, i got appt to go out w friends!".

haha peanut,
u are so cute leh..but you will be more protective over girl isnt it? like scan her boyfriend inside out! hahaha..at least that is what i think i will do,heheheh..
yah.. true hor.. never tot of that lei!! sigh.. aiyah let her grow up liao then fan all these things lah..

yah lor today craving for spaggetti, asked my colleagues but they not interested so i immediately rush to tabao liao
Once i decided on someting to eat, nottin can change my mind..

I also like popiah but u like that enough to last until dinner?
hey mummies,
just curious..i know i am thinking far ahead..is anyone planning to hold a full month celebration? or will u only be giving the red eggs,etc? thinking if its too much work to organize the full month celebration...
now she not much lidat le. haa.. cos she started working,need to go out early & when she come home, aready too tired to bother much stuff. just tat she will give black face when she is doing house chore. tat's the reason why i wanted a maid , also to help out in the household chores..

i read somewhere about my horoscope, it say i would be a gd mother but not for being a mother in law ! fainted.. am a monster in law instead in future! ha.. so better off not say my mil too muchie. cos i might not be a gd mil in future. lolx. kaka.. let me find the horoscope & mail to all of u read. quite interesting & accurate in some ways.
Hi ladies!

Surprised to see a number of dog owners here!! I have 2 silky terriers at home too and I cant wait to see their reaction when I bring the baby boy home. ^^
wah... this is really v far ahead... but most likely yes for me cos 1st bb mah.. unless bb not cute - hubby and inlaws dun wan to show people :p
